The reincarnator has just retired and is entering the horror game again?

Chapter 177 Different identities, guesses and possibilities, entering the teaching building (please

If it weren't for Li Yinchuan's reminder, the remaining seven players might still introduce each other according to the usual gameplay, wasting some precious time tonight.

If tonight is still long, then it's okay, it won't be a big problem.

If it is true, as the audience speculated, there may not be much time left before the bell rings tonight, then there will be fun.

When the bell rings, these players still have no identities, and they are afraid that they will be expelled by the Jiyue School on the first day.

Thinking of this, the seven players couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Although their seven players are also half-step red.

But there are also high and low levels of strength.

The low one only became half-step red in the last copy.

A little higher, maybe if you get a good score in this copy, you can successfully enter the realm of red players.

But since this dungeon allows them to enter, it means that the ghosts in the dungeon will only be stronger.

After being truly driven away, they did not obtain status in time. Maybe on the first day, these half-step red players who seemed to be very strong would have to suffer attrition.

This time, the seven players no longer hesitated at all, and had already regarded obtaining identity as their first goal.

They each looked at each other, didn't say anything more, turned around and dispersed towards all aspects of Jingyue School.

And the other side.

Li Yinchuan had already followed the playground and entered other areas of Jiyue Gui School in advance.

The entire Jingyue School is huge.

Previously in the playground, Li Yinchuan could only see a small part of the buildings around the playground.

Most of the remaining buildings are scattered around the perimeter of the playground.

But based on the vague glimpse at the playground before.

Li Yinchuan was able to guess the purpose of some buildings.

Centered around the playground.

Directly west of the playground is a once thick wall, beyond which there is no way to see.

To the east of the playground, there is a several-story teaching building.

The teaching building is a total of six floors high.

Li Yinchuan didn't know the specific classrooms on each floor because he hadn't entered the teaching building yet.

And Li Yinchuan is currently not sure whether there is only such a teaching building in Jingyue School.

To the west, centered on the playground, the building is relatively shorter than the teaching building.

It is a two-story canteen.

The rest is on the south side of the playground, which is the opposite side with a thick wall.

There are no buildings here. It is a relatively long and wide road that connects the playground and the canteens of the front and rear teaching buildings.

Due to time constraints, Li Yinchuan could not give priority to checking the situation of the entire Jingyue School, and he did not intend to do so.

If you change to another copy, it may be best to check the situation of the entire copy first.

But hints from previous thriller games have shown that the immediate priority is to gain an identity first.

It would be bad if he didn't obtain his identity before ringing the bell for the first time and be expelled from Jiyue School.

Although Li Yinchuan is not afraid.

But this time, Li Yinchuan's goal was to get a high score.

In order to imbue his logging ax with powerful ghost energy, he can break through 20,000 combat power.

If Li Yinchuan was forced to destroy this dungeon early because of such a trivial matter, Li Yinchuan would not be willing to wait for the next time he entered the game, and he would not have much interest in entering the dungeon early.

After Li Yinchuan left the birth point, Li Yinchuan also checked the general situation of the playground.

On the playground, except for ten players, there were no other ghosts.

This may also be a small arrangement made by the thriller game to facilitate players to obtain identities.

Li Yinchuan's eyes jumped between the canteen and the teaching building.

The empty playground was obviously not a place where one could obtain the identity of Jiyue Guile School.

That only left the teaching building and the cafeteria where Li Gui existed.

At the same time, Li Yinchuan's brows slowly wrinkled.

Thriller games allow players to gain an identity.

But other than that, he didn't say anything else.

How can one obtain identity?

Should we directly fill the vacant positions, or should we use other methods?

This is something that Li Yinchuan, or the scattered players, are currently confused about.

At the same time, Li Yinchuan had already taken steps, and he finally decided to go to the teaching building to check the situation.

The teaching building is not far from the playground, although Li Yinchuan did not run.

It didn't take much time for Li Yinchuan to approach the teaching building.

And when Li Yinchuan was near the teaching building.

A thick ghostly aura emerged.

The audience in the live broadcast room finally saw the whole picture clearly at this moment.

As I approached the teaching building, I realized that the teaching building in front of me was not the same as the real teaching building.

This is a fully enclosed teaching building.

If you want to enter the teaching building, you can only go through the main door of the teaching building.

But at the main entrance, there were two ghosts in security uniforms patrolling. It was obvious that they could not come in and out at will.

At least it is definitely not accessible to people without identity like Li Yinchuan.

In the copy, Li Yinchuan was looking at the two security guards standing at the main gate of the teaching building.

His eyes couldn't help but twinkle slightly.

Because when he looked at the two ghost security guards at the door of the teaching building.

Unexpectedly, a hint of a horror game appeared in front of Li Yinchuan.

[Security responsible for patrolling the teaching building]

Seeing this prompt, Li Yinchuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Then, something seemed to be discovered.

Inside the teaching building, there were footsteps.

Immediately afterwards, a figure walked out of the teaching building.

