The reincarnator has just retired and is entering the horror game again?

Chapter 109 Now tell me, who is qualified to be the No. 444 bus driver?

The ghost energy contained in a ghost coin.

Compared with the ghostly aura emitted by the several green-clothed ghosts covering the entire car at this moment, it was too small and not worth mentioning.

Of course, the appearance of the ghost coin in Li Yinchuan's hand could not escape the ghost driver's perception.

The ghostly driver's eerie gaze wandered up and down Li Yinchuan's body.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but I could vaguely see a strange, mocking smile on the ghost driver's face.

"You still want to resist? Just rely on this ghost coin?"

The ghost driver didn't care about this ghost coin at all.

Even if there were hundreds of times more ghost coins, they would not be worth mentioning in front of a top-notch green-clothed ghost like Ghost Driver, and would be easily wiped out.

But Li Yinchuan's face did not show any anger at the ghost driver's sarcasm.

Instead, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Isn't this one ghost coin enough? I'm afraid that if I use a few more ghost coins, this copy will be destroyed directly."

After hearing this, the ghost driver wanted to say something else.

But the ghost coin in Li Yinchuan's hand disappeared instantly.

There was only a faint ghostly aura left in his palm.

This faint ghostly aura is more like a drop of water than the entire ocean compared to the ghostly aura of the several green-robed ghosts enveloping the entire No. 444 bus at the moment.

But the next moment!

When this ghostly aura disappeared from Li Yinchuan's body.

The ghost driver's expression changed instantly.

at the same time.


Li Yinchuan's body spread with a "ghost energy" that was more terrifying than all the ghosts in the car combined.

The moment the ghost energy belonging to the ghost drivers came into contact with the "ghost energy" on Li Yinchuan.

The ghostly auras of the ghost drivers and several evil spirits were completely wiped out.

At the same time, the ghost energy accompanying the ghost driver and several people in the bus is no longer covered.

The strange figures that originally appeared in the seats of the car disappeared instantly.

The strange figures who originally reached into the car from outside the car showed a hint of panic when they sensed the "ghost energy" emanating from Li Yinchuan.

But before the strange figures outside the car tried to escape, Li Yinchuan's "ghost spirit" spread out.

Those strange figures outside the car were completely wiped out.

The live broadcast that was originally a bit blurry due to the ghostly auras of the ghost driver and several people suddenly became clear at this moment.

The audience in the live broadcast room was completely shocked when they saw the scene in front of them.

But at this moment, only the ghost driver and a few real ghosts were left in the car, as well as six players including Li Yinchuan.

But not even one of the remaining weird figures could be seen.

[: This...what the hell happened. What about the weird things happening in those seats, and what about the weird things happening outside the car! Why was it all gone all of a sudden? 】

[: This, this, this scene feels so familiar to me! 】

Immediately afterwards, the audience member who said the scene in front of him was familiar finally remembered the source of the familiarity.

【: Oh my god! I remembered, this is the traditional performance of the anchor, the screen is full of monsters! The anchor has done this operation before when entering the Mist Manor dungeon and the Weird Mine dungeon! 】

That time at the Mist Manor, I faced countless strange mists on the first floor of the manor.

Li Yinchuan only used one blow, and the fog and strangeness in the entire building disappeared.

That time in the Weisen Mine, it was strange to face the corpses of seventy or eighty miners who were chasing other players.

Li Yinchuan also only used one blow, and the strange corpses of the seventy or eighty miners who were chasing him were also gone, not even the dregs were left.

The scene in front of me is so similar to Li Yinchuan's previous two attempts to clear the screen of mobs! Even worse than the previous two operations.

After all, as the difficulty of the dungeon increases, the strange strength in the dungeon will naturally not always be at the same level.

The weirdness that appears in powerful dungeons is even comparable to the real ghosts in low-level dungeons.

The ghost drivers on the No. 444 bus have all shown the strength of the top Qingyi, and the accompanying weirdness may have the strength of ordinary white-clothed or even top-level white-clothed ghosts.

