The reincarnator has just retired and is entering the horror game again?

Chapter 202 Heading to Teaching Building No. 2? Sneaky “student” players

Inside the live broadcast room, outside the live broadcast room.

At this moment, both pairs of eyes are staring closely at the art classroom and music classroom.

But it's a pity.

The moment Li Yinchuan and Zhou Qing each pushed open the doors of the art classroom and the music classroom.

The originally noisy sounds in the two classrooms suddenly disappeared and stopped completely.

At the same time, the group of people and the audience in their respective live broadcast rooms also cast their gaze into the interior of the two classrooms.

In the art classroom, there were only a few motionless models in the corners.

Stacked drawing boards and other fancy tools.

You can almost see the entire art classroom clearly at a glance.

The music classroom on the other side is similar.

The interior space is relatively spacious, but there is only one piano and small musical instruments placed in the corner of the classroom, and there is no corner to hide or escape.

Both classrooms were empty inside.

It didn't look like the evil student was trying to avoid him at all.

Looking at the players standing at the door.

The audience in the live broadcast room can feel the terrifying silence and the strangeness that arises in their hearts unconsciously.

It was as if the place where the noise was coming from was not in these two classrooms at all.

Or perhaps, the sounds that were heard in these two classrooms were simply the players' own auditory hallucinations.

But the next moment, this unlikely guess was rejected by the audience in the live broadcast room.

Players in the dungeon may be restricted by some strange environment, and may also have hallucinations and other hallucinations.

But the strange influence in the copy had no effect on the viewers in the live broadcast room.

The audience could clearly hear the noisy sounds from the two classrooms before.

This is definitely not fake.

Previously, inside the art room and music room! Something was definitely making the noise.

But...where did he hide?

No matter how the audience looked inside the two classrooms, they could not find any place to hide something strange inside the two empty classrooms.

In the dungeon, after Zhou Qing and the other three opened the music classroom, their faces were a little ugly.

Everything they encountered now was exactly the same as what those evil teachers said.

The originally noisy classroom fell into complete silence the moment it was pushed away.

The situation in the art classroom where Li Yinchuan is alone is currently unknown.

But Zhou Qing and the other three were standing at the door of the music classroom. When they looked at the inside of the music classroom, it looked normal and not weird at all.

This feeling is just like the situation I encountered on the third floor of the student dormitory before.

But on the third floor, you can still find weird things in different ways.

How to find the weirdness in the art classroom and music classroom.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qing and the other three looked a little downcast.

At this moment, Zhou Qing and the other three people were even frowning.

There is something they want to complain about in their hearts.

Do all the weirdos in Jingyue School like to hide so much?

The strange things encountered in the playground, library and student dormitories before need to be found or lured out by the players themselves.

Now in this teaching building, the weirdness hidden inside the two classrooms is also hidden, but I don't know how to lure it out.

But it's okay.

The three of them had experienced similar situations like this several times with Li Yinchuan before. Although Li Yinchuan was basically the one who contributed, it also made them feel a little better about the current situation.

Therefore, Zhou Qing and the other two people standing at the door of the music classroom subconsciously looked at Li Yinchuan and wanted to ask Li Yinchuan what to do.

After all, this is how they solved the weird before.

Don’t panic when you encounter problems, just ask the experienced boss next to you.

When the viewers in the live broadcast room saw the movements of Zhou Qing and the three of them, their eyes went dark.

What the hell, he was really ready to hug their anchor’s thick leg to death.

But Qiao Luan and Zuo Lin, the two half-step red players, just hugged the anchor's thick legs.

How come you, Zhou Qing, didn't even think about it and just counted on Li Yinchuan?

You are also a red player after all, okay, let’s do something useful!

It's a pity that the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't hear Zhou Qing's complaints at all, and even if they heard it, they would definitely ignore it.

Although he and Li Yinchuan are both red players.

But there is also a gap between players in red clothes. Li Yinchuan's strength is obviously much stronger than that of a new player like him who has just entered red clothes.

Although Zhou Qing is a very top boss in front of others.

But where is the rule that says red players can't call more powerful people boss!

Therefore, without any psychological burden, Zhou Qing and Qiao Luan Zuolin came directly to Li Yinchuan and waited for Li Yinchuan to give his opinion.

"Senior boss, what should we do next? I think those ghost teachers don't seem to know how to bring out the weirdness in the teaching building."

Qiao Luan looked at Li Yinchuan and asked.

After hearing this, Li Yinchuan muttered for a few seconds, and his eyes wandered between the art classroom and the music classroom.

These hidden weirdness are indeed a bit troublesome.

But in the final analysis, it is because there is too little information.

