The reincarnator has just retired and is entering the horror game again?

Chapter 278: Forging a logging ax, the panel’s combat power skyrockets again

From when Li Yinchuan obtained the logging ax to now.

Although the strange strength of the logging ax has become stronger and stronger every time, until now, even the logging ax, which is a ghost prop, has its own ghost.

But in fact, although the logging ax is getting stronger and stronger, the appearance of the logging ax has not changed at all. It is still the same inconspicuous as it was in the Mist Manor, like an ordinary prop ax.

Only when the logging ax itself exudes the rich ghost energy, can others know how high-grade the logging ax is as a ghost prop.

And now.

Looking at the pile of ghost prop fragments that were torn apart in front of me.

However, Li Yinchuan felt that he could finally give the logging ax a good workout today, improving its appearance and strange strength.

With a slight thought in his mind, the ghost props that had turned into fragments floated into the air in front of Li Yinchuan's eyes.

Li Yinchuan relaxed his grip on the logging ax.

Timberaxe itself seemed to realize that it was about to receive a huge improvement.

The strange red light on the dim and exhausted ax body flashed much faster than usual, seeming to look forward to it.

Then Li Yinchuan completely released his hand.

The logging ax in his hand finally floated away into the air and disappeared into the fragments of ghost parts in front of Li Yinchuan.

At the same time, Li Yinchuan's perception also wrapped up everything in front of him.

Although Li Yinchuan had learned about weapon refining before when he was a reincarnationist, and he was considered an expert at it.

But these ghost props are somewhat different from Li Yinchuan's previous weapon refining.

So after pondering for a while, Li Yinchuan finally made his next move.

"Not all of these things are useful."

Li Yinchuan murmured as he looked at the pile of ghost parts and fragments in front of him.

Although there are many parts fragments.

But if they were all forcibly integrated into the logging axe, it might actually reduce the usefulness of the logging axe.

Therefore, based on the characteristics of the logging axe, Li Yinchuan planned to subdivide the dismantled parts of the ghost props and remove all the unused parts.

If this kind of work were to be carried out by others, it would probably take a lot of time just to verify which parts and fragments are more suitable for the smelting of the logging axe.

But fortunately, from Li Yinchuan's point of view, he could deduce which ghost parts and ghost pieces are helpful for the logging ax at a glance.

This has nothing to do with strength.

It's just the accumulated experience.

This step does not require too much strength, even an ordinary expert who has been immersed in refining weapons for decades can do it.

Not long after, the pile of parts and fragments in front of him was divided into pieces by Li Yinchuan.

In the end, only less than 30% of the parts that were selected by Li Yinchuan to be suitable for the smelting of the logging ax without affecting the usefulness of the logging ax in the future were left.

It may not seem like much, but in fact, the ghost props that have been revealed from the dungeon of Horror World are all weird and various.

It is not easy for Li Yinchuan to split out 30% of the money that can be used.

If you switch to someone who is not experienced enough and unsure, you may not be able to keep even 10% of the 30%.

After all, not everyone has the same confidence as Li Yinchuan.

It's better to have less than to waste. If the selected things are smelted into the logging ax, it will make the logging ax less useful and affect the use of the logging ax. In that case, it is better not to use it at all just to be on the safe side.

"That's all that's left, it's enough."

Li Yinchuan murmured and waved his hand.

The remaining endless pieces of ghost parts suddenly disappeared in front of Li Yinchuan.

Of course, this is not because Li Yinchuan thought these things were useless and then threw them away somewhere.

It was simply that Li Yinchuan used other means to put it away.

He looked at the only complete ghost prop in front of him, the wood-cutting axe.

Li Yinchuan raised his hand and tapped it gently, and some special power instantly wrapped the logging ax itself in it.

Faintly, the originally intact logging ax suddenly cracked slightly, but the degree of cracking was not like that of the previous ghost props that completely turned into pieces.

