The reincarnator has just retired and is entering the horror game again?

Chapter 209 The source of the anomaly in Jingyue School? The whereabouts of the principal? (Please g

"Dorm! You said that guy is from the dormitory?"

At this moment, the No. 2 teaching director heard Li Yinchuan tell the origin of the strange shadow.

His eyes suddenly looked at Li Yinchuan, and at the same time, the face of the No. 2 dean suddenly turned ugly.

Originally, they were expecting Dean No. 2 to reveal information about the strange shadow, but no one expected that Dean No. 2's mood would change so drastically after Li Yinchuan said that the strange shadow came from the dormitory.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but feel shocked, and they vaguely understood that the origin of the strange shadow in the dormitory did not seem to be that simple.

The expressions of Zhou Qing and the others, who originally looked curious and were waiting for the answer from the No. 2 dean, gradually became nervous.

Li Yinchuan's eyes narrowed slightly and he looked closely at the No. 2 dean.

"Do you know the origin of the guy I just talked about?"

Hearing Li Yinchuan's inquiry, the dean nodded, then shook his head.

"I know a little bit, but I don't know much about its true origin. But I know that a very serious thing seemed to have happened in Jiyue School a long time ago. The severity of that thing almost affected The entire Jiyue School."

"The guy in the dormitory you mentioned, or in other words, those things similar to the guy in the dormitory who are also hiding in different places in Jingyue School, all appeared after that incident."

Something serious? All the weirdness only appeared after that incident.

Hearing the information in the dean's words, the audience in the live broadcast room felt their hearts skip a beat, realizing that they seemed to have heard some terrible news.

Even this news may be the final mission in Jingyue School.

In other words, that serious matter is the real source of weirdness in Jingyue School.

In the office, the hearts of Zhou Qing and others couldn't help but beat up when they heard this.

Only Li Yinchuan was able to remain calm after hearing what the No. 2 dean said.

But his twinkling eyes prove it. At that moment Li Yinchuan had already thought about many things.

"What happened later? How was the serious matter you mentioned resolved?"

Li Yinchuan's questioning voice sounded again.

When Li Yinchuan's question came up, you could see that the No. 2 dean's mood suddenly fluctuated violently.

Then, its low voice sounded.

"Later, I don't know the specific situation, because at that time, most of the employees in our Jingyue School hid in the places they were responsible for for their own safety. I only heard that our principal What methods were used to solve the abnormal phenomena that appeared in Jingyue School in a short period of time."

But at this moment, after the No. 2 dean said these words.

The audience in the live broadcast room felt that their breathing could not help but stop.

Because from the words of the No. 2 dean, they clearly heard about a very important position in Jiyue School, but there has been no news about it until now.


The last time I heard something related to the principal was from the principal's office from the security captain Li Gui.

And this time, from the mouth of the No. 2 dean, they heard what the principal had done in Jingyue School.

After many abnormal phenomena appeared in Jingyue School, it was the principal of Jingyue School who used certain methods to temporarily solve those abnormal events.

As for why it was said that those abnormal events were solved briefly.

Now the abnormal phenomena that players have seen have clearly shown that the methods used by the dean of Jingyue School have failed, so those strange phenomena that were briefly solved have reappeared during this period.

"You should also know that those weird things have reappeared during this period, so why hasn't there been any movement from the principal yet."

Li Yinchuan looked at the No. 2 dean in front of him and asked a question that everyone wanted to know.

Hearing this, the No. 2 dean shook his head with a depressed expression, and a very ugly smile appeared on his face.

"I also know this. I knew it as soon as these guys reappeared, but it's a pity that the principal disappeared after solving those anomalies last time."

Then, before Li Yinchuan could ask any more questions.

The No. 2 dean looked at the muddle-headed teachers lying on the ground in the corner of the office.

A cold look flashed across the eyes of the No. 2 dean.

"Originally, I was surprised that these guys, who are usually respectful in front of me, suddenly chose to attack me, and also used some methods that even I couldn't resist."

"Now I understand the reason. I'm afraid these guys have already united with something. While the principal is away, they are planning to get rid of the remaining managers with the highest authority in our school."

The "some things" mentioned by the No. 2 dean were naturally referring to the strange things that reappeared in Jingyuegui School.

The dean is the highest authority administrator in Jingyue School and is responsible for managing the order of the entire Jingyue School.

Now it seems.

Now, for some reason, the dean has disappeared, and there are not only those abnormal and weird movements in Jiyue School.

Even some employees in Jiyue Gui School have already had problems.

Before this, many players and even viewers thought.

This time, the main task of the Jingyue School is to obtain different identities, explore different information, and help the employees of the Jingyue School solve strange incidents in different places.

Now it seems that strange events need to be dealt with.

But similarly, players also need to be wary of certain employees in the Quiet Moon School.

Now it is certain that these ghost teachers are the ones with obvious problems.

What about Teacher Li Gui? What problems do other employees have?

Suddenly, the audience in the live broadcast room, as well as Zhou Qing and others in the dungeon, began to recall the identities of the many ghosts they had seen since entering the dungeon.