In the past, Li Yinchuan and the others were able to draw out the weirdness in the corresponding place so quickly and solve it.

It was entirely because in the previous corresponding places, the regional administrators directly told them how to induce weirdness, and Li Yinchuan and the others just had to follow it.

But in this teaching building, it was really a blur.

Those ghost teachers seemed to be quite capable, but they were not as courageous as the regional administrators they had encountered before in the dungeon.

Soon, Li Yinchuan seemed to have thought of something.

"If I remember correctly, in addition to Teaching Building No. 1, there is also Teaching Building No. 2. There are problems in Teaching Building No. 1, and it is impossible that everything will be fine in Teaching Building No. 2."

"Let's go take a look in the No. 2 teaching building first. Maybe we can find something."

Hearing this, Zhou Qing and others also remembered that there was more than one teaching building in Jiyue Gui School.

The existence of the No. 2 teaching building cannot be meaningless.

The two teaching buildings may even be related to each other, and even the weird things that happen are of the same type.

At this time, it may be better to go to the No. 2 Teaching Building to see the situation than to just stand around and wait for the situation in the No. 1 Teaching Building.

And so far, the bell of Jingyue School has only rang once.

Players who want to clear this instance have to wait until the seventh bell rings.

In other words, there are almost six days left, which is very long. There is no need to be so anxious and need to solve the weirdness in the teaching building tonight.

"Okay, let's go to the No. 2 teaching building now!"

The group of people hit it off immediately and briefly turned their attention away from the art classroom and music classroom in the No. 1 teaching building.

Leave directly outside the No. 1 teaching building.

"Tap tap tap tap..."

The footsteps of a group of four people sounded on the stairs of the No. 1 teaching building, getting farther and farther away from the sixth floor.

Not long after, until they were on the sixth floor, the footsteps of a group of four people completely disappeared and no more movement was made.

Also at this moment.

Suddenly, there was a strange sound above the doors of the art classroom and music classroom that were opened by Li Yinchuan and others.

The old "crunching" sound rang from the two classroom doors.


A dull sound sounded, and the two doors that had been opened were closed again as if driven by some strange force.

If there were still people on the sixth floor watching this horrifying scene, they would probably get goosebumps all over their body in an instant.

at the same time.

"Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!"

The noisy sounds were mixed with crying, cursing, and all kinds of weird sounds, rising from low to high in the two classrooms, sounded again, seemingly more unscrupulously.

But at this time, no one came to the sixth floor to check the specific situation.

Because at this moment, Li Yinchuan and the others had already left the No. 1 teaching building.

And the other side.

Not long after Li Yinchuan and the others left the No. 1 teaching building.

In the darkness, two sneaky figures slowly groped towards the No. 1 teaching building from a certain direction of Jiyue School.

If you get close to the two, you can see them clearly.

The two of them were wearing the most popular student uniforms in the teaching building.

But compared to other ghost students, they either go to the playground, the library or other places.

The two of them took the initiative to return to the teaching building after school.

But the subsequent exchange between the two quickly exposed their identities as players.

Among the two, one of the players looked at the No. 1 teaching building with a somewhat solemn expression.

"School is over now in the teaching building. Do we really want to enter the teaching building at this time? If I remember correctly, there seems to be a rule in the teaching building that students are not allowed to stay after school, right?"

The rules in the thriller game copy are no joke.

Every rule must have a corresponding reason.

In horror game copies, in most cases, if players do not abide by the rules, they are very likely to face the weird.

Since there are regulations in the teaching building that students cannot stay in the teaching building after school.

It seems that this is to restrain the ghost students, but it also applies to players.

If nothing else happens, if you enter the teaching building again after school, you will most likely encounter something strange.

But I heard the player next to me speak.

The other player on the side frowned slightly.

"What, are you worried about facing the weirdness in the teaching building? Even if you do encounter weirdness, what about Nayouneng? Can you be sure that other places in Jiyue School are safe? Or do you want to go to the place where the ghost students say? You said you want to stay in the playground or the library for a while?"

"Compared to the teaching building, those two places and other unknown places seem to be more dangerous."

Hearing this, An Mu's expression suddenly changed.

Obviously, after previously obtaining the uniform status of a ghost student.

From the conversations with other ghost students, they all heard about the horrors in the playground and library.

In those two places, many ghost students have disappeared during this period.

It made many students who were evil spirits panic.

Although when school was about to end, I suddenly heard news from some students that the abnormalities in the library and playground had disappeared, and those two places were already safe places.

But both of them still doubted this.

They didn't think there was such a coincidence in the copy of the thriller game.

There happened to be a rule that they were not allowed to stay in the teaching building after class, and they got the information that the originally dangerous library and playground had become safe.

