The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 927 Super Power Upgrade

In the wilderness, the sunset glows.

The car finally stopped shaking.

A slender white leg stretched out from the car window, and the sunset reflected on the beautiful feet and jade toes carved from suet-fat jade, creating a holy halo.

Qin Xiaomo had unspeakable satisfaction on his face, resting his head on Su Yi's lap and looking at the sunset through the car window.

The evening breeze was blowing gently, and her naked body felt a little chilly. She took Su Yi's hand and placed it on her flat belly.

"That's great." Qin Xiaomo said sincerely, "How great would it be if we could leave everything behind and find a place where no one is around, just you and me, to spend the rest of our lives?"

Su Yi stroked her cheek and said gently: "Actually, I also want to stop, but it's a pity..."

"What's a pity?" Qin Xiaomo asked.

"It's a pity that the situation is not controlled by others." Su Yi said, "In life, there are always troubles of one kind or another, various constraints, shortcomings and pain."

Su Yi was talking about his own life, but Qin Xiaomo thought he was talking about his identity as a traitor.

Qin Xiaomo was silent for a moment and said quietly: "Xiao Yi, I feel more and more that people like you shouldn't sacrifice your life for the little Japs."

Su Yi said: "Let's not talk about work."

Qin Xiaomo sighed quietly: "Okay, if you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, if you marry a dog, follow the dog."

Just as Su Yi was about to reply, the terminal suddenly received a message——

"The side task 1 of the devil in color has been completed, and you have received the reward - the special function of dragging Pan Zhoudan to upgrade to version 2.0."

Damn it (sound)!

Su Yi's body suddenly tensed up and his eyes widened.

After completing the performance mission, you can actually upgrade your abilities?

This reward is awesome!

He almost couldn't wait to click on the introduction to version 2.0 of his own power——

When you point at the target person and shout "Please Pan Zhoudan", the person's neck will twist in a snake-like manner, and he will uncontrollably walk to and stand within one meter in front of you.

Su Yi was stunned for about ten seconds, and then he became excited!

Compared with the previous skills, this upgraded skill is like heaven and earth!

Although there is still no comparison with Hu Xiaofei's "Peaceful Shuttlecock Exercise", it is not inferior to Tang Xiaoyou's "Drowning All Beings"!

Su Yi instantly thought of several ways to use this skill, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became!

As soon as he moved, Qin Xiaomo noticed it immediately.

"Why do you want it again?" Qin Xiaomo said coquettishly, "I hate it!"

Su Yi said "uh" and was about to explain that it was an unconscious instinctive reaction caused by happiness in his heart when he heard Qin Xiaomo continue: "We agreed, we will come back three times today at most, no more!"


Su Yi's expression froze on his face.

The first thing that came to his mind was the prescription that Li Shuwen prescribed to him to strengthen his foundation and strengthen his health.

Two minutes later, the car began to shake rhythmically again.

After Tang Xiaoyou and Guangu Miracle separated, they were going to join Hu Xiaofei and the others, but she didn't expect that someone found her first.

"Miss Tang Xiaoyou, if someone wants to see you, please come with us." Two strong men stood in front of her.

Tang Xiaoyou's expression changed, and he quickly pointed at the two people in front of him and said two sentences:

"You're here to poop!"

"You're here to poop!"

Gu Gu Pu Pu Pu...

The expressions of the two strong men suddenly changed, and they couldn't help but started spraying, but Tang Xiaoyou turned around and ran away.

But before she could run two steps, she found that the way back was blocked, and four strong men were walking towards her from behind.

"You are..." she pointed at one of them and was about to shout.

The man's face changed wildly, and he shouted hurriedly: "Xiao Bu! Your eldest nephew Xiao Bu!"

Tang Xiaoyou's expression froze, and he swallowed the words that came to his lips.

The strong man who escaped the disaster wiped his cold sweat and said hurriedly: "Miss Tang, we don't mean any harm. Do you still remember that you have a nephew named Lu Xiaobu?"

"Why don't you remember?" Tang Xiaoyou said excitedly, "He is the only male in our house! He has been separated from us since he was a child, and there is no news! How do you know Xiaobu? Who are you!"

"Your nephew Lu Xiaobu has seen you and he recognized you!" the strong man explained, "so he sent us everywhere to look for you. He wants to see you."

"Take me to see him quickly!" Tang Xiaoyou said impatiently.

