The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 847 How to get money

It was obvious that the whole thing was a misunderstanding.

Su Yi cheered himself up in the bathroom in the morning and shouted, "Work hard, fight, come on."

His voice was not loud, and Hu Yifei couldn't hear it clearly through the door panel. He heard it as "Wu Li, I hate to kill you."

Hu Yifei was surprised to be able to hear a good sentence as a strange combination of Chinese and Western words, but this brain-filling monster actually made up Su Yi-nao into the image of a dangerous man who decided to go to extremes because of love and hatred.

With this "foundation" made up in the brain, a series of nonsensical things that follow can be explained.

Hu Yifei rejected the suggestion of "calling the police", which she thought would cause harm to Su Yi, and decided to use tracking to stop Su Yi's dangerous behavior, so that Su Yi could turn back from the brink, and at the same time save the life of the girl named Wu Li. .

When she saw the female HR dancing and talking excitedly to Su Yi, both Su Yi and the female HR stood up, and the latter accidentally knocked over her chair...

Hu Yifei thought that this female HR was the so-called Wu Li, so she stepped forward resolutely...

Things are just like this; situations are just like this.

Even if Su Yi was beaten to death, how could he have imagined that his brain circuit was like this?

"Why didn't you ask me directly?" Su Yi asked Hu Yifei, "If you had asked me directly at home in the morning, nothing would have happened?"

"If this kind of thing is true, if I ask you, you will definitely not admit it!" Hu Yifei's face was very red, but she still held on, "Also, what did that woman say to you just now? Why did she look so excited? ? If she were normal, I wouldn't misunderstand her."

"She is selling courses to me." Su Yi handed Hu Yifei an advertising leaflet, "She is from an online writing training institution. The reason why she was so emotional just now was to preach to me, telling me that as long as I choose online Writing, getting rich overnight is not a dream. Her courses don’t require 9,800 yuan, nor 1,080 yuan, but only 9,98 yuan. If you can’t buy it with 998 yuan, you will suffer a loss, and if you buy it with 998 yuan, you can’t be cheated..."


The three of them were turned to stone.

Everything is clear.

Hu Yifei said angrily: "Sales promotion at the job fair? This is simply selling dog meat with a sheep's head! This kind of person should be taken out and shot a hundred times!"

"Shot a hundred times... Why is it so troublesome? Why not just use a machine gun? Thug, tug, tug, tug..." Guangu magically made a machine gun fire gesture.

Tang Youyou chuckled.

"As far as I know, those who sell online writing training courses are all scammers." Tang Youyou said with a smile, "Xiao Yi, please don't be fooled."

"I also have a general understanding that this is indeed a new type of fraud!" Hu Yifei was still angry. "Using the guise of high returns to deceive others into taking her writing training courses, but in fact, all the things she talked about were shared by other netizens. Things that are published online. The so-called high returns are actually just a pie in the sky. These people are the most disgusting!"

Su Yi smiled: "Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, shouldn't you go back? But I still want to thank you. After all, you did this out of concern for me."

The three people who said this were a little embarrassed.

"Actually, it's mainly Sister Yifei. She's worried - Ouch!" Tang Youyou was secretly kicked by Tang Youyou just halfway through her words.

"I don't care about you. I just want to check the basic situation of the new roommate. Don't get me wrong!" Hu Yifei said, "By the way, do you still want to go in and find a job? There was such a big commotion just now. Is it right? Are you influential?"

"If you don't go in, I shouldn't be able to find any job here." Su Yi shook his head.

"Why?" the three of them asked in unison.

"Because of this." Su Yi spread out the resume in his hand.

Hu Yifei took it, glanced at it and said: "This is a very normal resume. You also graduated from a real university, and you have experience in sales and acting. These are all bonus points. You shouldn't be able to find a job... etc!"

Hu Yifei suddenly widened his eyes and discovered his blind spot.

She pointed to one of the columns on the resume form and said: "You filled in 'none' in the column about whether you have served a prison sentence, which is correct, but the next column, 'reason', refers to the reason for serving a prison sentence. If you filled in the previous column with 'yes', you only need to fill in this column; if you filled in the previous column with 'no', you don't need to fill in this column at all, brother!"

