The reincarnator has just retired and is entering the horror game again?

Chapter 180 Li Yinchuan’s bold idea to force a full position to be vacant?

Watching Li Yinchuan's figure slowly enter the cafeteria and finally disappear.

The two players who were originally about to call Li Yinchuan suddenly became confused.

" did he get in."

The two of them hid beside the trees planted in the pond and looked at each other. The confusion in their eyes could be clearly seen.

The point is, both of them clearly saw it.

Li Yinchuan doesn't have any professional uniforms on him, which means that Li Yinchuan, like them, has not obtained any occupation in Jingyue School yet.

But why could he enter the canteen so openly in front of Li Gui's security guard, and Li Gui's security guard didn't stop him?

But it's a pity that no matter how the two players think about it, they don't understand the key points.

Because in the subconscious thoughts of the two players.

Before having the identity of Jingyue Guile School, one should not appear openly and openly in front of the ghosts, as it would attract various attacks.

At this moment, Li Yinchuan had already entered the canteen.

The interior of the cafeteria seemed darker than the teaching building, with a faint ghostly aura permeating it.

After Li Yinchuan entered the cafeteria, he looked to the left of the door.

On the left side of the door, there is a staircase leading to the upper level. Not surprisingly, this staircase leads to the second floor of the cafeteria.

Li Yinchuan did not go directly to the second floor.

His eyes returned to the first floor of the cafeteria.

The audience in the live broadcast room also followed Li Yinchuan's gaze and looked at the first floor of the canteen.

But just by looking at it, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but frown.

Because the environment on the first floor of the cafeteria seemed worse than they imagined.

The dark floor was stained with something pitch black.

There are quite a few dining tables on the first floor of the cafeteria.

It's just that these dining tables and stools are very dirty, as if no one has cleaned them for a long time.

There is something that the audience in the live broadcast room cannot feel.

That was when Li Yinchuan entered the canteen.

You can clearly smell a very foul smell, or a rotten smell.

It’s hard to imagine that this is the environment that should exist inside a canteen.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yinchuan looked towards the innermost part of the canteen.

In the innermost part of the canteen, there are about three or four windows for serving food.

However, it was not meal time at this moment, and there was no sign of any movement in the meal window inside the canteen.

However, Li Yinchuan felt that the stench and rotten smell he smelled seemed to be coming from the meal window.

at the same time.

Inside the canteen, a small door on the side was slowly opened.

A fierce ghost wearing a chef's uniform walked out of it. There seemed to be something in its hand, glowing coldly in the darkness.

At the same time, when the chef Fu Ligui appeared, the corresponding introduction also appeared.

[Chef in the cafeteria on the first floor of Jiyue Gui School]

And the chef who walked out of the small door seemed to have discovered Li Yinchuan alone in the canteen.

His faint eyes began to look at Li Yinchuan.

Immediately afterwards, the chef Li Gui walked towards Li Yinchuan.

As they got closer, the audience in the live broadcast room finally saw clearly what the ghost chef was holding.

But it was an old kitchen knife stained with dark red blood.

There are many depressions on the blade of a kitchen knife, and there are even more concavities and convexities on the blade.

At the same time, the viewers in the live broadcast room could clearly see that the chef Li Gui's chef uniform was stained with a lot of dark yellow grease, as if it had not been cleaned for a long time.

[: This evil chef’s hygiene situation is worrying. Fortunately, it's just a chef in a thriller game, otherwise I would have reported it. 】

Even at this moment, some viewers couldn't help but make comments and make jokes.

At the same time, in the live broadcast screen.

The ghost chef looked at Li Yinchuan and asked similar questions to other ghosts who met Li Yinchuan.

"Who are you? Why aren't you wearing your own professional clothes? You can't be an unidentified person who has sneaked into Jiyue School."

While speaking, the Ghost Chef's eyes flickered with a faint light, staring at Li Yinchuan, with a faint ghostly aura coming out.

Li Yinchuan didn't care at all.

Not to mention that Li Yinchuan knew how to answer this topic.

Even if Li Yinchuan doesn't know.

The ghost chef in front of him seemed to be only half the strength of Hong Yi at best, and could not pose any threat to Li Yinchuan at all.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yinchuan repeated the previous answer.

"I just came to Jiyue Gui School, and I'm not familiar with many places."

Hear this.

The threat in the eyes of the ghost chef in front of him dissipated a lot.

But this time, what Chef Li Gui said made Li Yinchuan and the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly cheer up.

This ghost chef was not like the previous ghosts who asked Li Yinchuan to quickly put on his professional clothes and work.

After listening to what Li Yinchuan said in front of him.

The devilish chef was silent for a moment, then looked at Li Yinchuan up and down.

"Are you a new member of Jingyue School? Do you want to apply for a position? But unfortunately, there is no shortage of people in our cafeteria now. You can go to other places to take a look."

apply for job? No shortage of people?

These two keywords were quickly grasped by Li Yinchuan.

The audience in the live broadcast room seemed to understand something again.

Can I still apply for the position? So, what previous players did was somewhat wrong?

