The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 901 Mentality Change

After Su Yi finished his death performance, No. 032 told him that he would give him a big surprise, a gift that would "guarantee his satisfaction".

Now No. 032 mentions it again, obviously ready to fulfill his promise.

Su Yi couldn't help but look forward to it.

A gift that the director would call a "big surprise" would obviously not be too simple.

However, judging from the director's semantics, this "big surprise" seems to be related to the studio world of Love Apartment.

Sure enough, the next words of No. 032 confirmed this.

She laughed and said: "According to the company's rules, a studio will be permanently closed after completing its shooting mission. No matter whether it is an actor or a director, there is no way to return to the world of a studio that has completed its mission. But everything has its own Exceptions. For example, the company occasionally gives some benefits to directors who perform well, and one of the benefits is called 'set vacation'."

"As the name suggests, it allows you to go on a relaxing and comfortable vacation on the set. There is no time limit for the vacation. You can stay on the set as long as you want, or even a lifetime! On the vacation set, you don't have to be a transient passer-by, but a leisurely guest. Traveler.”

"Of course, you have to come back before you die of old age. The rule that death on set equals death in real life cannot be broken." No. 032 continued, "One advantage of a vacation set is that as long as you have the qualifications for a vacation on this set, you can Think of this resort world as your temporary return point. When your relaxing life needs a break from intense work, you can go directly from the resort world to the set, and then back here to continue your vacation as many times as you like.”

Speaking of this, No. 032 paused and said with a smile: "This death film "The Republic of China" is very valued by a big shot in the company. He rewarded me with a chance to take a vacation on the set, and I fought for this opportunity to give you, The vacation set is also set in this world.”

"Su Yi, you are recovering well on this set. I think this will be the place you need. You can always heal here, so that when you return to reality one day, you will never lose yourself. This surprise , are you still satisfied?”

Su Yi had mixed feelings and said: "Satisfied, director, thank you for taking such trouble for me."

No. 032 laughed and said: "We were a little unhappy when we first met, but the longer we get along, the more I appreciate you. I have said that I am different from 031. For the actors I admire, I would rather be with him Grow up together and become best friends. Su Yi, I hope you also treat me as a friend."

"I will." Su Yi nodded.

"You don't think the surprise ends here, do you?" No. 032 suddenly smiled mysteriously, "Although such a surprise is not bad, it can't be called a big surprise."

"I'm really looking forward to it now." Su Yi couldn't help laughing.

"You know the plot of this world, there are several fantasy time-travel scenes." No. 032 said with a smile, "What if I told you that in this magical studio world, all fantasies are not fantasies, but real scenes. ?”

"A play within a play?" Su Yi said in surprise.

"You can say that." No. 032 laughed, "This is the most interesting thing here. You can enter the sub-studio world in this studio world. This is a comedy show, so the fantasy sub-world can allow some very absurd and unusual things. Reasonable things exist, like super powers.”

Su Yi finally couldn't help but his eyes widened.

"For example, you will soon have the first opportunity to travel through the sub-world." No. 032 said: "Because you and the protagonists of this world each have their own brains, and all kinds of strange ideas will eventually give birth to your own. A superpower comes, and then you will enter the world of an anti-Japanese drama, where you will compete for the C position."

"I don't understand what you mean!" Su Yi said.

He seems to have developed a habit of speaking his mind directly.

"It means that you can fantasize about your superpowers, such as being able to fly, breathe fire, read minds, etc... You can even fantasize about making nuclear bombs with your hands." No. 032 laughed, "But in the end, you enter the stage of fantasy. After the world is over, your real superpower must be distorted and funny. It won’t be very strong, and it may even seem useless, but if you use it well, it can still play an important role.”

"Can this super power only be used in the sub-world?" Su Yi seemed to understand something, and his eyes gradually became expectant.

"This is the surprise for you." No. 032 looked at Su Yi with a smile, "Use your Gentleman Self-improvement Card and spend a certain amount of director points, and you can retain this super power forever. This is also a holiday studio The biggest hidden benefit.”

"This - doesn't it mean that the company will not let actors get something for nothing?" Su Yi was surprised and happy.

