The reincarnator has just retired and is entering the horror game again?

Chapter 259 Li Wei is wiped out, Li Yinchuan’s questions and answers

The ghosts belonging to the six senior red-clothed fierce ghosts were trembling violently at this moment.

Although the black light struck by Li Yinchuan's logging ax has not really arrived yet.

Just the terrifying power emanating from the black ax light has already made the six fierce ghosts somewhat unbearable!

There is a huge gap between senior redcoat and junior redcoat.

But in front of the top red clothes, there is also a huge gap between them and the high-level red clothes!

Li Yinchuan's black axe, which had clearly exceeded the upper limit of the power of the senior red-clothed demons, had completely wiped out the desire for confrontation among the six senior red-clothed ghosts in front of him.


However, these six senior red-clothed ghosts had no intention of joining forces to confront Li Yinchuan.

Controlling the trembling ghost.

The six senior red-clothed ghosts in front of them had already planned to fly away when the disaster came, and they all changed directions, hoping to escape.

But it's a pity.

At this moment, the illusory black ax light also stopped.

Among the six senior red-clothed fierce ghosts.

Among them, the movements of the three senior red-clothed ghosts were still half a beat too slow.

The black ax light emitted by the logging ax itself has already cut through the ghosts of these three fierce ghosts.

The ghost and the black ax light came into contact with each other.

There was also no strange and extremely noisy fluctuations.

It is even said that the moment the two came into contact, there was no strange fluctuation at all.

But the three senior red-clothed ghosts showed extremely frightened emotions at this moment.

Only they themselves, as the controllers of ghosts, know what happened just now.

They can feel it clearly.

The moment their ghosts came into contact with this black ax light.

The strange power spread among their ghosts was completely wiped out by this ax light.

The high-end red-clothed ghost who looked very attractive turned into a complete empty shell.

at the same time.

The three fierce ghosts had turned into empty shells, and the ghosts finally could no longer maintain their apparent form, and gradually dissipated and completely collapsed.

The ghostly collapse.

The intensity of the strange auras of the three high-level red-clothed ghosts also began to fade away sharply, and they were obviously greatly affected.

Seeing such a scene in the eyes of the other three high-level red-clothed ghosts who luckily escaped, it made them equally frightened.

If they hadn't moved a little faster just now.

Now maybe there will be one more serious ghost hit than one of them.

Think of this.

The three high-level red-clothed ghosts who had managed to escape the first calamity controlled their own ghosts and planned to escape quickly.

But it's a pity that since Li Yinchuan has taken action, he naturally doesn't intend to let these guys escape.

"Did I let you escape?"

A calm voice sounded, but in the ears of several fierce ghosts, it sounded so down-to-earth.

The logging ax in Li Yinchuan's hand was once again raised high.

The same black ax light as before was once again swung from the logging ax in Li Yinchuan's hand.

This ax light instantly passed through the bodies of the three high-level red-clothed ghosts that had been shattered.

The bodies of the three senior red-clothed ghosts also completely solidified at the same time.


The bodies of the three high-level red-clothed ghosts exploded completely, and the ghost energy existing in their bodies directly overflowed into the terrifying world.

But this second black axe's rays did not stop, but it went straight towards the last three high-level red-clothed ghosts who had escaped some distance away at a faster speed.

Although the speed at which the three senior red-clothed ghosts escaped was already terrifying.

But in front of the black ax light wielded by Li Yinchuan, it was still incomparable.

The distance between the two was shortened extremely quickly.


The aura of death coming from the perception became stronger and stronger, and the emotions of the remaining three high-level red-clothed ghosts became more and more frightened.

They try to fight by any means they can.

His own ghosts and all kinds of strange attacks.

But without exception.

All their methods turned into foamy shadows in front of this cold black axe, and shattered at the touch of it.

In the end, under this ax light, the three remaining high-level red-clothed ghosts had their turn to withstand this attack after all methods failed.

The result was of course no surprise at all.

The ax light flashed away, and their bodies also completely disappeared.

