Lu Ziqiao finally had a chance to show off her IQ, but was ruthlessly exposed by Zhang Wei.

Not only that, he also faced criticism from everyone.

"Okay, you Zi Qiao, you actually disturbed Xiao Yi's retreat!" Tang Youyou pointed at him and glared, "If Yifei finds out, you will be dead!"

"That's right! I was beaten to death, and I didn't go to Brother Xiao Yi, but you went to Brother Xiao Yi. Zi Qiao, you are so bad, why didn't you call me?" Guan Gu magically blamed.

"Hey! Brother Xiao Yi is nice, but don't treat him like a treasure, okay!" Zeng Xiaoxian said displeased, "I used to be the building's favorite in a love apartment!"

"Ugh!" Everyone looked like they were vomiting.

Zeng Xiaoxian rolled his eyes and pretended to throw himself into the street and die.

"It wasn't me who disturbed Brother Xiao Yi when he came out of seclusion, it was Zhang Wei! You wrongly blamed me!" Lu Ziqiao said with an innocent look.

"Didn't you ask me to go?" Zhang Wei's eyes widened.

"No! Not at all. Who can testify?" Lu Ziqiao spread her hands, "Hey, you are also a lawyer. Can you talk nonsense without evidence? Be careful, I will sue you for libel."

"You..." Zhang Wei was inexplicably sad and angry, "You are so despicable!"

"All I know is that Mao Beibi!" Lu Ziqiao winked at him, "Oh yeah!"

"He teased me! Wuwuwu..." Zhang Wei hid his face and pretended to cry.

"Hey, let's get down to business, shall we?" Lu Ziqiao tried to change the topic, "Anyway, Brother Yi thinks that Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo are not so superficial, and they are fascinated by a copycat stylist who doesn't know where they come from. After going around and around, he thinks there must be something fishy in it, I think so too, what do you think?"

"Maybe it's just because Neo is handsome?" Zeng Xiaoxian came back to life. "After all, there has never been a handsome guy like Neo in the love apartment. Even Brother B is a little worse than him."

"I don't agree with this!" Tang Youyou interjected, "From the aesthetic point of view of us women, Brother Xiao Yi's handsomeness and Neo's handsomeness are completely two types, and there is no comparison. Neo's handsomeness is superficial, But Brother Xiaoyi is handsome both inside and out."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Wei's eyes were confused, "Why do I feel like I'm listening to a law professor explaining legal concepts?"

"Besides, it's very simple!" Lu Ziqiao said disdainfully, "What she means is that Neo's handsomeness makes people laugh from ear to ear, but Su Yi's handsomeness makes people laugh from ear to ear. One looks good on the face, and the other takes a kidney."

Tang Youyou's face was stern, and she spoke in Sichuan dialect: "Yao'er, do you think it's appropriate for you to discuss this kind of issue with your aunt?"

After a pause, Tang Youyou covered her face shyly: "But that's right, that's what it means!"

"And!" Lu Ziqiao and others all made disdainful sounds.

"Then what kind of handsome do you think I am?" Guan Gu asked Youyou curiously.

"Uh... you're so handsome, you need to use your brain." Tang Youyou gave her a polite smile.

"Death is easy!" Guan Gu was surprised and delighted, "The brain is the most important thing in the human body. Are you saying that my handsomeness is the most important?"

"Stupid! What my aunt means is that I have to make you look like someone else before I think you are handsome." Lu Ziqiao rolled her eyes, "Hey, are you okay? Are you talking about business?"

"You also think it's strange, so tell me first!" Zeng Xiaoxian said, "What do you think is going on?"

Lu Ziqiao perked up and expressed her speculation: "I think Neo is actually a tool! A tool for Yifei and Yu Mo to compete for the most beautiful girl in the love apartment!"

"A snake cannot stand without a head, and a person cannot live without a head! There must be a number one beauty in the love apartment. This is the rule of the world! In order to compete for the number one beauty, Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo must conduct a fair, open and just competition. A peerless showdown!"

"And Neo is their chosen fighting tool! They are competing. Whoever can conquer Neo with their charm will win the title of the most beautiful woman in the love apartment!"

"But what they don't know is that all this is actually Youyou's conspiracy!" At this point, Lu Ziqiao stood up and pointed at Tang Youyou!


"Me?" Tang Youyou pointed at herself in surprise.

