The reincarnator has just retired and is entering the horror game again?

Chapter 270 The two people who knew the truth, something strange happened in the city center

In a single dormitory that is not too big.

Xu Tianlei's voice sounded slowly.

Everything about the horror world was told one by one from Xu Tianlei's mouth.

Listening to Xu Tianlei's narration, their mouths opened wide, and the shock in their eyes became even more intense.

In Xu Tianlei's narration just now, the horror world, the real copy, only the players in red are qualified to enter...

Each one of them washes away the worldview of Chang Lan and Fang Xiang.

The reason why I was able to learn everything about the horror world as a non-red player is naturally attributed to Xu Tianlei's status as the president of the branch association.

But in fact, Xu Tianlei didn't know much about the horror world in detail.

He could only tell Chang Lan and Fang Xiang the truth by repeating everything he knew.

Not long after, Xu Tianlei roughly explained the general information about the horror world.

But the shock in the eyes of Chang Lan and Fang Xiang did not fade for a long time.

Seeing this scene, Xu Tianlei was not in a hurry to speak.

Because before, when he learned the truth about the horror world from Xia Jie, he was almost the same as Fang Xiang Chang Lan.

After a while, the shock in Fang Xiang and Chang Lan's eyes finally subsided.

There was a sparkle in their eyes again.

Their eyes looked at Xu Tianlei, and the two of them exhaled deeply with the shock remaining deep in their eyes.

"Before this, we originally thought that if we could reach the players in red, they would already be the top-level existence in the entire circle of horror players. But now we didn't expect that the players in red had only just gained access to the world of horror."

The end point expected by many players turns out to be just the starting point for an existence with a higher vision.

According to what Xu Tianlei said.

The dungeon ghosts in the horror world are the real dungeon ghosts.

The rest, whether it is a strange copy resurrected in reality, or a game copy that is constantly looping in the game, is just the tip of the iceberg of the real copy, and even shows a level of horror that is even one-tenth as terrifying as the real copy. nothing.

"A world full of red-clothed fierce ghosts, what kind of world is that?"

Thinking of this, both of their bodies could not help but tremble.

On Blue Star, even if there is a single strange copy with a red-clothed recovery strength, it can be said to be a first-rate disaster.

But in that terrifying world, there were so many red-level copies that it was impossible to count how many there were.

Then, something seemed to come to mind.

The two recalled what they had learned from Xu Tianlei before, that the headquarters had sent experts to successfully clear out the No. 444 bus.

Before this, the two of them had thought that it would be very difficult to completely remove the No. 444 bus.

But at this moment, after truly understanding the horror world, the two of them understood.

The degree of difficulty they had guessed before was not even possible to compare with the degree of difficulty actually implemented.

Organize a team of red-clad players to enter a scary world full of replica ghosts, and then clear the 444 bus.

Such a scene, such a task, both of them feel horrified just thinking about it.

If it weren't for the 444 bus, it would have been cleared.

Both of them even doubt whether there are really any horror game players who can complete such a difficult task.

You know, in the horror world, a world of replica ghosts, if you are not careful, you may attract countless ghosts to attack you.

A touch of awe appeared in the eyes of the two of them unconsciously.

Part of it is respect for the strength of those players who can enter the horror world.

The other part is a tribute to them for being willing to enter such a dangerous place to complete the task of clearing out the real copies.

In reality, although the two of them have encountered life and death crises many times while dealing with recovery copies.

But their life-and-death crisis pales in comparison to the ubiquitous life-and-death crisis in the horror world.

"Actually, you don't have to worry too much about the horror world. I heard the red player Xia Jie from the headquarters whom you met last time said. Every time a new red player enters the horror world, there will basically be multiple A veteran player in red who has entered the world of horror will lead the team. Under normal circumstances, there will not be any big life accidents. After you truly become a red player, if you want, I will help you contact the headquarters and wait until next time When there is a thrilling world mission, I will arrange for you two to join the team."