This is a fierce ghost wearing a teacher's uniform.

Similarly, when this fierce ghost appeared in front of Li Yinchuan, the prompt of the horror game appeared again.

[Teacher in Teaching Building No. 1]

After the teacher in teaching building No. 1 and the security guard patrolling at the door of the teaching building seemed to say something, they left the teaching building and headed in the other direction of the teaching building.

That side is where you can't see it from the playground.

"Teacher, security guard."

Li Yinchuan murmured about the two identities he saw.

It can be clearly seen that these two identities have their own service attire.

The special prompt of the thriller game this time seems to prove everything.

"Is it possible that if you want to gain status, you need to wear corresponding clothes?"

Li Yinchuan had such a guess in his mind.

But it's not certain yet.

After all, up until now, Li Yinchuan had only seen two patrolling Li Gui security guards and one Li Gui teacher.

This is not entirely certain of my guess.

Unless some ghosts with other identities can enter and exit the teaching building later.

Li Yinchuan tried to hide his figure not far from the teaching building.

He wanted to see if he could have a chance to see more ghosts and their identities.

So, leaning on the edge of a corner, his eyes fell on the door of the teaching building.

But unfortunately, Li Yinchuan waited for about fifteen minutes.

At the door of the teaching building, except for the two security guards, no ghosts appeared.

The teacher Li Gui who left earlier did not come back either.

"No, we can't wait any longer."

Frowning again, Li Yinchuan thought of the time limit of the bell.

No one knows how much time they have to waste.

There are security guards in the teaching building, and it is obviously not easy to enter.

Many of the viewers in the live broadcast room also thought of this and began to become anxious.

Li Yinchuan in the dungeon immediately decided to give up entering this teaching building and go check out other places first.

Should we go to the cafeteria on the other side of the playground, or should we go to other places in Jingyue School that have not yet been inspected to see the specific situation.

At the same time, Li Yinchuan's eyes were also trying to look in other directions from where he was not far from the teaching building.

It was stated previously in the prompt.

There is a large bell tower in the center of Jingyue School.

But so far, Li Yinchuan has not seen the existence of the big bell tower.

It's a pity because of the existence of the six-story teaching building.

The scene behind the teaching building was blocked, and it was impossible to see clearly from Li Yinchuan's current position.

At this moment, Li Yinchuan was already preparing to walk towards the canteen to take a look inside.

But that's it.


The terrifying ghostly energy fluctuation suddenly occurred in another direction of the teaching building.

Li Yinchuan's figure, who was about to leave, turned around again.

The two security guards guarding the door of the teaching building also noticed the movement coming from the other direction of the teaching building.

The expressions of the two security guards suddenly changed. At this moment, they didn't even bother to patrol the door of the teaching building.

The two security guards held batons exuding a ghostly aura in their hands and rushed towards the direction where the ghostly aura had previously occurred.

When Li Yinchuan saw this scene, his eyes couldn't help but twinkle slightly.

The ghostly energy fluctuation that appeared earlier was obviously the result of the collision of different ghostly energies.

"Is this... another player being attacked by a ghost? Or is it that other players discovered something?"

For a moment, Li Yinchuan glanced at the direction of the ghost energy fluctuations, and then looked at the unpatrolled door of the teaching building.

At this time, it is time to choose to go to the direction where the ghost energy is generated to see what other players have discovered.

Or should we take advantage of the fact that the two patrolling security ghosts were attracted away this time and go inside the teaching building to check the situation?

Many viewers in the live broadcast room also discovered this at this moment.

Many viewers immediately started arguing.

Some people think that while the two ghost security guards have left, it is better to go inside the teaching building to see how to obtain the identity.

Some people think it's best to first look at other players' specific findings.

[: Stop arguing. What's the point of arguing so much? The final decision is not with the anchor. 】

Finally, some viewers in the live broadcast room found the barrage debate annoying and couldn't help but say.

As soon as these words came out, many arguing viewers also felt that such arguments were a bit boring.

Their eyes looked at the live broadcast screen again.

And the next moment.

When they saw that Li Yinchuan gave up the idea of ​​entering the teaching building now, he turned around and headed in the same direction where the ghostly energy wave was generated.

With Li Yinchuan's speed, it was not difficult to quietly approach the direction where the previous ghost energy fluctuations had occurred.

And in fact, the direction in which the ghost energy fluctuations occurred was not far from the teaching building.

In other words, the specific location is on the side of the teaching building.

At this moment, Li Yinchuan's figure was close to the specific location where the ghostly energy wave was generated.

Not far away, the audience in the live broadcast room and Li Yinchuan could clearly see the figure of a player.

This player was surprisingly one of the two players in red who left first.

At this moment, this player has a terrifying red ghost energy emanating from his body.

Beside him, a ghost teacher who was naked from the waist down had angry eyes.

"You...change my uniform for mine!"

The ghost teacher's body was filled with red ghost energy.

