The reincarnator has just retired and is entering the horror game again?

Chapter 122 I have special means to wake up sick patients

Four powerful ghosts fell motionless in the corner of the room and fell into a coma.

Under the coma, the ghostly aura that originally emanated from their bodies naturally disappeared.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also a little shocked when they saw this electric scene.

I originally thought that Li Yinchuan was getting stronger and stronger.

But facing three ordinary Qing Yi Li Gui patients at once, plus a half-step Qing Yi Li Gui patient, at least a little effort will be wasted.

But the result?

One slap? The audience in the live broadcast room didn't even react. As a result, Li Yinchuan didn't do anything, and he didn't even take out any ghost props.

With such a physical slap alone, the four powerful ghosts in the ward were knocked unconscious and flew so far away.

Even the audience would feel it, if it were not for the blocking and buffering provided by the wall on the other side.

Perhaps with a slap from Li Yinchuan, the distance these ghosts could fly would have doubled.

[: The anchor is getting stronger and stronger. How can I slap an ordinary Qingyi one at a time? When will I also have this kind of strength? 】

[: Is the man upstairs so greedy? Not to mention having the strength of the anchor, I feel that I can have one or two-tenth of the strength that the anchor just showed. In my current copy, I can kill easily. 】

After all, one slap can knock out several ordinary Tsing Yi Ligui patients.

What that means is that Li Yinchuan's strength far exceeds that of ordinary Qingyi.

Many viewers are even a little skeptical at this moment.

Is there a possibility that Li Yinchuan used a lot of force in the slap just now, otherwise he would have used all his strength.

It is entirely possible to kill a vicious patient with just one slap.

After all, Li Yinchuan showed his strength far beyond that of ordinary Qingyi in the last dungeon, No. 444 Bus.

At first, many viewers saw Li Yinchuan's performance in the last copy of Bus No. 444, and even thought that Li Yinchuan had truly achieved the red coat.

However, in the follow-up forums, many half-step red players who were stuck at 19999 combat power came out and expressed that the real red players were far more powerful than that.

Li Yinchuan's strength may not be a real red suit.

But no matter what, Li Yinchuan definitely has half the strength of Hong Yi.

And even if Li Yinchuan has not really reached the red level, he is still at the 19999 combat level.

But the strength of most half-step red clothes should not be as strong as Li Yinchuan

Perhaps, Li Yinchuan can be regarded as the half-step red player closest to the level of red players.

After all, I want to increase the combat power of 19999 to a real combat power of 20000+.

That last "little bit" of combat power may keep many half-step red players busy for a very long time.

Even further broken down, the same combat power is 19999.

There is a big gap between the half-step red clothes who have just reached 19999 combat power and the red clothes who have reached 19999 combat power in a few copies earlier.

However, this is just the speculation of many people in the forum. In addition, there are also many people who firmly believe that Li Yinchuan already has the strength of Hong Yi.

The final result is that the forum players, each holding their own opinions, disagree with each other and cannot discuss anything that should be taken for granted.

But everyone recognized that facing this kind of ordinary green-clothed devil, with Li Yinchuan's strength, it was too easy to deal with it.

within the copy. Li Yinchuan stood inside the closed door.

After giving "physical therapy" to the four "sick" ghost patients in the ward to calm them down.

Li Yinchuan made no other moves next.

He just stood there, quietly looking at the four ghost patients who were still unconscious in the corner of the ward.

It took a while, at least three to five minutes.

The four fierce ghosts who were knocked unconscious by Li Yinchuan's slap at the corner finally made some slight movement.

Among the three ordinary green-robed fierce ghost patients.

One of the ghost patients raised his eyelids, and he woke up with a look of pain in his eyes.

Slowly getting up from the ground, the ghost patient noticed Li Yinchuan standing in the door of the ward.

At this moment, the patient was no longer as crazy and violent as before, and looked at Li Yinchuan with an apologetic look in his eyes.

"Sorry, are you the new doctor? We seemed to have an attack again just now. It didn't hurt you."

After hearing this, Li Yinchuan raised his eyes and looked at the first Li Gui patient to wake up, his expression did not change much.

"With your strength, you can't hurt me, but your condition is extremely unstable. Today's score is four points."

With that said, Li Yinchuan took out the patient status report form of Ward 204.

Holding a pen in the other hand, he wanted to give a "four points" rating to the four ghost patients in the ward.

And it's the same as in Ward 201.

Although Li Yinchuan said so, the pen in his hand has not yet come down.

The audience also saw Li Yinchuan's little action and immediately understood what Li Yinchuan was planning to do.

It is said that Ward 204 is dangerous. Accordingly, according to the nature of the thriller game, more information can be obtained in Ward 204.

If you don't find a way to ask for information, you'll be at a big loss.

But the next moment.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were a little dumbfounded.