But even so, there were countless weird things inside and outside the car that were comparable to the white-clothed ghosts, but they were all completely wiped out by Li Yinchuan's blow!

Think of this! Even the originally despairing audience couldn't help but tremble with surprise.

An incredible thought even occurred in the minds of countless viewers.

Li Yinchuan can't really fight against so many evil ghosts like the Ghost Driver with his own strength.

As for Chi Su and others, they have long been ignored by the audience.

The fighting strength of Chi Su and others, and Chi Su Qingyi's strength can barely help a little.

Soon he looked towards the live broadcast room again.

The viewers in the live broadcast room seemed to have discovered something, and their eyes suddenly widened.

Countless eyes followed the live broadcast to the ghost driver and the group of ghosts near Li Yinchuan.

But at this moment, the ghost driver and other ghosts' eyes no longer had the eerie or vicious look before.

Faintly, the audience in the live broadcast room can clearly see it.

The ghost driver and other ghosts had a look of fear in their eyes.

The target of panic was none other than Li Yinchuan, who was standing in the driver's seat at this moment.

【: What the hell! Ghost drivers, are they afraid of the anchor? Isn't this ghost driver a top-notch Qingyi ghost? And there are so many ordinary Tsing Yis around. 】

At this moment, even if the audience was thinking hard, they could not figure out the reason why the ghost drivers were afraid of Li Yinchuan.

Such a terrifying lineup of ghosts is enough to suffocate even the top Tsing Yi players with 19,999 combat power.

Suddenly! An incredible thought occurred in the mind of this spectator.

[: Wait, tell me! The strength of the anchor will not...have already reached the red one! 】

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the live broadcast room exploded.

[: Three copies, has the strength reached the red one? This is impossible! Which red-shirted player has not experienced dozens of dungeons before he can become a red-shirted player. 】

There are even some top Tsing Yi players who choose to actively enter the dungeon in advance in order to become Red players earlier.

Others avoid the thrilling dungeon once every seven days, but those players even feel that the frequency is too few.

And the difference in number between dozens of times and three times is at least ten or twenty times.

Three copies, with the strength of top Qingyi, this is the highest strength that players can imagine.

As for red clothes, that is something that players dare not even think about.

There are many people who have followed Li Yinchuan during his last few live broadcasts, as well as old viewers who have great trust in Li Yinchuan's ability.

But... the fear of the ghost drivers in the copy cannot be faked, making many viewers doubt their lives.

At this moment, Li Yinchuan in the copy made another move.

The ghost energy transformed from the previous ghost coin has now been consumed by Li Yinchuan.

A ghost coin can be used to cover up the slightest hint of strength revealed by Li Yinchuan and it is enough to take one shot.

What Li Yinchuan told the ghost driver earlier about using a few more ghost coins and even being afraid of destroying the copy was not nonsense.

Because there is a limit to the power that a ghost coin can conceal.

Up to now, the reason why Li Yinchuan only used one ghost coin when he actually took action was that the power of one ghost coin was enough to deal with the evil ghosts in the copy.

Naturally, it can be used if you use a few more, but it is not necessary, and it will only use more strength.

Exploding the copy might even cause a peek at the source behind the horror game.

Li Yinchuan, who didn't want to return to the main god space so early, naturally wouldn't do this.

After coming back to his senses and looking at the ghost driver in front of him, Li Yinchuan had a faint smile on his lips.

"Now, tell me, who is qualified to be the driver of bus No. 444?"

But at this moment, the ghost driver was already shaken by the terrifying "ghost energy" that Li Yinchuan had previously revealed.

In the moment when Li Yinchuan showed his aura just now.

The ghost driver can clearly feel that it is a power that can wipe him out in an instant.

Even if he is a top-notch Qingyi, there is no chance of survival.

Although the ghost driver is not the strongest top level green-robed ghost.

But even the most powerful and top-notch Tsing Yi Ghost can't cause such a deterrent to the ghost driver.

The only possibility is the human being in front of you!

It's above Tsing Yi!