This was deliberately controlled by Li Yinchuan. He separated the parts of the logging ax that needed to be smelted, and then smelted in the useful ghost parts.

One thing that needs to be mentioned here is that Li Yinchuan's weapon refining technique is not the flame forging known to the public.

It was a special forging technique that Li Yinchuan learned in a mission world when he was still a reincarnator.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yinchuan raised his hand and tapped lightly.

next moment.

Then I saw all the useful ghost parts and fragments floating in the direction of the logging axe.

The fragments of ghost parts and the logging ax collided together.

The strange thing is that there was no sound.

Instead, the fragments of these ghost parts slowly sank into the body of the logging ax in an extremely strange manner.

After all, the logging ax was once just an ordinary item in a dungeon.

Now under Li Yinchuan's forging, while new parts and fragments are forged into it, some defects and impurities in the logging ax itself are also forcibly forged out.

It's like an animation.

The logging ax, which originally looked featureless in appearance, now has a special weapon beauty.

The dirty blood stains that originally existed on the logging ax also disappeared during Li Yinchuan's exercise.

If it weren't for the strange aura lingering on the logging ax all the time, even in the world of cultivating immortals, some people would believe that the logging ax was a spiritual weapon.

And with Li Yinchuan's strength, it was his first time to forge ghost props.

But in the end, it was because the level of the logging ax was too low.

This time the forging ended without any accidents.

As for time, from the time Li Yinchuan dismantled the unused ghost props until the forging was completed, the whole process did not even take fifteen minutes.

"It's so easy. It seems that I, Mr. Li, still have a good sword."

Hold the forged logging ax in your hand again.

Holding the handle of the ax that he had reforged, the logging ax fit perfectly in Li Yinchuan's hand.

As for the upper end of the ax handle, the ax body and the blade that originally looked a bit rough now no longer feel rough at all. Instead, people can tell at a glance that this must be a rare fine product.

The matter of forging a logging ax is half over at this moment.

Li Yinchuan's eyes looked to the other side.

When he was dismantling other ghost props just now, those ghost parts and fragments were one of them.

In addition, there are also the weird powers of the ghost props themselves.

In the past, most of the ways to improve the strength of the logging ax were to receive the ghost energy infusion after completing the dungeon and the ghost energy experience pack after beating the dungeon in Horror World.

This is the first time that the strange power from other ghost props has been extracted and poured into the logging axe.

Finger tap.

The extremely huge group, with a total of more than a dozen ghost props extracted from the strange power, slammed into the logging ax under the control of Li Yinchuan.

The rich strange power exploded in the living room of the room.

But under Li Yinchuan's control, these strange forces that could cause great damage were strictly limited to within one meter of the logging axe.

When the forged logging ax felt this majestic strange aura coming towards it, the dim and strange red light flashed crazily again, as if it wanted to swallow up this huge strange aura. As if for one's own use.

But also at this time.

Li Yinchuan frowned slightly and looked at the logging ax that was trying to swallow this strange force.

This time, the logging ax was not devoured as quickly as it had been before when it received ghost energy infusion and absorbed ghost energy experience packs.

Instead, it has an obscure and repulsive force.

Although it can also be smoked.

But the speed of absorption is not even one-tenth of that under normal circumstances.

"Sure enough, there is still something wrong. These strange powers from other ghost props cannot be absorbed so quickly."

Li Yinchuan murmured lowly.

In other words, thankfully, the material used by Li Yinchuan to forge the logging ax this time was the ghost prop itself where the strange aura originally resided.

After the fragments of ghost parts were forged into logging axes, the logging axes were somewhat tainted with the same strange aura as the one in front of them. Generally speaking, they still belonged to the same object and were somewhat related.

If some ordinary parts are really used to forge a logging ax, there is no connection at all. It is still a question whether these strange auras from other ghost props can be absorbed, and maybe even one-tenth of the speed will be lost.

Thinking of this, Li Yinchuan leaned back on the sofa, waiting for the logging ax itself to completely absorb this strange aura.

over time.