"Yes, yes, yes, but Miss Tang, can you please stop asking us to poop?" The strong man said with a bitter face, "Wouldn't it be a bit too polite for you to ask my two brothers to poop in their pockets when we meet for the first time? ?”

Tang Xiaoyou smiled sarcastically: "accidental injury, accidental injury..."

The strong man took out a hood.

Tang Xiaoyou immediately jumped back and assumed the posture of Huang Feihong: "What are you doing!"

"Miss Tang, I'm doing this for your own good." The strong man said helplessly, "Do you know how many people in the entire Demon City want to kill you? Especially the French boss of Lihua Palace, who offered a reward in the newspaper What about you! To be honest, if we weren’t so loyal to your eldest nephew, I would grab you to collect the reward with all my strength!”

"So you'd better put on a hood to avoid any unnecessary trouble."

Tang Xiaoyou stopped talking and said: "It's not that exaggerated, right?"

The strong man sneered: "There are already thousands of people marching by the Huangpu River to tell you to get out of the entertainment industry."

"Okay, I'll put on a condom!" Tang Xiaoyou's shoulders slumped.

After thinking for a while, she added: "It's a hood!"

On the other side, Su Yi finished his expedition and returned home with Qin Xiaomo, exhausted.

"Go back to your residence tomorrow and find an elder you trust." Su Yi said to Qin Xiaomo, "I will find a reputable person here to tell Najib."

"I have a special status and a bad reputation, and I don't want our wedding to become a gathering of traitors and Japanese, so I want to skip the wedding banquet. What do you think?"

Qin Xiaomo was ashamed and happy: "How can you ask me about this kind of thing? Just make the decision."

"I'll tell you in advance so that you won't be disappointed when the time comes." Su Yi said, "I promised to marry you in an eight-carriage sedan chair. This will not change. I just won't have a banquet. I will take you to buy some time tomorrow. A diamond ring. Forget it, a six-carat pigeon egg, but a smaller one is fine.”

"You don't want gold in your hands, but you want someone in your heart." Qin Xiaomo's cheeks turned red, he lowered his head to fiddle with his hair, and said softly, "You can make the decision."

Su Yi nodded: "You should rest first, I have to go out for a while."

"It's so late." Qin Xiaomo frowned, "Why do you still have to go to work? Is there any danger?"

Su Yi smiled and shook his head: "It's not dangerous."

"Then be careful." Qin Xiaomo has assumed the role of the little wife.

Su Yi must be careful, of course, because the person he is going to see tonight is Hu Xiaofei.

Although what Su Xiaoer said when he saw Hu Xiaofei was taught by Su Yi word for word, Hu Xiaofei also gave up the idea of ​​assassinating him.

But this is a nonsensical world, and everything cannot be measured by common sense.

If Su Yi really thought that he could sit back and relax and live in peace with Hu Xiaofei, then he would definitely die worse than Zhao Si'er's father.

Who knows if the wind blows wrongly, Hu Xiaofei will suddenly change his mind?

What if Su Yi was sleeping soundly one day and suddenly jumped up from his sleep and started doing shuttlecock exercises, then he would be miserable.

The shuttlecock jumped, and he didn't even get a chance to explain and beg for mercy.

If Hu Xiaofei had guarded him for several days and nights while carrying rations on her back, and watched him dance to death from exhaustion, then his death would have been unjust.

So letting Su Xiaoer stabilize Hu Xiaofei was only the first step.

Now he has to take the second step, to meet Hu Xiaofei in person and use both soft and hard tactics to convince her to cooperate with him and completely give up the idea of ​​assassinating him.

It's certainly not easy, and it's extremely dangerous.

To activate a skill, Su Yi had to point at the target and say something, while Hu Xiaofei's activation of a skill only required a thought.

Who knows when she will launch?

There is no warning and it is impossible to guard against it.

But Su Yi had to take this risk, and he had to deal with Hu Xiaofei's potential danger.

It's a pity that his main mission requires him to reveal his identity as an underground party member. Otherwise, as long as he reveals his identity to Hu Xiaofei, wouldn't all the trouble be solved?

However, the main task of not revealing the identity is the loophole Su Yi plans to take advantage of, and it is also the third step Su Yi wants to take.

Yes, he cannot reveal his identity, nor can he let Su Xiaoer reveal it, in any way, no matter how many detours, otherwise the main mission will fail.

But what if the operation is reversed?

It's just that the reverse operation involves greater risks and takes a long time.

So Su Yi was ready for a long-term fierce battle with Hu Xiaofei.

