The reincarnator has just retired and is entering the horror game again?

Chapter 234 The death of the red player, the different intervals between each bell

Feel the terrifying and strange aura that appears from time to time.

At the edge of a certain old wall, Liang Ming felt nervous in his heart.

Ever since he was beaten away by Li Yinchuan in the student dormitory.

And because he didn't get a new identity uniform when the bell rang for the first time, he was chased by the security guards of Jingyue School.

Liang Ming used many methods to finally escape the pursuit of those security guards and have some breathing space.

Fortunately, the pursuit of those security guards is not endless.

After Liang Ming hid for a period of time, the security guards realized that they could no longer find Liang Ming's whereabouts and finally gave up.

And in the next good period of time.

Due to multiple injuries, Liang Ming's condition was not very good and he had been hiding in a corner of Jingyue School to recover from his injuries.

It wasn't until Liang Ming finally recovered from many of his injuries that he thought about continuing to complete the mission of this dungeon.

But he didn't expect that when Liang Ming was just about to take action.

He just felt the extremely terrifying and strange aura.

Under that strange aura, even Liang Ming, a red-level player, felt a strong aura of death.


That weird existence was definitely not something he, who had just joined the red outfit, could fight against.

"This is the second day of the Jingyue School dungeon. Why would such a terrifying and strange existence appear the next day?"

Liang Ming murmured in his mouth, obviously feeling very shocked by this.

And just then.

In Liang Ming's perception, the terrifying and strange aura that had disappeared not long ago appeared again.

It appeared in a building not far away from him, and he didn't know its specific function yet.

Next, all Liang Ming heard was a scream of horror and despair.

Liang Ming couldn't help but swallowed.

"That weird one has become stronger again."

Even at this moment, Liang Ming subconsciously compared him with the veteran who crushed him before.

But in just a moment, Liang Ming was able to confirm that this strange existence was definitely not comparable to the strength of the logging ax ghost shown by Li Yinchuan before.

"Damn it, what did the senior do? He made the copy look like this again."

Suddenly, Liang Ming couldn't help but cursed secretly.

He has heard rumors about seniors, and naturally knows that every dungeon that seniors enter will develop in a very strange and rapid way.

But I didn't expect that this time I would enter the dungeon of the player in red. The senior player also performed such a cunning operation, and inexplicably raised the difficulty of the dungeon to such a terrifying level.

Think of this.

Liang Ming once again had the idea of ​​hiding in his heart.

After all, it was only the second day, and there was already something so horrifying and strange in the copy.

I don’t know how many terrifying things will appear in the dungeons in the next few days.

If the dungeon proceeds normally, Liang Ming, as a player in red, will naturally not have this idea, and will instead try to improve his game rating as much as possible.

But now, the problem is to think about how to survive!

Thinking of this, Liang Ming gradually restrained his ghostly aura and planned to continue hiding it.

In this regard, Liang Ming doesn't care even if this copy gets a D-level lowest rating.

But at this moment, before Liang Ming could take action.

His eyes suddenly became frightened.

In Liang Ming's perception, the extremely terrifying and strange aura from before descended into the place not far away.

The terrifying and strange aura was gradually coming in his direction.

In an instant, Liang Ming was completely covered by this strange aura.


A scream of horror rang out from Liang Ming's mouth.

Without any hesitation, Liang Ming's body flashed with strange red light, trying to use his red-clothed ghost to escape.

At the same time, Liang Ming still had some fantasies in his heart, that is, the source of the strange aura was not looking for him, but was just along the way.

But it's a pity that no matter which direction Liang Ming ran away.

The source of that strange aura has always been locked on him.

But at a certain moment, Liang Ming's crazy escape with the help of his red-clothed ghost suddenly stopped.

At this moment, a vague and strange aura has enveloped Liang Ming's surroundings.

At the same time, Liang Ming's pupils suddenly shrank.

But all I saw was a very strange figure existing in the vague and strange aura.

Although the figure was motionless at the moment.

But Liang Ming could feel the unspeakable terrifying pressure on it.

And just then.

But he saw the terrifying figure in the vague and strange aura gently raising a hand towards Liang Ming.

A vague and strange aura gradually enveloped him, and the feeling of death suddenly appeared in Liang Ming's heart.

Even though Liang Ming desperately used his red-clothed ghost to resist.

But what he could feel was that his red-clothed ghost was being eliminated at a speed visible to the naked eye until it completely collapsed.


In despair, Liang Ming's voice became lower and lower.

[Tip, player "Liang Ming" has died. 】

And in the teaching building.

Because of Liang Ming's sudden death, the players in the teaching building couldn't help but jump up.

"What's going on? Someone died again! Aren't all the players here already here?"

Those who said this were the last two players I encountered, Chang Yi and Xia Qiu.

But the two of them had just said these words.

Their voices suddenly paused.

The two counted the number of players present.

There are eight in total, including the player who died, that is nine.

In other words, there is still one last player who is alone in the Jingyue School.

The player who just died was naturally the only player who had been alone.

But compared to Xia Qiu and Chang Yi.

Zhou Qing and Qiao Luan Zuolin had met and even had conflicts with Liang Ming before.

The three of them looked at each other, and then looked at Li Yinchuan.

It can be clearly seen that there is some kind of shock in the eyes of the three people.

Although I also understand in my heart that the principal's body is strange and his current strength is extremely terrifying.

But when a real red player died in the dungeon, even if it was just a new player in red.

But it still made them unable to calm down at all.

After using the simplest elimination method, several other people who had never seen Liang Ming also found out that the person who died was another player in red, and they also fell into panic.

Only Li Yinchuan still maintained his indifferent mood at this moment.

