The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 795 The Ghost of Kanto

"More than 5,000 people participated in the competition? Is it true? Is this bragging?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Although Gong Monkey is annoying, this person spits and nails and will never boast!"

"My dear, does that mean that there are really more than 5,000 people competing? This palace monkey has done something big..."

"No wonder I have the confidence to go to Foshan. It's not like a dragon can't cross the river..."

The people below were buzzing, but Gong Baosen remained silent and looked around.

Gradually, under his gaze, the whole place became quiet again, and then he spoke again.

"Of course, a single tree cannot make a forest, and a single thread cannot make a thread. This event would never have been so prosperous without the help of a few older brothers. For example, Brother Tongchen, Brother Yingtu, and Brother Chengpu who were present." Gong Baosen said, "In addition to my old friend, Geng Liangchen also made great efforts in this competition. Liangchen, get up and say hello to our comrades in the south."

When Su Yi heard this, he stood up solemnly and clasped his fists in all directions.

He knew in his heart that Gong Baosen was helping him rise to the top and let more warriors recognize him.

When Su Yi sat down again, Gong Baosen continued: "I am sixty-three this year, which is the age of my ears. I plan to retire in the year of my sixty-sixth birthday and wash my hands in a golden basin. Taking advantage of these three years, I hope to It accomplishes two things. The first is to spread the Southern Quan to the North; the second is to find a way out for our national martial arts."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present had different expressions.

Gong Baosen continued: "Of course, both of these things are not easy, and I hope I can do it. The venue of the World Fighting Competition was chosen in Foshan to promote the integration of northern and southern martial arts, promote boxers from the south, and spread the art from the north !”

"Hong, Liu, Cai, Li, Mo, Wing Chun, Nanzhi, Black Tiger... Nanquan has many types and is very powerful, but it is only spread in Guangdong and Guangxi. If the ancestral treasures are passed on to us, if we can't If we let it carry forward, wouldn’t we be worthy of our ancestors?”

"Before coming to Foshan, I had already reached an agreement with Master He, Master Dong and Master Rong. This time, each sect will send one person to teach the art northward..."

At this point, there was a loud buzzing below again.

Everyone looked at the three old seniors mentioned by Gong Baosen in surprise, with shocked expressions on their faces. Apparently, they had never heard of this matter.

Boom, boom, boom!

A white-haired old man knocked on the table hard and glanced angrily: "Why are you making such a fuss? Master has never taught you to listen carefully and quietly when others speak? Isn't it embarrassing to be so ignorant of the rules in front of our northern comrades?"

This old man had a high prestige, and with his roar, the scene became quiet again.

Gong Baosen looked around with a smile, and then said: "For those who go to the north to teach their skills, our Guoshu Museum will give us the greatest support. We don't have to worry about manpower and material resources. Those who go can just teach with peace of mind. As for the sects who go north, we The Guoshu Museum will also provide certain financial subsidies, which can be regarded as a reward for contributing to the integration and exchange of Guoshu.”

The conditions are very favorable, which makes some southern warriors suddenly feel excited.

"Of course, not everyone is qualified to go, and not every sect can go." Gong Baosen said, "This is why I held this World Fighting Tournament in Foshan."

"I have agreed with three seniors from the south that this time we will select the southern boxers to represent our country, and the one with the highest ranking from each sect will be selected from a total of 15 sects and sent to the north to teach their skills. "

The amount of information was huge, and everyone in the audience had different expressions. They seemed to want to communicate, but due to the angry shout from the previous senior, no one dared to say anything at this time.

"The trials will begin tomorrow. The specific rules will be posted on the outer wall of the Golden Building after I and the seniors have verified them again later." Gong Baosen said, "This time martial artists from the north and south will compete on the same stage. A total of 327 people from all sects came. But in the end, there were only 60 people from the north and south combined to represent our country."

Having said this, Gong Baosen paused deliberately, with a meaningful smile on his lips: "One more thing, that is, in the last Jinmen National Martial Arts Classic, a few of our old buddies still lacked the chance to win the championship. Geng Liangchen has a inheritance competition. I think we will do it this time in Foshan. You Foshan people, pick one too! Play with Geng Liangchen. No matter you win or lose, as long as you can survive ten rounds, you will win with Geng Liangchen. When the time comes, we will have to pass on the skills in person and learn from each other.”

"That's all I have to say. Everyone, please give me some tea!"

