The reincarnator has just retired and is entering the horror game again?

Chapter 268 Li Yinchuan’s plan, a call from the headquarters.

It happened to be that the logging ax was overdrawn after a long period of intensive use.

At this moment, Li Yinchuan was following the trend, but he also had plans to leave the horror world.

If it were someone with less experience, maybe even if the logging ax is really overdrawn this time, he might find a way to go to another area where the boss of the novice area is to check the situation.

But as a veteran reincarnator who has experienced countless missions, it is obvious that Li Yinchuan will not make the mistake of being too anxious.

"Let's go back."

Li Yinchuan said to himself, and then he called out the horror player panel.

In his own horror player panel, the countdown to leaving the horror world had ended some time ago.

With a slight thought in his mind, Li Yinchuan locked on the button on his player panel to leave the horror world.

【Are you sure you want to leave the horror world】

The prompt for a thriller game suddenly sounded.


[Return channel is being generated for you, countdown: ten, nine, eight,]

The moment the countdown ends.

Li Yinchuan's expression moved slightly.

At this moment, one can clearly feel the same fluctuation as when Li Yinchuan entered the world of horror.

The dark and strange space crack slowly opened in front of Li Yinchuan, almost exactly the same as when he entered the horror world before.

The only difference is.

Previously, Li Yinchuan opened a space passage to the horror world at home, and a strong and strange aura spewed out of the space passage.

But this time, it seems to be because Li Yinchuan himself is in a horror world.

When the space crack in front of him was opened, the strange atmosphere in the horror world poured in even faster than Li Yinchuan.

The next moment, before more ghost energy filled with negative emotions poured in, Li Yinchuan stepped directly into the space crack in front of him.

As Li Yinchuan's entire body disappeared.

The spatial cracks that were originally opened slowly dissipated.

And Li Yinchuan's home.

A dark crack also opened at this moment.

First, a lot of ghost energy filled with strong negative emotions spewed out from it, and then, Li Yinchuan walked out of it.

On the real Blue Star, there is no need to hide itself as secretly as in the horror world.

Feeling the ghost of negative emotions that entered the reality of Blue Star before him, Li Yinchuan tapped his fingers.

Invisible fluctuations suddenly flashed through the space. Under that invisible fluctuation, those negative emotions and ghosts were instantly wiped out.

"The point of entry into the horror world is random, but the point of return is fixed?"

Looking at the cracks in the dark space that slowly dissipated in front of him because he had returned to the real Blue Star, Li Yinchuan murmured softly.

Reaching out and taking the mobile phone from the sofa, Li Yinchuan looked at the time.

Showing 03.24 points

If Li Yinchuan remembered correctly before.

It was still daytime when he entered the horror world, but now it was already early morning, and about sixteen or seventeen hours had passed.

As usual when leaving the game copy, Li Yinchuan, who left the horror world, leaned on the sofa and remained motionless.

After running around in the horror world for a long time, Li Yinchuan finally began to rest.

Recalling all the information he had obtained in the horror world this time in his mind, Li Yinchuan had already made plans for what he would do next time he entered the horror world.

"When you enter the horror world next time and go to the boss copy in the other novice area, you can consider going directly to the outer area."

In the more peripheral world, Li Yinchuan must find a way to get there.

After all, only by traveling to a more peripheral world that is not the novice zone can Li Yinchuan understand how powerful the powerful ghosts in the horror world are, and can he truly consider the strength of the source behind the horror game.

But now that Li Yinchuan has returned to Blue Star, Li Yinchuan will naturally not choose to do nothing at Blue Star.

According to the situation that Li Yinchuan came out after experiencing the last copy of Jingyue Guilexiao, Li Yinchuan still has about a week of rest.

During this week, Li Yinchuan planned to contact the Thriller Association.

Of course, the Thriller Association that Li Yinchuan wanted to contact was not the Thriller Association branch in Qiucheng.

It was the headquarters mentioned by Sun Yan and Tang Guang, whom they met in the horror world before.