"First of all, the vacation set is only a benefit for the director, not the actors. This time I am giving my reward to you. This kind of gift is allowed by the company." No. 032 smiled, "Second, this kind of Superpowers are not skills you master, but an ability given to you by the company's rules. You only have the qualifications to use it, so it does not count as your acquisition."

"Lastly, and most importantly, you have to spend the director's points, not for nothing."

"Director points can be earned, but superpowers are hard to come by. Director, thank you so much this time." Su Yi said gratefully.

"Let's support each other." No. 032 said, "The film "The Rivers and Lakes of the Republic of China" has great hopes of winning awards and is very hopeful to compete for awards. But now there is a problem. Although your director points are enough, your identity is still Professional actor. If you win this time, your biggest reward will be that you don’t have to go to the set of Deathmatch and will be directly promoted to the front line. But if you are already a front-line actor before the awards, then once you win the award, the reward you will receive will be even greater. , it will almost decisively help your future. But what it is, I can’t reveal yet.”

No. 032 looked at Su Yi and said: "You have to think about this matter yourself. It is related to your own future, but you must give me an answer as soon as possible."

Su Yi pondered slightly and nodded slowly.

After chatting with Director No. 032 for a while, the two separated.

This time No. 032 really gave Su Yi a big surprise. For him, he can stay in this world forever. This is actually a bigger surprise than super powers.

You can create the future, but there is no way to make up for regrets.

The feeling of always being a passer-by is too painful. Su Yi longs for a perfect life.

In fact, when Su Yi learned that he could stay here for a lifetime, his mentality changed.

He felt that he no longer had to keep a distance from everything here.

Maybe it's time for him to embrace all the good things.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Su Yi received a call from David asking him to go to the bar.

Yesterday was the first day Jianghu Bar opened. Not only was the venue free, but it also invited ten bands to have a night of carnival. The investment alone was almost seven figures.

After spending such a large amount of money, you can't keep silent. David called Su Yi over to discuss the follow-up publicity plan and solve some problems that were exposed last night.

Before last night, Su Yi most likely wouldn't care about these things. Isn't it just money? It's worth spending money to buy happiness.

As for the fate of Jianghu Bar, just leave it to chance.

But now, Su Yi feels that it is better for him to use more snacks.

He was busy all morning, and at noon he ordered takeout with David at the bar.

During this period, both Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo called and asked if he would go home for dinner.

Jianghu Bar's opening party last night was a success, and its reputation spread quickly in the nightclub circle.

Since the bar is still adjusting its operating status, it currently only accepts reservations on the official website. Maybe it was because of the excessive excitement last night, but the number of reservations tonight quickly reached 500 people.

David is very excited because of this. Although Secondhand Rose is not coming tonight, another band with a similar reputation will be coming.

He regards Jianghu Bar as a career challenge, and he hopes to build it into a unique music live show signature in Shanghai.

He hopes that Jianghu Bar will win through word-of-mouth and make this 500-person show venue a hard-to-get-ticket music mecca.

Su Yi supported his ideal and generously stated that as long as the goal was achieved, bonuses would not be a problem, and even shares could be considered.

After finishing my business, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon when I got home.

Just as he was about to enter, he saw a letter on the ground at the door, signed by Zeng Xiaoxian.

He picked up the letter, read it, and went into the house.

In the living room, Hu Yifei, Tang Youyou and Lu Ziqiao were playing flying chess, and the rest were missing.

"Huh? Zi Qiao didn't go out for a walk today? That's rare." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Brother Xiao Yi!" Lu Ziqiao's eyes lit up immediately when he saw Su Yi, and he immediately waved his hands vigorously, "It was so exciting last night! Brother Xiao Yi, your Jianghu bar is so awesome, I give you 108 likes!"

"I'll add one, one hundred and nine!" Tang Youyou smiled and gave a thumbs up, "I just drank too much last night, and I still have a headache. By the way, Brother B, you were the one who helped me last night Did you come into the room? Thank you!"

"You're welcome." Su Yi said.

"Brother Xiao Yi, let's be honest here. Did you take the opportunity to do anything last night when you helped three girls into the room?" Lu Ziqiao showed a look that every man would understand.