"That's right, stop pretending to be little aunt, I've seen through you!" Lu Ziqiao smiled with a knowing sneer, "Actually, Neo is basically a tool you introduced. Your purpose is to use Neo to make Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo Killing each other, and you reap the benefits. In the end, after they both lost, you easily won the title of the most beautiful woman in the love apartment! Haha! Tang Youyou, you are my Lu Ziqiao's aunt, you are so cruel! "

"What, this is too ridiculous!" Tang Youyou collapsed and shouted, "Who is the most beautiful woman in the love apartment? Who is so boring that she would compete for such a damn title?"

"That's right, Zi Qiao, this is totally unreasonable. Yifei and Yu Mo are sisters. It's impossible for them to fight over each other for a little fame." Zeng Xiaoxian waved his hand and smiled.

"That's not necessarily true. Isn't it sung in the song?" Zhang Wei stood up, cleared his throat, and sang in a rich baritone: "One day we are still in love with each other, but the next day we will turn against each other. For the sake of old grudges, you will I am here for the Nine Yin Manual, hey! All the grudges and grudges that are right or wrong will come to nothing in the end..."

"Shut up!" Everyone shouted at him.


Zhang Wei sat back and said: "I just want to liven up the atmosphere."

"Zi Qiao's reasoning is totally untenable. How could Youyou be the mastermind behind such a kind thing?" Guan Gu magically said, "That's impossible! Besides, Hu Yifei already has her boyfriend Shen Gongzi, so it's impossible for her to mess around. Come."

"Then tell me, tell me why!" Lu Ziqiao spread her hands.

"New Ji Ci Dig this Mohe Duo!" Guan Gu magically stood up with his chin in his hand.

"Conan-kun!" Tang Youyou's eyes widened.

"The real reason is actually this!" Guan Gu's magical eyes flashed with wisdom, "Neo is actually innocent. He is indeed a fashion stylist, but his fashion ideas cannot be accepted by ordinary people. But he met Yu Mo, who had just lost love, and Yu Mo wanted to get out of her last failed relationship as soon as possible, so she was attracted by Neo's superficial appearance and became addicted to it and couldn't extricate herself!"

"As Qin Yumo's best friend, Yifei will never allow her good friend to be attracted by a superficial person like Neo, but she can't attack Yumo's aesthetic sense, because at this time Yumo is very Fragile, unable to withstand any blow!”

"After much thought, Yifei decided to sacrifice herself and take Neo away from Qin Yumo, regardless of the infamy! In this way, she would not only arouse Qin Yumo's fighting spirit, but also make Qin Yumo Save yourself from the wrong feelings on the other side!”

There were tears in Guan Gu's magical eyes: "In this way, a rescue operation that is not understood by the world began quietly. Yifei is simply too great!"

"How much misunderstanding can one love bear, how much misunderstanding can it survive the snowy winter..." Zeng Xiaoxian held his heart in his hand and sang affectionately.

"Shut up!" Everyone shouted again.

Zeng Xiaoxian shrank his neck and buried his head to pretend to be an ostrich.

"Don't tell me, Guangu's analysis - it really makes some sense." Zhang Wei said thoughtfully.

"What makes sense!" Tang Youyou said speechlessly, "Okay, okay, don't make random guesses. In fact, things are not what you think at all! The two of them are not fighting for Neo at all, but they both want to give up Neo other side!"

"How is that possible!" all the boys shouted in unison.

"It's true!" Tang Youyou explained, "Girls understand girls best, and only I can see the light and shadow of the sword!"

"Actually, Neo is just a poor man who was unintentionally involved in this Shura battlefield!" Tang Youyou narrated with emotion, "Yifei and Yumo don't like Neo at all. His lame fashion theory, It's impossible to impress Yifei and Yumo at all, but they all chose to hide their lies and pursue Neo, why is this?"

"Why!" all the men asked in unison, each of them looking like a primary school student taking a physiology class for the first time, full of curiosity.

"Because they all want to make each other believe that Neo is a handsome guy with fashion and content; they both want each other to get Neo! Only in this way, they will get rid of a strong rival silently, so that they can pursue without pressure Another man! And this man is the true love of both of them!" Tang Youyou's tone of telling the story was terrifying.

"It's too scary!" All the men gasped, all looking scared.

Zeng Xiaoxian stood up with a heavy face and said with a heartbroken face: "Actually, I don't deserve what they did for me at all! The palms and backs of my hands are all flesh..."

"Go to hell!" Everyone gathered around and punched and kicked Zeng Xiaoxian.

"Obviously, there is only one man who can attract both Yifei and Yumo in the love apartment!" Lu Ziqiao laughed at himself, "I am self-aware, this person is definitely not me!"