Xu Tianlei comforted.

Hearing this, the two nodded slightly.

After all, they are also the two Qiucheng Association's top combatants who are about to become red.

In a short period of time, the two people's mentality has quickly adjusted back to normal from the panic and tension in the horror world they first learned about.

The original tension in the eyes of Qi Qi Ba Ba for the horror world had disappeared at this moment, but there was a look of determination in the eyes of the two of them.

The horror of the horror world did not make the two of them think about retreating.

Although the horror world sounds dangerous, Fang Xiang and Chang Lan's intensive entry into the dungeon during this period has already shown that they are not people who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

After all, the game copy is not as scary as the coexistence of countless copies in the horror world with evil ghosts.

However, the intensity in game dungeons is never something that players can easily cope with. Corresponding dungeons will be selected based on the player's specific strength.

Now that they know the world of horror and that the player in red is just a starting point in a sense, the two of them have a greater desire to improve their strength.

"Xia Jie, the red-shirted player who came to support from the headquarters before, seemed to have been looking for senior people in private before. It seems that the senior people knew about the existence of the horror world before us."

"We are about to become redcoats. Maybe we can team up with seniors to enter the world of horror."

A smile appeared on Chang Lan's face, and her expression gradually became relaxed.

"Yeah, one team, three players in red from the same city, I'm afraid the headquarters will be surprised."

Xu Tianlei couldn't help but smile when he heard Chang Lan's words, and he agreed with Chang Lan's guess.

After all, many cities may not even have a local red player.

But now, Qiucheng is like mushrooms after a spring rain. Within a time gap of about a month at most, three red-clothed people suddenly appeared.

It’s just that the three of them don’t know.

In fact, before this, just when Li Yinchuan left the dungeon of Jingyue School, Li Yinchuan had already explored the novice area of ​​​​the horror world clearly, and even discovered the dungeon of one of the two novice area bosses. It's his old acquaintance Nightmare Hospital.

"No! After resting for half a day, I will enter the dungeon again and strive to enter the red level earlier."

Fang Xiang said.

Chang Lan on the side also nodded in agreement.

Because of everything Xu Tianlei revealed today, the two of them even wanted to stop wasting time and had greater expectations for becoming red players.

Seeing this scene, Xu Tianlei did not persuade him any more.

He also understood the personalities of Chang Lan and Fang Xiang. Even if he personally asked them to rest for two more days before entering the dungeon to improve their strength, they probably would not listen.

"Well, in that case, I won't disturb your rest. You..."

Xu Tianlei spoke, but at this moment.

Xu Tianlei hasn't finished speaking yet.


A strong and strange aura suddenly descended from the void above Qiu Cheng's head.

Within a moment, the entire Qiucheng Horror Association was enveloped in this strong and strange aura.

The three of them froze on the spot, and a strong feeling of heart palpitations emerged in the hearts of the three people in the room.

And the moment this strange aura appeared, as veterans of handling resuscitation copies many times, the expressions of the three of them suddenly changed dramatically.

Because they can clearly feel it!

This is definitely not a ghost energy fluctuation belonging to the players.

This is! New copy of Weird Resurrection! And the landing point of arrival! It is the city center of Qiu City, the area where the Thriller Association is located!

There was no hesitation.

The three of them ran out of Fang Xiang's single dormitory and came outside the Thriller Association.

But in fact, countless association members who felt the strange aura coming from before had already arrived at the gate of the Horror Association before the three of them.

Not just association members.

This is the city center, it's still broad daylight, and people are coming and going.

There are some players in white or yellow clothes among them, and there are more ordinary people.

But even this group of low-level horror game players and ordinary people felt the sudden and strange pressure.

"Heaven! Look at the sky!"

Under this terrifying and strange pressure, some ordinary people with fragile hearts have already screamed in terror.

As if they saw something terrifying, someone pointed in the direction of the sky and screamed.