It all seemed like a long time ago.

But in fact, from beginning to end, Li Yinchuan only waved the logging ax twice.

But on the other side, Sun Yan and the others were completely dumbfounded by the scene in front of them.

With two swings of the wood-cutting ax, six high-level red ghosts were easily eliminated.

If you count the two people who died early.

In just a moment, eight high-level red-clothed ghosts died in Li Yinchuan's hands!

You know, it was these eight high-level red-clothed ghosts who almost caused Sun Yan and Tang Guang to lose themselves in the horror world.

Not long after several senior red-clothed ghosts died in Li Yinchuan's hands.

In everyone's perception, they can vaguely feel that there are sudden and violent strange fluctuations in certain directions in the distance, but not too far away.

Such strange fluctuations made Tang Guang and others who were in shock return to their senses.

Although the distance is far.

But they could all faintly feel the strange fluctuations that suddenly appeared in the distance, which seemed to be the final fluctuations of the collapse of the copy.

These copies belonged to the high-level red-clothed ghosts who had just been killed by Li Yinchuan.

Now that the ghosts themselves are dead, their corresponding copies have naturally collapsed.

at the same time.

Not long after the strange fluctuations appeared, the riots of many copy ghosts in the distance further confirmed their suspicions.

Because of the collapse of the dungeon, many dungeon ghosts wanted to gain some benefits from the collapsed dungeon.

"It's a copy of the high-level red-clothed ghost. I don't know what kind of precious props it contains."

Sun Yan couldn't help but smacked his lips as he felt the fluctuations coming from the fierce ghost battle becoming more and more intense in the distance.

When Xia Jie and others on the side heard this, they couldn't help but secretly guess.

Previously, after the No. 444 bus with a combat power of only 25,000, there were two ghost props after it collapsed, plus the extremely pure ghost energy.

But now those who died in Li Yinchuan's hands were all high-level red-clothed ghosts.

Not to mention eight, even ten No. 444 buses may not be able to compare to a high-level red-clothed fierce ghost.

It's hard to imagine how terrifying the remaining ghost props and pure ghost energy among those shattered copies are.

If it can be obtained by players, it will really skyrocket, right?

But unfortunately, this situation only appeared in the minds of Xia Jie and the others.

They have no intention of competing for any benefits.

They still know how much they weigh.

The ghosts attracted by the ghost props and other items left after the No. 444 bus collapsed almost caused Xia Jie and the others to die in the horror world.

If you really want to obtain the ghost props after the high-level red ghost ghost copy collapsed, you can only say that you are asking for death.

Even if Sun Yan and Tang Guang were in their prime now, they would not dare to covet him.


Several people looked at Li Yinchuan involuntarily.

Unless Li Yinchuan, a person who could easily kill eight high-level red ghosts, wanted to fight for it, then that would be possible.

But it seemed that Li Yinchuan had no intention of getting any benefits from those shattered copies.

In this regard, Li Yinchuan would naturally not go all the way to those shattered copies.

Not to mention that Li Yinchuan's goal was not those ghost props and ghost energy experience packs.

Even if Li Yinchuan really came here for this purpose, he would be so far apart.

Those dungeons were probably already visited by a lot of evil ghosts as soon as they collapsed. Even if we go now, by the time we get there, the building will probably be empty.

And because Li Yinchuan had no intention of taking a share of those collapsed copies.

Even if Sun Yantang Guang and his party knew that there were powerful ghost props inside, they still suppressed the restlessness in their hearts to go and die.

Now all the evil ghosts who surrounded and killed them had died in Li Yinchuan's hands.

Sun Yan and Tang Guang finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

At this moment, the two began to look up and down at Li Yinchuan carefully.

Li Yinchuan's identity as a senior had just been informed by Xia Jie to the two of them.

For the most mysterious and most popular veteran in the thriller game forum, the two said that it is impossible not to be curious.

Now that they have truly seen the horror of Li Yinchuan, they understand that the previous rumors and comments about Li Yinchuan in the horror game forum are not groundless.

