Anchang Town, Shaoxing.

This ancient and peaceful water town in the south of the Yangtze River suddenly welcomed a group of uninvited guests.

A group of men in black quietly poured into a winding and deep stone alley. Seeing this, the residents of the alley were so frightened that they closed their doors tightly for fear of bringing disaster to themselves.

Fortunately, this group of people didn't seem to be interested in ordinary people. They rushed straight to a house at the end of the alley and pointed their guns at the closed door.

The two leaders looked at each other and saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

The two looked at each other and nodded, then stepped forward together, one on each side, and slowly opened the two doors.

Then all the people swarmed in and pointed their guns at the owner of the house.

The owners of the house are in the yard, a man and a woman.

The man with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, fresh and handsome, and extraordinary bearing, is none other than Su Yi.

The woman's eyes are piercing, her head is furrowed, her eyebrows are furrowed, and she is charming and charming. She is Qin Xiaomo, and it is obvious that her belly is slightly bulging.

"Don't move!"

"Put your hands up!"

The men in black yelled at each other, but Su Yi and Qin Xiaomo in the field seemed as if they had not seen them.

The leader of the men in black emerged from the crowd, sneered and said in blunt Chinese: "Su Xiaoyi, you can't believe it? You have been hiding for more than a year, and we still found you!"

Su Yi didn't even look at him, but sighed and said to Qin Xiaomo: "The peaceful days are over."

Qin Xiaomo smiled at Su Yi: "Last month I discovered that you were paying attention to the news about Guangu Miracle and the others. Do you dare to say that these people can come to your door without you deliberately leaking the traces?"

"I can't hide anything from you." Su Yi couldn't help but laugh, "You are pregnant, we can't hide like this anymore. Some things should come to an end."

Qin Xiaomo thought he was talking about wanting to give herself a stable living environment, so she couldn't help but smile sweetly and said softly: "The best thing about being with you is that I don't have to think about anything. You always arrange everything clearly." In vain."

"Hey! Can't you see us!" The leader of the men in black shouted angrily, "I asked you to raise your hands, do you hear me!"

Su Yi still didn't look at him, but smiled and said to Qin Xiaomo, "Then let's go."

"Okay!" Qin Xiaomo stood up with a smile.

She just looked around and looked at the people in black surrounding her, and suddenly said: "I really feel sorry for you giegies who have worked so hard to come to us!"

The faces of the men in black changed drastically when they heard this, and their chests were bullied. They couldn't help but lower their heads and vomited loudly.

When they puke, they can't do anything.

Su Yi smiled and took Qin Xiaomo's arm through the crowd and walked towards the gate.

Before leaving the house, he took out a grenade from his pocket, pulled out the safety catch, threw it into the yard without looking back, and then pulled Qin Xiaomo and hid behind the wall.

Qin Xiaomo covered his ears tacitly.

next moment--


With a loud noise, the sound of vomiting in the yard suddenly stopped.

Su Yi took Qin Xiaomo's hand and left here without looking back.

"Xiao Mo, you go to the town next door and settle down first. I'll come back to you after I solve the problem."

"Be safe, Xiao B."

"rest assured."

So many Zhepeng agents died here, and the news spread quickly.

Over the past year or so, the five superpowers have established an intelligence team around them to facilitate communication, and they all received the news soon.

In Hangzhou, not far from Anchang Ancient Town, Lu Xiaoqiao and Zeng Xianer were very excited.

"It's him! It must be him!" Zeng Xian'er said excitedly, "It's been more than a year, and we finally have clues about him again!"

"It's a pity that those idiots Zhe Peng ruined our big event!" Lu Xiaoqiao scolded angrily, "We told them repeatedly not to act rashly when encountering Su Xiaoyi, but they just didn't listen. They are really stupid and arrogant!"

"We have to rush to Anchang Town quickly, otherwise it will be bad if the clues are lost again!"

Zeng Xian'er hesitated: "How about... we wait for the large forces to gather?"

"Wait for you!" Lu Xiaoqiao slapped him on the head, "Wait until the day lilies are cold!"

Magic City.

Hu Yifei looked at Officer Zhe Peng, who was about to expire, with a sneer on his lips.

"Why? Why? Aren't you a servant of Lord Guan Gu? Why are you enemies of us Zhepeng people?" Officer Zhepeng asked unwillingly before he died.

Hu Yifei sneered: "Because... my aunt woke up from my dream!"


She killed Officer Zhe Peng with one shot. She looked into the distance with a complex look in her eyes and murmured: "Yu Mo, Yu Mo, I didn't expect that in my dream, you actually took the lead!"