Especially the player who directly snatched Teacher Ligui's clothes.

But the next moment, the ghost chef's voice sounded again to let the audience know that the player's behavior was not completely wrong.

But in front of Li Yinchuan, the ghost chef's voice continued to sound.

"Okay, I still need to cook today's food for the students. You should leave quickly. It's best to find the corresponding position as soon as possible and put on professional clothes. Otherwise, Jingyue School will not welcome unidentified people. Stayed in school too long.”

The meaning of this is also consistent with the mission introduction that allows players to obtain their identity before the first bell rings.

But at the beginning, many players and even almost all the viewers in the live broadcast room believed that the position needed to be snatched away.

But now it seems that snatching is indeed a way, but there is also an easier way that does not require players to actually face the ghost.

That is to find a vacant position in Jingyue School, and obtain the corresponding professional uniform and pass it on.

However, it is obvious that if you have sufficient strength, it is definitely more convenient to directly grab professional uniforms than to find vacant positions.

But this time in the dungeon, it seems that only three players in red, including Li Yinchuan, can really claim to be snatching professional uniforms.

The remaining seven half-step red players still need to look for corresponding vacant professional servers.

"I don't know what the final results of these two different methods of obtaining professional uniforms will be."

Li Yinchuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

At the same time, he also thought of a question.

There are definitely not a few professional uniforms in Jingyue Gui School. There are four types of students, teachers, security guards, and chefs that Li Yinchuan can see now. This does not include those who have not yet been discovered by Li Yinchuan.

But obviously not all of these occupations have vacancies.

And every profession most likely has its own hidden secrets.

If you really follow the normal rules of the game and only look for vacant positions, then the restrictions will be too great.

Because some professions may not be short of people, and players cannot obtain the corresponding secrets if they cannot obtain the identity of that profession.

"Perhaps... I can force the number of vacancies for the identities I need."

Li Yinchuan's eyes flickered slightly.

What other players can't do, Li Yinchuan may not be able to do.

Li Yinchuan felt that directly grabbing professional uniforms would cause too many problems in the future.

For example, even if your professional uniform is really taken away.

But what will happen next to the fierce ghost who was robbed of his professional uniform? Can it take back the professional uniform from the player?

Or after the matter is exposed, the devil who had his professional uniform taken away can summon the security guards of the whole school to help him find the player who stole the professional uniform.

But what if you directly let a fierce ghost of a profession you need disappear completely?

The position was immediately vacant, and Li Yinchuan applied openly, so everything was different!

"I'm thinking about which position should I leave vacant."

Thinking of this, Li Yinchuan couldn't help but touch his chin and started thinking.

He first looked at the ghost chef who was about to leave after talking to him.

As for the chef, it seems a little difficult. After all, the scope of the chef's actions seems to be only inside the canteen. smaller.

As for students, the number of Li Gui students is large and their strength is low, although students will definitely have more freedom in Jiyue Gui School.

But it doesn't need to be much. With so many students of low strength, the authority of the Ligui students is not high correspondingly.

After all, Li Gui student Qing Yi doesn't have the strength.

Even if they enter the dungeon this time, the weakest half-step red player can easily steal the student's professional uniform.

But no surprises.

If the waiting time is running out. Maybe some players will be forced to choose to spend a day as a student first.

As far as is known, the only two most useful professions left are teachers and security guards.

Although the security profession has a larger activity area, it seems to have a limited scope.

But the teaching profession. Although there are also distinctions between Building 1 and other floors.

But Li Yinchuan has seen before that teachers can go out and leave their teaching buildings directly.

Go round and round.

Li Yinchuan's idea was to hit Teacher Li Gui again.

Thinking of this, Li Yinchuan couldn't possibly stay in the canteen any longer.

If you want Teacher Li Gui to open a position, you have to go to the teaching building.

Li Yinchuan thought like this and was preparing to return to the location of the teaching building.

But that's it.

Li Yinchuan had just walked to the door of the cafeteria.

Outside the cafeteria, violent ghost energy fluctuations emerged.

When Li Yinchuan and the audience in his live broadcast room looked at the direction where the ghost energy fluctuation occurred.

The audience in the live broadcast room suddenly fell silent.

Not far away, there were two security guards from the cafeteria fighting a player.

And that player... turned out to be the player who had previously snatched Teacher Li Gui's teacher's uniform, but subsequently disappeared.

But at this moment, with the real strength of the player in red clothes, he could easily suppress the two ghost security guards who were only half a step above the strength of red clothes with one-on-two.

Obviously, because the player in red could not snatch Teacher Li Gui's uniform, he settled for the second best and settled on the uniforms of the two security guards.

Similarly, the audience in Li Yinchuan's live broadcast room was not the only ones who were silent.

On the other side, the two half-step red players hiding behind the trees next to the pool were also completely confused at this moment.

Only in front of me was a person entering the cafeteria openly in front of the security guards.

They also wondered how this was done.

As a result, now, why is there another guy suddenly starting to attack the security guard?

Are all the players in red so arrogant?

The two players in half-step red clothes couldn't help but doubt their lives at this moment.

