The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 776 Two Kick Operations

According to the information eavesdropped by Yixiantian and Yang Songlin, both Muto Xinyi and Zhang Jinghui will participate in this meeting.

The Zhepeng people have put a lot of effort into Wu Teng Xinyi's security, but there are only so many Kwantung Army troops in the Splendid State. As time goes by, Wu Teng Xinyi's security strength is sufficient, and Zhang Jinghui's security strength will inevitably be affected.

"Before, Chu Tai and Xiao Luo went to Zhang Jinghui's puppet army headquarters to inquire about information, and found that the security there was also very tight," Su Yi said. "At least fifty or sixty searchlights were set up on the surrounding walls. Even in the middle of the night, the guard strength There is no slack at all. What does this mean?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"Does this mean Zhang Jinghui is afraid of death?" Luo Yu asked tentatively.

"It shows that Zhang Jinghui is in the puppet army headquarters. He does not live in the Kwantung Army's barracks like Muto Yixin." Su Yi said.

He didn't show off, he brought a cup of tea, dipped his fingers in the water, and drew a simple topographic map on the table.

While painting, introduce it to everyone.

"Look, the Kwantung Army camp is in the southeast, the Puppet Army headquarters is in the southwest, and the auditorium is about a hundred meters west of the John's Church in the north of the city." Su Yi quickly sketched, "The two of them have to go one south and one north. There must be a different way to go to the venue."

"If Muto Yixin is not in the Splendid State, the garrison guard regiment of the Kwantung Army stationed here may have to send people to protect Zhang Jinghui. But now that Muto Yixin is here, will the Kwantung Army still pay attention to Zhang Jinghui?"

"Definitely not!" Hua Kezhi sneered, "When the master comes, who will care about the slave's life and death?"

"So the only force that protects Zhang Jinghui must be the puppet army." Su Yi continued, "Judging from the guard force at the puppet army headquarters, Zhang Jinghui attaches great importance to his own safety, so when Zhang Jinghui goes to the auditorium tomorrow, we should also do the same There’s no chance of making a move.”

Everyone was even more confused when they heard this. What did you say without a chance?

"Let me ask a few questions," Su Yi smiled, "Do you think Zhang Jinghui arrived at the venue first, or Muto Yixin arrived at the venue first?"

"Of course it's Zhang Jinghui!" Sun Fengming said without hesitation, "Where can a slave appear in the finale?"

"Then how early do you think Zhang Jinghui will arrive at the venue?" Su Yi asked again.

"It's definitely not too early." Chen Chutai said, "After all, this old traitor is also the Speaker of the Puppet Manchukuo Senate and the Chief of the Military and Political Department. His status is only lower than Zheng Xiaoxu. With his status, he has the reputation of most Zhepeng people. No need to look, here, his status is only lower than Muto Yoshinobu. So he should be the second to last one to arrive."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Then do you think that when Zhang Jinghui arrives at the venue, he will go directly into the venue, or will he greet Muto Yixin outside the door and wait for him to go in together?" Su Yi asked again with a smile.

"You should be able to wait, right?" Hua Kezhi guessed, "How could an old traitor like Zhang Jinghui miss any opportunity to show his loyalty to his master?"

"Not necessarily," Chen Chutai said, "Maybe Zhang Jinghui will bring his traitor lackeys to welcome their master at the venue."

Su Yi did not let them continue arguing and said: "Both situations are possible, so we need to take a gamble and choose one of the two opportunities. I bet that Zhang Jinghui will greet Muto Yixin at the door alone."

"What if the bet is wrong?" Chen Chutai asked.

"The bet was wrong, so today's operation is cancelled, and we will look for another good opportunity." Su Yi spread his hands, "Everyone, how long have we been here? It is indeed rare to encounter such an opportunity, but we do not have to take advantage of this opportunity. . There is no need to solve the problem this time. I think if the conditions for the assassination are too reluctant, we might as well be more patient and wait for the next opportunity."

"The Japs have put so much effort into security for this meeting, and we are new here and have no idea. In fact, the chance of assassination is not very good. Muto Yoshinobu is not leaving soon, so we really don't need to be too pushy. "

After Su Yi said this, everyone's mentality changed, and they were no longer so nervous and urgent.

Only when people relax can they think more thoughtfully.

"So I think if we really want to take action this time, we should set some preconditions." Su Yi said, "Only when these preconditions are met, we should regard this meeting as an opportunity for assassination; if it cannot be met, , then this time it’s not an opportunity at all, even if we miss it, let’s not feel sorry.”

