No. 76.

Although Su Yi was not able to witness with his own eyes Hu Xiaofei's heroic appearance as he caused a disturbance at the Zhe Peng Gendarmerie Headquarters, he could guess the outcome.

He didn't think there was any way the little devil could crack the Heping shuttlecock exercise, which was extremely difficult for him.

He was lucky to capture Hu Xiaofei alive, and he might not succeed if he tried again, so he asked Su Xiaoer to take the initiative to reveal his identity and approach Hu Xiaofei, hoping to stabilize her and stop letting her kill him.

To be honest, if Hu Xiaofei was really brave, she would carry a few days' worth of dry food to find Su Yi.

There was no need to do anything, just sit there and watch Su Yi dance for three days and three nights. Su Yi would definitely collapse and die.

Hu Xiaofei actually didn't realize how powerful she was until now.

When she really realized this——


No one can be her opponent.

So Su Yi no longer expects to be Hu Xiaofei's enemy. His current strategy is to make Hu Xiaofei take the initiative to give up the idea of ​​killing him.

Of course this is not easy, even if Su Xiaoer takes action.

Don't forget that Su Yi also has a main mission, which is not to reveal his identity.

It was not only difficult to keep his identity as a traitor from being known to anyone, but also to make Hu Xiaofei give up the idea of ​​killing him.

Tang Xiaoyou had woken up, but her mouth was gagged and she couldn't say anything.

She was tied to the execution chair and unable to move.

Her eyes darted around in fear, not knowing what Su Yi was going to do to her.

Su Yi waved his hand and asked his men to go out first, leaving only Su Xiaoer.

Then he looked at Tang Xiaoyou and said with a smile: "I will release your mouth now and let you talk. But if you dare to ask me to shit, then I will ask you to eat shit! Whatever you ask me to shit, I will treat you to it." What! If you ask me to poop, I will treat you to eat as much as you want! If you ask me to poop a pound, I will treat you to a pound!"

Tang Xiaoyou's expression changed wildly, and he nodded vigorously like a chicken pecking at rice.

Su Yi then removed the rag stuffed in her mouth.

"One of our own, big brother!" Tang Xiaoyou immediately revealed his identity as soon as he could speak.

"I am an agent of the Yu Agency, a subordinate of Guan Gu Miracle, Mr. B, we are colleagues!" Tang Xiaoyou said hastily and sincerely, "It's really a flood that has washed away the Dragon King Temple. My family doesn't recognize my own family!"

"Who is one of your family members?" Su Yi sneered, "Yesterday and today, you wanted to kill me, but you showed no mercy at all! When you killed me, why were you not one of your family members? Or... …”

Su Yi stared at Tang Xiaoyou and asked, "Did Mr. Guangu ask you to kill me?"

"Of course not!" Tang Xiaoyou said hurriedly, "Mr. B, I am just following those two underground gangs to play around. I am loyal to the Great Zhe Peng Empire, Mr. B!"

"You traitor and lackey!" Su Yi spat.


"You... aren't you too?" Tang Xiaoyou said hesitantly.

"I'm not like you, I'm upright!" Su Yi sneered, "Even if I'm a traitor, I'm still a traitor, but I'm not like you, you idiot!"

Tang Xiaoyou forced a smile: "Interrogation is just interrogation, no personal attacks."

"Okay, then we won't attack." Su Yi said, "I checked your information and found that you are also a native of China. Your parents are patriotic businessmen. Your teacher is also a left-leaning writer. Your drama club often performs anti-war dramas. You are like this How can a person be an agent of the Fish Agency? "

"Because of love." Tang Xiaoyou said with blurred eyes.

"You won't be sad easily?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows.

"So everything looks happy." Tang Xiaoyou showed a sweet and longing expression.

Su Yi looked at her expressionlessly and said quietly: "After singing this song, do we want to sing another one about my beloved?"

"Occupational disease, occupational disease..." Tang Xiaoyou laughed along, "You also know that I am a popular singer in Lihua Palace Nightclub."

"In the past," Su Yi corrected, "the French boss of the Lihua Palace has placed a reward of 10,000 francs on your life in the newspaper. Those bosses who flatter you also spread the word that they will beat you every time they see you in the future. Once! If you go to the Huangpu River now, you can still see people holding banners saying, "Tang Xiaoyou, get out of the entertainment industry."

Tang Xiaoyou had a bitter expression: "It's over, my acting career has just fallen into a trough."

"It's not a trough, it's a dead end." Su Yi corrected again, "The price paid for love..."