"It's not me either." Guan Gu magically said.

Zhang Wei looked left and right, and asked seriously: "Do you think it is possible..."

"No way!" everyone said in unison.

"Okay, I just want to confirm it for the last time." Zhang Wei pouted and said with a dark face.

"Why can't it be me!" Zeng Xiaoxian howled in grief and anger, "Why should it be Su Yi?"

Lu Ziqiao shook her head and patted Zeng Xiaoxian on the shoulder and sighed: "Teacher Zeng, please forgive me and accept the change. Facts have proved that you are already out!"

"I'm not willing to give in!" Zeng Xiaoxian shouted from his soul.

"Qiaodou sack!" Guan Guqingqi suddenly raised his eyebrows, "If what Youyou said is true, would Yifei and Yumo have started fighting in the apartment now?"

Everyone looked at each other, and then ran out of the bar in unison.

When going out, Zeng Xiaoxian, who had already run out, was stuffed in again by everyone.

"Teacher Zeng pays the bill!" everyone shouted in unison outside the bar.


Zeng Xiaoxian walked to the bar dejectedly.


Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo really had a quarrel.

But instead of exposing each other's shortcomings, they praise each other and belittle themselves crazily.

"Obviously you are excellent, so stop pretending to be Yu Mo! You are so gentle, unlike me, so fierce. No one has ever dared to chase me!" Hu Yifei said with a hypocritical smile.

"What's wrong? You are obviously better! You are so strong and independent. Unlike me, when I am broken up, I will just hide in the room and cry." Qin Yumo responded with a polite but embarrassing smile.

"You are excellent, you have been outstanding since you were a child!" Hu Yifei gritted her teeth, "Unlike me, no one has confessed to me since I was a child, because I look like a boy!"

"You are outstanding, you have been outstanding since you were a child!" Qin Yumo also said angrily, "Unlike me, when I was a child, I was so fat that no one cared about me!"

"You are excellent! I am morally corrupt. I secretly wore your skirt when I was a child!" Hu Yifei shouted with eyes wide open.

"You are excellent, but I am a bad person! I stole your snacks when I was a kid!" Qin Yumo was so angry that he clenched his fists and stamped his feet.

"No matter what you say, Neo is the best for you!"

"Nonsense, Neo is so good, of course only you are worthy of him!"

"Stop arguing! In fact, I think you two are both good!" Neo couldn't help but say, "How about we date separately for a while? Let me make this decision? At least it won't hurt your sisters. So affectionate!"

(# ̄~ ̄#)!

The two women looked at Neo expressionlessly.

"You actually want to date both of us at the same time?" Qin Yumo sneered, "How can you have the nerve to make such a boring request?"

"Do you think you are worthy?" Hu Yifei also raised the corner of her mouth, "Do you really think that you are the most fashionable?"

Neo was a little dumbfounded: "Don't you all want each other to get me? I want you to have equal opportunities."

"Ah!" Hu Yifei said with her hands on her hips, "Please, even if you can't see the situation clearly, at least you have some self-awareness, okay? You and Zi Qiao are actually the same kind of people, that is, God gave you a good skin, otherwise you will be These tricks of yours are not even worthy of carrying Zi Qiao’s shoes!”

"We tolerate poor craftsmanship, but poor character is a problem of your own quality." Qin Yumo said disdainfully, "We have been arguing for a long time, and you have been watching the show? Is it good? Are you For a man, if you act like a coward at a time like this, you have no sense of responsibility at all, what kind of man are you?"

"You..." Neo was shocked and angry, "How dare you play tricks on me!"

Hu Yifei sneered and clenched her fist loudly: "So what if I'm playing with you? If I don't play with you, are we waiting for you to play with us?"

"The rules of the river and lake are that you have to admit your mistakes and stand upright when you are beaten!" Qin Yumo laughed and said, "Neo, you have to admit that you failed in this round! If you fail, admit defeat openly and leave with dignity, but if It would be boring if you become angry from shame.”

Neo's face turned green and red. He looked at the two of them bitterly and said harshly: "The mountains are high and the road is far, let's wait and see!"

After saying that, he turned around and left.


As Neo slammed the door, the two women looked at each other and couldn't help laughing in unison.

"I'm really disgusted by him and can't stand it anymore!" Hu Yifei laughed so much that tears came down her face.

"Me too, are you talking to me about fashion? Tell me about styling? Please, this is what I do, I am the professional, okay?" Qin Yumo also laughed and held his stomach.

There is one more chapter, before one o'clock, to catch up on yesterday's chapter

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