The reincarnator has just retired and is entering the horror game again?

Chapter 248 Arriving at bus line 444, Tang Guang’s team was waiting.

"Who is it?"

It is impossible to find a player who matches Li Yinchuan's image and strength.

For a moment, Sun Yan couldn't help but reveal a depressed look on his face.

Logically speaking, with Li Yinchuan's strength, it would be easy to find out who Li Yinchuan is.

After all, there are too few targets to filter.

With Sun Yan's strength, most players of that strength would know him.

Suddenly, Sun Yan's eyes flashed and he seemed to understand something.

"Wait, is he one of the few guys who is still secretive until now?"

So far, although most players have made information notes in the Thriller Association, there are also a small number of people who like to keep it secretive.

Some people just don't like to be in public.

And some simply have some bad ideas and dare not go to the Thriller Association.

With a small base, the players who cover themselves up are not very strong.

But there are still very few very strong players.

Those players are considered the best in the world.

Coupled with the reason for concealing their identities, they basically go alone when entering the horror world.

Being able to be alone in the horror world without any harm shows how strong those players are.

When Sun Yan couldn't find a suitable identity for Li Yinchuan, he subconsciously thought that Li Yinchuan was one of the group of red players who had been hiding themselves until now.

Shaked his head.

Sun Yan quickly shook off this idea.

"Forget it, if you can't figure out who he is, just don't figure it out. It's better to find Tang Guang and the others first."

It was just a coincidence that I happened to meet Li Yinchuan, a fierce man. At worst, I would tell the headquarters about it after returning to reality, so that the people in the headquarters could figure out who that person was.

Now getting rid of bus No. 444 is the main task.

Thinking of this, Sun Yan took out an animal skin map from his arms that was exactly the same as Tang Guang's, stained with ghost energy.

Casting his gaze on the map in his hand, Sun Yan also looked at the lower left corner of the map and the edge of the known unknown area at the edge of the lower left corner.

Although they are not sure where Tang Guang and the others are exactly, as long as they go to the location of bus No. 444, they are bound to find Tang Guang.

Thinking of this, Sun Yan no longer stayed where he was, and a strange red light emerged from his body.

Sun Yan was preparing to control his red-clothed ghost to leave this area.

But at this moment, it was too late for Sun Yan to leave.

The originally calm red-clothed ghost around Sun Yan suddenly shook violently.

Feeling the vibration from his own ghost, Sun Yan's expression suddenly turned ugly.

In Sun Yan's perception, an extremely powerful aura of the red-clothed devil was coming towards his current location!

With just a moment of perception, Sun Yan could feel how strong the red-clothed ghost was!

Astonishingly, he is a truly high-level red-clothed ghost!

"It's because of the previous battle!"

In an instant, Sun Yan understood the reason why this high-level red-clothed ghost came here.

The previous battle between Li Yinchuan and a dozen red-clothed ghosts was too terrifying.

The low-level ghosts in the dungeon with insufficient strength will naturally shrink.

But for some extremely powerful copy ghosts, such as high-level red-clothed dungeon ghosts, they will naturally not be afraid.

The next moment, Sun Yan's face turned even uglier.

"No! There's more than one!"

The arrival of the first high-level red-clothed fierce ghost aura does not mean that this is the limit.

This seems to be just the beginning.

After the aura of this senior red-clothed ghost arrived.

One way, two ways, three ways...

In just a moment, the auras of several high-level red-clothed ghosts arrived at the same time!

Several high-ranking red-clothed ghosts were scanning the direction where Li Yinchuan was previously.

At this moment, Sun Yan was trying his best to hide his own aura to avoid being discovered by this group of high-level red ghosts.

After all, no matter how strong Sun Yan is, he is only a senior red-coat with a combat power of about 33,000.

However, there were so many high-level red-clothed ghosts at the scene, and this was the home ground of the ghosts in the horror world.

If he was really discovered by this group of high-level red-clothed ghosts, he would probably be in trouble even with Sun Yan's strength.