Su Yi first drove to the place agreed upon with Su Xiaoer. After the latter met Su Yi, he told Su Yi an address.

This address is Hu Xiaofei's hiding place.

"Cousin, since Hu Xiaofei has promised not to assassinate you, do we still need to provoke her?" Su Xiaoer couldn't help but said, "There are big differences in the organization on how to treat her. She is dangerous and troublesome now. ”

Su Yi shook his head and said: "Hu Xiaofei is indeed dangerous, but it is because of the danger that we have to control her, at least to ensure that she will not become our enemy. If we just keep her at a distance, what if she is used by the enemy?"

"It shouldn't be possible, right?" Su Xiaoer said.

"Nothing is impossible." Su Yi said lightly. He thought of Guangu Miracle's special ability "Craftsman's Spirit". This skill should be very powerful, but Guangu Miracle has not yet fully figured it out.

But this kind of skill that can affect people's minds and attitudes is very scary. Who knows whether Guangu Miracle will use it to influence Hu Xiaofei in the future and control Hu Xiaofei to deal with him.

"Don't worry, you have stabilized her. At least she will listen to me and won't give me a chance to speak." Seeing Su Xiaoer's worried look, Su Yi comforted him.

"I think it's best for you, cousin, to leave a way out for yourself as a final insurance measure." Su Xiaoer thought for a while and said, "For example, if you make some kind of signal mark on yourself, once you dance, This logo will be revealed, letting Hu Xiaofei know your identity. This will at least save your life when you are in the most danger."

"That's a good idea!" Su Yi couldn't help but his eyes lit up, but he didn't expect that the NPC Su Xiaoer actually gave him a very good suggestion.

He should indeed make himself a key to save his life. Make sure that Hu Xiaofei will stop immediately after seeing it, so as not to "die from exhaustion".

Of course, this key is Su Yi's last resort. It must not be revealed until the last moment. Once it is revealed, it means that Su Yi has given up on his main mission, actively exposed his identity as an underground party, and decided to save his life. .

But how to set up this final insurance measure?

Su Yi frowned and thought hard for a moment, and gradually came up with an idea.

"Once Hu Xiaofei's shuttlecock exercise is started, he can't do any movements except dance, and he can't say anything." Su Yi said, "But the expression on his face can still change. For this last insurance, just set it to a special expression."

"You meet Hu Xiaofei tomorrow and tell her that one day you meet someone who makes a special expression to her. This person is one of your own."

"What's the expression?" Su Xiaoer asked.


Su Yi made an expression with big eyes and small eyes, and a pursed mouth.

"That's the expression," Su Yi said. "This expression can only be known by the three of us. Tell her not to mention it to anyone, including her superiors. Unless she wants to kill me and I'm on the line between life and death, otherwise I won't I won’t make this expression easily.”

Su Xiaoer nodded: "I will see Hu Xiaofei again tomorrow and tell her about this insurance measure."

"Okay, you go back and rest." Su Yi nodded, started the car and left.

At the same time, at Lu Xiaoqiao's residence, her long-lost aunt and nephew reunited happily. The two hugged each other and cried. The scene was very touching.

"Little aunt! Who would have thought that my little aunt is actually a famous shitting heroine all over Shanghai!"

"My eldest nephew! Who would have thought that my eldest nephew would become the most powerful gang tycoon in the world!"

The two of them felt excited and finally got to the point.

"Little aunt, I was also present when you assassinated Mr. B that day. I made an appointment with Mr. B that day to talk to her about something." Lu Xiaoqiao said, "I vaguely recognized you that day, but I didn't dare to confirm, so I sent someone afterwards. Go down and give you a warning to evacuate immediately.”

"Let me tell you, we have no way to fight with a tycoon like you. How could you suddenly come here and tell us to escape? Now it's clear, it turns out to be your nephew." Tang Xiaoyou said with emotion, "Fortunately, I didn't accidentally hurt you that day. , otherwise, I wouldn’t have anywhere to cry.”

"Auntie, why did you go to assassinate Mr. B?" Lu Xiaoqiao asked seriously, "Who asked you to do it? Have you joined any organization?"

"No one asked us to take action, and I didn't join any organization!" Tang Xiaoyou said, "We are just a group of passionate young people, progressive students, who want to do something for this country, that's all."

"Really?" Lu Xiaoqiao looked unbelieving, "But as far as I know, the underground party in your school is very active. Auntie, you can't even lie to your nephew.

This chapter is a missed update

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