Gong Baosen picked up the tea cup, raised it to everyone, and then threw it away.


The audience burst into applause.

After the banquet, the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

The guests from the north began to leave and go to their residences to rest.

Su Yi and several masters did not leave because they were arranged to live in this golden building.

The apartment was on the third floor. After Su Yi and the masters went back to their rooms, Gong Baosen called Su Yi out again.

"Master Gong, what's the matter?" Su Yi asked in confusion.

"I want you to accompany me to meet someone." Gong Baosen said.

Su Yi was stunned for a moment, having some guesses in his mind, and nodded slowly: "Okay."

When Su Yi and Gong Baosen passed by the second floor, they heard a fierce quarrel in the lobby, and their names were mentioned.

A few words floated faintly, but they didn't sound very nice.

The boy guarding the door of the lobby turned green. He nodded and bowed to Su Yi and Gong Baosen in embarrassment, and coughed hard, trying to alert the people inside.

But there seemed to be a fierce argument inside, and his coughing could not be heard at all.

Gong Baosen and Su Yi went straight downstairs without squinting or slowing down.

After watching the two of them go downstairs, the younger brother hurriedly opened the door and turned around and entered the lobby. He stamped his feet and shouted: "Masters, stop arguing! Gong Baosen and Geng Liangchen passed by downstairs just now. They heard everything you said!"

As soon as these words came out, the noise stopped.

The southern warriors looked at each other, and an awkward atmosphere filled the air.

"Why didn't you remind us?" someone complained.

"Why didn't I remind you? My throat is almost hoarse from coughing!" the younger brother said angrily.

"You're coughing for nothing!" the man cursed angrily, "How can you die if you yell just to say hello? You're stupid!"

"You...hey you black-faced god, how can you talk to me? Come on, let's fight..." The younger brother started to roll up his sleeves.

"Okay!" A tall and thin man stood up with a stamp of his feet, "You said bad things about people behind their backs, and people heard them! Now, our Foshan martial arts practice has been completely disgraced!"

"The words don't sound good, but are they not the truth?" Someone argued unconvinced, "Gong Baosen is obviously arrogant and has forced himself to be the master of our southern martial arts world! Geng Liangchen is indeed like a puppet on strings, being manipulated without any idea. , not even a fart..."

"That's right, we are forced to perform arts in the north, and we are forced to compete with the northerners. If not, if none of the sixty contestants selected are from the south, then they will be I've left it at my grandma's house! Come on, if you win, you'll go to the north to teach your skills. It's so cold in the north and there's a constant war, so only a devil would be willing to go! This Gong Baosen clearly deliberately created problems and put us in a dilemma!"

"Yes, he is such a bully. What's wrong with us talking about him behind his back?"

"It's so weird!"

The scene became noisy again.

In the middle of the field, Ye Wen smiled bitterly and cupped his hands to someone: "Brother Shou, I promised to bring my southern comrades to compete with the north, but you didn't say that the winner would go to the north to pass on his skills. My family and children are all in Foshan. It's really There is no way to leave our family and children and go north.”

Brother Shou sighed and said: "Master, I didn't know how they talked to Gong Hou before. I didn't mean to lie to you. But now it's done, what do you think we should do? Hey, you were sitting on the stage before, and now We’re not going to back down temporarily, are we? Then what will others think of us?”

"My senior brother Chen Shi is already teaching Wing Chun in Jinmen." Ye asked, "There is no need for both of them to go north, right?"

"Your situation is very special..." Brother Shou pondered slightly, "In this case, I will discuss it with my masters later and see if we can make an exception."

"Thank you, Brother Shou." Ye Wen breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly clasped his fists.

"Thank you early, I haven't even written my horoscope yet." Brother Shou shook his head.

"It has nothing to do with success or not," Ye Wen smiled slightly, "I am grateful to Brother Shou for his heart."

On the other side, Su Yi and Gong Baosen left the Jinlou and went straight to a private house in a shady alley.

He stopped in a dilapidated courtyard, looked around, then stepped forward and knocked on the door knocker.

Ding ding, ding——

Two short and one long, very rhythmic.

The crisp sound echoed in the back alley.

In the silence, there was also a knocking sound in the courtyard, like wood hitting each other - thump, thump, thump.

Two long and one short.

Gong Baosen took a deep breath, opened the door and stepped inside.

Su Yi followed closely and closed the door after entering.

The courtyard is not dilapidated and is full of flowers and plants.

