The reincarnator has just retired and is entering the horror game again?

Chapter 140 Broken illness report, other players in the strange world

Who on earth destroyed Dean Li Gui's office like this?

Or maybe what happened in the dean's office.

These two thoughts occurred involuntarily in the minds of countless viewers in the live broadcast room.

But unfortunately, no one knows what happened in Dean Li Gui's office.

In the copy, after Li Yinchuan was initially surprised when he entered Dean Li Gui's office, he again focused his attention on the interior of the office.

Inside the office, which is not too big, there are many pieces of items scattered on the ground.

For example, ceramic basins, glasses, and many other items used daily in the office.

However, Li Yinchuan did not observe these items too carefully.

His eyes looked at the many torn pieces of paper on the ground.

Vaguely, you can see the outlines of words on the torn pieces of paper.

Getting closer, Li Yinchuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Because it was discovered that these scraps of paper themselves were exactly the same as the illness report sheet that every player had.

It's just that so far, there are a total of seven cells on the report sheet for each patient, and the player has only filled in the third cell, which is the third day.

But on these broken pieces of paper, and some of the more complete pieces of paper, it can be seen that the seven grids belonging to the patients have been filled with scores.

Seeing this scene, many viewers couldn't help but ponder.

Players in this instance need to survive for seven days.

It is no secret that the seven tables on the patient status report sheet correspond to scoring the patient once a day.

But the seven-day ratings in the torn forms in Dean Li Gui's office have been filled in.

[: Could it be that when the survival mission reaches the last day, the player has to fill out the last illness report and submit the report form to Dean Li Gui? 】

This can explain why there are so many disease report forms in Dean Li Gui's office.

But... so many disease report forms have been destroyed like this. The audience is still confused about who destroyed it.

But at this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly looked at Li Yinchuan's eyes towards a corner of the office.

There was a disease report sheet that was also torn into pieces.

Li Yinchuan walked towards the disease report sheet, and the audience quickly followed the scene.

When the audience saw the contents of this broken disease report, they couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

Because they found that compared to the disease report forms scattered all over the floor, they had already been filled out.

On this disease condition report form, only five of the seven boxes behind the patient have been filled in, while the remaining two boxes are blank and have not been filled in.

What's going on? Isn’t it said that the disease report form will be taken away by the dean only after it is filled in?

The thoughts that had just occurred in the minds of many viewers were directly overturned by the disease report sheet that Li Yinchuan watched.

Immediately afterwards, the viewers in the live broadcast room discovered that Li Yinchuan began a purposeful search after discovering this strange disease report sheet.

Li Yinchuan's eyes moved among the countless fragments of disease report sheets on the ground.

It didn't take long.

Li Yinchuan found several broken disease report sheets from the messy ground.

The audience continued to look away.

Sure enough, these disease condition report sheets were exactly the same as the special disease condition report sheet that Li Yinchuan had discovered before.

These disease report forms also appeared directly in Dean Li Gui's office without being filled out.

Moreover, the total number of days filled in on these illness report forms is also different.

The first one Li Yinchuan saw had a total of five days filled in, and the last two days were blank.

But the disease report in Li Yinchuan's hand was.

It took at least two days to fill out at least one report form, and the remaining five days were blank.

At most, the report sheet was only filled out for six days, and the remaining day was blank.

It seems that there is no pattern in these incomplete report forms.


But the next moment, the audience suddenly noticed something.

On these incomplete report sheets, the daily scores were all four points, without exception.

On the contrary, those disease condition report forms that have been filled out may not all have four points, and some may only have one, two or three points.

A terrible guess was born in the minds of the audience.

Could it be that...these uncompleted report forms are not because there is something wrong with the report forms...

But...there is something wrong with the patient corresponding to the report card?

Therefore, since the patients have all had problems, there is no need to fill out the report form.

In Nightmare Hospital, it can really be said that there is something wrong with the patients.

That may be... the ghost patients have transformed from ordinary patients into serious patients.

Regarding this point, Li Yinchuan in the copy also frowned deeply.

Just these unfilled, but four-point report cards can already explain the problem.

These unfilled reports correspond to the most seriously ill patients.

Among the wards that Li Yinchuan is responsible for, the only four patients in Ward 204 who can be called the most serious patients on the surface are probably the ones in Ward 204.

As for the half-step Tsing Yi Ghost patient in Ward 202, it briefly "deceived" Li Yinchuan for a while during its initial performance.

