The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 802 The first day of competition

In the first round of ten games, all the southern martial arts masters showed up, but they only won one.

As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

The faces of the three elders and three elders in the south were all blackened.

They feel like they are sitting on pins and needles, like a ray on their backs, and like a lump in their throats.

Embarrassing as hell.

The southern warriors in the audience, as well as the local audience, were in an uproar and very excited.

They couldn't accept this fact, and some even started to curse, either calling the northern warriors despicable and shameless and disrespectful of martial ethics, or scolding the southern warriors for being disgraceful and showing off.

But no matter what the reaction is outside the ring, the game on the ring will continue.

According to the rules, the winner can choose to stay in the ring and continue the game, or temporarily step down and then continue the game.

After a brief deliberation, the ten winners decided to continue accepting the challenge on stage, except for one Wu Ying-dan who was physically exhausted.

Wu Yingdan was in the Beishan Arena. After he left the stage, he was replaced by a northern martial artist.

This resulted in the ten arenas, except for the southern five arenas, the other arenas were all filled with northerners!

The southern warriors were all disgraced, but they could only accept the fact.

The second round began quickly.

Who among the southern warriors will participate in the first round and who will participate in the second round has been decided long ago. Even who will enter which ring is decided in advance.

However, according to the original plan of the three elders, after all the top ten masters in the south became the champions, the contestants in the second round would compete.

Unexpectedly, all the top ten masters are now on the street...

The strength of the southern warriors who came to power in the second round was generally not as good as in the first round.

On the other hand, on the northern warrior side, the nine defenders were already quite strong, and with the power of victory, they were at an absolute advantage in terms of strength and morale.

As for the person to replace Wu Yingdan, Su Yi thought about it slightly and chose his second disciple Bill Underwood to play.

Bill Underwood has rich experience and very strong actual combat ability. With him on the field, there will basically be no problems in this game.

As for those who were dealing with Nan Mantis Boxing in Nan Wu Arena, because the last test failed, Su Yi simply stopped specifying who would play this time. Instead, he released the news and let the northern warriors choose on their own.

Finally, a boxing master came on stage.

The second round of competition officially begins.

There is no doubt about the result of the game - still nine wins out of ten!

The North wins nine and the South wins one!

The one who won in the south was still Zhu Jingu, a master of Nan Mantis Boxing.

His performance was very stable. Facing a master of boxing, he struggled with his opponent for more than ten rounds before finally using his unique move to knock his opponent off the ring.

"Humph! It's just inexplicable!" Among the three elders in the south, Master Dong's face turned red with embarrassment. He seemed to have no shame in staying any longer and walked away.

The other two elders were also very embarrassed, but they all tried to keep their faces and sit back.

Each match between warriors seems to last only a few minutes, but it consumes a huge amount of physical strength and energy.

After two games, some of the champions were so exhausted that they gave up on defending the ring and chose to step down temporarily and fight again later.

The rules of the competition stipulate that each warrior must fight at least twice a day to complete the competition task. These warriors who have won two consecutive victories have all completed their tasks today.

However, there are still four people who choose to stay on the stage to compete, such as Bill Underwood who just came on stage, Ma Chengzhi in the North One Arena, Li Yuanzhi in the North Five Arena, and Hong Shixian in the South Three Arena.

Su Yi sent six more newcomers to the stage.

It is worth mentioning that Zhu Jingu of Southern Mantis Boxing also chose to step down and not continue fighting. This made Su Yi a little regretful, because he had just seen the trick and planned to prevent the birth of the first champion in the south.

In the third round of competition, the "quality" of the northern warriors also declined, with good and bad mixed. This time the north only achieved seven wins out of ten.

The four northern defenders who had already won twice before, all won!

According to the rules, Ma Zhicheng, Li Yuanzhi and Hong Shixian became the champions. They will have to fight three more times, but as long as they win two games, they will qualify in this selection and become the only Chinese who can participate in the main event of the World Fighting Championship. One of the representatives of the national martial arts people!

There were three winners from the South this time. Two of them played quite well and had nothing to say, but one of them cleanly defeated the northern masters who had been classified as "second-class" by Su Yi.

This man's name was Rong Canghai. He used Xiajiaquan. His attacks were quite neat and he had a strong body, which left a deep impression on Su Yi.

Although the South still lost more and won less in the third round, it was finally not as embarrassing as the first two rounds. This also made the warriors in the south breathe a sigh of relief.