From their perspective, this was more like a copy of the thriller game deliberately guiding them as students.

The purpose is for them to go to the library and the playground to escape the crisis, but in fact, according to the horror game's urine.

The libraries and playgrounds that seem to be safe may be facing more hidden crises.

It has been surmised that libraries and playgrounds are so dangerous.

Naturally, it is impossible for the two of them to follow the deliberate guidance of the thriller game and go to the library and playground to commit suicide.

So after thinking about it, An Mu and the two could only decide where to go after school and return to the teaching building.

Although there is indeed something strange in the teaching building.

But compared to libraries and playgrounds, which are obviously more dangerous.

Obviously, it is safer in the teaching building.

After all, there have been no reports of ghost students disappearing in the teaching building.

But if you really want to say it.

In addition to the teaching building, An Mu and the two also learned from other Ligui students that the student dormitories seemed to be a safer place in Jiyue School.

Previously, I needed to leave the teaching building after school.

The two of them also wanted to go to the student dormitory and wait for school to end until classes resumed in the teaching building.

But after thinking about it, they finally chose to stay in the teaching building.

After all, the student dormitory is still mostly unknown among the information obtained by the two of them so far.

As for the teaching building, they have been there for a while and have a certain understanding of it.

After a little comparison, it's easy to make a choice.

Moreover, there is another major problem.

This involves their role as students.

After previously gaining student status and taking classes.

From the mouths of some students, they learned a piece of information.

During this time, there seemed to be some students hiding in the teaching building. Even Teacher Li Gui tried to find out those students hiding in the teaching building many times, but failed to catch them many times.

If there are no accidents, those students hiding in the teaching building must have more hidden secrets.

This time, they only spent their extra time today.

The secondary purpose is to find the students hiding in the teaching building and figure out the real reason why they are hiding in the teaching building in order to complete the corresponding tasks.

"You are right. Compared with other places, it is more appropriate for us to gradually figure out the secrets inside the teaching building now."

An Mu looked at the player next to him and said.

As for the previous concern about possible weirdness in the teaching building, An Mu no longer mentioned it.

After all, with their current strength, the difficulty of the dungeon is much greater than before.

In front of newcomers, it is natural to abide by the rules in the horror game copy as long as you don't have to face the weirdness head-on.

But as half-step red-clothed people, if they want to complete the mission in the dungeon, it is naturally impossible for them to think of avoiding the weirdness as easily as possible.

Sometimes if you really do nothing, the first goal is to avoid the weirdness.

Then in the later stages of the dungeon, they might fall into a more dangerous situation due to the lack of previous information.

"Well, let's go to the teaching building first. We both need to be careful and remember to move quickly. We don't know when the security guard of the teaching building will be back."

Hearing this, An Mu nodded.

They knew there were security guards outside the teaching building.

But the strange thing is that the security guard of this teaching building disappeared a long time ago, and he doesn't know where he went.

The two security guards in the No. 2 teaching building were patrolling well.

And when the Li Gui students were after school.

An Mu and An Mu also followed the Li Gui students out of the teaching building as the first batch, but found that the security guard from Teaching Building No. 1 had not yet appeared.

The two of them checked around Jiyue Gui School for a while, and only just now decided to return to the teaching building, only to find that the security guard of the No. 1 teaching building was still not there.

But the absence of security is also a good thing for the two of them.

After all, if the ghost security guard in the No. 1 teaching building really exists.

Not to mention the trouble they have to enter the teaching building now, even if they sneak into the teaching building during the day, it will definitely become more difficult to obtain a student identity.

No more hesitation.

The two of them took steps out of the darkness, and soon entered the empty teaching building after school was over.

But this time, he entered an empty teaching building.

A strange atmosphere of silence could not help but permeate around the two of them.

This was a feeling that made An and Mu both very uncomfortable.

If they were physically unaccustomed to staying with the ghost students before school was over.

So now, I feel nervous and weird for no reason.

Their bodies shivered involuntarily.

Looking at the interior of the classroom where they were huddled together.

The classroom was tightly closed at the moment, but through the glass on the teacher's door, one could still see the desks that were neatly arranged but empty.

Taking a deep breath, the two suppressed some kind of throbbing in their hearts, and their thoughts quickly returned to looking for other ghost students hiding in the teaching building.

They quickly looked through the four classrooms on the first floor and found them empty.

An Mu and An Mu were also startled when they walked to the right corner of the first floor and saw four ghost teachers in the office.

However, they were not Li Yinchuan, and they wisely did not make any noise to attract the attention of the four ghost teachers in the office.

After all, it would not be a joke if they were discovered by the ghost teachers in their current situation.

Because their current identity is one of the students.

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