The reason why Li Yinchuan was able to go to the real nightmare hospital in the horror world was thanks to the information revealed by Sun Yantangguang, two masters at the headquarters of the Horror Association.

If I hadn't met Sun Yan and Tang Guang.

Maybe the next time Li Yinchuan enters the horror world, he won't have the chance to meet Dean Li Gui, let alone learn so many things directly from Dean Li Gui's mouth.

Therefore, Li Yinchuan did not underestimate the Thriller Association's exploration of the horror world.

Moreover, Li Yinchuan had also seen the strength of Tang Guang and Sun Yan before.

They are just two players who have recently become senior red-shirted players. Among them, Sun Yan is a little better than Tang Guang, but not by much.

Li Yinchuan didn't think this was the top master of the Thriller Association.

From the previous conversation with Sun Yan and Tang Guang, it seemed at first glance that Li Yinchuan had indeed gained a lot of information.

But in fact, Li Yinchuan understood that there were actually many ambiguities in the information Sun Yan and Tang Guang told him.

Li Yinchuan didn't think that Sun Yan and Tang Guang deliberately concealed these vague aspects from themselves.

The only possible explanation is that Sun Yan and Tang Guang also didn't know the vague information.

Their authority, in the Thriller Association, does not allow them to know all the secrets.

Unless they become stronger, they can gain access to more secrets.

Or, truly participate in the action of exploring the outer areas and become one of them.

And this is the real reason why Li Yinchuan wants to contact the headquarters of the Thriller Association.

He wanted to find the person in charge with higher authority and ask them everything they knew about the horror world at once.

Of course, as for whether they were willing to tell or not, Li Yinchuan felt that he still had a way to ask.

And there is still one thing I don’t know.

Those truly top human players, have their scope of activities left this novice area and reached the real periphery? In other words, those top human players who are exploring the outside world have not yet left the scope of the novice zone.

It's a pity that this question can only be asked clearly after Li Yinchuan contacts the headquarters of the Thriller Association.

And the other side. Not long after Li Yinchuan returned to Blue Star.

Qiucheng Thriller Association, in the office of Xu Tianlei, the president.

Xu Tianlei was answering a certain hotline with a very serious expression.

When Xu Tianlei heard the voice on the other end of the phone, his serious expression immediately turned into a deep joy.

"Are you saying that bus No. 444 has been cleared?"

It is no exaggeration to say that Qiu Cheng revived three strange copies in the same area, which has almost become Xu Tianlei's heartache during this period.

If three resurrected copies in the same area are resurrected in Qiu City at the same time on a certain day.

Three copies are superimposed, and the strength of Li Gui in each copy is at least red.

And the three copies are at least three red-clothed fierce ghosts.

Three people in red.

In the entire Qiu City, there is only one red-shirted player like the senior player.

And in his Thriller Association in Qiu City, he couldn't even get a single player in red.

The strongest person is Fang Xiang, who is half-stepped in red.

Regarding Li Yinchuan, Xu Tianlei knew that if Qiu Cheng really encountered a copy resurgence again, Li Yinchuan would definitely take action.

But the problem is, who knows when those three superimposed copies will be revived.

If Li Yinchuan encounters the resurrection of these three superimposed copies when he enters the game copy, it is no exaggeration to say that it will be a disaster for the entire Qiu City.

Maybe one day when Xu Tianlei was sleeping, these three copies would revive together. At least three red-clothed ghosts would appear in Qiu City and bury the entire people in Qiu City.

But now, I heard a call from headquarters.

Among the three dungeons that may overlap and appear at the same time in the future, bus No. 444 has been cleared, and Xu Tianlei suddenly felt relaxed.

Overlaying two copies and overlaying three copies are completely different pressures.

If there are only two superimposed copies, the fierce ghosts in them are nothing more than two half-step red clothes.

Although it is also a bit difficult to deal with.

But now that the members of the Qiucheng Thriller Association are getting stronger and stronger, even if Li Yinchuan doesn't take action, he still has enough ability to suppress them.

It's just a pity. It would be great if the headquarters could clear the other two copies as well.