With a cat-like figure, Sun Yan tried to leave the place on the edge of the junior red-clothed dungeons that were also curled up because of the arrival of the advanced red-clothed dungeons.

But it's a pity that what you are afraid of will come.

The scene that Sun Yan least wanted to face still appeared.

Just when Sun Yan was about to leave the edge of the ghostly perception of these senior red-shirted men.

The ghost that belonged to a certain high-level red-clothed ghost instantly enveloped Sun Yan.

For a moment, Sun Yan was enveloped by this senior red-coated ghost.

Like a spotlight on a dark stage.

In an instant, Sun Yan became the most eye-catching presence in this dungeon area.

Not only the senior red-clothed ghosts, but even the junior red-clothed replica ghosts who were cowering around them also sensed Sun Yan's existence.

Countless terrifying auras carrying extremely dangerous auras were heading towards Sun Yan in all directions.

At this moment, knowing that he had been exposed, Sun Yan finally stopped hiding himself and had no need to hide himself.

The red-clothed ghost belonging to Sun Yan was activated to the extreme in an instant, and flashed an extremely long distance in an instant.

But unfortunately, the group of red-clothed ghosts behind him had no intention of letting Sun Yan go.

Just like in reality. When the human red-clothed players saw the revived copy, they wanted to immediately arrange their forces to suppress and eradicate it.

In the midst of the horror, Sun Yan seemed to have become an alien among the evil ghosts. He was also pursued endlessly as soon as he was discovered by the evil ghosts.

And the other side.

When Sun Yan exposed himself and was hunted down because of Li Yinchuan.

Tang Guang's six-man team is getting closer and closer to the location where bus No. 444 appears in the horror world.

Maybe it was because of Li Yinchuan's previous battle.

Although Tang Guang's six-man team encountered many copies of the ghost along the way.

But the ghosts in those copies were all in a quiet and huddled state, without any movement.

Therefore, during the previous journey, Tang Guang's six-person team could be considered smooth sailing without any unexpected incidents.

At this moment, Tang Guang, the team leader, finally stopped again.

The other five people behind him also slowed down when they saw Tang Guang stop.

Standing not far from several copies of the primary red ghosts, Tang Guang took out the map he had looked at many times before.

He put his eyes back on the map and scanned it for a while.

Tang Guang turned his head and looked in a certain direction.

Xia Jie and the others couldn't help but turn their attention when they saw this.

But all I saw was a dilapidated old road.

There are buildings with different decorations on both sides of the road.

Inside the building, there are ghosts with different auras and strange auras.

Although Tang Guang's team entered the horror world before, saying that they were here to deal with the No. 444 bus.

But in fact, the real name of the game copy of Bus 444 is "Bus Line 444".

If there are players who have entered the 444 bus line dungeon here at this moment, they will find it.

If we ignore the other copies on both sides of the road.

The appearance of that dilapidated old road is very similar to the No. 444 bus line in the game copy, basically exactly the same.

And the old stop sign on the side of the old road seems to indicate where this is.

"Is this line 444?"

Xia Jie and others on the side immediately understood that they seemed to be not far from the No. 444 bus!

"It should be right here."

Tang Guang also nodded.

This time, six members of their team came to solve the problem of bus No. 444. How could they not know about the copy of bus line No. 444?

There is no doubt that this is the route that bus No. 444 travels on.

Looking at the old bus stop sign in the distance, Xia Jie frowned.

"Now the 444 bus line has been found. But looking at the situation, the 444 bus has not arrived at this stop."

Of course, Xia Jie also understood that it was possible that their team was late.

Bus No. 444 has left this stop before and headed to the next stop.

"This kind of moving copy is really troublesome."

In the team, a player couldn't help but frown, and at the same time, there was a little worry in his voice.

If it is a fixed copy, as long as its exact location can be found.

If necessary, you can organize a strong team to come directly to the door as quickly as possible.

