The reincarnator has just retired and is entering the horror game again?

Chapter 126 The rules of the night, white candles

"Our... new colleague?"

He looked at the fierce ghost in front of him who was wearing a white coat exactly like his own.

At this moment, not only the expressions of the players who were participating in the copy changed.

All the viewers in the live broadcast room were completely shocked, and everyone's eyes showed a strong look of fear.

Because everyone realized a very terrible thing.

A player dies.

Originally, everyone would have thought that the wards responsible for the dead players would be vacated and ignored.

But in fact, all wards need a doctor to be in charge.

The death of a player means that a new doctor will replace him.

There is obviously no precedent for thriller games to involve players in the game midway.

If you really want to get involved, it would be obviously unfair to the players who entered the dungeon at the very beginning.

Therefore, the doctor who replaces the dead player can only be a ghost in the dungeon.

And this is what scares the players in the dungeon and the audience in the live broadcast room.

Originally, the ten doctors of Nightmare Hospital were all players, but now they have become nine players and one devil.

So what if... another player dies in the next time?

Will it become eight players and two ghosts...or even more ghosts to take care of the patients in the vacant ward in place of the dead players.

The fewer players survive, the more ghosts there will be in the dungeon.

Before this, the audience had watched countless live broadcasts. Naturally, it is inevitable that players will die.

But the death of a player will not have any impact on other living players.

But this time it was completely different.

If the player himself dies, it will bring hidden dangers to the living players.

After all, no one believed that there was nothing weird about these ghost doctors who were arranged to take care of patients on behalf of dead players.

At this moment, Dr. Li Gui, who replaced the deceased player "Nan Li" and was in charge of wards 407 to 412, looked at the nine players present with cold eyes, and a cold and emotionless voice rang out.

"Hello everyone, from now on, we are colleagues, please take good care of us."

This extremely stiff tone even made many viewers watching the live broadcast feel fear in their hearts.

But for the new Ghost Doctor in front of him, none of the players in the dungeon showed any desire to talk.

Everyone had the same ugly expressions as at the beginning, and even the atmosphere among the players became a little stiff.

But Dean Li Gui, who was standing in front of the player, seemed unaware of everything he saw.

"Okay, now that the new colleagues have been introduced to you, you all just happened to be together. There are some rules in Nightmare Hospital that I have to tell you in advance to prevent you from breaking the rules."

As soon as these words came out, although the atmosphere among the players at the scene was still much cooler.

But every player pricked up their ears and didn't dare to be negligent.

Because everyone understands that the rules that Dean Li Gui will talk about next are definitely related to their lives, and no one dares to ignore them.

Dean Li Gui's voice sounded slowly.

"The rules of Nightmare Hospital are very simple, because the condition of the patients is often unstable, and night is the peak time for patients to get sick. So at night in Nightmare Hospital, you all need to pay close attention to the patients in the wards that you are responsible for. If the patient's condition is okay, try not to go out, because it may not be safe outside the ward at night."

Hearing this, Li Yinchuan, Xiao Subei and the two players on the fifth floor did not change their expressions. They had heard similar requests from Dean Li Gui before.

As for asking players to try not to go out at night, this can also be regarded as a traditional skill in horror game copies. Horror game copies at night are usually accompanied by greater crises.

The other five players, because of their slower efficiency, heard this for the first time and started whispering.

Suddenly thinking of something, a player looked at Dean Li Gui in front of him and asked.

"Dean, since you asked us not to go out of the ward at night, but we are responsible for more than one ward, what should we do if there is a problem with patients in other wards we are responsible for at night?"

You can't ignore the fact that a patient in another ward under your responsibility has a problem just because you can't go out at night.

After all, each player is responsible for six wards, and players can only choose to spend their nights in one ward.

It's impossible to expect that the patients in the remaining five wards without players will have no problems at night, right?

And if there is really a problem with the ghost patients in the other five wards, the players are restricted by the rule of not going out at night not to check.

This goes against Dean Li Gui's request for players to take personal care of patients.

In response to this player's inquiry, Dean Li Gui's face did not change at all.

Immediately afterwards, Dean Li Gui put his hand into the pocket of his white coat, and took out white candles about the size of his thumb.

It's easy to count. There are ten white candles in Dean Li Gui's hand.

At the same time, Dean Li Gui's cold voice sounded again.

"If you really find something wrong with the patients in other wards at night, light the candles when you go out. I will also distribute four extra pills to each of your doctors for you to use at night. Suppress the patient’s condition.”

The voice paused, and Dean Li Gui's warning voice rang out again.

"By the way, it's important to remember that each person only has one candle at night. If you use it up, you have to come back to get it again the next day. If something unexpected happens on the way and there are not enough candles, you have to You guys have to figure it out for yourself. If you hear something particularly strange at night, remember to ignore it and just report it to me the next day."