Both pairs of eyes were looking at the sky at the moment.

But the sky at this moment was completely dark.

There is a faint hint of dark red in the gray.

If there was anyone else besides Li Yinchuan in Qiucheng who had entered the world of horror.

But you will be surprised to find that the sky in Qiucheng at this moment is vaguely similar to the sky in the horror world.

And in the dark red gray sky.

A dark crack that is countless times larger slowly emerges, similar to the one opened when the player enters the horror world.

In the dark cracks, some powerful horror players such as Chang Lan and Fang Xiang sensed a strong spewing of ghostly energy.

Immediately afterwards.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

In that rich ghost aura.

An illusory building slowly unfolded, became solid, and then completely descended, landing on an office building not far from the Qiu City Thriller Association.

The illusory building descended on that office building, and the entire office building instantly became dark and strange.

As a powerful horror player, he was still nearly a hundred meters away from the building.

However, they could all hear the frightened screams from the people working inside the building after something strange descended on the building.

Everyone's hearts suddenly sank.

They naturally understood what the scene before them was.

A new copy of revival has arrived.

And it seems that for reasons consistent with the copy itself, this newly arrived unknown copy chose to land on a certain building.

But at this moment, the strange copy of the building did not stop there after it arrived.

With that building as the center, the dark and strange atmosphere continued to expand towards the outside world.

For a moment, many of the surrounding buildings and roads were shrouded in that dark and strange aura.

"Damn it, it's so damn good, why is there another copy of it resurrected, and it happens to be in the city center."

Xu Tianlei couldn't help but cursed secretly.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Tianlei looked at Fang Xiang beside him.

"Fang Xiang, how strong is that recovery copy!"

At this moment, there was no way to investigate in detail. Xu Tianlei could only find a way to let the strongest Fang Xiang use his pseudo-ghost to check the strength of this copy first.

Hearing this, Fang Xiang didn't hesitate at all.

Around him, increasingly terrifying illusory red pseudo-ghosts emerged.

Compared with the pseudo-ghosts that Fang Xiang fought in the past few days, the intensity of Fang Xiang's ghosts this time was obviously more terrifying.

Even compared to the real ghosts of some first-time players in red, the gap is only half a chip, which is enough to prove how strong Fang Xiang is now.

Soon, Fang Xiang controlled his own ghost and disappeared from the place.

A few seconds later, Fang Xiang's figure returned to the door of the Thriller Association.

"This resurrection copy is about half as strong as Red Clothes! As for what copy it is, time is too tight at the moment and there is no way to determine it."

"How strong is half a step in red!"

Hearing this, Xu Tianlei breathed a sigh of relief.

If it were in the past, Half-step Red Clothes' recovery copy would indeed be a huge test for their Qiu City Thriller Association.

But everything is different from the past.

Now their Qiucheng Thriller Association already has two top half-step red-shirted players. In addition, there are also many powerful players in Qingyi.

With such a lineup, faced with this kind of resurrected copy appearing on the doorstep of their hometown, their Qiu City Thriller Association can even devote all their combat power to suppressing the copy immediately.

With Chang Lan and Fang Xiang taking care of everything, and being crushed by their absolute strength, it was not important to figure out what the revived dungeon actually was at this time.

"There are too many people in the city center, take action to suppress the dungeon first!"

Xu Tianlei said without any hesitation.

In such a crowded place, if the recovery copy is not dealt with quickly, the losses will be immeasurable.

Fang Xiang, Chang Lan and the association members gathered at the door were already ready to go.

Now after listening to Xu Tianlei's words, one by one took out their own ghost props from the box, hoping to suppress the copy of the building in front of them in the shortest possible time.

But at this moment, there was no time for the group to take action.

Above the dark, blood-red sky, there was an extremely huge black crack.

Another very strong and strange aura suddenly arrived.

Then, in everyone's sight.

Except for the weird building from before.

Another illusory building appears again! (End of chapter)

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