But this kind of mobile copy.

It's not enough to know its place in the world of horror.

You still have to wait for it to arrive at the current site again.

Of course, among the six-person team, there was not anyone who had never thought of following the No. 444 bus line and taking the initiative to look for the No. 444 bus.

But the idea was shot down before it could even be voiced.

After all, this is a horror world, not a separate copy.

These human red-shirted players need to be careful in the horror world.

Even if the purpose is to clear out copies in the horror world, it is best not to attract other copies that are not within the mission objectives.

Just at this site, there are copies of ghosts of different sizes on both sides of the road.

If you really follow the 444 bus line, you may encounter many copies of the ghost.

If you are noticed by those copy ghosts who are not in the target, you will have to waste more energy to escape.

Rather than making a fuss, it's better to wait and see at this site.

Anyway, the No. 444 bus will arrive sooner or later. If they take the initiative to look for the No. 444 bus, they may not only encounter other problems, but also consume their own strength. It is not worth it.

"Go to the No. 444 bus station first. When the No. 444 bus arrives, it will be convenient to solve the problem."

Tang Guang said.

Everyone nodded when they heard this.

The bus line 444, which was already in front of us, was just a few steps away from the six people in the team.

At this moment, I am standing under a stop sign of bus line 444.

Although the six members of the team have never entered the 444 bus line in previous copies.

But I have also seen videos of many people, including Li Yinchuan, entering the replica of the No. 444 bus line.

But now, based on the videos in his memories and the real bus line 444 in front of them, Tang Guang and his team of six can feel the difference between the 444 bus line in the game copy and the real horror world.

Bus line 444 in the game copy is in darkness.

And basically nothing else can be seen outside the highway.

However, the No. 444 bus in the horror world is not in the dark state. Instead, it has a blood-red color unique to the horror world.

The bus stop sign looked older and more dirty than the one in the game copy, and the weird aura exuding from it was even stronger than the one in the game copy.

Not to mention the other dungeon ghosts around that are not part of the 444 bus line.

In contrast, the horror shown in the game copy of Bus No. 444 may not even be one-tenth or one percent of the horror in the horror world in front of us.

In silence, after arriving at the No. 444 bus stop, Tang Guang's six-person team said nothing more.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Tang Guang and his team also took the opportunity to explore other dungeons around the No. 444 bus line.

The fierce ghosts in these dungeons are all around junior red-shirts, and there are no high-level red-shirts.

In the horror world, at least judging from the experience of the current red players.

In the horror world, high-level red-clothed ghosts are not just a thing that can be seen everywhere. Most of the crises that players face are the junior red-clothed ghosts.

Of course, no one thinks that the strongest ghosts in the horror world are at this level.

Among more people's speculations, they still haven't encountered a truly terrifying and powerful ghost. It's just that the area they explored is too small.

At this moment, it had been some time since Tang Guang and his party arrived at the bus line 444 stop sign.

The calm ghost copies around them didn't move at all, which made Tang Guang and his party relax a little.

The worst-case scenario that they expected, but before the 444 bus arrived, other copies of the ghosts came to them first did not happen.

But regarding the other copies of the ghosts around, Tang Guang, the team leader, spoke again,

"If bus No. 444 comes later, remember to fight quickly to avoid attracting the surrounding dungeon ghosts."

"We understand."

Several other people nodded.

Although there are no high-level red-clothed ghosts around.

But if they drag on for too long while fighting the No. 444 bus and attract the surrounding copy ghosts, this will also be a huge trouble for them.

Time passed minute by minute.

During this period of time, Tang Guang and his team of six were constantly using their own ghost coins to restore the ghost energy consumed along the way and maintain their peak condition.

Until a certain moment.

In the perception of Tang Guang and the six others.

One direction of bus line 444.

A strange aura suddenly appeared, from far to near.

Tang Guang and others looked over.

With just one glance, the eyes of Tang Guang and others became solemn.

"Here it comes!" (End of chapter)

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