After hearing this, the faces of several players in front of Dean Li Gui suddenly became serious, and they all understood that the Nightmare Hospital should not be that simple at night.

And because this is a Tsing Yi player's base copy, if something strange happens at night, it will be extremely troublesome for them to deal with it.

There is also the share of candles that Dean Li Gui mentioned before. The players looked at the white candle in Dean Li Gui's hand that was no more than the size of a thumb, and wondered how long this small candle could last without being lit. How long will it take for it to be exhausted?

And if the candles are really used up at night, and players cannot choose to ignore the patients in other wards under their responsibility, it means that if that situation is reached, the players will have to move to other wards without candles. Ward.

I thought of the various crises contained in so much information that Dean Li Gui had said before.

At this moment, even though there were all strong Tsing Yi players present, their hearts became a little heavy.

Immediately afterwards, the players took away all the small white candles from Dean Li Gui's hands one by one, and went to the office with Dean Li Gui again, and Dean Li Gui gave each of them The player distributes four white capsules to suppress the patient's condition in case the patient becomes ill again at night.

After all these things were explained, Dean Li Gui didn't ask the players to do anything else.

"If there is nothing else, please disperse and go back to your own ward to take care of the patients."

Dean Li Gui's cold voice sounded outside the office.

This time, the players no longer hesitated. They took the white candles and white capsules in their hands and returned to the wards they were responsible for.

Li Yinchuan, among the players, quickly returned to the second floor where he was responsible and entered Ward 201.

This time, the door of Ward 201 was pushed open again.

The three ghost patients in the ward are no longer sleeping like babies just after taking the medicine.

At some point, the three ghost patients in Ward 201 had woken up from their slumber after taking the medicine.

It seemed that because they had just woken up, the three patients in Ward 201 had already opened their eyes.

But he was lying motionless on the hospital bed with a blank expression.

Even when Li Yinchuan opened the door without concealing it and made a lot of noise, the three ghost patients on the hospital bed seemed not to notice at all, and there was still no movement.

Seeing this scene, Li Yinchuan's eyes showed an inexplicable look.

He slowly approached the bedside and came to bed No. 1.

If it had been before, if this patient had seen Li Yinchuan approaching him, he would have jumped up and looked at Li Yinchuan fearfully, fearing that Li Yinchuan might do something else.

Now there is no reaction at all.

The audience was a little confused when they saw this scene. After all, unlike before, Patient No. 1's eyes were already open at this moment.

[: So, did this patient wake up or not wake up, suddenly fall asleep with his eyes open? It's a bit strange. 】

[: Not only patient No. 1, but the other two patients are also in a similar situation. Could it be because of the medicine the anchor gave them before? 】

But at this moment, in the dungeon, looking at the three patients who seemed to be awake and sleeping in Ward 201, Li Yinchuan had no intention of "waking up" them, and opened the door of Ward 201 again to leave.

Then we entered Ward 202.

But sure enough, when Li Yinchuan entered, he could also find that the conditions of the four ghost patients in ward 202 were very similar to the three ghost patients in ward 201.

And next, the ghost patients in the three wards 203, 205, and 206 are all exactly the same.

Only when Li Yinchuan entered Ward 204, the conditions of the four patients in the ward were completely different from those in the other five wards.

At this moment, in ward 204, the four ghost patients who had taken four white capsules each appeared to be very energetic and not at all irritable or crazy.

At this moment, they are no different from ordinary normal people, and they don't look like extremely aggressive mental patients at all.

"Doctor, you are back! We are in good condition now!"

Seeing Li Yinchuan's return, the eyes of the four patients in Ward 204 suddenly lit up. They each sat up from the bed and looked at Li Yinchuan very friendly.

Li Yinchuan nodded, didn't say much, and just observed the four patients in Ward 204.

Because of the reason that Dean Li Gui reminded me before.

In the following period of time, even if the players do not need to complete other tasks, no players dare to wander too far away from the ward they are responsible for.

Dean Li Gui has already given a reminder for the first time. If Dean Li Gui finds the player wandering around in the hospital "fishing" again, no one knows what Dean Li Gui will do to the player.

At most, two players on the same floor can communicate with each other.

After checking all the six wards he was responsible for, Li Yinchuan waited for Xiao Subei outside the ward.

Not long after, Xiao Subei also walked out of the most dangerous ward 212, which he was responsible for.

It is worth mentioning that Xiao Subei came out of Ward 212 this time without any more injuries.

It seemed that because he had just given the medicine before, the ghost in the most dangerous ward 212, which Xiao Subei was in charge of, was also in a conscious state.

The two of them stood on the corridor and talked for a while. Unknowingly, through the transparent windows, the audience in the live broadcast room could clearly see that the originally gray scene outside the window had completely darkened. .

