The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 9 Bizarre Murder Case

"The deceased's name is Gao Yumei, 23 years old. People on the road call her Sister Amei, and she is the Lou Feng from the Bolan Street platform. The forensic doctor has examined the body, and it is initially determined that she died a week ago, that is, around the 28th of last month."

"She had many burns, cuts and bruises caused by being hit with blunt objects. There were dozens of them. There were also obvious signs of being tied up on her wrists and ankles, and there were signs of being violently violated. Apparently she died before her death. Suffered inhuman abuse and torture.”

"There were three fatal wounds, one in the throat and two in the heart. The murder weapon was a dagger, which was not found at the crime scene. It can be determined that the murderer first cut the deceased's throat. He was afraid that she would not die, so he cut the wound in her heart again. Stabbed twice."

"After the murder, the murderer calmly and carefully cleaned all traces in the room, then lifted up the mattress and stuffed the body under the mattress. He was afraid that the body would stink, so he bought a large amount of table salt and sprinkled it all over the body. All coated."

"It's because of this that the hotel's cleaning staff never found any corpses when cleaning the rooms during this period. The hotel's business is very good, and the hotel room where the corpse is hidden is occupied by guests every night. According to the hotel room opening records we obtained , this week, ten people have lived in this room."

"The body was discovered by the room attendant when the guest checked out this morning. When he checked the room, he found that there were black and red blood seeping out from the side of the bed, and the smell was very smelly, so he opened the mattress and found the body, and immediately Called the police.”

"We immediately sealed off the crime scene after arriving at the scene, but the murderer cleaned the scene very clean. We did not collect any fingerprints or valuable traces. What's worse is that the room was opened with the ID card of the deceased. According to the receptionist’s recollection, the deceased was the only one who went to check out the room. The hotel’s surveillance system can only save the video for one week before it will be automatically overwritten, so..."

"So, there are no clues about the murderer?" Su Yi asked after patiently listening to the police officer named Gao's statement.

"No." Police Constable Gao shook his head, "We also checked the surveillance cameras in nearby neighborhoods, but found nothing. However, if we can find out the deceased's enemies through the connections in the underworld, I believe there will be gains. This requires you. Remember to act, after all, anti-terrorism is your specialty."

Su Yi smiled nonchalantly and asked, "Then why do you conclude that the deceased died in a gang vendetta?"

Police officer Gao stared at Su Yi as if he were an alien: "If it's not a club, who would do such a cruel thing? If there is no hatred, why do you have to torture someone before killing someone?"

"..." Su Yi looked at this man speechlessly, and finally understood why his colleagues in the same group had such strong opinions on the police station below.

You can just find any excuse and push all the troublesome cases to O.

But this case is still - it's really nerve-wracking.

A woman was brutally murdered in a hotel room. The murderer pickled the body with salt like pickled cabbage and stuffed it under the bed.

Then for a week, guests in the guest room came and went, the young couples who rented the room, the white-collar workers on business trips, and the adults and mothers who were traveling. They had no idea that under the bed where they slept, a body was tortured and bruised beyond recognition. The female corpse was staring at them silently from across a mattress, from night to morning...

Thinking of this, Su Yi almost couldn't help but shudder.

It's so permeable. The job of a police officer is really not something that ordinary people can do without any psychological quality.

What's even more incredible is that in today's technological age, the streets are full of cameras, just like Skynet. A murderer killed someone in a downtown hotel and disappeared without a trace without leaving any trace.

Su Yi didn't know whether to admire the murderer's caution and shrewdness or to complain about the police's incompetence.

"Now, junior brother, in short, we have just taken over the case, and the information we have is what I just told you. The evidence at the scene and the testimonies of the hotel staff are all here. If there are no problems, they are here. Give me a signature, and then this matter will have nothing to do with our Mong Kok Police Station."

Police Officer Gao pushed the handover document in front of Su Yi and said with a smile: "Our director's attitude towards you was not good before. Don't take it to heart. He always talks like that. It's all work. Let's understand each other." .”

Su Yi sneered in his heart, these people really didn't take him as a little policeman seriously, even if he was from O Ji, they still bullied him.

The fat chief of the Mong Kok Police Station before yelled at him in front of dozens of policemen in the lobby on the first floor, saying, "Are all the O reporters dead? What is Zhao Yiming doing, calling a stupid newcomer?" Come and meet me..."

Then he casually sent the police officer named Gao to explain to him.

For a murder case of such a heinous nature, they just talked about it casually in the office without going to see the scene or visiting the witnesses. They just wanted to sign the handover form?

This is no longer a question of whether or not he complies with the rules and regulations, it is completely treating Su Yi like a fool.

Even if Su Yi is a fake policeman, he knows that if he signs this, he will really be a stupid goose and a stupid young man. Lu Mingzhe will definitely be disappointed in him, and a scolding + writing an inspection package is absolutely unavoidable.

After being bullied like this by the people from the police station below, for a long time, he, Su Yi, could not hold his head high in Oji, and he might even be sent out.

This is the current atmosphere in the Hong Kong Police Force. The situation of suppressing newcomers based on seniority has become so serious that it is unscrupulous.

Although Su Yi has never worked in the police force, as a commission-based worker, he has seen a lot of twists and turns in the workplace.

How bad can some people be?

He doesn't need any reason to harm you, he just wants to save trouble and do it conveniently.

As for what the consequences will be?

Whether you live or die.

This guy with the surname Gao and the fat director who made Su Yi unable to get off the stage on the spot are both such people.

And the most disgusting thing is that this kind of people are not so bad to everyone. They only trick newbies with no background. If they pose a slight threat to them, they are polite like gentlemen; if you have a good background, , then congratulations, you will see the aunt-like enthusiasm of the neighborhood committee.


Su Yi did not speak, but closed the handover folder with a smile, and then said to the senior police officer: "That's it, senior brother, I will study it when I go back and give you an answer as soon as possible."

After saying that, he stood up and walked out.

Police Constable Gao was confused for a long time by this standard official accent from the mainland. He didn't react until Su Yidu opened the door.

The contract was originally signed last Friday, but because of Saturday and Sunday, the contract was sent out today. If the status changes, it will probably be Thursday or Friday. In addition, I will update it twice before it goes on the shelves, and ask for another wave of recommendation votes.

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