"But it's just a dream at best. If you don't do whatever you want, how can you be worthy of yourself? Just wait, I'm coming!"

Also in Hangzhou, on the Qinhuai River, there is a fireworks place called Zhang's Rich Woman Happy Club, and the business is very booming.

Many women with their faces covered come here to queue up just to experience the feeling of taking off.

They lined up to enter a room. They were shy and expectant when they entered, but when they left through the back door, their faces were filled with unspeakable satisfaction and happiness.

"Aunt Liu, I'm sorry, my price is already small profit but quick turnover, it can't be any cheaper!" Zhang Xiaowei sighed and said to the fat old woman in front of him, "Although you come to our business every morning, noon and evening, I I have already applied for a membership card for you and enjoy the lowest 50% discount, what else do you want?”

The fat woman opposite begged: "Master Zhang, please, I've been riding on your back for half my life, just let me take off just once. Please, do you want me to kneel down for you?"

"Forget it, forget it!" Zhang Xiaowei waved his hands hurriedly and sighed: "I am a soft-hearted person, so I don't want a woman to beg me. Oh, forget it, I'll satisfy you, but I won't do it again! Even if I'm like you, my business is still there. How to do it?"

"Yes, yes, I promise there will be no next time!" The fat woman was overjoyed, "Thank you, Master Zhang, thank you, Master Zhang!"

Zhang Xiaowei shook his head, picked up the coins on the table, pointed at the fat woman, and said with a smile: "I bet there are no bullets in your gun!"

"Ah -" the fat woman opened her legs, and a sound seemed to come from deep in her pelvic cavity. Her expression was full of pleasure and enjoyment, and her body was twitching slightly.

Zhang Xiaowei smiled proudly when he saw this.

At this moment, there was a very noisy sound outside, and a boy ran in panicking and yelling.

"It's not good! It's not good! Something bad is happening!"

"Why panic!" Zhang Xiaowei scolded, "What's wrong? She's obviously very good! And she can't get any better!"

"That's not what I'm talking about, shopkeeper!" The boy said with a sad face, "Many men have come to our place to protest and march. The person leading it is quite famous. He is the scholar who has been scolding you recently, saying that you, shopkeeper, are shameless. You are a scum, a demon that poisons thousands of women, and you also say that your superpower is spiritual opium! Back then, Lin Zexu sold out cigarettes in Humen, and today he will follow the example of his ancestors and go to Qinhuai River to sell it!"

"Arrogant?" Zhang Xiaowei gritted his teeth, "He is really arrogant! I can't stand it even if he scolds me in the newspaper, but he comes here to make trouble! It's really unbearable for uncles and aunts. Can aunts tolerate third aunts? I can't bear it. !”

What is this mess?

The boy's expression was blank.

He immediately reacted and hurriedly explained: "Shopkeeper, when I say arrogance, I don't mean arrogance with an arrogant attitude, but destroy your Zhang Xiaowei!"

"Hey!" Zhang Xiaowei raised his eyebrows and stood up, "You still want to destroy me? How many people are so drunk? How many of them are there?"

"Thousands of them," the boy replied.


Zhang Xiaowei's legs went weak and he slipped under the table.

"The shopkeeper!" The boy's expression changed drastically and he hurriedly helped Zhang Xiaowei up.

"Quick! Run!" Zhang Xiaowei said with trembling lips, "Go through the back door and prepare the car!"

Zhang Xiaowei ran away decisively, leaving the country he had worked so hard to build and his great career in full swing.

The only person accompanying him was the clever boy from before.

The young man drove Zhang Xiaowei out of the city in his car. The young man asked Zhang Xiaowei: "Shopkeeper, where are we going now?"

Zhang Xiaowei sighed and said: "I originally thought that I could escape from the world of mortals and no longer step into this turmoil, but I didn't expect that I couldn't escape in the end. It's all my life! Go to Anchang Ancient Town."

On the official road from Shanghai to Hangzhou, Guan Guqi's expression was numb and he was hurried along in the dust.

He has been gone for more than a year. If Tang Xiaoyou hadn't been with him all the time, he really wouldn't have been able to hold on, and he might have committed suicide long ago.

He had been abandoned by the Zhepeng people a long time ago, and was even regarded as a shame by the Zhepeng people.

The only motivation that keeps him alive now is Tang Xiaoyou, who has been accompanying him since then.

If given another chance, Guangu Miracle vowed that he would never provoke Su Xiaoyi again.

Tang Xiaoyou drove a car, pulling dry food, water, a change of clothes, etc., and followed Guangu Miracle.