This title is not only for the players, but also has a great deterrent effect on the ghosts under the red clothes.

Above the red clothes and under the red clothes are two completely different concepts.

For a moment, the ghost driver felt fear coming from his heart.

At the same time, a hint of danger flashed through Li Yinchuan's eyes again.

"Didn't you hear me asking you, who is qualified to be the driver of bus No. 444?"

For a moment, the ghost driver's body could not help but tremble slightly.

A pair of horrified eyes looked at Li Yinchuan.

There is no doubt that if his next answer does not satisfy Li Yinchuan.

He will be directly obliterated.

The ghost driver's voice no longer sounded eerie, only full of panic.

" are the most qualified to be the driver of bus No. 444!"

When they heard this, Chi Su and the others beside the driver's seat, who had just recovered, were dumbfounded again.

For a moment, Chi Su and others even thought they heard it wrong?

It wasn't the ghost driver who originally said that the driving seat belonged to him. Wasn't Li Yinchuan not qualified to sit down?

Why did the ghost driver suddenly admit that Li Yinchuan was more qualified to be a No. 444 bus driver than him?

The changes before and after are terrifying.

For a moment, even Chi Su and others did not react.

The atmosphere of despair that had previously enveloped him had completely dissipated after the ghost driver gave in.

It seems that the most cowardly person in the car is the ghost driver?

In fact, except for the ghost driver, he can barely stand and answer Li Yinchuan's questions.

The other ghosts had already fallen limply to the ground.

Even those Li Gui girls whose strength was not as strong as Qing Yi had already fainted under the terrifying ghost energy of Li Yinchuan just now.

The scene inside the bus made the audience in the live broadcast room equally dumbfounded.

Didn't Li Yinchuan and the others agree that they were stuck in a dungeon bug and would have to face the real horror from the dungeon?

But now, what about the true horror of copy?

The ghost driver in front of me who was shaking so hard that he could hardly speak clearly?

Look at the frightened look on this ghost driver now.

There is no doubt that even if Li Yinchuan asks me if I am your father, the ghost driver will nod and say yes.

But soon, the audience reacted.

This is where the horror game copy bug causes the real horror ghost driver to be too weak.

This is entirely because Li Yinchuan is too strong.

Even after he got stuck with the dungeon bug, the dungeon had already raised its difficulty to the highest possible level, and Li Yinchuan was still able to handle it easily!

Suddenly, one of the spectators seemed to have thought of something.

[: Tell me, did we misunderstand the dungeon bug before? In fact, there is no copy bug at all? The so-called dungeon bug is actually a speed-passing method reserved for powerful players in thriller games? 】

As soon as these words came out, countless people were shocked.

Even Everlasting Regret Qingge, who had been watching the live broadcast, couldn't help but fall into deep contemplation.

Within the understanding of previous players.

The so-called dungeon bug is a way that seems to make it easier and faster to clear the dungeon, but in fact the hidden dangers are several times more difficult than playing the game normally.

It is precisely because of the so-called copy bug that it is several times or even more difficult than playing the game normally.

So so far, no player has been able to survive after getting stuck in the "dungeon bug".

But in fact, isn't the reason why players who try to get stuck in the dungeon bug are destroyed in the final analysis is because they are not strong enough?

If you are strong enough, you can directly confront the strongest ghost in the dungeon.

After getting rid of all the ghosts, wouldn't the next dungeon be easy to speed through?

Just like the 444 bus this time.

Normal players need to take a bus, go through seven long stops, and experience threats from different ghosts along the way before they can pass the level.

But if there is a player with the same strength as Li Yinchuan, he can directly drag the ghost driver off at the first stop, step on the accelerator and drive himself.

And he also has the ability to face the resurrected ghost driver, as well as the gathering of ghosts from all sites.

Can the speed of clearing the dungeon be increased many times?

Follow this idea! This dungeon bug should actually be a shortcut for high-speed players to pass the dungeon!

The reason why it was previously believed that after triggering the dungeon bug, players would be 100% wiped out.

