The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 837 The end of this volume

A nation needs heroes and idols, and not just one.

As Su Yi won the double championship in both bare-hand and equipment competitions, his reputation reached its peak.

People who admire him are not only Chinese, but also many Westerners. Especially when the video of his martial arts competition began to circulate across the ocean, Chinese Kung Fu was finally sought after by the world as the third business card of China besides porcelain and silk.

The success of the first World Fighting Championship, especially the rise of Su Yi, made interested people see the opportunities for fame and fortune. So before Su Yi left Foshan, the plan to hold the second World Fighting Championship had been finalized. , the location is set to be the Lighthouse, New York, and the time will be today next year.

With the successful experience of the first competition, the second competition is bound to become more professional and larger in scale, and the attention will naturally increase to a higher level.

When Su Yi left Foshan, he also took with him representatives of sixteen sects in the south and went to the north to teach their skills.

This was something that was agreed upon in advance, and it was the tone that Gong Baosen had set long ago.

The news of Gong Baosen's death finally broke out.

The news was revealed by Su Yi on his own initiative after discussion with several masters.

The great master Gong Baosen died of poisoning!

The twists and turns of the story were disclosed by several of the masters involved and Su Yi personally, which immediately set off a huge anti-Japanese trend in China.

The body of Xiaoman, a clerk from Jinlou, was found in an abandoned house. The clues were interrupted here, and there was no evidence of his death.

Zhepeng people also immediately denied the incident, saying it was a slander from someone with ulterior motives, and asked the Guo government to severely punish those who spread rumors, guide the correct direction of public opinion, ban all anti-Japanese organizations, and strictly prohibit all anti-Japanese demonstrations.

Guofu compromised without any surprise.

As a result, the originally unanimous external public opinion environment once again turned into "internal conflicts."

Today Jinling opens fire to suppress students, tomorrow Tianjin arrests progressive young people...

Messy things are happening all over the country.

The people from Guofu also warned Su Yi and told him and several masters to shut up.

Su Yi was not angry about this. Now Hu, Wang and Li were fighting fiercely, allowing the Zhe Peng people to make small moves in North China, but they all pretended to turn a blind eye.

They had no time to care about how much land the Zhepeng people had occupied or how many troops they had increased; they were busy eliminating dissidents and fighting for power and profit.

Finally Liu Haiqing also called Su Yi to persuade him.

"Stop speaking out. Whether it is Hu Zhantang or Li Delin, including Wang Zhaoming, no one wants to anger the Zhepeng people at this time. You have made too much noise. Be careful that the three of them join forces to put out the fire first. There are already signs of this. ! Has your martial arts school been stopped? This is a signal! If you still don’t stop, the consequences will be more serious!"


Su Yi has no appeal in this matter. He still has to give in when it's time to give in.

What else? Can't we do another shocking stab?

Afterwards, Su Yi and the masters really stopped speaking and kept a much lower profile.

After meeting Chen Bonan and the "fans" who came from all over the world in Yangcheng, Su Yi secretly went to the Northeast.

He attended Gong Baosen's funeral and met Gong Er.

"Is Ma San's death related to you?"


"Why kill him?"

"He is a traitor."


This is the first conversation between Gong Er and Su Yi since they met.

Su Yi told a lie that was not a lie, and Gong Er believed it.

Maybe she already trusted Su Yi and felt that Su Yi would not lie to her.

Maybe she just wanted an excuse, anything.

The successor leader of the Xingyi Bagua Sect is Shang Yunxiang. Su Yi's arrival made the elders of this sect dare not neglect and entertain him with the highest courtesy.

Su Yi took out the marriage contract left by the old man and asked all his uncles to testify and acknowledge the marriage.

These people were eager to have a relationship with the prosperous Geng Liangchen, so they naturally agreed.

Gong Er already has feelings for Su Yi, and her father has helped him remove all obstacles and arranged everything. Naturally, she will not let down her father's last love for her.

So Su Yi, as Gong Er's fiancé, and Gong Er stayed at Gong Baosen's funeral for three days.

On the day of the burial, the Zhepeng people surrounded Gong Baosen's cemetery with heavy troops.

They finally got the news that Su Yi had come to Manchuria and wanted to capture Su Yi alive.

Fortunately, Su Yi had already been on guard against this move, and immediately evacuated with Gong Er as soon as the Zhe Peng people made any movement.

"Master Geng, the person who betrayed you was Ma San's apprentice. This guy has already taken refuge with the Zhepeng people. In other words, this person was originally a lackey of the Zhepeng people. In order to buy you time to escape, Master Shang and Zhepeng There was a conflict and they took him away," Luo Yuhui reported.