When the Qing Yi Li Gui patient who had woken up heard Li Yinchuan say that he would give himself a four-point rating, he did not show any change in his face like the patient in Ward 201.

The face that looked at Li Yinchuan still showed an apologetic expression, and he continued to apologize.

"I'm sorry, doctor, we are actually taking medicine on time during this period, but we all feel that the effect of the medicine is getting less and less effective in suppressing our condition, and the onset of the disease is becoming more and more frequent. You can continue regardless of the past suspicions. We are very grateful for observing our condition. If possible, can you ask the dean to distribute more daily medicines to us when we meet with him?"

[: What the hell, patients in 204 also asked the anchor to proactively increase their dosage of medicine. Did I hear that correctly? 】.

The audience was a little shocked when they heard this.

Drugs that other patients avoid, but the patients in Ward 204 don’t dislike them enough?

In the copy, after Li Yinchuan heard this, his eyes also flashed.

It was obvious that he was also a little surprised by what the first sober ghost patient in front of him in ward 204 said.

At this moment, in the corner of the ward, three other patients who had fainted finally woke up.

Like the first patient, the eyes of the remaining three patients now no longer have the initial crazy meaning.

The three patients also expressed apologies to Li Yinchuan, saying that they were taking the medicine well, simply because the medicine was less and less effective on their condition and the disease took more and more time.

Seeing this scene, Li Yinchuan understood that it was useless to threaten the four ghosts in Ward 204 with ratings.

He didn't stop writing at that moment. Based on the previous performance of the four patients in the ward, he gave all four patients a four-point rating.

But after finishing the scoring, Li Yinchuan was not in a hurry to leave.

Although there is no way to threaten with scores to learn something from the four patients in Ward 204.

But from another perspective, Li Yinchuan also saw that the four patients in 204 seemed to be very trusting of himself as the attending doctor even when they were not sick.

"By the way, I have something to ask you."

After hearing this, as expected, the four ghosts who had now regained consciousness and returned to normal immediately nodded, very obedient, and said seriously.

"Doctor, if you ask, if we know something, we will never hide it from you, doctor."

In this way, these four patients under normal circumstances were even more cooperative than the patients in the two wards that Li Yinchuan entered before, and Li Yinchuan's questioning voice also rang out.

"Have you ever heard of anything weird or different in the hospital during this time?"

Hearing this, the four patients began to frown and think.

But not long after, apologies appeared on the faces of the four patients.

"Sorry, doctor, although we have lived in the hospital for a long time, we really haven't heard of anything weird happening in the hospital."

"Yes, but I know there is something different. There seem to be fewer and fewer doctors in the hospital recently. I heard the doctor who took care of our condition said it. It seems that because there are more and more patients in the hospital, many doctors Those who couldn't bear the pressure left. Now that a new doctor like you is in charge, the previous doctor must have resigned because he couldn't bear the pressure from the patients."

Hear this.

Li Yinchuan's expression remained unchanged, and his eyes became deeper and deeper.

From the perspective of these four patients, they may really think that those doctors resigned because of the pressure from the patients.

But the players who have the introduction to the dungeon, including Li Yinchuan, all know it.

The so-called resignation is just a cover.

Among the many patients in the Nightmare Hospital now, the doctors who previously claimed to have resigned are probably among them, but it is not clear which patient is the original doctor.

Li Yinchuan even had an even bolder guess.

That is, the doctors who enter the hospital and become patients may not even know that they are doctors.

Because when Li Yinchuan entered the first ward, he already knew one thing clearly from the patient status report sheet.

That is the medicine to control the disease.

Every patient has a different attitude towards so-called medicines.

The patients in Ward 201 seemed to be very afraid of getting a high score and taking more medicine.

In Ward 202, except for the half-step Tsing Yi Li Gui who was willing to take medicine and wanted to really control his condition as soon as possible.

Although several other patients were also cooperating with Li Yinchuan, Li Yinchuan could see that the reason why they were so cooperative was probably because the half-step green-robed ghost in Ward 202 was pressing down.

But the patients in Ward 204 are the strangest.

As for the drugs that others avoid, they don't like them enough and wish Li Yinchuan would apply for them more.

Unfortunately, this is not a real mental hospital, this is a thriller game.

Li Yinchuan, and even most of the viewers in the live broadcast room, had to consider whether the medicines mentioned by the patients were actually medicines with positive effects.

Or maybe it is the existence of drugs that turns these patients into real patients.

But so far, this is all Li Yinchuan's speculation.

It's also possible that Li Yinchuan simply thinks too much.

Maybe there is really nothing wrong with the drugs, and those "doctors" who were taken into the hospital to serve as patients were for other reasons that are currently unknown.

It's just a pity.

There is still no clue as to who is the real "normal person" among the patients.

Just like the prompt said.

The consequences for players who mistakenly identify as "normal people" will be very terrible.