There was a kitchen on the left side of the yard, with smoke rising from the kitchen, and candles flickering in the kitchen, which seemed to be someone.

The yard was filled with a strange aroma, which came from the kitchen. Just a whiff of it made people excited.

But when Su Yi thought about what this fragrance belonged to, he suddenly felt a little awkward.

He has always stayed away from messy meat.

Gong Baosen walked straight to the kitchen. When he reached the door of the kitchen, he suddenly stopped and his expression became excited.

Su Yi looked in behind Gong Baosen and saw an old man with gray hair sitting in front of the stove. His back was hunched and he was holding a piece of firewood in his hand.

When Gong Baosen saw this person, he became excited instantly. He entered the kitchen in three steps and two steps at a time, knelt down with a plop, and said in a trembling voice: "Brother, Baosen is here to see you!"

The gray-haired old man was also a little excited. He hurriedly stepped forward to help him up, but finally shouted: "The Northeast is so big that it can't accommodate you? Do you have to come to Foshan? Get up!"

Gong Baosen had tears in his eyes: "I'm here to take you back."

"Go back? Can you go back?" The old man smiled coldly, "The Northeast is now ruled by the Japanese. Under the flag of the sun, can I, a ghost like me, be tolerated?"

As he spoke, he returned to the stove and opened the lid. White gas instantly filled the air, and the aroma became stronger.

He picked up the spoon beside the stove, took a mouthful of the bubbling rich broth in the pot, took a sip, and shook his head: "It's not the time yet."

It seems to be talking about soup, and it seems to be talking about his return to Northeast China.

Gong Baosen looked at the soup in the pot and seemed to have calmed down a bit. He said, "Stewing soup like this is very exhausting."

"This is not stew, it's snake soup." The old man said.

"Isn't snake soup a winter dish?" Gong Baosen asked doubtfully.

"It's a dish that has been around for decades." The old man said calmly.

"It's been decades..." Gong Baosen said with emotion, "1905, the year of Yisi, is the year of the snake. You left the Northeast in that year."

The old man smiled and looked out the door.

"Brother, he is Geng Liangchen." Gong Baosen introduced.

"Greetings, senior!" Su Yi bowed his hands in salute and said respectfully.

"I've heard of you." The old man looked at Su Yi, his turbid old eyes seemed to be twinkling with stars at this moment, "Being famous at a young age must be something special. Come closer and let me take a look at you."

"Yes!" Su Yi agreed and stepped through the door.

He stopped one meter in front of the old man, bowed to the old man again, and then straightened up.

The old man looked him up and down. Su Yi nodded with satisfaction and said, "You are a good young man. If it had been a few years ago, when I was still young, I would either have to accept you as my disciple, or I would have to fight with you."

"But now that I am old, I can no longer do things like pumping my fists and waving my arms with my juniors. It would not look good if I lose, and it would be disgraceful if I win."

"Senior, you look very young." Su Yi complimented.

"According to our rules in the Northeast, when you meet a junior for the first time, you must have a greeting ceremony." The old man groped for himself, "Although I am old, I can't lose my etiquette."

As he spoke, he took out a piece of silver from his pocket, slowly handed it to Su Yi, and said with a smile: "Take it, you're welcome."

When the old man reached out his hand, Su Yi suddenly felt horrified and subconsciously took a step back!

In a daze just now, Su Yi thought that the old man was about to suddenly attack, so he rushed over to take action!

With fear in his heart, he took a step back.

Only after he backed away did he realize that the old man just stretched out his hand and handed him a piece of silver.

So what was going on with the fear just now?

Is it an illusion?


Su Yi looked solemnly and looked at the old man with fear. His whole body tensed up and he secretly took precautions.

He was not delusional just now!

But when martial arts reaches a certain level, one can predict the opponent's next move or movement based on the subtle movements, micro-expressions, and even subtle changes in muscle force in every move of the opponent.

Just when the old man handed over the money, Su Yi paid keen attention to the changes in the contraction and relaxation of the muscles in the old man's body. It was obvious that he was constantly tightening and was ready to pounce at any time.

The old man's aura also changed at that moment, like a wolf that chooses people to devour, making people subconsciously fearful.

So, the old man suddenly gave up when he was about to take action?

Or did he have no intention of taking action against Su Yi?

The former is fine, but if it's the latter...

That means that the old man has already reached an incredible level of control over himself, and he has long been able to freely control certain or any state of his own.

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