"We can no longer get involved in this matter," Su Yi pondered slightly and made a decision, "We are the thorn in the side of Zhe Peng people. Shang Shang is just implicated by us. At this time, the more we get involved, the more Shang Shang The more dangerous the door, the more dangerous it is. So it’s best for us to leave the Northeast and go to Jinmen!”

"After the Zhepeng people know that we have left, Master Shang will be useless to them. With Master Shang's identity and status in the local area, they will never dare to harm him easily. They can only let Master Shang go. , it’s just that—it’s inevitable that he will suffer! This time, I owe him my life!”

"Senior Brother Yunxiang has a cold face and a warm heart, and he doesn't want us to repay him," Gong Er said.

Su Yi smiled and said to her: "You are my fiancée. You will definitely not be able to stay in the Northeast anymore. From now on, you will have to follow me around the world."

"That's okay, as long as you have me in your heart, that's enough." Gong Er's eyes were watery.

Gong Baosen was newly mourned, and their marriage was scheduled for the following year.

After returning to Tianjin without any danger, Su Yi and Gong Er began to recruit students in high-profile schools.

The title of No. 1 in the world has filled the martial arts school with students who registered for it!

In just one week, more than 100,000 people signed up.

In the end, after extensive screening, Su Yi only retained 30,000 students.

Su Yi's "fifty-four disciples" came in handy at this moment. They all left the martial arts school and became teachers in the martial arts school.

Su Yi unabashedly used the improved modern training facilities in the teaching of martial arts schools, and also began to promote the targeted training concepts of modern fighting.

The scientific quick fix method has begun to ignite public opinion around the world!

Does it take several years, or even more than ten years, to learn martial arts?


In Su Yi's martial arts school, one year is enough!

"Develop Chinese martial arts and enhance national physique!"

This sentence became the motto of the martial arts school.

Just three months after Su Yi's martial arts school opened, amazing news came from the other side of the ocean.

Geng Liangchen became the fourth Chinese to appear on the cover of the authoritative Beacon magazine "Times"!

At the same time, he is also the first non-political Chinese to appear on the cover of Time.

Every time a Chinese face appears on the cover of "Time", it means that China is undergoing drastic changes. And the first three Chinese people who appeared on the cover of "Time" were all big figures standing on the cusp of the storm at that time.

The first Chinese to appear on the cover of Time was Beiyang warlord Wu Ziyu in 1924. At that time, the Zhifeng warlords were at war. His prestige and power were at their peak, and his every word and deed affected the future of this country.

The second one was Chang Kaishen in 1927. In this year, he established the Jinling National Government, left his wives and concubines and married the Song family, strengthening his relationship with the lighthouse.

The third one was Feng Huanzhang in 1928. The formation of the Jiang-Feng alliance made Feng Huanzhang the most popular figure that year.

Now, it's Su Yi's turn.

Although Su Yi was not too interested in the fact that he was on the cover of a foreign weekly, the Chinese people could not help but be proud of it.

Even Hu Zhantang called to congratulate him.

Under the current national conditions of China, anyone who can be related to foreign adults is considered a big shot.

If a Chinese person can be looked upon highly by foreign adults, then he is a big shot worth winning over.

After that, Su Yi received calls from Wang Zhaoming and Li Delin one after another. Su Yi treated them equally and maintained a lukewarm relationship with them.

The second kicking team is still moving around, and many new members have been added to the team. Su Yi adheres to the principle of training the team, allowing the team to train together and do some tasks that are not very dangerous.

He has great expectations for this team, so he would rather put tasks on hold first to train the team and cultivate talents.

Because of Su Yi's own martial arts skills and the quick method, the military also showed a strong interest in Su Yi's martial arts theory, including many foreign spies.

Su Yi didn't plan to create any ancestral secret recipe from the beginning, and he didn't expect his set of things to become the core secret. He knew very well that paper could not cover the fire.

Su Yi has successfully stood on top of the world by relying on the theoretical system of mixed martial arts. His martial arts and everything about him will definitely be watched and studied by many people.

Dongfang and Zhepeng are never willing to accept a disastrous defeat. They definitely hope to make a comeback in the second World Fighting Championship, but if they can't understand Su Yi's advanced martial arts concepts and crack Su Yi's martial arts, what will they do again?

These people will definitely try their best to find out about Su Yi's martial arts and everything about Su Yi.

If Su Yi still teaches in small workshops like martial arts schools and continues to carry out closed sect inheritance, he will have a way to keep his secrets.

