The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 778 Double Cannon

The area at the entrance of the venue was all blocked by Zhe Peng soldiers, and even the entire street was under the control of Zhe Peng soldiers. Anyone who walked to this street would be immediately reacted and controlled by Zhe Peng soldiers.

The puppet soldiers were all squatting on the ground and holding their heads fifty meters away. They were all searched and disarmed. Two machine guns were pointed at these people, one on the left and one on the right. They did not dare to make any move.

Within a radius of fifty meters, there is no one or thing that poses even the slightest threat to Muto Yixin, so Muto Yixin is not worried about his own safety at all.

All he could think about now was how to clean up the mess.

But he did not think about these things, and the officers responsible for protecting him had to think about it.

The officer looked around vigilantly to eliminate all hidden dangers that could pose a threat to Muto Yixin.

But he soon relaxed slightly, because he initially concluded that there was indeed no one nearby who could pose a threat to Muto Yixin.

"The venue will be searched carefully later, and no corner will be missed. In addition, everyone in the venue will also be searched again..." the officer thought as he continued to look around.

Suddenly, his eyes stopped.

He saw the church on the next street.

There is a big cross hanging on the top of the tower.

However, his focus is not on this, but if there is a sniper hiding there, Muto Yoshinobu will be exposed to the muzzle of the sniper rifle!

The church is about a hundred meters away from here. Although this distance is theoretically within the range of the pistol, in fact, due to factors such as the pistol's short bore, light weight, and lack of a stable butt, it The effective range of a pistol is generally within fifty meters.

If you want to hit a target with a pistol from a distance of more than fifty meters, the probability is basically the same as winning the lottery.

Therefore, if someone wants to hide in the church tower and assassinate Muto Yixin, this person must have a sniper rifle.

Although the officer did not think that under such strict control in the Splendid State, anyone could bring out a long sniper rifle.

But don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the eventuality.

So as soon as he discovered this defense loophole, he began to move towards Muto Yixin, hoping to use his body to block the middle of the tower and Muto Yixin.

At the same time, he pointed at the church tower and ordered his men around him: "You, take people there..."

He was only halfway through speaking when the officer suddenly froze.

Because he seemed to have seen a flash of silver light just now.

But the silver light disappeared in a flash, making him think that it was just an illusion.

Just before he had time to react, he saw a second silver light, a third silver light, and a fourth!

The hair on the officer's body stood up in an instant, and while shouting about the enemy attack, he rushed towards Muto Yixin.

But he missed it!

Because Muto Yoshinobu was staggering backwards, clutching his chest.

His expression was twisted and frightened, with a hint of confusion.

There was a crossbow arrow stuck in his chest, with only the tail of the arrow exposed!


The second and third crossbow arrows followed one after another. One was still pierced in Muto Yixin's chest, but the other one sank into his head from the left side of his face!

Only then did the officer stand in front of Muto Yixin. He felt a series of stabbing pains in his back, and then he fell heavily to the ground while holding Muto Yixin's body.

There were hundreds of Zhepeng soldiers around, but no one could react at this moment!

Because there was no sound, and if you didn't pay attention, you wouldn't be aware of the trajectory of the crossbow arrows.

So almost all the soldiers just saw their commander falling to the ground holding Commander Muto, with four or five crossbow arrows stuck on his back.

But no one saw where the crossbow arrows came from!

If it were a sniper rifle, as soon as the first gunshot was fired, the soldiers would lock the position of the church tower based on the direction from which the gunfire came.

This is the advantage of the crossbow. It has a longer range than a pistol, but it is fireless and silent, and its concealment is very high.

The officer who fell to the ground and Muto Yoshinobu were both dead. The officer immediately roared: "The church tower! He is at the church tower!"

The soldiers woke up from a dream and took up their guns to shoot at the church tower.

"Catch him! Catch him!" Muto Yixin roared indistinctly.

"Quick! Send the general to the hospital!" the officer yelled in pain.

He is very upset now. If he had discovered this defense flaw earlier, the attacker would not even have a chance to take action!

But who would have thought that the attacker would be so bold?

After they successfully assassinated Zhang Jinghui, they actually stayed in place and assassinated General Muto again!

A double shot!

None of the crossbow arrows penetrated the vital points, and because of the long distance, they did not penetrate deeply.