It was entirely because no player could face the malicious intent of the entire dungeon ghost like Li Yinchuan in an instant, so he could only choose to play the dungeon in an honest and practical way.

Many viewers had the same idea as Everlasting Regret Qingge.

Many barrages appeared again at this moment.

[: Damn it, what you said upstairs makes sense! The so-called dungeon bug is entirely because we don’t have the strength to face all the ghosts in the dungeon at once. If we had the strength! Many copies can be completed much faster. And if the dungeon is completed by speedrunning, will strong players be able to obtain higher ratings? Wouldn't it be possible to get the same SS rating as the anchor? 】

At this moment, some viewers have even thought of the relationship between dungeon speedrunning and scoring.

[: So, is this the real way to obtain SS rating for a copy? Think about it carefully. In the last dungeon, the host directly killed two half-step Tsing Yi ghosts in the Weisen Mine without even choosing who to help. Isn't this a dungeon bug? 】

And while countless viewers were discussing in the live broadcast room.

In the copy, Li Yinchuan heard the ghost driver admit that he was more qualified to be a No. 444 bus driver.

Li Yinchuan finally laughed.

But to the ghost driver, this smile always felt a bit creepy for some reason.

And the next moment, as expected, Li Yinchuan's expression suddenly changed.

"Then you know that I am the driver, and as a passenger, why don't you just go to your seat and do your best? Do you need me to remind you again?"

As soon as these words came out, the ghost driver trembled again, not daring to say any more words, and quickly found a seat to sit down.

The reminder of bus No. 444, "Please be sure to abide by all the rules of the bus driver," is also useful to the ghost driver who is a passenger at this moment.

"And you."

Li Yinchuan looked at the middle-aged Li Gui and several other Li Gui.

And at this moment, the ghost girl who had previously fainted under Li Yinchuan's terrifying "ghost energy" and several other ghosts who had not reached Qingyi also woke up.

Under Li Yinchuan's words, the bodies of the middle-aged ghosts and several ghosts trembled even more, and they also found a place to sit down.

But even though these fierce ghosts are sitting on the seats now, their bodies are still trembling uncontrollably.

The identities of Li Gui and the player were completely changed at this moment.

It seems that the person currently playing the horror game is not Li Yinchuan and the others, but the ghost driver and several other ghosts.

On the side, Chi Su and others saw how the ghost drivers behaved in front of Li Yinchuan.

The dull look on their faces intensified.

Everyone previously thought Li Yinchuan was a top Tsing Yi player.

But now Chi Su and others clearly know that if Li Yinchuan is really just a top Tsing Yi player.

Li Yinchuan didn't know how many times he died just now, so how could he easily frighten so many evil ghosts in the car.

He looked at Li Yinchuan who was sitting back in the driver's seat and preparing to restart the vehicle.

It took Chi Su and others to finally react.

The Li Yinchuan in front of me is probably more than just a top Tsing Yi player.

What an awesome boss has snuck into their team of players this time!

And when Chi Su and others were looking at Li Yinchuan, Li Yinchuan was also looking at them.

Pressing the foot on the accelerator slowly and hard, the bus that had stopped started to move again, and Li Yinchuan's voice slowly sounded.

"The dungeon will be over when we get to the seventh station. Why don't you go sit down and rest in your seats first."

Hearing this, some players didn't react. They were about to say that these seats were for ghosts.

But before he could say anything, he looked at the few shivering ghosts sitting obediently in the car.

I'm afraid that even if they were really sitting on the bus seats, these evil ghosts wouldn't dare to fart.

But at this moment, before Chi Su and the others could find seats, they sat down.

The bus has started and is driving quickly into the darkness.

ps. I ate two crabs today and I'm seriously allergic. The author's bacteria are still a bit muddled. I had already asked the editor if there would be any impact if I stopped updating for a day. The editor told me to prepare a leave request note and send out a leaflet, but After thinking about it, I felt a little better just now. I wrote 10,000 words and still posted it! I failed to update before ten o'clock as promised. Damn it, woo woo hoo. I will definitely update early tomorrow, and then, woof woof woof!

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