But the problem is that Su Yi wants to open a martial arts school and recruit disciples from all over the world. He wants to use modern scientific training methods to train all students.

So how could he keep his core secret?

Since he couldn't hold it back no matter how hard he tried, Su Yi simply made it public.

In this way, Su Yi won the title of "Father of Scientific Training".

This year is the "First Year of Mixed Martial Arts in China". This sport, initiated by Su Yi and later popular all over the world, began to brew in the eastern country and is preparing to break out of the cocoon in Tianjin.

When it comes out again, it is destined to shock the whole world.

A year later, Su Yi brought Gong Er and the Chinese martial arts delegation to the other side of the ocean, and was warmly welcomed by the lighthouse people.

This competition is grander and more formal. More than 60 countries around the world have sent players to participate in the competition.

Not surprisingly, Su Yi defended the championship and reached the top of the world again!

Not only him, but also the Chinese delegation has achieved great results. Chinese Kung Fu has suddenly become the most coveted new thing in the whole lighthouse!

After winning the championship, Su Yi did not leave Lighthouse immediately. Instead, he gave lectures in major cities in Lighthouse to promote Chinese mixed martial arts. He was very popular and the response was extremely strong.

After a series of business operations, the first Chinese Kung Fu school in Beacon was opened. Su Yi was the honorary principal, and Bill Underwood became the person in charge of the school.

As soon as the school opened, tens of thousands of young people signed up. Seeing the business opportunity, the Lighthouse people immediately decided to strike while the iron was hot and open branches in various European countries to promote Su Yi's mixed martial arts and Chinese Kung Fu.

Su Yi stayed in Lighthouse and Europe for more than half a year before returning to China, so he even missed the graduation ceremony of Jinmen Martial Arts School and the opening ceremony of Wudu Branch.

Amid the craze of "national fitness and martial arts training", Su Yi's martial arts school remains popular, and its student quota is even sold at sky-high prices!

At the same time, Su Yi's military fighting skills specially created for army soldiers also shined in some wars and were widely sought after by the military.

Three years later, after Su Yi won five consecutive World Fighting Championships, he announced that he would no longer participate in the competition, leaving opportunities to young people.

In the same year, due to military conflicts, Su Yi organized all teachers and students of the martial arts school to cover the evacuation of soldiers and civilians.

Because Su Yi was tough and uncompromising, the Zhepeng people regarded Su Yi as their biggest enemy despite all attempts to win over him to no avail.

At the same time, the conflict between Su Yi and the Sakura Club behind Zhiying Er gradually became irreconcilable, so Su Yi took the initiative and carried out several earth-shaking assassinations, killing fourteen main members of the Sakura Club.

In this way, Su Yier's identity as the leader of the Kicking Team can no longer be concealed.

This identity is actually very harmful, unacceptable, and irreconcilable to the people of Zhepeng, but to Chinese and foreigners, it will only make Su Yi's image become more mysterious and taller again.

The exposure of the identity of the second kicker leader not only did not make Su Yi difficult, but actually made him become a more authoritative big shot.

On the other side of the ocean, the exposure of Su Yi's identity earned him the title of "Father of Special Forces" and he became even more popular among young people in the West.

There is even a group of fanatical followers of his that have emerged, whose ideas are extremely extreme and anti-human.

In the following years, the Sino-Japanese war situation became more and more anxious, and Su Yi, who openly assassinated the king's identity, completely let go of his hands and began to assassinate high-ranking Zhepeng officials and steal Zhepeng people's military intelligence.

The frequent deaths of senior officials and military officers made everyone in Zhepeng panic. At one time, a huge reward of up to 30 million US dollars was offered for Su Yi's head.

But Su Yi became more and more cautious. He simply led his team from the light to the dark and became an assassination team specifically targeting senior officers of Zhe Peng.

Every month, at least five officers at the rank of colonel or above in Zhepeng are sanctioned by the second-kicking team.

Such losses were simply unbearable for the Zhepeng people, and there was even an embarrassing situation where officers did not dare to come to China to take up their posts.

To make matters worse, because of the power of example, Chinese assassination regiments sprung up. They targeted the grassroots officers of the Zhepeng people, and even ordinary Zhepeng soldiers, and the results they achieved were very impressive.

The Zhepeng people launched brutal massacres targeting Chinese people, and some extreme assassination teams also targeted Zhepeng expatriates to carry out bloody revenge.

Over the past few years, China has been crumbling in this bloody environment, but it has always stood firm.

One day, the two-kicker team, which had been dormant for several months, heard good news in distant Tokyo, shocking the whole world!

The biggest turning point in this war occurred just like this.

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