But immediately after the fourth round, the mood of the southern warriors instantly fell to the lowest point!

In this round, the northern warriors won all ten battles!

The entire army of southern warriors was annihilated!

Even Rong Canghai, whom Su Yi was very optimistic about.

To be on the safe side, Su Yi specially arranged for Jiang Tieshan, his founding disciple, to fight. The two fought fiercely. In the end, Jiang Tieshan won half a move and knocked Rong Canghai off the ring, winning the match.

As the fourth round came to an end, Bill Underwood also became the champion, while Ma Zhicheng, Hong Shixian and Li Yuanzhi have achieved four wins!

As long as they win one more game, they will qualify directly!

On the other hand, in the south, not even a champion has been born, and only Zhu Jingu has won two games in a row.

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely depressed. The southern warriors all felt like mourning their heirs and refused to believe this fact.

Even the remaining southern elders on the stage could not sit still. Ye Wen, who had always kept to himself, had an embarrassed look on his face.

Su Yi was a little speechless, I didn't even use any force...

He thought for a moment, then called someone to whisper a few words and asked him to bring a message to Gong Baosen.

Gong Baosen quickly received the message from Su Yi. He glanced at the two southern elders on the side with strange eyes and said, "Tell Liangchen that he is the team leader and it is his business to make decisions. There is no need to ask us."


After the messenger left, Li Shuwen cast a questioning look at Gong Baosen, meaning what did the boy say.

Gong Baosen came closer to him, lowered his voice and moved his lips: "He wants to be merciful."

There was a smile in Li Shuwen's eyes and he said: "That's right. After all, it is about selecting talents, not a fight between the north and the south. Keep a line in your behavior so that we can meet each other in the future."

Su Yi thought so too. The purpose of this trial was to select talents, not to rub the faces of southern warriors on the ground. If in the end the southerners lose too ugly and the blow is too great, the gains will outweigh the losses.

Therefore, he planned to stop arranging troops and let the northern warriors perform freely.

Su Yi was sure that if he continued to make arrangements, he would only be able to select a handful of southerners.

After getting Gong Baosen's reply, Su Yi directly told the people who were lined up to deliver the news to withdraw, and he planned to watch the entire process. He originally planned to remind Li Yuanzhi that he had exhausted nearly half of his physical energy and should go down to rest.

But Li Yuanzhi seemed to be dazzled by the successive victories and wanted to fight again.

Now, he doesn't bother to remind him.

The fifth round begins!

This time Rong Canghai became the challenger among the southern warriors. He did not choose to challenge Jiang Tieshan, who had just defeated him, but chose Li Yuanzhi in the Beisan Arena.

Upon seeing this, Su Yi started to mourn for Li Yuanzhi even before the game started.

Another heavyweight player from the south also took the stage, Zhu Jingu, the successor of Southern Mantis Boxing.

This time, the opponent Zhu Jingu chose was also in the northern arena. He chose a martial artist who was classified as "second-class" by Su Yi.

In the southern arena, Cai Yongming, Mo Liang and Zhang Xiaocai, who had lost the previous round, also chose to use up their last chance to come back on stage in this round to challenge their northern opponents.

This round is definitely the most exciting round today. The ten games were all very intense.

But in the end, it ended with the North winning six games!

Only Rong Canghai, Zhu Jingu, Mo Liang and Zhang Xiaocai achieved victory in the south!

Southern master Cai Yongming lost again against a northern second-class martial artist. He was directly eliminated after two consecutive defeats, becoming the first player to be eliminated in this competition!

And with the end of this round, the first and second players to qualify for this event were also born!

That is Ma Zhicheng and Hong Shixian!

Li Yuanzhi suffered a complete defeat. Facing Rong Canghai, he, who was already in poor physical condition, had no power to fight back and was knocked off the stage. Only then did he wake up from his dizziness.

As Su Yi deliberately let go and gave up on arranging his troops, the southern warriors gradually became more successful, and there were also eliminated players in the north.

By noon, there were five players from the North, three of whom were Su Yi's disciples - his eldest disciple Jiang Tieshan, second disciple Bill Underwood, and seventeenth-year-old Hong Shixian.

There are two other people, one is Chen Style Tai Chi Ma Zhicheng, and the other is Wang Ziqing, a famous wrestling master in Hebei Province.

These five people all qualified directly with six wins from six games, without any defeat!

The two qualifying teams from the North - Rong Canghai and Zhu Jingu.