After all, these two half-step red players were players who had just become half-step red players in the last dungeon.

And in this instance, the powerful players in red seemed to be more skillful than the others.

And just then.

The player in red who was suppressing the two fierce ghost security guards seemed to have discovered Li Yinchuan's existence.

Seeing Li Yinchuan coming out of the cafeteria, the player in red couldn't help showing surprise in his eyes, as if he was wondering how Li Yinchuan entered the cafeteria.

But saw Li Yinchuan coming.

The player in red casually glanced at Li Yinchuan without paying much attention.

He recognized that Li Yinchuan was one of the first eight players who stood there in a daze after entering the dungeon.

As for what Li Yinchuan reminded the other seven players later, he left with another man in red at the beginning, so he didn't see it.

And this is also the basis for the two players in red who have obviously experienced many high-end dungeons to determine who is the master and who is the rookie.

Li Yinchuan did not choose to leave immediately, but chose to stay in a daze, which was no longer something an expert player would do.

If he is not a master in red clothes, then Li Yinchuan is probably just a player who has just entered the red clothes level.

Thinking of this, the player in red spoke with a commanding tone, a little arrogant and cold.

"Hey, you happen to be here, so I'm giving you an advantage. Come here and lend a hand, help me deal with these two security guards. I'll give you a set of security uniforms."

Hearing this, Li Yinchuan glanced at the player in red who was speaking, and then at the two security guards who were being beaten by the player in red and were obviously dying.

Li Yinchuan's eyes were extremely calm.

With Li Yinchuan's ability, he didn't need anyone else to deal with these two security guards.

Besides, Li Yinchuan's current target is not the two canteen security guards.

Now, Li Yinchuan has a better choice. He is planning to get a teacher's uniform.

Regardless of reality, the status of teachers and security guards in schools is definitely higher than that of teachers.

It is in this Jingyue School that Teacher Li Gui has the strength of a red-dressed person, while the security guard Li Gui only has half-step red-dressed level of strength, which clearly illustrates the status gap between the two.

Li Yinchuan ignored the player in red who was talking, turned around and walked out of the cafeteria, wanting to leave in the direction of the teaching building.

Seeing this scene, the face of "Liang Ming" who was holding down the two fierce security guards suddenly sank.

With his strength, it is easy to suppress the two ghost security guards.

But it is still a bit difficult to actually kill the two ghost security guards and steal their security uniforms.

After all, these half-step red-clothed fierce ghosts are not completely defenseless.

It was precisely because of this that when he saw Li Yinchuan's appearance, he wanted to ask Li Yinchuan to come over and help.

But in fact, even if he asked Li Yinchuan to help him, Liang Ming felt that he was giving Li Yinchuan a big advantage.

Other players who want to get a professional server don’t have any ideas yet, and they don’t know who to target.

Maybe in the end, they have no choice but to attack the evil students in the teaching building.

And with Liang Ming's red-shirted level of strength, he naturally understands that the weaker the identity, the less things he can obtain.

Therefore, even if he directly tried to attack Teacher Li Gui before, he did not want to attack Li Gui's students.

Although he failed later, Teacher Li Gui failed to get his professional uniform, and he also suffered a lot of injuries.

That's why I chose to do the next best thing, find a security guard with half-step strength in red clothes, and have an identity that should have permission to move in Jingyue School.

I happened to see Li Yinchuan appear and wanted Li Yinchuan to help me share the burden. It was not in vain that I asked him to help.

After the incident is completed, the extra security uniform will naturally be given to Li Yinchuan.

But he didn't expect that Li Yinchuan had no intention of paying attention to him.

A flash of anger flashed in Liang Ming's eyes,

It's not that Li Yinchuan didn't give himself face by rejecting him.

I simply felt that Li Yinchuan didn't know how to seize such a good opportunity.

"Sure enough, he is just a guy in red clothes, and he doesn't know how to seize the opportunities he has."

But now, Liang Ming didn't have much time to be angry with Li Yinchuan.

His top priority now is to get rid of the two ghost security guards in front of him.

If Liang Ming didn't feel wrong.

In Jingyue School, some security guards from other places seemed to have noticed the fighting here.

If a few more ghost security guards come by then.

Even Liang Ming, with his red-shirted strength, could only choose to retreat.

But Li Yinchuan ignored Liang Ming's invitation.

The two half-step players in red who were hiding on the edge of the pond not far from the cafeteria flashed their eyes, and there was a hint of emotion in their eyes.

Although among the two of them, at most one person can get the extra set of security uniforms.

But it would be good to figure out how to obtain the identity of Jiyue School first.

As long as I help, the players who get the status first will definitely not burn bridges directly.

After all, the live broadcast is on, and the higher the strength of the players, the smaller the number. The reputation still needs to be maintained.

If we burn bridges this time, no players will be willing to cooperate with us next time.

Thinking of this, the two hiding half-step red players planned to come out from the pond where they were hiding.

But at this moment, a terrifying ghostly aura emerged from inside the canteen.

Feeling the terrifying ghostly aura, even Li Yinchuan couldn't help but stop.

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