The dim and strange red light on the originally hollowed-out logging ax finally became a little brighter and more vivid.

The logging ax, which might have taken some time to return to its full glory, has been completely restored.

Li Yinchuan also looked at his player panel at this moment.

Without the increase of other ghost props.

The combat power of a normal logging ax has reached 32,200 due to Li Yinchuan's continuous feeding, which is comparable to the combat power of a high-level red-coat.

Now, with the continuous absorption of these strange powers, the combat power of the logging ax has begun to increase.




The gloomy feeling began to spread passively around the logging ax again.

And the strange power that was composed of more than a dozen top-level third-level ghost props and two or three lower-level fourth-level ghost props was finally exhausted.

Li Yinchuan looked at the panel again.

The current panel combat power has reached 38,700.

The panel combat power increased by approximately 6,000.

It doesn't look like much.

But in fact, it becomes more difficult to improve the combat power as you go to the back.

Give a third-level top-level ghost prop to a person who has just become a horror player, and his panel combat power may instantly increase by thousands to become a Tsing Yi or even a top Tsing Yi level player.

But if it were placed in the hands of a red player, the improvement of a third-level top-level ghost item might increase the combat power by more than a thousand, which would be very good.

Not to mention that if Li Yinchuan's current panel combat power is converted, he has already become a high-level red-coat, and is even close to reaching the limit of high-level red-coat and approaching the threshold of the top-level red-coat.

It was a great surprise for Li Yinchuan that these ghost props could achieve this level.

Even now, with this logging ax that has been restored and improved a lot, Li Yinchuan can just enter the horror world directly.

But having just left the horror world, Li Yinchuan would naturally not choose to go back in such a hurry.

Moreover, through Xu Tianlei's mobile phone, Li Yinchuan also made an agreement with Sun Yan and others at the headquarters to meet in the next two days.

Li Yinchuan is not in a hurry to enter the horror world next time.

At the earliest, you have to wait until the conversation with Sun Yan and others is over and ask some more questions from them before you choose to enter the horror world again.

About three hours after Li Yinchuan left the city center and returned to his home.

At this time, Li Yinchuan, who had finished forging the logging ax, received a call from Xu Tianlei.

The general content is to tell Li Yinchuan, the strongest combat power in Qiu City, that the follow-up aftermath measures have been resolved, and the disappeared recovery copies have not reappeared.

Although Li Yinchuan was not from the Qiucheng Thriller Association, Xu Tianlei felt that he had to talk to Li Yinchuan about this matter before he could feel at ease.

It also saves Li Yinchuan from thinking that Xu Tianlei is the kind of person who asks for help when he is in trouble and ignores people when he is not needed.

But this can only be said that Xu Tianlei thinks too much.

With Li Yinchuan's experience, how could he care about this.

It was simply because the occasion where these revival copies appeared was relatively unlucky, and they happened to be in Qiu City where Li Yinchuan lived.

And when Qiu Cheng's recovery copy incident came to an end.

Sun Yan and his party, who were far away at the headquarters, did not stop.

After the meeting was agreed upon with Li Yinchuan.

Sun Yan and others took a short rest at the headquarters to recover from their injuries.

After about half a day, they were ready to head towards Qiucheng.

But the candidates for Qiu City this time are not all the seven people who entered the horror world before.

After all, entering the horror world before required completing tasks and being full of dangers, but this time there was no danger in meeting Li Yinchuan.

Therefore, most of the seven people who entered the horror world this time chose to recuperate from their injuries, or returned to their own city to take charge. Maybe when they left, their city encountered a powerful and strange resurgence event. worry.

Therefore, there are only four candidates to go to Qiucheng this time.

They were Sun Yan, Tang Guang, and Xia Jie, who had met Li Yinchuan a long time ago. All three of them could be regarded as acquaintances of Li Yinchuan.

But the fourth person besides him seemed extremely strange. (End of chapter)

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