Among them, Zhu Jingu won six out of six matches and Rong Canghai lost two out of eight matches.

It is worth mentioning that Rong Canghai's second defeat was when he won three consecutive games after defeating Li Yuanzhi. Although his physical strength was declining, he still continued to compete. As a result, he met a famous Xingyiquan master who had fought against Su Yi before. Zhu Guofu.

Zhu Guofu's Xingyiquan was dense and steady. Rong Canghai originally wanted to fight quickly, but when he encountered Zhu Guofu who couldn't make any progress, he was helpless. In the end, he was exhausted. Before Zhu Guofu could make a move, he had no choice but to raise his hands. Give up.

Rong Canghai rested for 20 minutes before fighting again and won the fifth game.

Then he stepped down again and rested for two games. Finally, he challenged a poor player from the north, successfully completed his last game and successfully qualified.

There is a three-hour suspension at noon, which is the time for referees and players to eat and rest.

Su Yi went up to join Gong Baosen and the others, but unexpectedly, the two southern elders brought Ye Wen to greet Su Yi with a very enthusiastic attitude, and even invited Su Yi to have dinner with him in the evening.

After the two southern elders left, Li Shuwen smiled and said to Su Yi, "They are asking for your favor."

Su Yi smiled and did not answer.

The two southern elders really deserve this kind of love.

If Su Yi had not chosen to give up on arranging his troops, but had been deliberately sniping at the warriors in the south, then it would be a matter of doubt whether Rong Canghai and Zhu Jingu would qualify, and whether a champion would be born in the south.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the game resumes.

Although Su Yi gave up the formation of troops and allowed the northern warriors to perform freely and compete freely, even so, the northern warriors still had a great advantage in the face of the southern warriors.

The southern warriors felt shocked and unbelievable, but in the eyes of knowledgeable people such as Su Yi and Gong Baosen, this situation was quite normal.

In recent decades, although the northern martial arts community has had various problems and has been stuck in a situation of hesitation, thanks to the efforts of Gong Baosen and others, overall, the martial arts environment is still open to exchanges, integration and competition. of.

The Bagua Xingyi merged, Tai Chi sects searched for their ancestors, Yan Qing, Pao Chui, Tong Bei and other boxing types exchanged martial arts secrets of each sect and joined the Chinese Samurai Association.

In addition, under the auspices of Gong Baosen and others, large and small competitions have been held every year, which has resulted in a prosperous scene of martial arts in the north. Even in the waves, many martial arts talents can be found.

On the other hand, the martial arts world in the south is basically a mess, with everyone playing their own game.

Each sect has its own model, all based on ancient small workshops.

Even with the exception of a very small number of boxing sects, most sects have not implemented commercial teaching, and their disciples only have two or three kittens and puppies, which is very pitiful.

The most typical one is Wing Chun. As the birthplace of Wing Chun, now the only Wing Chun sect left in Foshan is Ip Man. Ip Man represents Wing Chun.

There is only one person in a sect. Is this conceivable in the north?

Something that is simply impossible.

No matter how small a sect is, if there are too few people, the head of the family will be worried until his hair is pulled out.

But do you think Ip Man is anxious?

Every day he drinks tea and goes to the hall, listens to the opera with his wife, or wanders around to collect rent, play horse hanging, and practice boxing.

I don't care at all about whether to promote Wing Chun or not.

The situation of Wing Chun is not an isolated case. Many sects are like Wing Chun. There are few people and no one is worried about whether to promote the sect.

In the perception of most southern martial artists, a small sect is good, and this is how martial arts inheritance should be. If there are more people who know it, won't their own martial arts become useless and worthless?

Therefore, it can be said that the current situation in the southern martial arts world was intentionally caused by these conservative warriors.

Now, it is time for them to bear the consequences of their conservatism.

The serious lack of communication and the lack of keeping pace with the times have resulted in the martial arts, martial arts and fighting experience in the south being very backward, which has led to the current situation of more defeats and fewer wins.

Even without Su Yi's formation, at the end of the day's competition, Southern Wulin would have lost miserably.

At the end of the day, there were eleven people who qualified, including nine warriors from the north, and only two from the south, Rong Canghai and Zhu Jingu.

In addition to the eleven qualifying candidates, twenty-seven champions were born. Among them, there were twenty-one warriors from the north and only six warriors from the south.

A total of 119 people were eliminated on the first day, including 34 northern warriors and 85 southern warriors!

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