The reincarnator has just retired and is entering the horror game again?

Chapter 262 The terrifying unknown area, Li Yinchuan’s forced intrusion

The strange aura around him, which had transformed from calmness to extremely aggressive, instantly locked onto Li Yinchuan, the outsider who tried to break into it.

Very terrifying and strange aura fluctuations are constantly emitted towards the sudden change area.

Even now.

I haven't waited for Li Yinchuan to take action.

The dungeon ghosts who were outside this strange area also felt this very terrifying and strange aura.

The ghosts in each copy showed extremely frightened emotions.

"Why did that existence suddenly go crazy!"

"What's going on? Why did that existence suddenly riot!"

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding group of copy ghosts very carefully released their own senses.

And when this group of dungeon ghosts noticed Li Yinchuan's figure at the edge of the strange area.

The emotions of this group of copy ghosts revealed some kind of shock.

"This...are there other guys trying to break into that guy's territory?"

"This guy! Is he looking for death? Don't take us with you if you're looking for death!"

Think of this.

This group of copy ghosts who were on the edge of this strange area were all frightened.

Even some of the timid copycat ghosts have already made plans to escape.

Obviously, this kind of thing has not happened before.

Some other copy ghosts who think they have good strength also want to break into this strange area.

But there is no doubt about the outcome: he was easily torn apart by the terrifying being in this strange area.

Even in the aftermath of the battle, many surrounding copies were accidentally destroyed and suffered an unreasonable disaster.

That's why.

Li Yinchuan had just arrived here before and discovered that there was a vacuum zone without any copies at the edge of this strange area.

It's not that there is no copy of Ligui here.

It was entirely because of other ghosts that provoked the terrifying existence in the strange area.

Those copy ghosts closest to the edge were affected by this, and it was only now that there was such a vacuum zone.

At this moment, the ghosts in some of the dungeons closest to the edge of the vacuum zone have even left their own dungeons in advance.

If there is really going to be some terrible battle later.

Although the aftermath of the battle will destroy their territory, at least they are still alive and can rebuild their territory.

But if he himself falls within the territory, everything will be over.

As a result, a large group of powerful ghosts from Wuyangyang could soon be seen escaping from their own dungeon territory and peeping at the changes taking place in the strange area further away.

And among this large group of fierce ghosts, there are many powerful ghosts in junior red clothes or high-level red clothes.

But it's a pity that although the strength of these fierce ghosts is good.

But compared to the terrifying existence in that strange area, it is still far inferior and cannot be compared with it.

And when the gazes of this large group of ghosts were sensing the terrifying existence in the strange area, part of their perception was also observing Li Yinchuan.

Covered by a strong and strange aura.

This group of ghosts did not dare to be too presumptuous and completely peeked into it, for fear that their excessive prying would attract the attraction of the strange area and lead to the disaster of killing.

Therefore, these ghosts did not realize that Li Yinchuan was even an outsider from Blue Star, and just regarded him as a ghost from other places.

"Tell me, if this guy has provoked that scary guy now, how long can he survive?"

"Hmph, who knows, last time there was a guy in red clothes who was considered a powerful guy who wanted to break in. But in the end, he didn't die here. I don't think this guy can live long. , I don’t know where this guy’s territory is. After this guy dies, I can go to his territory to get some benefits.”

This group of dungeon ghosts whose territory is located on the edge of this strange area obviously knows the strength of the terrifying being among them. No one of the ghosts thinks that Li Yinchuan can survive for how long after trying to force his way in.

And at this moment.

The strange aura that instantly burst out from inside the strange area also attracted the attention of the group of conversing dungeon ghosts.

In the perception of this group of copy ghosts.

The strange aura that exploded contained a strong attack method, locking Li Yinchuan firmly.

This group of fierce ghosts subconsciously restrained their strange auras and hid one after another, for fear of being accidentally injured by this terrifying attack.

And at this moment.

Li Yinchuan was unaware of the actions of the ghosts around him.

His gaze was also focused on the strange aura around him that had turned aggressive.