Even the corridor, which originally had a little light, seemed even more eerie.

Xiao Subei, who was communicating with Li Yinchuan, couldn't help but change his expression slightly when he saw this scene.

"Brother, it's getting dark. Then we have to go to the ward. Let's exchange information tomorrow."

After saying this, Xiao Subei did not dare to stay in the increasingly dark and gloomy corridor. He opened the door of Ward 207 and walked in.

As for staying in Ward 212 at night, Xiao Subei would never dare.

No one knows if the patient Li Gui in Ward 212 really went crazy that night, and because Dean Li Gui made it clear that there were dangers outside the ward that night, whether Xiao Subei could survive.

Therefore, Xiao Subei, or several other players in this instance, chose the safer ward under their own responsibility.

At least in this way, even if the ghost patients in the ward become ill, they will not pose much of a threat to the players if they are not strong enough.

Li Yinchuan thought for a while, and finally walked into Ward 201, which he was responsible for.

Otherwise, it was not because Li Yinchuan, Xiao Subei and others were afraid that the patients in Ward 204 would get sick and attack them at night.

The main reason is that there is an empty bed in ward 201, which can be used to make it more convenient for me to rest. I can't watch patients sleeping on the bed at night, so I can sleep on the floor myself.

Fortunately, other players didn't know Li Yinchuan's idea.

If other players really knew what Li Yinchuan thought, they would probably be silent.

Obviously the Nightmare Hospital is less safe at night, even though the night is used for rest.

But how can these players in the ward really take a rest? If they really need to rest, not to mention the dangers outside the ward, even if the patients in the ward suddenly become ill and attack them, the players cannot handle it.

Even if they really need to rest, most of the other players are resting while maintaining self-vigilance, and will wake up and respond immediately if there is any trouble.

At the same time, Li Yinchuan once again pushed open the door of Ward 201.

At this moment.

The three ghost patients in the ward no longer seemed to be sleeping as before.

The moment the three ghost patients saw Li Yinchuan, their expressions changed. They sat up and leaned on the hospital bed, looking at Li Yinchuan warily.

It was obvious that Li Yinchuan's previous behavior of force-feeding medicine had left a lot of psychological shadow on the three patients.

"What are you going to do!"

Looking at Li Yinchuan, the three ghost patients in Ward 201 couldn't help but be wary.

Hearing this, Li Yinchuan's expression remained unchanged and he pointed to the darkening sky outside the window in the ward.

"It's dark. As your attending doctor, I will check your condition personally."

Hearing this, the expressions of the three Li Gui patients suddenly changed, especially Patient No. 2. The dislocation on his wrist had not healed yet. He looked at Li Yinchuan and couldn't help but speak.

"There are many wards you are responsible for, why do you choose ours?"


Hearing this, Li Yinchuan raised his eyebrows, and Patient No. 2 was suddenly shocked! Its expression suddenly changed.

Patient No. 2 knew that Li Yinchuan was not a good person.

When I asked Li Yinchuan in the questioning tone just now, it was hard to imagine what Li Yinchuan would do to me.

Sure enough, when Patient No. 2 heard Li Yinchuan's words, his heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

"What, you have doubts about my status as the attending doctor? I see that your mood seems to be very unstable. Is your condition serious again?"

With that said, Li Yinchuan rummaged around in his white coat pocket.

A white capsule appeared in his hand.

When the three patients in the ward saw the white capsule in Li Yinchuan's hand, the three patients suddenly became silent.

Patient No. 2 waved his hands repeatedly with a look of horror on his face.

"No, no! Doctor, you misunderstood! That's not what I meant. My condition is very stable!"

"It's even more unstable. Let me give you one first!"

With that said, Li Yinchuan approached Patient No. 2.

Patient No. 2 saw Li Yinchuan approaching him and stepped back on the hospital bed.

With a "bang", he stepped on the air and fell directly under the bed.

Before Patient No. 2 could get up, the shadow belonging to Li Yinchuan enveloped Patient No. 2, who was lying on the ground beside the bed.

Li Yinchuan knelt down and directly pressed the head of Patient No. 2.

"No, no! No, no!"

Patient No. 2 looked terrified and wanted to struggle.

But it's a pity that Patient No. 2's strength is not even that of Tsing Yi, he is just an ordinary Huang Yi.

And even if Patient No. 2 is really the Green Ghost, his fate will not change in any way.

In the end, Patient No. 2 couldn't resist Li Yinchuan's strength and was force-fed a white capsule out of desperation.

Take it with the white capsule.

Patient No. 2's originally struggling movements gradually slowed down, and his eyes once again showed sleepiness and he quickly fell asleep.

On the side, seeing such a brutal scene, the two patients No. 1 and No. 3 were too angry to speak out.

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