Guangu Miracle was on the road 24 hours a day. It was impossible to keep up with him if he wanted to walk, so driving was Tang Xiaoyou's only choice.

Tang Xiaoyou was struggling while driving.

She also got the news that Su Xiaoyi was suspected of appearing again in Anchang Town, Shaoxing, but she didn't know whether she should leave Guangu Miracle and go find Su Xiaoyi first.

After all, for more than a year, every so-called clue has left her disappointed.

The first ones to arrive at Anchang Ancient Town were Lu Xiaoqiao and Zeng Xianer

Using Lu Xiaoqiao's skills, the two rushed to Anchang Town in less than two hours and arrived at the yard where the accident occurred.

The local police were already handling the scene. After the two arrived in Anchang Town, they immediately started visiting and investigating, trying to find out Su Yi's whereabouts.

Lu Xiaoqiao had just come out of a tavern and walked straight into the pawn shop next door.

"Shopkeeper, I want to ask you something, something, something..." Halfway through his words, his eyes widened in horror and he couldn't go on.

He saw Su Yi sitting on a chair and looking at him with a smile.

"Su, Su Xiaoyi!" Lu Xiaoqiao called out in a trembling voice, his face instantly turning pale.

He suddenly came to his senses, turned around and ran out, shouting loudly: "Swallow! I can't do it without you..."

"Invite Pan Zhoutan!" Su Yi interrupted him calmly.


Lu Xiaoqiao moved her neck like a snake, turned around and walked towards Su Yi.

Su Yi stood up and walked out with a smile, passing by Lu Xiaoqiao.

Lu Xiaoqiao walked to the stool where Su Yi was sitting just now and sat down with a horrified expression, then stood up again and walked out following the path Su Yi had just taken.

Su Yi held his hands behind his back all the way, and soon found Zeng Xian'er. Zeng Xian'er was startled when he saw Su Yi, and immediately turned his head and pretended to be thinking about the wall, and muttered: "You can't see me, you You can't see me, you really can't see me..."

Su Yi pointed at him with a half-smile: "Please, Pan Zhoudan!"

"Ah!" Zeng Xianer screamed, his neck moved like a snake, and he also walked towards Su Yi.

Su Yi turned around and left calmly.

He led Zeng Xianer and Lu Xiaoqiao directly out of the ancient town and followed the official road towards the Magic City.

Halfway through, he met Zhang Xiaowei who was driving in. Zhang Xiaowei saw Su Yi walking leisurely from a distance, with two followers falling far behind him.

He thought it was because he was dazzled, but when he took a closer look, he realized that it was real. He was frightened and hurriedly ordered his boys to turn around.

But the boy got into trouble while he was busy and actually turned off the fire, and then it couldn't be started no matter how hard he started it.

So Zhang Xiaowei watched as Su Yi walked up to the car with a half-smiling smile and knocked on his car glass.

Zhang Xiaowei trembled and lost all hope.

He got out of the car tremblingly and forced out a smile that was uglier than crying: "Mr. B, I want to say that I am actually here to seek refuge with you. Do you believe it?"

"What do you think?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

Without waiting for Zhang Xiaowei to speak, he followed up and said calmly: "I've also heard that your superpower has another function, but if you dare to use it on me, I guarantee that you won't be able to fire another bullet. "

Zhang Xiaowei subconsciously covered his crotch and nodded in fear: "I understand! I understand! Mr. B, it's because that bastard Guan Gu Miracle used his superpower on us that we became enemies with you..."

"Huh?" Su Yi was surprised when he heard what he said, "You didn't come here to kill me and save your master?"

"Of course not!" Zhang Xiaowei said hurriedly, "Actually, as early as half a year ago when I earned my first house and first car in my life, I became sober. I shouldn't have to sacrifice my life for the Guan Gu Miracle."

"The reason I'm here is because my business can't continue, so I just came here to try my luck to see if I can meet you. This will finally give an explanation to Guan Gu Miracle, and we'll be settled."

Su Yi was a little stunned.

Zhang Xiaowei's situation is not because Guangu Miracle's super power has failed, but as time goes by, Zhang Xiaowei has come up with many ideas and put them into action, gradually forming many things that are contrary to Guan Gu Miracle's will. Over time, the idea of ​​serving Guan Gu's miracle gradually faded away, but it did not disappear.

At this time, as long as he sees Guan Gu Miracle again and asks Guan Gu Miracle to give him another "Listen to me and thank you", Zhang Xiaowei will immediately devote all his life to continue working for Guangu Miracle.

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