After looking at Zhou Qing and others who were a little restless, Li Yinchuan raised his hand and pressed it gently.

"Why panic?"

With the voice of Li Yinchuan, the backbone, the expressions of the nervous players in the teaching building finally became much better.

But it was still difficult to cover up the fear brought by the news that the real red player had died.

At this moment, Li Yinchuan, who had been carrying a chair and resting on it, finally stood up slowly and came to the main entrance of the teaching building.

Li Yinchuan said nothing.

He just looked in the direction where the strange aura of the principal's corpse appeared.

Did a little calculation.

Including the place where the principal's corpse appeared strangely before, in the entire Jingyue School, except for the teaching building and the group of players.

It is estimated that there are no surviving players or ghosts anywhere else.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but become nervous at this moment.

[: I have already been to other places where the principal’s corpse is strange. Next, I should come to find the anchor and them. 】

[: Even Liang Ming is dead. How powerful is the current principal’s corpse? Can the anchor still be a rival? 】

Many viewers couldn't help but worry about Li Yinchuan.

Although many viewers did not like Liang Ming's previous actions.

But now that Liang Ming actually died in strange hands, it also shocked the audience.

In the eyes of some high-end players, the players in red are just the beginning.

But for this group of ordinary players.

The player in red represents the end point.

Even if the copy you enter is set according to the player's strength.

But in dungeons, it is generally rare for a player in red to actually die.

Now that Liang Ming has died in the dungeon, as expected, this should be the number one event discussed on the thriller game forum in the next few days.

"Go back and rest until it comes."

In the copy, Li Yinchuan quickly withdrew his gaze and looked outside. To the other players, he just said this and stopped talking.

Although these words could not completely stop Zhou Qing and other players from worrying, it still made them stop screaming in surprise like before.

But now, Zhou Qing and others have finally calmed down.

Now that the mysterious corpse of the principal has harvested the entire Jingyue School, even if they wanted to take any remedial measures, there was nothing they could do.

But the period of waiting for the mysterious corpse of the principal to arrive was even more painful for Zhou Qing and the others.

The only thing more terrifying than death is waiting for death to come.

Zhou Qing and the others felt that they seemed to be in this stage.

Even at this moment, they wished that the principal's corpse would come earlier, so that they could give him some pleasure.

However, as expected, the strange corpse of the principal directly found the players in the teaching building after harvesting all the other areas of Jingyue School.

After the corpse of the principal appeared mysteriously with the previous death of Liang Ming, it disappeared.

The principal's body was strange but seemed to have completely disappeared and never appeared again.

Waiting nervously and anxiously.

Suddenly, in the player's ears.


The bell rang again.

If the bell can be heard four more times, it means that the players can clear the dungeon.

But for the bell to ring this time, the players did not have the slightest sense of expectation in their hearts.

Because they all know that before the next four bells ring, the strange corpse of the principal will inevitably find the players.

So in the teaching building, Li Yinchuan and his party continued to wait.

The atmosphere among everyone became increasingly depressed.

But I don’t know how long it took.

The expected corpse of the principal was strange but still did not appear.



Another bell rings.

This time, the audience in the live broadcast room and Zhou Qing and others in the copy were a little confused.

Counting the time, so long has passed.

Normally, even if the power of the staff swallowed before the principal's corpse was strange and needed to be digested, the digestion should be over after the two bells rang.

【: What the hell? Could it be that we are overthinking it? Then the principal's corpse is weird and he won't actually attack the players? 】

But as soon as this barrage appeared, someone suddenly said.

[: No shit, think about how Liang Ming died. 】

[: Why hasn’t the principal’s corpse been revealed for so long? Does anyone know. 】

Unfortunately, no one can answer this question.

Many players in the dungeon are also confused at this moment because of this matter.

The group also tried to discuss why the principal's strange body had not been revealed for so long, but in the end they couldn't find a reason.

Involuntarily, a group of players in the teaching building slowly turned their attention to Chef Li Gui and the No. 2 dean.

The principal's body was so strange that he hadn't appeared for so long, so it was impossible that he wasn't planning something.

Something players don’t know. These two evil ghosts may not know this.

But unfortunately, when asked by a group of players, the two ghost chefs and the No. 2 teaching director, who are currently on the same rope as the players, also shook their heads.

"We really don't know."

But at this moment, Li Yinchuan's voice rang out.

"If I calculated correctly, the intervals between these bells are getting shorter and shorter!"

"Getting shorter and shorter!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Zhou Qing and others were suddenly shocked.

This matter was actually discovered the first time someone saw the strange corpse of the principal in the cafeteria.

However, no one mentioned this again later because of the strange pressure caused by the principal's corpse.

But after what Li Yinchuan said.

Zhou Qing and the others were recalling carefully, and the interval between each bell ringing was indeed getting shorter and shorter!

"Wait, then."

Li Yinchuan still had the same indifferent attitude, as if he didn't care about the increasingly urgent situation and the strange corpse of the principal that might come to the door at any time.

Time passes again while waiting.


This is the fifth time the bell has rung.

But this time, with Li Yinchuan's previous reminder, Zhou Qing and others calculated, and it turned out to be true.

The interval between the fifth bell is shorter than the interval between the fourth bell.

Even compared to the interval between the first and second bells.

The interval between the fifth bells has been shortened by about half!

That follows this inference.

The next sixth bell should shorten the time even more than the fifth one!

At this moment, the players had some understanding of the requirement that the dungeon originally told them to survive seven bells instead of seven days.

as expected.

Not long after.


The sixth bell rang.

And it was also at the same time that the sixth bell appeared.

The chef Li Gui on the side suddenly screamed.

"Me! I know why the principal hasn't come to us yet!" (End of Chapter)

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