No wonder Li Yinchuan was able to perform so well in game copies before.

A newcomer who has just become a thriller game player, his strength is even far superior to those of them who are extremely senior and even old people who have been players in the early stages of thriller games.

They also noticed Li Yinchuan's previous performance.

Li Yinchuan's method of easily getting rid of the high-level red-clothed devil just now shows Li Yinchuan's true strength, even if he has not become a true top-level red-coated devil.

That is probably the top group among the senior red-shirted ones.

In short, it is absolutely impossible for high-level red-shirts like them, whose panel combat power is only over 30,000, to be comparable.

But what Sun Yan and the others didn't know was.

In fact, Li Yinchuan's panel combat power is, if we put aside the ghost props that Li Yinchuan took away after the previous copy collapsed.

A single logging ax has only 32,200 combat power.

It's just that Li Yinchuan can maximize the effect of this 32,200-power logging ax.

That's why it seemed that these high-level red-clothed ghosts with similar combat power were so vulnerable in front of Li Yinchuan.

"How much do you know about this scary world?"

Just when Sun Yan and Tang Guang were thinking about the information about Li Yinchuan.

Li Yinchuan's voice brought the two of them back to their senses.

Li Yinchuan's original purpose this time was to get more information about the horror world through Sun Yan and Tang Guang, who were obviously stronger and knew more people. Naturally, he had no intention of beating around the bush.

After hearing Li Yinchuan's words, the two of them looked at Li Yinchuan again, and soon understood the origin of Li Yinchuan's problem.

Although Li Yinchuan is very powerful, according to Xia Jie, it has not been too long since Li Yinchuan truly became a redcoat, and he may only have entered the world of horror once or twice.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Li Yinchuan to ask them for information about the horror world.

Sun Yan and Tang Guang looked at Li Yinchuan and said.

"What do you want to know about the world of horror? As long as we know the information, we will not hide it from you."

Hearing this, Li Yinchuan's expression remained unchanged, and he just softly uttered two words.



Hearing this, the two of them looked at Li Yinchuan with even more surprise.

Although so far.

Players' exploration of the horror world is still in its early stages, and their understanding of the horror world is only in a very small area.

But that's relative to the entire horror world.

What if the players' understanding of the horror world so far was really written down in writing.

I'm afraid a few books won't be enough.

Even in the currently known areas, all kinds of ghost copies that have been explored can only be recorded in countless books.

Not to mention the various experiences and many strange situations in the thrilling world.

Just like the battle between the dungeon ghost and the dungeon ghost, after the dungeon is destroyed, the ghost props and ghost experience packs left behind after the dungeon collapses are too many to mention.

And therefore.

When Li Yinchuan opened his mouth, he wanted to know all the information about the horror world.

For a moment, Sun Yan and Tang Guang didn't know how to respond.

After holding it in for a long time, the two of them finally looked at Li Yinchuan and expressed their difficulty of not knowing where to start.

It's not that they find it troublesome and don't want to tell Li Yinchuan everything about the horror world.

It's just that if they simply tell everything they know, it's obviously not possible in a short time.

Li Yinchuan also pondered for a moment about this.

After a moment, he looked at the two people and finally asked a direct question.

"How far have you explored the world of horror?"

This is what Li Yinchuan needs to know most at the moment.

If we could directly learn about the progress of their exploration from Tang Guang and Sun Yan.

Then Li Yinchuan doesn't have to wander around in the horror world, he can start from the beginning and look at each place by himself.

After hearing this, the two thought for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Guang groped towards his arms.

In his hands.

The thrilling world map that had been taken out many times before was once again taken out.

Tang Guang took out the terrifying world map in his hand and handed it directly to Li Yinchuan.

Li Yinchuan stared at the map in Tang Guang's hand and saw what it was.

He reached out and took the map from Tang Guang's hand.

Li Yinchuan's gaze also fell directly on this map, taking in all the annotations on the entire map. (End of chapter)

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