"The current situation is that whether we are on the road or in the auditorium, we have little chance of assassinating Muto Yixin or Zhang Jinghui while ensuring our own safety, so we can only find another way and use a roundabout strategy."

"So, the first prerequisite for our action is that Zhang Jinghui will wait for Muto Yixin at the entrance of the venue to greet his master there."

"Master Geng, do you want to assassinate Zhang Jinghui and Wu Teng Yixin at the same time at the entrance of the venue?" Luo Yu guessed.

"How is it possible at the same time?" Su Yi shook his head and denied him, "Muto Yoshinobu's security level is very high. When he arrives, plus the guard force of the venue itself, we will not have any chance to assassinate him. So we have to Kill Zhang Jinghui before he arrives!"

Everyone was confused after hearing this.

"Master Geng, when Zhang Jinghui arrived at the venue, he was protected not only by the puppet troops, but also by the Japanese at the venue." Walker said, "Not only has Zhang Jinghui's defense strength not weakened, it has also strengthened. Let's run to kill him at this time... ...It’s more difficult, right?”

"Does having more people mean more power?" Su Yi smiled, "Sometimes having more people can only do bad things. I don't believe that there will be a tacit understanding and perfect cooperation between the Japanese and puppet troops."

"I think the puppet troops protecting Zhang Jinghui will take the initiative to retreat when they arrive at the venue. Firstly, the Zhepeng people will not let them block the door. Secondly, they themselves will also think that Zhang Jinghui has been sent to the protection of the Kwantung Army. Zhang Jinghui It’s already very safe.”

"That's not necessarily true..." Chen Chutai frowned.

"Not necessarily." Su Yi interrupted him with a smile, "But if the second situation happens, for example, if there is really a tacit understanding between Zhe Peng and the puppet army, then we will give up this operation immediately."

"So the second prerequisite for our action today is that there is no tacit understanding between the Kwantung Army and the puppet army. When Zhang Jinghui arrives at the entrance of the venue and waits for his master Muto Yixin, the puppet army will withdraw on its own. And because both sides If you don’t understand, there will be temporary chaos at the scene.”

"To put it simply, the puppet army sent Zhang Jinghui to the entrance of the venue. They felt that they had successfully completed their mission and began to evacuate. The Zhepeng people did not understand the puppet army, but they were not wary of friendly forces, so they would watch the puppet army's evacuation process with cold eyes. , will not interfere.”

"As long as this condition is met, we will have a chance to assassinate Zhang Jinghui."

Su Yi explained it in detail. At this point, everyone basically understood it.

Since it is difficult to sneak into the auditorium, even if you sneak in, you will have a narrow escape and it will be difficult to get out again.

There was no chance to take action on the road, so if Zhang Jinghui was waiting for Nobuyoshi Muto at the door and the puppet troops protecting him began to withdraw, causing a certain amount of chaos, then this would be the best time to take action.

If you do it at the door, you don't have to take the risk of sneaking into the auditorium, and you don't have to deal with the tight security on the road.

Thinking about it this way, everyone was pleasantly surprised to find that if these two conditions were really met, it would be the best opportunity to assassinate Zhang Jinghui!

"Master Geng, you are such a god! You can think of all this!" Sun Fengming couldn't wait to pay homage to Su Yi, "The six of us have been discussing for a long time and we didn't think of any loopholes in their defense. Why are your eyes so vicious? Just one glance. Did you see it?"

"Master Geng, you are so amazing!" Hua Kezhi said with emotion, "Even if you beat me to death, I can't think of what you said. There is really no way to make up for the gap between people..."

Everyone paid homage and gave their kind words.

Su Yi shook his head and said: "The situation I'm talking about is just a scene that will occur after the predetermined conditions we preset are met. In other words, this is just hypothetical. Maybe this kind of scene will not happen at all. If they show up, then what I said is all in vain, and we won’t take action at all this time.”

"But your hypothesis has a high probability of happening, and it is not an unreasoned speculation." Chen Chutai said with admiration, "It is really possible that Zhang Jinghui will greet his master at the door, and the puppet army is indeed very likely to be The devils were driven away."

"In this way, our situation will suddenly open up!" Walker became excited. "If these two conditions are met, we will have the opportunity to assassinate face-to-face outside the Japanese defense circle. Our options are too much!"