"It's something I'll never forget." Tang Xiaoyou continued.

"..." Su Yi looked at her faintly, "Can you not accept the song?"

"Continue to sing our song?" Tang Xiaoyou asked again.

Then his expression froze: "Sauri! Saori, it's an occupational disease. I'll try my best to endure it..."

The veins on Su Yi's face twitched a few times and he said, "So, you became a traitor just because of your relationship with Guan Gu Qiyi?"

Tang Xiaoyou said seriously: "The love between Guan Gu and I transcends nationalities, hatred, and all entanglements in the world."

"For love, would you rather betray your country, betray your classmates and friends?" Su Yi asked, "This reason is not very convincing."

"You don't understand! There are very few women in the world who are crazy about love like me!" Tang Xiaoyou said, "Mr. B, have you ever risked your life for others in your life?"

"Uh ah..." Su Xiaoer suddenly shouted loudly.

Su Yi looked at him in horror: "What the hell, you too? Why are you shouting?"

"There's a bug in my throat." Su Xiaoer coughed twice.

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "You go out first."


Su Xiaoer nodded to Su Yi, turned around and walked out.

After Su Xiaoer left, Su Yi asked Tang Xiaoyou: "You betrayed your classmates and friends like this. When you came back from the dream at midnight, weren't you ashamed and uneasy about it?"

"I'm not made of iron! I also have a heart! I also have a liver! I also have feelings!" Tang Xiaoyou said sadly and angrily, "But what can I do? On one side is the righteousness of family and country, friends and family, but on the other side is my love! You failed At most, I will lose my country and my life, but what I will lose is my love!”

"Pan Zhoudan is invited!" Su Yi couldn't bear it and used a skill on Tang Xiaoyou.


Tang Xiaoyou's neck moved like a snake, and his facial features wrinkled together in pain, and he gasped: "Fuck..."

"You've been poisoned!" Su Yi looked up to the sky and sighed, "A woman in love is really unreasonable!"

Tang Xiaoyou gasped and said, "Mr. B, if you twist my neck again, don't blame me for asking you to shit!"

"What, are you hungry?" Su Yi asked.

"...Okay, I give in!" Tang Xiaoyou slumped his shoulders, "But I always felt that the conversation we just had was weird. Aren't you a big traitor? But in the conversation we just had, I felt like you were always trying to persuade me. Am I a good person?”

"Yes, I feel that Guan Gu wants to kill me, and you are from Guan Gu, so you are very dangerous to me." Su Yi said honestly, "But if you become a good person, Guan Gu will have no help. , he is much less of a threat to me.”

"But the underground party will also kill you." Tang Xiaoyou said, "I will attack you no matter where I stand, so does it matter who I belong to?"

"There is still a difference." Su Yi said.

He changed the subject: "Let's make an agreement."

"Say it!" Tang Xiaoyou said hurriedly.

"Guan Gu will definitely come to me later to ask for someone." Su Yi said, "I can hand you over to him, but you have to promise me that you can't attack me in the future."

"Okay!" Tang Xiaoyou agreed simply.

But Su Yi knew that she was just talking casually and didn't take her promise seriously at all, so he sneered and added: "If you attack me again but don't kill me, I will do three things!"

"First of all, if I don't do this job, I will capture you alive and feed you shit!"

Tang Xiaoyou's eyes widened in horror: "You are so perverted!"

"Second, I will take a photo of you eating shit and send it to all the major newspapers!"

Tang Xiaoyou looked frightened: "You beast!"

"Third!" Su Yi sneered, "I will catch Guan Gu Miracle in front of you, and then feed you shit in front of him! I will also give you fresh shit in your mouth in front of him. ! I want to see if your Guan Gu can still talk to you in the future!"

"No!" Tang Xiaoyou shouted in horror, "You devil! You are the most vicious devil in the world!"

"As long as you don't take action against me, nothing will happen, right?" Su Yi said with a smile, "Or, you'd better pray that you can kill me in one go, but you'd better be 200% sure Otherwise, I am 200% sure that I can capture you alive, capture Guan Gu alive, and feed you shit in front of him! "

Tang Xiaoyou trembled: "You are so poisonous! You are so poisonous! You are so poisonous!"

"I get bullied every time, be careful I will take revenge." Su Yi continued with a smile.

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a knock on the door outside.

Su Yi smiled and nodded to Tang Xiaoyou: "Excuse me."

He turned around and went out. The person knocking on the door was Su Xiaoer.