Xu Tianlei secretly thought in his heart.

But Xu Tianlei himself knew that his idea was delusional.

The reason why the headquarters cleared Bus No. 444, one of the three superimposed copies in Qiucheng, was entirely because the subsequent harm caused by this special incident was indeed great.

Therefore, the headquarters found a way to summon a group of capable players to go to the horror world to complete this task.

But if you really want to ask the headquarters to clear the remaining two superimposed copies.

It was impossible for Xu Tianlei to say this request shamelessly.

Not to mention the entire Blue Star, there are so many cities and so many dungeons in the entire China. If the red players are really asked to go to the horror world to eliminate the sources of the dungeons one by one, even if the existing red players are doubled or tripled, it will not be enough. .

And if we really do this, it will be meaningless to set up thriller association branches in different cities.

At this moment, the voice on the phone call from the headquarters once again reached Xu Tianlei's ears.

"By the way, the senior one is from Qiucheng, right?"

"Senior? Li Yinchuan?"

Hear the voice of the superior from headquarters.

This time, Xu Tianlei couldn't help but be stunned.

It seems that some people don't understand why people in the headquarters suddenly ask about Li Yinchuan.

But Xu Tianlei still spoke subconsciously.

"The seniors are indeed our thriller game players in Qiu City."

The voice paused, and Xu Tianlei said cautiously again.

"You asked the senior man, do you have anything to do with him?"

The voice on the other end of the phone soon rang again.

"No, it's okay. It's just that since the senior is your thriller game player in Qiu City, I hope you can give him all the conveniences you can when he is in Qiucheng. If there are certain things that the senior can't do, Decide, you can choose to contact our headquarters!”

Hearing this, Xu Tianlei's body suddenly trembled, as if he didn't understand what the person on the other end of the phone said clearly.

When Xu Tianlei reacted, he realized that he had heard correctly.

Xu Tianlei knew the identity of the person on the other end of the phone at the headquarters.

Xu Tianlei understood that the person on the other end of the phone said that he would give Li Yinchuan all the conveniences, but it was not just about giving conveniences to Li Yinchuan in some small things.

With his words, if Li Yinchuan wants to, he can even ask Qiucheng Thriller Association to do anything that does not destroy the existing social order.

In addition, if there is something that the branch president cannot decide, he can contact the headquarters.

The meaning hidden in this sentence is even more terrifying.

Is there anything that even he, the president of the Qiucheng Thriller Association, can't decide?

Xu Tianlei's pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly. Obviously, Xu Tianlei couldn't understand why the headquarters suddenly gave Li Yinchuan such high treatment.

Could it be because of Li Yinchuan's SSS score at Jingyue School this time?

This was the only reason Xu Tianlei could think of why the headquarters gave Li Yinchuan such high treatment.

After all, so far, among all the horror game players in the world, except for Li Yinchuan, the highest rating he has ever received is S. No one has even received S+ or SS.

However, Li Yinchuan's dungeon results are more exaggerated than before every time. S is not qualified, and SS is the basis.

And because of the current SSS rating, could it be that even the bosses at the headquarters are really paying attention to Li Yinchuan?

Thinking of this, Xu Tianlei was even more shocked.

After taking a few deep breaths, Xu Tianlei suppressed the shock in his heart and spoke.

"I understand. I will pay more attention to the seniors in the future. Do you have any other orders?"

"It's okay. I have other things to deal with. Let's end the call here."

After finishing speaking, the caller from the headquarters hung up the call with Xu Tianlei.

Listening to the busy sound in his ears, Xu Tianlei sat on the office chair for a long time without regaining consciousness.

Because this time people at the headquarters brought up the shock about Li Yinchuan, Xu Tianlei was even less surprised that the No. 444 bus was cleared.

Putting the phone aside and calming down, Xu Tianlei planned to continue dealing with the unfinished things in front of him.

But at this moment, Xu Tianlei didn't have time to read the documents on the desk in front of him.

Within the Qiu City Thriller Association.

The weird aura belonging to the powerful thriller player disappeared in a flash. (End of chapter)

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