This was clearly the ghost teacher that Li Yinchuan saw leaving the teaching building earlier.

At the same time, next to the ghost teacher, two ghost security guards with green and red ghost auras on their bodies held ghostly batons in their hands, assisting the ghost teacher in attacking the player.

Although the two security guards are only half-step in red.

But because the strength of the ghost teacher was similar to that of the player, plus the extra shots of the two ghost security guards.

That player is also at a disadvantage at the moment, and is becoming more and more disadvantaged.

However, despite the disadvantage, there was no panic in the player's eyes. It seemed that the situation in front of him was not in any danger to his life.

The audience in Li Yinchuan's live broadcast room couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded when they saw the players fighting the ghosts.

[: This, this, this... it hasn’t been long. He just went to work with Li Gui. Is this the player in red? It's too fierce. 】

It should be said that before this, many viewers in the live broadcast room had only seen Li Yinchuan being so fierce and dared to directly fight Li Gui in Li Yinchuan's live broadcast room.

Now I saw another one.

[: Is this the player in red? However, the situation of this player doesn’t seem to be very good. I feel like he is not as good as the anchor. 】

Some viewers in the live broadcast room couldn't help but say.

But this time, no one agreed.

Instead, some viewers in the live broadcast room immediately retorted.

[: Upstairs, don’t bring trouble to the host. Forget about the previous copy. That's the player in red. This copy is obviously many times more difficult than before. A real red-clothed ghost, plus the assistance of two half-step red-clothed ghosts, I think even if the anchor takes action head-on, he won't be much better than the red-clothed player. 】

[: Yes, the anchor has just become a red-coated player not long ago, and he is not yet able to kill as randomly as before in the red-coated dungeon. You underestimate the red copy. 】

Facing the rebuttal of countless viewers, the audience who had previously said that the player in red was not good did not dare to say any more.

At the same time, the viewers in the live broadcast room seemed to have thought of something.

They recalled what the teacher Li Gui said angrily just now, as well as the teacher Li Gui's naked upper body.

Seemingly realizing something, the audience in the live broadcast room once again looked at the player who was being besieged by three ghosts.

But all he saw was that the player's hand was grasping the upper body of the teacher's Li Gui uniform.

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room was even more shocked.

At the same time, they seemed to understand what this player wanted to do.

[: Damn it, this brother doesn’t want to take off other people’s clothes, put them on himself, and then assume his identity. 】

As soon as these words came out, more viewers were shocked, because this was exactly the same way as they had guessed to obtain their identity.

It's just that what the audience wants to see is to see if they can find any extra uniforms in Jingyue School, or to see if they can steal one when Li Gui is unprepared, such as when he is taking a break.

I never expected that someone would be so fierce, and he would immediately show his strength.

In the copy, Li Yinchuan also thought of this.

He looked at the player who was fighting with the ghost.

Naturally, Li Yinchuan had already thought of this method of direct Mingqiang.

The reason why he did not choose to use this method was that Li Yinchuan felt that there was still enough time. If he really waited until the bell rang, he would be absolutely sure that he could get a set of clothes instantly.


In fact, no one is sure yet whether obtaining identity is as simple as robbing clothes.

If you grab clothes, put them on yourself.

In the end, I found out that I still had no identity, and all the work was in vain.

After all, Li Yinchuan didn't think that obtaining an identity could be as simple as stealing other people's clothes.

There must be other critical conditions hidden.

After all, thriller games have never been a side-scrolling game.

A player's strength may give him a certain advantage in a thriller game copy, but if he wants to push the game copy from beginning to end, it should be unlikely.

Although Li Yinchuan can do it.

But in most cases I plan to play the game slowly.

The game has a fixed time limit, and even if you finish it early, you still have to wait until the end of the set time. The Nightmare Hospital in Li Yinchuan's last copy is a very good example.

Another point is that Li Yinchuan is still not sure what the source of the horror game is.

This is also the reason why he entered the dungeon this time, preparing to really get a good score so that he can improve the strength of the logging ax and enter the horror world.

When the time comes to truly enter the world of horror, if we can figure out a little bit about the specific strength of the source behind the horror game.

Maybe Li Yinchuan will be more indulgent when facing thriller games next, until he completely understands the strength behind the thriller games.

"But it's really okay to grab a set of clothes first like this guy."

Li Yinchuan couldn't help but nodded in the dark.

No matter what your identity is, grab a set of clothes first.

There’s no need to rush to put it on, just leave it alone and see how it goes.

If the time comes for the bell to ring, I can just put it on myself in time.

Determine what this player is doing.

Finding that although the player was at a disadvantage, Li Yinchuan was not in danger, so he gave up the idea of ​​​​rescuing him and getting some help points to improve his rating.

However, this player's behavior also did Li Yinchuan a small favor.

This time, Li Yinchuan did not continue to lie aside, but went back in the direction he came from.

Looking at the unpatrolled teaching building.

Li Yinchuan didn't hesitate this time and stepped directly in.

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