"Guan Gu is here and he wants to see you!" Su Xiaoer said.

"It came pretty quickly." Su Yi smiled and looked at Su Xiaoer, "Did you record it?"

Su Xiaoer took out a mini recorder from his pocket and said, "It's recorded. I just listened to it and it's very clear."

The reason why Su Xiaoer was present just now was to record Tang Xiaoyou's confession.

Originally, Su Yi thought that it would take a lot of words and tricks to get Tang Xiaoyou to confess, but he didn't expect that it wouldn't be necessary at all...

"Go quickly!" Su Yi said, "There must be many people looking for Hu Xiaofei and the others now, and this woman is not someone who can stay idle. Find her quickly and stabilize her!"

"Then I went to my cousin." Su Xiaoer said.

"go quickly."

After watching Su Xiaoer leave, Su Yi turned around and walked to the office on the side.

Miracle Sekiya was walking around the room anxiously.

As soon as he saw Su Yi push the door open and come in, his eyes lit up and he came forward.

"Su Sang, you must forgive Tang Xiaoyou..."

Su Yi was startled and hurriedly shouted: "Mr. Guangu! I can hand over Tang Xiaoyou to you! I will hand it over to you now!"

Don't tell me thank you!

The last visit made Su Yi feel guilty and pitiful towards Zhang Xiaowei, always feeling that he was sorry for this guy.

If it happened again, Tang Xiaoyou would probably feel forgiven if he let himself poop all over the floor in the future.

Guangu Miracle was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise: "Really, Su Sang? Are you really willing to hand over Tang Xiaoyou to me?"

Love is indeed magical. Guan Gu's Miracle had an above-average IQ before, but now when he encounters Tang Xiaoyou's incident, he seems to be wearing a halo that lowers his intelligence.

"Of course! You can take her away at any time!" Su Yi said sternly, "But Mr. Guangu, I could have handed Tang Xiaoyou to the Military Police Headquarters. Do you know why I had to take her back to No. 76 alone?"

Guangu Miracle's expression froze: "Why...why?"

"Because I know she is yours, Mr. Guan Gu!" Su Yi said lightly.

"How do you know?" Guangu Miracle asked cautiously.

"Don't forget what I do," Su Yi smiled coldly, "Mr. Guangu, if you don't trust me, you can tell me and I will just submit my resignation to the superiors! I can abdicate in favor of someone better, but what do you think? Isn’t it too much to just find someone to kill me without telling me?”

"No, Su Sang, you misunderstood this matter. I didn't let anyone come to kill you..." Guan Gu Miracle explained awkwardly, "It was the underground party who wanted to kill you. Tang Xiaoyou just happened to have the opportunity. She did not report this matter to me. , if she reports to me in time, I will definitely stop her and warn you! Believe me, you are the most friendly and loyal friend of our Great Zhepeng Empire, how could I kill you? "

"Really?" Su Yi looked deeply at Guangu Miracle.

"Of course it's true, please believe me!" Guangu Miracle said hurriedly.

Su Yi chuckled: "It doesn't matter whether I believe you or not. What's important is that if Mr. Guangu is still full of doubts about me, please tell me at any time. You don't even have to tell me explicitly, just hint to me, and I will take the initiative immediately. Resign and never mention to anyone that I resigned due to your influence.”

Guan Gu was moved by miracles. He looked at Su Yi for a long time before saying with a complex expression: "Su Sang, I feel your sincerity. Maybe I really misunderstood you."

"Misunderstandings will be eliminated sooner or later. The important thing is to be honest with each other!" Su Yi said, "Mr. Sekiya, I hope we can seek common ground while reserving differences and face common threats instead of engaging in unnecessary internal fighting."

Guangu Miracle nodded with a serious expression: "Don't worry, Su Sang, I will seriously consider this matter!"

"Miss Tang is next door," Su Yi said, "Mr. Guangu, I won't disturb you."

"Thank you, Su Sang!" Guangu Miracle said gratefully.

He originally thought that he would have to activate his skills to make Su Yi submit, but he didn't expect that Su Yi would give him face like this.

On the other side, Su Xiaoer left No. 76 and directly contacted the base area by telegram. He sent an emergency contact signal to the other party and designated Hu Xiaofei to meet him.

Su Xiaoer sent the signal in the name of passerby A. After receiving the message, the organization did not dare to neglect it and immediately informed the underground party in Shanghai, asking Hu Xiaofei to meet Su Xiaoer at the designated place as soon as possible.

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