So just based on the scores on the report sheet, it seems that the half-step Tsing Yi Li Gui patient in Ward 202 may have only gotten slightly worse during this period, but he should not be considered a serious patient in the short term.

"Looking at this, if nothing unexpected happens, Dean Li Gui may want to take action on those patients in 204 in the next two days."

Li Yinchuan held the broken disease report sheet, narrowed his eyes slightly and muttered to himself.

Li Yinchuan threw the broken illness report sheets on the ground and had no intention of taking them away.

Because the information just obtained is already all the information that can be displayed on these disease condition report sheets.

No matter how many there are, you can't even tell which ward those patients originally came from.

At most, you can only see the words "Bed No. 1" and "Bed No. 2" in front of each scored patient. In this nightmare hospital with dozens of wards, it means nothing at all.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yinchuan rummaged through the broken disease condition report sheets on the ground, but unfortunately he could not find any other special disease condition report sheets.

As for the best-preserved thing in Dean Li Gui's office, the only thing left is the wooden desk placed in the center.

The pile of "garbage" above the ground has nothing to dig out again.

Li Yinchuan's eyes naturally shifted to the wooden desk in the center of the office.

It's not that the "person" who once entered the office and destroyed it into this state deliberately left this desk alone.

The corners and corners of this wooden desk, as well as the top of the table, also have many marks of smashing, and some serious places have already had sawdust turned out from the inside.

The structure of this desk is very simple. The lower front is hollow like other desks, just enough to fit a chair in for people to sit and work.

On both sides of the desk, there is a drawer that also suffered a lot of damage.

Li Yinchuan was close to the left side of the desk and reached out towards the drawer on the left.

The next moment, the drawer that was originally closed was pulled open by Li Yinchuan very smoothly without any hindrance.

Even Li Yinchuan was a little surprised. He originally thought that the drawer should have a lock or something.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes looked at the inside of the drawer.

In the live broadcast room, many viewers suddenly showed surprise in their eyes.

What is placed inside the drawer on the left side of the desk is none other than the very precious white candles that Dean Li Gui gave to each player during the day, one per day.

But at this moment, the seemingly precious white candle was almost too full to fit in the drawer.

But Li Yinchuan did not reach out to pick up the white candle in the drawer.

His eyes moved slightly, and he raised his hand and reached towards the drawer on the right side of the desk.

The drawer also opens smoothly.

But this time, when the audience saw the contents of the drawer, they were not as surprised as they had just seen the white candle.

Nothing surprised the audience.

In the drawer on the right, there is a bulging white bag, which is exactly the same as the bag that Dean Li Gui gives out to players during the day.

Li Yinchuan took out the white bag and looked at it. There were indeed white capsules inside, and there were a lot of them.

If you can steal the entire bag and put it in ward 204. The four ghost patients in ward 204 will probably be very happy.

Because I can’t finish it, I can’t finish it at all.

But Li Yinchuan had no idea of ​​taking the white bag. He didn't even think of stealing a few pills.

Because so far, Li Yinchuan still has more than thirty white capsules on his body, which he cannot use up at all. Continuing to steal them is just unnecessary.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yinchuan took the white bag out of the drawer and stuffed it back into the drawer.

But suddenly, just as Li Yinchuan stuffed the white bag back into the drawer.

The end of the white bag seemed to be pushing against something in the back half of the drawer.

Li Yinchuan raised his eyebrows, took out the white bag again, and stretched his other hand towards the other half of the drawer that could not be exposed.

After a few seconds, Li Yinchuan took his hand back.

But at this moment, there was something extra in his hand.

The audience's eyes immediately focused on Li Yinchuan's palm.

Soon, the audience saw clearly what was in Li Yinchuan's palm.

This is a photo, a very old photo that is almost blurry and many details cannot be seen clearly.

The old photo just now is hidden in the innermost part of the drawer.

If Li Yinchuan hadn't stuffed the white bag back and the second half of the bag had slightly rubbed against the photo, causing Li Yinchuan to notice something unusual, it might have been missed.

Immediately afterwards, when the audience saw what the content of this old photo was, the faces of all the audience were suddenly shocked.

The photo is of the two of them together.

One male and one female.

The man doesn’t know who he is yet, but the audience recognized the woman in the photo the first time they saw it.

Astonishingly, it was Dean Li Gui.

It's just that compared to the cold-faced Dean Li Gui who distributes medicine to the players during the day.

Dean Li Gui in the photo appears to be more youthful and shy, and he is probably not as old as he currently appears.