"Ziqiao! Don't think that others are as dirty as you!" Hu Yifei raised her eyebrows, "Su Xiaoyi just sent us back to our room and didn't do anything!"

"I was just joking, why are you nervous!" Lu Ziqiao chuckled, grabbed the fries on the table and ate them.

"Who is nervous?" Hu Yifei said unnaturally, "I am angry!"

"Isn't Teacher Zeng here?" Su Yi smiled calmly and changed the subject. He shook the letter in his hand and said with a smile, "I picked up a letter signed by him at the door."

"He went to Taili." Lu Ziqiao replied casually.

"Letter? Could it be a love letter?" Tang Youyou guessed.

"Love letter?" Lu Ziqiao's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand and said, "Brother Yi, show me!"


Su Yi shrugged and gave the letter to Zi Qiao directly.

Zi Qiao got the letter and opened it without saying anything.

"Hey, Zi Qiao, this is Teacher Zeng's privacy, you better not peek in." Tang Youyou stopped him immediately upon seeing this.

"Who said I peeked?" Lu Ziqiao said confidently as he took the letter out of the envelope, "I read it openly! Besides, it is my unshirkable duty to help my brother authenticate love letters!"

"Hey, please, can you clean your oily paws before you do your duty?" Hu Yifei said with disgust in her eyes.

When Lu Ziqiao heard this, he put each finger into his mouth and wiped it clean. Then he proudly raised his chin to Hu Yifei and Tang Youyou.

"Vomit!" Hu Yifei and Tang Youyou both vomited.

However, Lu Ziqiao looked at the letter triumphantly for a few times, and his expression immediately changed. He put down the letter and ran away while retching.


"Did he make himself sick?" Tang Youyou said inexplicably.

"It should be about the letter." Su Yi asked as he walked to the kitchen, "Is anyone drinking Feizhai water?"

"No!" Hu Yifei and Tang Youyou both refused.

The latter curiously picked up the letter and read it: "Dear leader, I am your most devoted subordinate Zeng Xiaoxian..."

"Hey, Zeng Xiaoxian is a man enough to write a love letter to his boss?" Hu Yifei laughed.

"This is not a love letter, but a job application letter!" Tang Youyou said, and then continued to read.

When Su Yi came back from the kitchen refrigerator with a Coke and drank it while walking, the two women rushed into the bathroom while retching.

"As for it?" Su Yi was confused.

"Isn't it just a letter? How disgusting can it be?"

He picked up the letter and read it.


It's really disgusting.

The tone in the letter is flattering and vulgar to the extreme, and can really cause people extreme physical discomfort.

When the two girls came back after vomiting, Hu Yifei gave Su Yi a thumbs up: "You didn't react after seeing this? You're cruel!"

"Sister Yifei, Brother Xiaoyi, will Teacher Zeng wait for this letter to be used urgently?" Tang Youyou said, "I happen to be fine, how about I send the letter to him and go shopping by the way? Sister Yifei, Do you want to come together?"

"I'm not going." Hu Yifei shook her head decisively and refused.

"Okay, then I'll go by myself!"

After Tang Youyou left, Su Yi and Hu Yifei were the only two people left in the room.

Hu Yifei coughed unnaturally and asked, "Hey, I was drunk last night and didn't do anything embarrassing, right?"

"Yes." Su Yi said.

Hu Yifei immediately blushed, glared at him fiercely, and said, "Then forget it all, don't remember it!"

"This a bit overwhelming, isn't it?" Su Yi smiled half-heartedly.

"I don't care, anyway, you are not allowed to remember!" Hu Yifei glared at him, "Also, you are not allowed to tell anyone! Otherwise, I will fight with you!"


"Okay." Su Yi smiled and shrugged.

"That's pretty much it." Hu Yifei's expression softened slightly.

She glanced at Su Yi, pretending not to care and said: "Hey, Director Jiang's "Let the Bullets Fly" was released. I was bored and accidentally bought two movie tickets. Do you want to go and see it together? Of course, you If you don’t have time, forget it!”

There is still one chapter left at two o'clock, don't wait everyone, I will make up for what I owed yesterday.

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