Perhaps for "normal people" among patients, the consequences of admitting mistakes to reliable doctors will also be very miserable.

After all, the ghosts in the dungeon don't know they are players.

Among the "normal" patients, these players are just doctors at the Nightmare Hospital, without any trust at all.

Whether it is a "player doctor" or a "normal patient", both sides have their own concerns.

"Besides this, do you know anything else?"

Looking at the four patients in front of him, Li Yinchuan continued to ask.

But unfortunately, these patients all thought about it for a while, and finally looked at Li Yinchuan with a hint of apology in their eyes.

"Sorry doctor, we really don't know anything else."

After hearing this, Li Yinchuan had no intention of continuing to ask.

The information he learned from Patient 204 gave him a few more guesses, which was enough.

"It's okay. You guys have a good rest. If possible, I will find a way to go to the dean to apply for more medicines to suppress your condition."

Li Yinchuan said, and slowly exited the room under the grateful eyes of the four ghost patients in Ward 204.

The only rooms that have not been checked out are 203, 205 and 206.

At this moment, even though Li Yinchuan left Ward 204, the viewers in his live broadcast room were still discussing crazily based on a lot of information they had heard before.

At this time, Li Yinchuan had already opened the door and entered Ward 203.

But as expected, the scene where Li Yinchuan needed to physically calm the patient again did not appear.

It is rare for all members of the hospital to become ill, as in Ward 204.

The layout in Ward 203 is more like Ward 202, the second room Li Yinchuan entered.

The patients in ward 203 are mentally normal and their strength level is below that of the Tsing Yi Ghost. No patient has the strength to reach the real Tsing Yi Ghost.

When they saw Li Yinchuan walking in in a white coat, the three ghosts in Ward 203 were also a little surprised.

Li Gui on bed No. 1 looked at Li Yinchuan in surprise.

"New doctor, if I remember correctly, you just seemed to have entered the most dangerous ward 204 first. We all thought you couldn't get out. Judging from your intact appearance, you were lucky and didn't catch up. Are the guys in the room sick?"

From the perspective of several evil spirits in ward 203.

The only possibility that Li Yinchuan was able to come out of Ward 204 unscathed was that Li Yinchuan was lucky and happened to meet the patients in Ward 204 without getting sick.

But soon, Li Yinchuan's answer surprised the three ghosts in Ward 203.

"No, they are all sick, but fortunately I have special means to wake them up without causing any unnecessary trouble."

"Special means?"

Hearing this, the three Li Gui patients began to look at Li Yinchuan curiously.

It is not a secret that the last attending doctor died in ward 204. It was probably because he was unlucky enough to encounter four patients who got sick and died.

And the new doctor Li Yinchuan in front of him has special means, which only shows that the new doctor in front of him seems to have more superb medical skills.

Thinking of this, the three ghost patients in the ward looked at Li Yinchuan with excitement.

Especially the ghost patient in bed No. 2.

Its body has been twitching uncontrollably.

Patient No. 2 said to Li Yinchuan.

"Doctor, look at me. Can you use your special method to calm me down? I feel so uncomfortable."

The other two patients looked at Li Yinchuan with increasing curiosity.

However, to the disappointment of the three patients in the ward, Li Yinchuan shook his head at the request of Patient No. 2.

"No, your condition is not serious enough. My methods are generally only used to help relieve terminally ill patients, and are not suitable for use on you."

"All right."

Patient No. 2 lowered his head in despair, his body still trembling.

With the experience in the previous three wards.

This time, Li Yinchuan quickly took out the patient status report form of Ward 203 and rated each of the three patients in the ward accordingly.

The ghosts in ward 203 did not show excessive fear of scoring, nor did they show the same desire for drugs as the patients in ward 204.

It was very normal to watch Li Yinchuan score one point for Patient No. 1 and Patient No. 3 respectively. Patient No. 2’s score of two.

As for the source of Patient No. 2's two points, it was naturally due to his uncontrollable convulsions. In Li Yinchuan's view, this should also be a type of illness.

I continued to ask for information as in the previous wards.

Unfortunately, Li Yinchuan also received very little information from Ward 203.

After leaving ward 203, the only ones left are wards 205 and 206.

There are a total of four ghosts in Ward 205. Three patients were given one point by Li Yinchuan, and one had similar convulsions to Patient No. 203. Li Yinchuan gave him a score of two.

Finally, there is Ward 206.

Li Yinchuan was a little surprised by the small number of ghost patients in Ward 206.

Li Yinchuan originally thought that there were three to four ghost patients in each ward.

But in fact, when Li Yinchuan entered Ward 206, he found that there were only two patients in the ward.

Fortunately, the two patients were not isolated because their condition was too serious.

There were simply no other patients, so there were only two in the ward.

For the two patients in Ward 206, Li Yinchuan also gave one point each.

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