Although the photo in Li Yinchuan's hand looks very blurry.

But for some reason, I can always feel that Dean Li Gui and the strange young man in the photo are laughing from the bottom of their hearts and are very happy.

Although the background in the photo is also somewhat unclear, it is still very familiar to the audience.

It's just above the corridor of Nightmare Hospital. I don't know which floor the corridor is on.

[: This is Dean Li Gui when he was young. Who is the other man? The same group of doctors who came in as Dean Li Gui? But where has he gone? 】

Many viewers speculated one after another, while constantly reminiscing in their minds, but they discovered that the young man next to Dean Li Gui in the photo had no information at all until now.

Some viewers even compared the two ghost doctors who had appeared so far.

Although the photo is blurry, it can be seen that the two ghost doctors are not the young men in the photo.

Countless questions are constantly appearing in the minds of the audience at this moment.

In this nightmare hospital.

What happened to Dean Li Gui and this young man.

Or what did Dean Li Gui and this young man do to the Nightmare Hospital?

But for now, let alone the young man in the photo.

Even the players don't know much information about Dean Li Gui.

And just then.

"Tap tap tap tap..."

Abrupt footsteps suddenly sounded outside the office, causing the thinking audience to come back to their senses in surprise.

Li Yinchuan put the photo back to its original place to eliminate any trace of his tampering with the photo.

The sudden footsteps were getting closer and closer to the dean's office.

Li Yinchuan's eyes couldn't help but flicker slightly at this moment.

At this time, footsteps suddenly appeared outside the office.

If it wasn't the strange patient I met last night...

There is only one possibility left for "people" who can come to the office.

And when the thoughts of Li Yinchuan and the audience in the live broadcast room came to this.

The footsteps outside the door also stopped suddenly at this moment.

Suddenly, the door that had been closed by Li Yinchuan was suddenly opened.

The audience's brains suddenly became excited and adrenaline surged.

Just when the audience thought that Li Yinchuan was going to confront Dean Li Gui in advance.

When you see clearly who is the person outside the door.

Everyone was briefly stunned.

At this moment, when the figure outside the door saw Li Yinchuan already in Dean Li Gui's office, he was also stunned.

"It's you."

The figure outside the door looked at Li Yinchuan and was the first to speak in shock.

As he said that, the figure outside the door walked towards the office.

He couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the mess in the office.

As he got closer, the figure became clearer and clearer in the audience's sight.

He is surprisingly the player on the fifth floor who dares to open the door at night and face the strange things.

Yanhuo Qingfeng looked at Li Yinchuan who was already standing in the office. The shock in his eyes could not be suppressed no matter what.

Originally, Yanhuo Qingfeng thought that he was the first player to discover this strange world.

But he didn't expect that other players had discovered this strange inner world earlier than him, and came to Dean Li Gui's office first.

However, this kind of shock did not last long in Yanhuo Qingfeng's heart. He looked at Li Yinchuan and recalled Li Yinchuan's previous performance.

On the first day, Yanhuo Qingfeng accidentally suffered some injuries when he entered the most dangerous ward that he was responsible for. Although he later used his own strength to easily suppress the ghost patients in the ward.

But Li Yinchuan in front of him was the only player that day who didn't have any injuries on his body.

This is enough to prove Li Yinchuan's own strength.

"If it were you, it would make sense if you could discover this strange world earlier than me."

Yanhuo Qingfeng looked at Li Yinchuan, the shock on his face gradually subsided.

With Li Yinchuan's strength, if he was a little bolder, he would go out at night and find that this weird otherworld would make sense.

At this moment, the audience looked at the approaching fireworks and Qingfeng and couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

The audience knows how to enter this weird world.

That is, when Nightmare Hospital enters darkness, go into the corridor and wait without lighting the candles.

But the method is easy, but the audience feels that except for Li Yinchuan, there may not be any other players who would dare to try to enter the corridor in the dark without lighting a candle.

Because the other players are not as strong as Qing Yi, unless there is a last resort, they will never go out in the middle of the night without lighting a candle.

Perhaps if all the candles are used up, even if there is movement in other wards they are responsible for, some players may choose to ignore it for their own safety.

[: I didn’t expect it to be this guy. He also entered this weird world. This guy dared to open the door and face the weirdness on the first night. Even though he was lighting candles, he was very courageous. It seems that this guy is much stronger than we thought, and we don't know what his specific panel combat power is. 】

Some viewers said this with a hint of curiosity in the comments.

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