Su Yi smiled and snapped his fingers: "Very good, Ke Zhi, then you will be in charge of the entire operation to assassinate Zhang Jinghui. I only have one request, which is to make various emergency plans in advance and arrange at least three ways out of the city. A way out.”

"Although I don't know the specific time when the meeting will start, the Japanese came to decorate the venue in the middle of the night and set up guards in advance. The meeting will most likely start early in the morning."

At this point, Su Yi looked at the time and said: "It's still ten minutes to five o'clock. The meeting may be held at seven o'clock at the earliest, and it should not be more than ten o'clock at the latest. Therefore, before the starting point, Ke Zhi, You have to make all the preparations in advance and make various plans. Time is tight and the task is heavy."

Hua Kezhi looked solemn and said firmly: "Master Geng, don't worry, Kezhi promises to complete the task!"

"Okay, I believe you." Su Yi said with a smile, "This operation will be completed by the six of you working together. Remember, people come first and safety comes first!"

"Then Master Geng..." Walker was stunned and asked in surprise.

In their minds, Geng Liangchen has always been a "Follow me" leader, not a "Follow me" leader.

His characteristic of taking the lead has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but why did he take the initiative to exclude himself this time?

"What? Just now you forgot Zhang Jinghui, and now you have forgotten Wu Teng Yixin?" Su Yi smiled faintly, "Killing one will alert the enemy. If one succeeds, of course the other must be sent on the road as soon as possible."

Everyone looked at each other, a little worried.

At the same time, they all suddenly realized, this is right, this is the Master Geng they know.

"Master Geng, are you going to assassinate Wu Teng Yixin alone? Isn't it too dangerous?" Yi Xiantian said, "What are you going to do?"

"There is no danger." Su Yi shook his head and smiled, "Actually, I have preset conditions for assassinating Muto Yixin. If the preset conditions cannot be met, I will not take action."

Everyone was very curious when they heard this.

"Master Geng, what are you going to do?" Luo Yu asked

"Do you know how the second kick exploded?" Su Yi answered the question differently.

Without waiting for anyone to answer, he explained with a smile: "The two-kick firecracker is also called a double-ring firecracker. Its gunpowder is divided into two layers by yellow mud. The back door at the bottom is not blocked tightly, and the air flow generated by the explosion of the lower layer of gunpowder is sprayed downward, creating It generates an upward thrust and pushes the firecracker into the air. At this time, the fuse detonates the sealed gunpowder at the upper end, forming a second explosion in mid-air."

Everyone didn't know why.

Su Yi said with a smile: "Everyone, let me give our operation a name. Why don't we call it Operation Two Kicks. I hope that in these two attacks, we can avoid being a squib and blow him up to earth-shattering proportions!"

It's the day.

At 7:40 in the morning, Zhang Jinghui left the headquarters under the escort of the puppet army guard regiment.

Li Shoushan's death made Zhang Jinghui sad, and the bloody massacre of the Eighth Division made Zhang Jinghui even more frightened.

So even though he received news that Erqiji was operating in Tongliao and his target was the headquarters of the Sixth Division, he still strengthened his defense force five times and planned to normalize such a defense force in the future.

He didn't want to die. He had gained the high position he had now just for the sake of a better life despite the infamy. So how could he be willing to die miserably before he could enjoy everything after paying such a high price?

Even when traveling, Zhang Jinghui's guard force did not relax at all.

The police had already set up security along the way to clear the way, and there were sentries along the way, which basically eliminated the possibility of being killed by explosives planted halfway along the way.

For the sake of insurance, Zhang Jinghui even randomly got into a troop transport vehicle. There was actually a stand-in sitting in his own car.

In this way, even if someone were to ambush him halfway, the person they killed would only be a substitute.

Sitting on the bumpy and crowded troop carrier, Zhang Jinghui's biggest hope was to kill the Erkiji Assassination Group as soon as possible.

He hadn't had a good night's sleep in days.

"When I meet Commander Muto later, I must give him advice and ask him to pay more attention to the second kick..."

"Two kicks? Haha, it's just ringworm and scabies, nothing serious!"

Just when Zhang Jinghui was thinking about asking Muto Yixin for advice, Muto Yixin was also preparing to go out.

His secretary suggested that he put on a bulletproof vest just in case, and took one step ahead of Zhang Jinghui and suggested that he pay attention to the Erki Assassination Group.

But Muto Yixin didn't care at all.

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