With the intensity of these strange auras that have turned into an attack, if any ordinary junior or even advanced red-clothed person enters them, they may not be able to withstand them for even a few breaths, and they will be completely crushed.

In this regard, the interest in Li Yinchuan's eyes became more intense.

That's right.

If the evil ghosts in this strange area were just ordinary high-level red-shirted attack methods, then Li Yinchuan would still feel that he came here in vain this time.

The stronger the attack methods of the evil spirits in this strange area, the stronger their strength, and the more information Li Yinchuan will be able to obtain from this evil ghost.

Li Yinchuan wished that the ghosts in this strange area were stronger.

Then, he waved the logging ax in his hand.

The ghostly red light of the logging ax appeared out of thin air, forming a protective layer around Li Yinchuan.

Although the attack intensity of the strange aura around him is high.

But these attacks fell on the logging ax ghost like raindrops falling into the frozen lake, unable to create even a trace of ripples.

But it is obviously not Li Yinchuan's character to be defensive all the time.

His mind moved slightly.


next moment.

In the perception of the surrounding ghosts.

An extremely powerful and strange aura also spread out from the ghost monsters used as defense around Li Yinchuan, an outsider.

In an instant, the strange and aggressive atmosphere around him was dispersed, turning the area around Li Yinchuan into a safe vacuum zone.

And because of this strange and strange aura emanating, the dungeon ghosts observing the battle situation around them also had no time to react, and they all retreated a lot away in fear.

"This aura, is that terrifying existence really taking action?"

Even at this moment, there were many copy ghosts who mistook the strange aura emanating from Li Yinchuan as the action of the ghost in the unknown area.

But the next moment, many other copy ghosts who had seen the ghost in the unknown area shake their heads.

"No, that guy didn't do it. That guy's aura is different from this time."

"It's the intruder!"

The eyes of many fierce ghosts instantly looked towards the direction of Li Yinchuan's existence.

This time, these fierce ghosts finally figured out that the source of this strange aura came from Li Yinchuan.

The way these fierce ghosts looked at Li Yinchuan became completely different.

A fierce ghost murmured.

"This guy's strength seems to be stronger than the previous intruders!"

But soon, other ghosts said immediately.

"So what if he is stronger than the previous intruder? Have you forgotten how terrifying that guy is? Not to mention that this intruder only has this little strength. Even if he is twice as strong, he will definitely not be a match for that guy. .”

"Is it really?"

"Can this be false? It seems that the guy inside has not taken action for too long, and you have all forgotten the terror of killing the guy inside."

The fierce ghost said again with conviction.

Because in the past, similar exchanges have actually occurred many times.

In the past, whenever an increasingly powerful intruder came, many ghosts would think that the ghost in the strange area would be defeated.

But in the end, the group of intruders were all easily killed by the ghost in the strange area, with a crushing attitude.


Many copy ghosts in the surrounding area have even thought that all intruders will have the same fate, that is, they will be easily killed by the terrifying existence in the ghost area.

At this moment, it seemed that he was aware of someone trying to break into the edge of his territory.

this moment.

The extremely offensive and strange aura emanating from the surroundings finally ceased to be random and aimless actions.

at some point.

For some reason, all the ghosts suddenly felt a huge sense of oppression in their hearts.

For a moment, these dungeon ghosts even felt that the movement of their own ghost energy was slowing down.

In the center of an unknown and strange area.

An idea came out of it.

When this group of dungeon ghosts felt this familiar and frightening thought, their emotions were completely filled with panic.

"Come out, this intruder really led that guy out."

Also in the next moment.

Under the control of this idea.

The strange aura around him was like a violent storm, sweeping up suddenly and turning into a ghostly tornado condensed by the strange aura.

This ghostly tornado seems to be able to destroy everything it touches along the way as it rolls.

Under the ghostly tornado, there are even smaller tornadoes forming like companions.

These small ghost tornadoes are not shrouded in strange areas.

Instead, it is outside the shroud of the strange area.

The two influence each other.