Hu Yifei looked at Su Yi speechlessly: "Why did you fill in 'not caught by them' as the reason for serving your sentence?"

Su Yi said matter-of-factly: "Because I filled in the previous column and did not serve the sentence. This column asked me to explain the reasons, so I can only fill in the reason why I did not serve the sentence."

"I'm really defeated by you!" Hu Yifei put her hand on her forehead, "So what did you do to avoid being caught?"

"Assassinate Emperor Zhepeng." Su Yi said.

"Come again!" Tang Youyou and Guan Gu magically rolled their eyes.

"That's fake, it's an act!" Hu Yifei said speechlessly.

"Maybe." Su Yi smiled.

How could he regard such a spectacular event and the results obtained with so much blood and life as fake?

He can't lie.

"Then what are you going to do now?" Tang Youyou asked.

"I have found a job that suits me." Su Yi said, "But whether I can do it or not, I still need to do some more detailed research."

"What job?" The three of them said in unison.

Su Yi smiled shyly: "Writing online."

"Damn, are you really fooled? Didn't you just say it was a lie?" Hu Yifei said anxiously.

"The person selling the course was a liar, but the online writing thing is real." Su Yi explained, "The reason why I went to chat with that woman just now was to get her to tell her about the launch of the online writing platform. Ways. I plan to search these platforms online to see if they have any activities for soliciting papers, and then participate in the call for papers to see if I can earn royalties."

Freelance writing is the third way Su Yi thought of for himself to make money after moving bricks and covering mobile phones.

"So that's it!" Guan Gu suddenly realized, "But writing online requires certain writing skills, right? Su Yi, can you do it?"

"I can do it." Su Yi nodded firmly.

"Okay, we believe you!" Tang Youyou said, "Then how do you plan to start?"

"I'm going to find an Internet cafe because I need a computer with Internet access." Su Yi said honestly. "I will have to stay in an Internet cafe for a long time until I earn rent and buy a new computer." Computer money.”

"Ah? Is it so miserable? I heard that the environment in Internet cafes is very bad." Tang Youyou clicked her tongue.

"My laptop has never been used except for watching TV shows and surfing the Internet. Why don't you use it first?" Hu Yifei asked.


"Okay." Su Yi smiled at her.

Hu Yifei: O__O'

I'm just being polite, why did you agree so quickly?

But she was not a stingy person, but she originally thought Su Yi would reject her because of her pride.

"Then it's settled, I'll give you my computer when I get back." Hu Yifei said.

"Then there's no need to look for a job?" Guan Gu magically asked, "Why don't we find a place to have something to eat and then go home?"

"I agree!" Tang Youyou immediately raised her hand, "I woke up in the morning and walked seven streets without eating breakfast. I'm a little hypoglycemic and need to replenish energy!"

"I know there is a local restaurant that tastes good. Can I treat you to it?" Hu Yifei said.


"Okay!" Su Yi and the other three said in unison.

After a sumptuous lunch, the four of them returned to the love apartment talking and laughing.

Hu Yifei quickly delivered her notebook.

"There are some photos of me in it, and I can't copy them out until I get my USB flash drive back from school. I've stored them in the D drive and encrypted them. You're not allowed to peek!" Hu Yifei warned.


Su Yi smiled politely at her: "Okay, thank you."

"Uh, also, just out of curiosity, what kind of content do you plan to write about?" Hu Yifei's eyes flashed with a gossipy look.

"Some things I definitely don't want you to see." Su Yi said calmly,

"Eh-" Hu Yifei felt a chill, apparently thinking of something else.

"It's not pornographic!" In order to prevent her from doing anything weird again, Su Yi quickly got vaccinated. "It's very serious writing, reasonable and legal. It's just because it's a bit of a headline-grabbing one, so I don't want you to see it."

"Click-clickbait?" Hu Yifei wondered. The UC shock department has not yet become popular, and there is no such thing as clickbait.

And Su Yi plans to be the first to eat crabs.

He planned to become a self-media writer, so he used "shock style" to gain popularity and break into the world.

After Hu Yifei went out, Su Yi started working.

He first consulted online on how to cooperate with self-media writers on some news platforms, and finally chose the fastest and safest way to make money - "buyout."

This type of cooperation means that the news platform pays in the form of a fixed remuneration for a single article. As long as the article is used, the payment can be settled on the same day.