At this point, Li Yinchuan did not continue to ask the No. 2 dean about the principal and what happened in Jiyue School.

Most of what I have been asked about so far is everything that the No. 2 dean knows, and asking further questions is just a waste of time.

The top priority now is to get rid of the strange shadow of the dormitory that was resurrected in the No. 2 teaching building.

Li Yinchuan raised this question and wanted to ask the No. 2 dean, the real authority manager of the No. 2 teaching building.

They didn't think that the No. 2 dean would hide any information about the strange shadow in the dormitory.

Judging from the information previously told by the No. 2 dean, and what happened to it.

It is absolutely impossible for the No. 2 dean to be part of the weird camp, otherwise it would not have been deprived of its power by the ghost teachers under its command, who had united with some weird beings.

Thinking about it this way, on the first day when Qiao, Luan, Zuolin and others obtained their identities and completed the corresponding tasks.

Li Yinchuan directly wiped out the strange black fog in the No. 1 teaching building. Was he wrong?

If it had not been wiped out, would the "teaching director" from Teaching Building No. 1 just now return to Teaching Building No. 1 and regain his power?

Unfortunately, there is no if.

Li Yinchuan thought about it and felt that this matter was not a big problem.

In the two teaching buildings, the two teaching directors have the same identity, and their authority will probably not be much different. Correspondingly, the information that can be obtained from the two will not be much different.

So as long as the dean of one teaching building is still alive, it doesn't make much difference whether the dean of another teaching building is alive or dead.

And now from the No. 2 teaching building, Li Yinchuan and his party already know that the Li Gui teachers are a bit weird.

The ghost teachers in the No. 1 teaching building do not yet know that some of their information has been exposed.

This point may be used in some future events, and may even lead to some strange things hidden in the Jingyue School.

And when Li Yinchuan asked about the whereabouts of the strange shadow that was resurrected in the dormitory of No. 2 Teaching Building.

The No. 2 dean obviously looked seriously.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a strange aura coming from the No. 2 dean, and the entire No. 2 teaching building was faintly covered by some kind of power from the No. 2 dean.

Not long after, Dean No. 2 looked at Li Yinchuan.

"I found the location of the guy you mentioned. He is indeed hiding in my teaching building."

After hearing this, Zhou Qing and others suddenly became energetic.

They just want the No. 2 dean to take them there directly.

But before Zhou Qing and others could mention it first, the voice of the No. 2 dean was the first to speak.

"Just wait for me, I'll take you there right away."

As he said this, the eyes of the No. 2 dean suddenly turned and looked at the four ghost teachers lying on the ground in the office.

At this moment, the four ghost teachers have gone through the previous confusion. Although they still look very weak,

But their eyes have gradually become clearer and they have gained self-awareness.

Immediately afterwards, the eyes of the No. 2 dean became colder and colder, and there was a strong and dangerous look in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Qing and others all understood.

The No. 2 dean is planning to settle the score first.

Also, the No. 2 dean was previously deprived of his own power by these ghost teachers combined with some weirdness.

It would be really strange not to take revenge now that he has regained his power.

At this moment, the weak ghost teachers whose eyes gradually became clearer also slowly got up from the ground.

The chaotic brain seemed to be unable to calm down, and when these ghost teachers raised their heads and saw the No. 2 dean in front of them.

Even though the ghost teachers were still very weak, their eyes still showed strong fear.

They recalled what they had just experienced, and how they had been deprived of their power again.

Now, they are no longer the red-clothed ghosts before, they are just half-step red-clothed ghosts that can be crushed to death by the No. 2 dean at will.

" guard, save us quickly."

Suddenly, the four ghost teachers in the office noticed Li Yinchuan and the others again and tried to call for help.

It's a pity that Li Yinchuan ignored these four ghost teachers before.

Now that they know the truth from the No. 2 dean, they will naturally not come to the rescue.

"Hmph, don't expect others to save you. It's our turn to settle the score."

Dean No. 2 snorted coldly.

The next moment, a strange black mist emerged from its body again.

The black mist seemed to be alive and headed towards the four weak ghost teachers in the office.

The four ghost teachers looked frightened and tried to push themselves up and kick their legs, trying to move back, but soon they found that their backs were already leaning against the wall and they were unable to retreat.


Frightened screams rang out from the mouths of the four weak ghost teachers.

But as the strange black mist enveloped them, the screaming voices of the four ghost teachers began to become smaller and smaller, until they finally became inaudible.

Not long after, the strange black mist dissipated.

The four ghost teachers fell to the ground again.

Li Yinchuan's eyes suddenly flashed, revealing a hint of surprise.

Because he discovered that the four expected ghost teachers were not wiped out by the No. 2 dean.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but become confused.

[: I’m not going to kill them. What else can I do with them? The dean is too kind. 】

Zhou Qing and others next to Li Yinchuan were also a little confused when they saw the scene in front of them, and turned their heads to look at the No. 2 dean.

