Once upon a time, we still had dreams about rock and roll and the future.

Later, when I woke up from the dream, nothing in the dream could be brought into reality.

Su Yi took over the band and he led the band to arrange a new song.

After this incident, everyone was actually holding back a sense of anger, an inexplicable anger that needed to be vented.

There was a lot less laughter and a little more seriousness.

Of course, this is not because of Cheng Gong, but because of the confusion in everyone's heart.

Including Su Yi, he was also confused.

Everyone has a common idea, that is, all their questions and confusions will be answered after completing this matter.

So – don’t think about anything yet, just rock!

Rehearsal, day after day.

No one complained, no one was absent, everyone practiced from dawn to dusk.

On September 24, Su Yi walked into the rehearsal room with an invitation letter and clapped her hands to attract everyone's attention.

He looked around, a smile gradually forming on his lips.

"Tonight's celebration of Ji'an's 106th anniversary organized by the municipal government will be held at the Municipal Cultural and Sports Comprehensive Center." Su Yi raised the invitation letter in his hand, "This is the final invitation letter to confirm the performance list. Our Tengu Band will Perform on stage.”

"City government!" Hu Liang was stunned. "In other words, the city leaders will be on site?"

"Not only the city leaders, but also the provincial leaders." Su Yi said with a smile.

"In other words, Da Guitar can be saved?" Hu Liang said in disbelief, "We have hope?"

Su Yi smiled and nodded.

Hu Liang grinned, as if he wanted to smile, but also seemed to want to say something, his expression was very ugly.

Then his tears suddenly fell.

He stepped forward, hugged Su Yi, and patted Su Yi hard on the back, unable to say a word.

Ding Jianguo suddenly turned red and turned his back.

Yang Shuangshu raised the corners of his mouth and touched Xixi's head.

That night, Ji'an's annual celebration was grandly held.

This year's Ji'an City Establishment Celebration was sponsored by local caring entrepreneur Ding Yuanchao, who specially invited the famous Northeast comedian Yang Shulin. The scale of the event was quite large, so it attracted a lot of attention. The venue, which can accommodate 20,000 people, was packed.

Reporters and film crews from provincial and municipal TV stations, as well as major media and online platforms, were all present. The event was very crowded and grand.

When the show started, more than 100,000 people were watching the party online at the same time on the live broadcast platform.

As the largest sponsor of the party, Ding's father sat in the front row and delivered a touching speech.

Backstage, Ding Jianguo, who saw this scene on his mobile phone, curled his lips and raised his neck to Su Yi: "What kind of ecstasy did you give my dad? Why is he obeying your words now?"

"How do you know that this was not your father's idea?" Su Yi said without looking back.

"He has always opposed me playing music." Ding Jianguo said, "How could he go to such lengths to create opportunities for me? It must be because of you! Didn't you two collude with each other when it came to Cheng Gong?"

"That's called telepathy and tacit cooperation." Su Yi corrected, "Anyway, when we save the big guitar and it becomes popular all over the country, you will know everything. Even if I tell you now, you won't understand."

The door opened, and Yang Shuangshu walked in from the door holding Xixi.

"Brother Eleven, Sister Jianguo, I just saw Sister Linghua from Peacock Legend!" the little girl shouted excitedly, holding a piece of signature paper.

Because of money, the Tengu Band's performance was scheduled during prime time.

Forty minutes after the party started, before Yang Shulin’s sketch, it was time for the Tengu Band to perform.

Before the Tengu Band, there was the dance of the Provincial Art Troupe. Dozens of dancers presented a beautiful visual feast on the stage, winning thunderous applause from the whole house.

This was the most exciting program since the show started, fully arousing the enthusiasm of the audience.

After the dance ended, the audience was a little excited and chatted about the show just now.

At this moment, the host walked onto the stage and started announcing the curtain.

He first fondly remembered the rock and roll sentiment of Ji'an, a rock city for the past twenty years, and then said in a passionate and high-pitched voice: "Now, we would like to ask Ji'an's local rock band, Tiangu Band, to bring us their music. Original song "Your Answer", applause - please!"

After a burst of sparse applause, the curtain slowly opened.

The stage was dark, and a few figures could be seen faintly, standing still and silently in the darkness.

At this time, the audience was still immersed in the dance, whispering and discussing among themselves.

For everyone, they came to see Yang Shulin's sketch and listen to the most dazzling Chinese style of Peacock Legend. The dance just now definitely gave them an unexpected surprise.

No one cares about this band on stage, local? Still rock and roll?

It sounds very rustic at first glance.

Of course, there are also a very few people who are very excited and say to the people around them: "I know them! They performed everywhere a few days ago, and the song "Choose C for All" they sang was very nice!"

"But the host just said what they were singing - what's your answer?"

"Hey! Why don't you sing "Choose C"? Isn't that stupid?" the man said in annoyance.

Regardless of the reaction in the audience, on the stage, the performance begins.

At first it was just a very ethereal electronic sound, which grew from weak to strong, from far to near.

Then, a more ethereal female voice began to sing, as graceful as the wind and as ethereal as the clouds.

The whispering audience in the audience was instantly caught by the words, and they all raised their heads and looked at the stage.

However, the stage was still dark.

Only his voice is heard, but his person is not seen.

The chant gradually became louder and clearer, and after a few tunes that were as sweet as an oriole's, it seemed to take everyone up to the sky.

At this moment, all the audience members were staring at the stage, wondering who was singing this heavenly sound.

In the live broadcast room, the screen that had been silent just now was instantly filled with barrages!

The screen is filled with complimentary messages such as "Awesome", "666", "Goosebumps" and the like.

At a certain moment——


A beam of light suddenly shone on Ding Jianguo, who was wearing a wreath of flowers on his head and a long white dress.

She was like a swan, stretching her arms and singing loudly.

When the lights suddenly turned on, the accompaniment of keyboards, guitars, drums, and all instruments sounded at the same time!

Everyone who was seeing this scene was involuntarily shocked in their hearts by the sudden rich music!

"Maybe the world is like this, and I am still on the road, and no one can tell me," Ding Jianguo sang softly to the microphone amid the music.

She smiled, closed her eyes, put her index finger on her lips, and made a silent gesture.

Then, the lights gradually dimmed.


"Maybe I can only remain silent, with tears moistening my eyes, but I dare not be cowardly..." Hu Liang's voice sounded, and the lights gradually brightened again, hitting his tear-stained face, and he was seen singing seriously.

"Keep your head down, look forward to the day, accept all the ridicule..." Xixi smiled and melted everyone's ears with her childish voice.

"Face the wind, embrace the rainbow..." Yang Shuangshu's vicissitudes of voice followed. His voice was a little hoarse and trembling, but his look was extremely determined.

"Be brave and move forward——" The old man's eyes were red and veins popped out on his face.

He raised his neck and let out the most powerful roar.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After four drum beats that seemed to hit people's hearts, Su Yi's high-pitched voice sounded: "The light of dawn will transcend the darkness and break all fears. I can find the answer!"

Everyone together: "Even if you have to go against the light, dispel the darkness, throw away all the burdens, no longer alone, no longer alone..."

Under the stage, the cheers and applause were like mountains and like thunder!

The people who stood up and clapped excitedly were like waves of wheat stirred by the wind.

It is recommended to listen to Huang Xiaoyun's version of "Your Answer" to enjoy this chapter.

Anyway, that’s how I wrote it.

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