Except for the crossbow arrow that was hit in Muto Yixin's face, it penetrated through the gap between Muto Yixin's temporal bone and mandible, and was completely submerged, which may be dangerous. The rest of the crossbow arrows were not fatal injuries.

Including a few arrows stuck in the officer's back.

But what worries the officers is - will the crossbow arrows be quenched with poison?

In his heart, he prayed to Amaterasu not to be poisonous.

But when the soldiers he sent ran towards the church, his limbs and consciousness no longer obeyed his orders.

"The despicable man..."

The officer collapsed on the ground in anger and fear, foaming at the mouth, his limbs twitching, gradually losing all consciousness, and his limbs became stiff.

On the other side, Muto Yoshinobu is in the same situation.

The moment he realized he was poisoned, he felt endless regret.

His subordinates and superiors had all reminded him that he must pay great attention to this assassination gang who appeared out of nowhere.

It was his stubborn and arrogant belief that two kicks were nothing to be afraid of. They might be able to succeed a few times while others were unprepared and cause a sensation.

But as long as Zhepeng soldiers are vigilant, what awaits these desperadoes will be a shameful defeat and final destruction!

He never paid attention to the two kickers because he didn't think these rats hiding in the gutter were worthy of being his opponents.

His goal is this country, not a few desperadoes.

But now, he paid the price for his arrogance and paranoia!

A terrible price!

"At least I should have put on a bulletproof vest..."

Muto Yixin twitched in endless fear, unwillingness and regret, and gradually lost his life.

The soldiers sent to the church soon discovered a two-kicker firecracker on the church tower. Other than that, there was nothing else.

The place has long been deserted.

This is Su Yi's second kick plan!

If you are an ordinary person, you will only think that there are dual forces of Zhe Peng soldiers and puppet troops at the entrance of the venue, and the defense should be tighter, and you will never choose this place as the location for the operation.

But Su Yi used reverse thinking and keenly realized that this was the only loophole in Zhang Jinghui's defense!

The reason why he discovered this loophole was not because of his luck, because all the preset conditions occurred.

It's that he has a good understanding of people's hearts and knows that if there is no accident, if Zhang Jinghui stays at the door and waits for his master, the puppet army causes congestion and chaos, and Muto Yixin comes to check the situation in person, these things will most likely happen.

Especially in the last situation, he used the inertia of people's thinking and logic to make Muto Yoshinobu and his guards think that the attacker had escaped and there would be no more danger at the scene, so they relaxed their vigilance.

In fact, there is a high probability that the Japanese will ignore the vulnerability of the church tower.

Because if Su Yi had taken action at the top of the church tower when he assassinated Zhang Jinghui, there would have been no need to go to the trouble of running to the scene, blasting, and shooting at close range at great risk.

The reason why Su Yi did the easy thing is to make the Japanese ignore the church spire.

He succeeded!

Su Yi cleverly took advantage of the inevitability and contingency of the development of the situation, and took advantage of the blind spots and inertia of ordinary people's thinking logic to complete this two-kick plan. With one shot and two shots, he assassinated the two notorious "big shots" Zhang Jinghui and Muto Yixin. "!

The process of escaping from the Splendid City can be considered a near miss.

Hua Kezhi formulated three plans to leave the city. Su Yi quickly joined them and escaped while the Japanese were in chaos.

After killing Muto Yixin, the top commander of the Kwantung Army, the trip to Rehe should have ended.

This time, the Zhepeng people really went crazy and chased Su Yi and the others, setting up blockades along the way and dispatching planes to bomb all suspicious places where they could hide.

They also carried out several massacres in retaliation, but this only exposed their exhausted skills.

Generals were assassinated one after another, and the Zhepeng people were already panic-stricken. In the end, the quantitative change led to a qualitative change, which really had an impact on the war.

The Zhepeng people in Chifeng retreated, and so did the Zhepeng people in Chaoyang.

Because of the death of their coach, they temporarily retreated and formed a strategic confrontation with the Guo army.

Zhe Peng began to denounce Guofu for engaging in terrorist assassinations, and roped in foreign powers to condemn this behavior and put pressure on Guofu.

On the Guofu side, Tang Yulin held a banquet to celebrate the "victory" of the Anti-Japanese War in Rehe.

Sun Laodian was replenished with supplies and weapons, and was awarded by the Guofu government. He completely restored his reputation as the "Donngling Bandit" and became an anti-Japanese patriotic general.