The main tornado in the center became more and more terrifying, and the surrounding small tornadoes also climbed and expanded rapidly.

Some of the dungeon territories closest to the edge of the unknown area were torn apart instantly by the erosion of this small tornado.

It's like a natural disaster in a scary world.

Such a scene made many evil spirits jump in their eyes.

And among this group of fierce ghosts, those whose dungeons had been easily destroyed were not sad at all when their dungeons were destroyed.

Because they can feel that the accompanying small tornadoes are even continuing to sweep towards the outer areas, rushing straight towards their current hiding place.

"It's still not safe, run further!"

Many ghosts reacted and quickly abandoned their own territory copies and fled.

Also because of such a terrifying scene, many copy ghosts located further away were also aware of what was happening in this unknown area.

When this group of dungeon ghosts noticed what was going on here, they also fled in terror.

Obviously, although the distance is far, it does not affect the information that these dungeon ghosts know about the terrifying existence in this unknown area.

But in fact.

Because of his own crisis, he panicked and fled further away.

These ghosts didn't even have time to think that the ghostly tornado they faced was just a companion creature of the main tornado in the strange area.

The one who really faced the terrifying main tornado was Li Yinchuan, who was regarded as an intruder by the ghosts around him.

Compared with the main tornado that Li Yinchuan faced at this moment, the group of accompanying tornadoes seemed to be insignificant and not worth mentioning at all.

And to this.

Because of the appearance of this ghostly tornado, Li Yinchuan finally showed a look of surprise in his eyes.

The intensity of this ghostly tornado really surprised Li Yinchuan.

Because Li Yinchuan discovered that if only using a logging axe.

Even if he uses the control of the logging ax Ghost to 100%, he may not be able to deal with this ghostly tornado.

In general, the current combat power is only 33,200, which can be regarded as a woodcutter who has just entered the high-level red-shirt. It is still a bit reluctant to fight against a ghost who has obviously reached the top-level red-shirt. Even if The person in charge is Li Yinchuan.

"never mind."

Shaking his head slightly, this time, Li Yinchuan was no longer obsessed with using the logging ax Guixiao.

In his hand, a ghost coin has appeared again.

For the first time in the horror world, Li Yinchuan wanted to use his own power instead of relying on a logging axe.

But that's it.

Before Li Yinchuan could crush the ghost coin.

In Li Yinchuan's perception, the raging ghostly tornado suddenly became calmer and not aggressive at all.

Seemingly discovering something, Li Yinchuan's eyes narrowed and he looked forward.

But he discovered that a smooth passage appeared in the center of the ghostly tornado.

And what the passage connects to is the inside of this strange area.

Seeing this scene, Li Yinchuan's expression did not change, but his eyes could not help but narrow slightly. He didn't know what the evil ghost in this unknown area was doing.

But now it seems that the ghosts in this unknown area are inviting Li Yinchuan to enter.

An invitation from Li Gui.

If it were anyone else, I'm afraid they wouldn't have the guts to enter.

But the person facing this situation at this moment is Li Yinchuan.

Li Yinchuan's original purpose was to enter it and find the evil ghost inside.

But now, the fierce ghost among them took the initiative to invite Li Yinchuan, how could Li Yinchuan hesitate.

His own strong strength gives Li Yinchuan the confidence to cope with any situation.

Without too much reason, Li Yinchuan was not afraid at all and stepped into the center of the tornado in one step.

Immediately afterwards, there was a whirlwind.

The weird blur in front of my eyes has disappeared.

When Li Yinchuan's vision appeared again.

The internal environment of this copy was what caught Li Yinchuan's eyes.

But this time, when Li Yinchuan saw the internal environment of this copy, his eyes suddenly froze!

The old courtyard, the benches that are in disrepair, and the door number with an unclear name.

But that's not the point.

The key is.

Not far away within the courtyard.

A seven-story building stands, so familiar.

On the second floor of the tall building, four large characters were written in vague fonts.

"Nightmare Hospital!" (End of Chapter)

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