There is another way of cooperation called "sharing", which calculates remuneration based on the reader's click-through rate.

Relatively speaking, the sharing model is the most cost-effective for Su Yi, and he will get more money. But the problem is that the settlement period of this cooperation method is one month, and Su Yi’s 333 yuan , definitely not enough to last for a month.

So he can only choose the buyout model, which seems to be more disadvantageous.

He registered a messaging software account, chatted with the editor of the news platform, and then wrote an 800-word manuscript as quickly as possible with the title - "Look! It's like a beast to get involved with women at such a young age! 》

However, the picture accompanying this manuscript shows a small flower cow scurrying happily on a meadow full of small flowers. The text is about caring for the lawn and protecting the ecological environment.

The editor read this manuscript and was completely enlightened!

Su Yi's online name is Liangchen. Before reading the manuscript, the editor called him a young man.

After reading the manuscript, I immediately became a teacher.

Mr. Liangchen opened the door to a new world for me, and Mr. Liangchen created an unprecedented eye-catching mode...

After a lot of praise, Su Yi only asked him one sentence: "How much is it?"

This editor was pretty good. He first suggested that Su Yi should share the profit.

After learning that Su Yi only wanted to buy out, he told Su Yi that as long as Su Yi maintained the quality of his manuscripts, from now on Su Yi's manuscripts would be the highest price for a newcomer - two hundred for one thousand words.

But whether the manuscript is worth the price needs to be reviewed first.

Su Yi's manuscript just now took about twenty minutes to write, and it was about 800 words. At this price, it would be about 160 yuan.

Su Yi plans to publish at least ten shocking articles in different categories and styles every day to quickly "occupy the market." In this case, his daily income can be maintained at more than 2,000 yuan.

In one month, it will be more than 60,000 yuan.

Of course, in fact, it is definitely more than this number. Su Yi plans to write a ten-day buyout and then transfer the share.

If he gets remuneration based on click-through rate, he will get more remuneration.

After repeatedly verifying the reliability of the platform and the editor, the two made an appointment to submit the manuscript tomorrow morning, and Su Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It should be no problem to get out of abject poverty.

But shock bodies are easy to imitate, so this is not a long-term solution, so Su Yi must find another way to find a safe way to make money.

After much thought, Su Yi decided to work harder on online writing.

He searched several online novel websites on the Internet, and finally selected the largest website in the industry-Terminal Novel Network.

Online novels have just entered a golden age where hundreds of flowers are blooming. If you enter at this time, you can definitely make a quick buck.

As for the question of whether Su Yi can write——

Isn’t it enough to have the hands to write this thing?

After being influenced by various themes of later Internet novels, Su Yi himself is not lacking in themes and creativity.

But Su Yi didn't plan to make this a career. He planned to quit after making enough money to support his retirement, so his selection of talents mainly focused on the three words "quick money".

Which online novel can make money the fastest?

Of course it’s a novice!

Just do it, Su Yi opened WORD and started writing——

Title: "The Return of the God of War"

Introduction: The God of War returns and finds his five-year-old daughter sleeping in a doghouse. With an order, one hundred thousand retired soldiers rush over...

Chapter One, The Return of the God of War

Dim light, hot air.

Drop after drop of sweat fell on the flushed neck of the woman beneath him.

"no, do not want…"

A cry of shame and anger, but with a bit of throbbing, came through the air...

Cracking, Su Yi coded out 10,000 words of content in one afternoon.

The storyline is the kind of pretentious and slap-in-the-face plot that cannot be watched, and Su Yi didn’t even want to read it a second time after writing it.

But making money is not shabby...

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, there was a noise in the living room outside, followed by a knock on Su Yi's bedroom door.

Su Yi closed his notebook and opened the door. It was Hu Yifei who knocked on the door.

"Su Yi, you've been stuck in the bedroom all afternoon and haven't come out for some air? Come on, let me introduce you to some new friends!" Hu Yifei pulled Su Yi out without any explanation.

By this time, the living room was already full of people.

In addition to Guangu Qingqi and Tang Youyou, there are three men.

One has small eyes and a square face, which looks a bit vulgar; one has oily hair and pink face and looks like a scumbag; and another has a mediocre appearance and a bad look.

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