People across the country cheered and celebrated this rare victory, and the national mood was high.

However, behind the scenes of joy, senior officials and knowledgeable people in Guofu knew that this situation was only temporary.

Although Muto Yoshinobu paid the price for his arrogance and paranoia, at least he was right about one thing.

This is a contest between countries, a struggle between two huge war machines. The power of an individual is actually insignificant in the face of such a big situation.

Has everything changed?

not at all.

Soon, Tetsumoto headquarters sent Army General Hisashi Kararitaka to take over Muto Yishin's position, Umezu Yoshijiro officially took office in Jinmen, and Shimomoto Kumaya also successfully took control of the Eighth Division.

Three months later, the Zhepeng people regrouped and launched another attack on Rehe, which was the second Jehol War.

This war repeated history as it should have been.

After resisting for half a month, Rehe fell!

Even though the Second Kicker Assassination Group still performed amazingly in this war, it could not change the outcome of this war.

Of course, this is a story for another day.

At least this time, Su Yi rewrote the direction and outcome of this war, and he successfully completed his mission.

"Hello actor Su Yi, the second act performance task of the third unit "The King of Assassination" - The Wind Rises in Rehe has been completed. Performance evaluation: stunning; reward: 50 director points."

"Hello actor Su Yi, the third act performance task of the third unit "The King of Assassination" - Eight Kills in a Row has been released.

Mission description: Let the name of the Erki Assassination Group become the nightmare of General Zhe Peng! "

On the way back to Jinmen, Su Yi received the information that the second act mission of the third unit was completed and the third act mission was released.

He noticed that the name "Two Kickers Assassination Group" was mentioned in the mission description, and he couldn't help but feel relieved.

This shows that his previous idea is feasible.

Assassination and martial arts are actually full of contradictions.

One requires Su Yi to stand under the spotlight and accept the cheers and admiration of the people.

The other asked Su Yi to hide in the darkness and become a ghost and nightmare that some people can never find.

Can Su Yi really switch between the two identities of Er Kiji and Jinmen Hero all the time without being discovered by anyone?

He had no confidence in this, and Su Yi felt that it was only a matter of time before he was exposed.

But he must try to postpone the time of exposure, otherwise he will completely lose hope of achieving his mission goal of spreading martial arts.

Therefore, Su Yi began to consciously form a team and train them to act independently.

From now on, the Erki team, under the leadership of Hua Kezhi and Yixiantian, will continue to help Su Yi complete the assassination mission in the third unit "The King of Assassination".

And his own focus will be on the mission of the second unit "The Grandmaster".

Everything was ready for the opening of the martial arts school. His trip to Rehe this time could be regarded as delaying the fall of Jinmen and buying him some time to build more martial arts.

Next, he has to work hard to get the martial arts school to open as soon as possible.

Su Yi came back very promptly.

His original plan was to leave in four to five days, or at most a week.

But in fact, he was gone for twelve days!

In the past twelve days, Zhao Dezhu has represented him and rejected several groups of people who came to visit him or test his authenticity.

Zhao Dezhu told Su Yi that in addition to people from the martial arts industry, the Chamber of Commerce, and the foot industry who had come to see Su Yi, people from Zhe Peng had also come to him frequently recently, especially a man named He Zhi Ying Er, who almost forced his way into Geng's house. .

Fortunately, Wang Erniu had already pretended to be Su Yi, and refused He Zhiyinger's visit from a distance of more than ten meters. He Zhiyinger saw Su Yi "in person", and then he did not continue to force his way into the bedroom. , chose to retreat.

Afterwards, the Zhepeng man even sent a generous gift to apologize, but Zhao Dezhu took the decision for Su Yi and threw all the gifts out and let the person who gave the gifts take them back.

"Master Geng, you don't blame me for making my own decisions, right?" Zhao Dezhu asked with some anxiety, "I also thought about waiting for you to come back before letting you decide, but that's too late. Keep the gift for a while and then return or throw it away. It’s meaningless. I thought that if you were here, you would definitely not tolerate the little devil, so I simply made the decision for you and threw the gift away! "

"In addition, when I came with Zhi Ying Er that time, I also asked Er Niu to drive him away in a very strong tone. I didn't say anything nice to the devil..."

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