"Aren't you going to kill them? Why are you keeping them?"

Hearing this, the No. 2 dean shook his head slightly.

"There is no need to kill them. They are still useful. They need to maintain the basic teaching in my teaching building."

"But don't worry, with the lessons learned before, I won't give them any chance to resist again."

Saying this, the No. 2 dean's hand evoked a gray mist.

The moment the gray mist appeared, it seemed to pull away some kind of remaining restraint in the bodies of the four ghost teachers.

Their expressions became extremely painful, and they couldn't even sit on the ground. They howled and rolled on the ground crazily.

Seeing this scene, everyone also understood what the No. 2 dean had done before. It was probably to leave some restrictions on these ghost teachers.

"We can't let go of the guys on the first floor either."

The No. 2 dean said something, and then, it seemed to activate the authority belonging to the No. 2 dean again and control the entire teaching building.

A strange black mist overflowed from its body, and the office door that had been closed was pushed open out of thin air.

And that strange black mist floated out of the office like a smart control, heading down the stairs. While floating, its volume continued to increase, almost covering the entire corridor.

Everyone knows exactly where this strange black mist will go.

Not surprisingly, he should do the same thing to the ghost teachers on the first floor.

Sure enough, not long after, the sound of screams came up from the first floor and disappeared quickly. This meant that the four ghost teachers on the first floor should also have the same back-up plan inside their bodies.

"Okay, I'll take you to find that guy."

After getting rid of several ghost teachers, the No. 2 teaching director no longer hesitated much at this moment, and turned his head to look at Li Yinchuan and his group.

As for the ghost teachers who were lying on the ground in great pain and with ashen faces, the No. 2 dean didn't even want to take a second look at them.

At this moment, the No. 2 dean had already passed Zhou Qing and the others at the door and left the office on the fourth floor.

Li Yinchuan and others quickly followed after seeing this scene.

Following the footsteps of the No. 2 dean, the group headed toward the upper floors.

We were already on the fourth floor, and the only floors above were the fifth and sixth floors.

"That guy is on the sixth floor and will be there soon."

Dean No. 2 was talking as he walked up the stairs quickly.

The fifth floor arrived soon.

Because of the advance notification from the No. 2 dean, everyone did not stop and prepared to continue towards the sixth floor.

But at this moment, I had just reached the fifth floor and reached the stairs on the fifth and a half floors.

"Tap, tap, tap... tap, tap, tap..."

Suddenly, dense footsteps sounded.

The sound of footsteps caused Li Yinchuan and his party, who were currently on the fifth and a half floors, to stop at the stairs.

Even the No. 2 dean, who was leading the way, couldn't help but pause.

Naturally, the dense footsteps did not come from Li Yinchuan and the others.

Moreover, if I heard correctly, the source of the footsteps came from the sixth floor.

The next moment, I was standing on the stairs on the fifth and a half floors, looking at the time towards the stairs on the sixth floor.

However, they saw that a dense crowd of people wearing student uniforms had surrounded the stairs on the sixth floor, blocking the way for Li Yinchuan and his party to go up to the sixth floor.

But at this moment, Li Yinchuan and his party did not wait for any expression.

When Dean No. 2 saw so many strange students at the stairs on the sixth floor, his expression suddenly turned gloomy.

"These...are all my students! That damn guy!"

It was obvious that the No. 2 dean knew what his former students had gone through.

At the same time, after discovering Li Yinchuan and his group, those strange students at the stairs on the sixth floor rushed down without any hesitation and fearless to death, trying to stop them from moving forward.

Li Yinchuan and his party were ready to take action when they saw this scene.

But this time, Li Yinchuan and his party didn't wait for them to take action.

The No. 2 teaching director started even faster.

A thick black mist emerged from the body of the No. 2 dean with anger in his eyes.

In an instant, the thick black mist exploded, covering the strange students rushing down from the sixth floor.

Under the black mist, countless strange students screamed. Their bodies were quickly melted, revealing the rotten flesh and white bones underneath. In the end, even the white bones were erased.

Under the action of the angry dean No. 2, the strange students at the stairs on the sixth floor were cleared away in a matter of seconds.

After cleaning up all the weird students, the footsteps of Dean No. 2 became heavier due to anger, but his speed did not stop at all. Instead, he continued to move faster towards the sixth floor.

Following the No. 2 dean, Li Yinchuan and his group quickly arrived at the second classroom from left to right on the sixth floor.


In anger, the No. 2 dean suddenly pushed away the second classroom whose purpose was unknown.

The moment I opened the door.

The turbulent black mist from Dean No. 2 has already sprayed into the classroom.

But the next moment, the gushing black mist from the No. 2 dean was restrained by himself.

"damn it!"

The voice of anger once again sounded from the mouth of the No. 2 dean.

At the same time, Li Yinchuan and his group also looked inside this classroom.

But inside the classroom, except for tables, chairs, podiums and blackboards, there was nothing else.

As for the shadow of the resurrected dormitory that should have existed, it has already disappeared.

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