The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 106 After the War

On the night that Kumogakure was defeated, he submitted a letter of surrender to Yusuke overnight.

Yusuke, who had already obtained two tailed beasts from Kumogakure, had no plans to continue attacking Kumogakure for the time being. After demanding extremely high compensation from Kumogakure, he accepted the opponent's surrender.

Although there are still many impulsive ninjas in Kumogakure who insist that they would rather be broken than destroyed, and want to fight Konoha to the end.

However, now that the calm faction Tutai is in charge of the overall situation, these voices have been suppressed.

For this reason, Dodai was slandered by many Kumogakure ninjas as greedy for life and afraid of death.

However, Tutai clearly knew that at this dangerous moment, no matter what kind of pressure he was under, he had to hold on.

The reason why Dodai finalized the surrender to Konoha so quickly was to prevent Konoha from continuing to attack and causing greater losses.

After this battle, Yunyin Village has been severely damaged, and several of its strongest ninjas have been lost.

Although the body of the Fourth Raikage was snatched back, he died of serious injuries. The two-tailed jinchuriki and eight-tailed jinchuriki were also captured alive by Konoha. Kumogakure Village, which was originally one of the top five ninja villages, is now at the bottom.

If Konoha continues to launch an offensive, Kumogakure's losses will be even more immeasurable. In serious cases, not to mention Kumogakure Village and even the Kingdom of Thunder may be destroyed.

After making the decision to surrender and sending the surrender letter, Kumogakure immediately notified Kirigakure of the news through the communication sealing array.

(Messaging tools exist in the Naruto world, but they are obviously not popular and are only used in some important occasions)

This is not because Kumo Gakure is very kind, but Kumo Gakure does not want to have any grudges with any other ninja villages at this time.

Originally, this war was led by Kumogakure. If Kumogakure surrendered first without notifying his allies, which would later cause Kirigakure to suffer heavy losses, this would inevitably greatly affect the relationship between the two ninja villages and even the two countries.

If it was before, Kumogakure wouldn't care about Kirigakure's attitude, but now Kumogakure will have to handle diplomatic relations with caution for a long time to come.

After Kirigakure received the news from Kumogakure, there was an uproar inside. The senior management of Kirigakure had no idea that the powerful Kumogakure would fail, or even be defeated so completely.

But now that Kumogakure, the main attacker, has surrendered, Kirigakure has no reason to continue fighting Konoha.

The top management of Kirigakure immediately convened a meeting to discuss making peace with Konoha. Although the fourth generation Mizukage controlled by Obito insisted on finishing the war, no one in the village supported him.

In the end, Kirigakure also proposed peace to Konoha the day after Kumogakure surrendered, and was willing to pay all the losses incurred by Konoha and Kirigakure in the war and provide additional material compensation.

Regarding Kirigakure's request for peace, if Yusuke was the head coach of the front, he might not agree so quickly. After all, the three tails were not obtained, and Yusuke's habit was to teach his opponents a lesson before negotiating peace.

But now the leader is the peace-loving Jiraiya. Seeing that the enemy is willing to sue for peace and compensation, he naturally accepts it happily.

Kirigakure's quick sue for peace also made Yusuke's plan to capture the Three-Tails a step too late. The clone Black Crow that had just flown to the eastern front flew back to Konoha Village, which also made Yusuke dumbfounded.

However, Yusuke doesn't care too much about this. With the two tails and eight tails, it is enough to add another tailed beast to his curse seal, and to impose a curse seal suitable for each of his disciples.

When Kumogakure surrendered and Kirigakure sued for peace, the entire ninja world was in disbelief that Konoha had achieved such a victory.

Although Konoha is the leader of the five great ninja villages, it has obviously been deteriorating in recent years.

Under such circumstances, Konoha was able to withstand the attack of two ninja villages of the same level, including even the Kumogakure Village, which was vaguely known as the strongest. This was very incredible.

In addition, what shocked the ninja world even more was the Battle of Yueyun Gorge.

The Uchiha clan led by Yusuke returned to the ninja world with an extremely powerful appearance.

As the leader of the Uchiha clan, Yusuke personally beat the Fourth Raikage to death from serious injuries, and captured Rabbi the Perfect Jinchuuriki alive, and he had the vague power of being the number one master in the ninja world.

However, Itachi, who was able to capture the two-tailed Jinchuuriki alive at just ten years old, and Izumi, who defeated Tomochi Kumodai, became famous throughout the ninja world.

Because Itachi and Izumi were famous in the ninja world, information about Kabuto, who was also Yusuke's disciple, was dug up by gossips. However, because he had no actual achievements, Kabuto was widely considered to be a drag. This also made Kabuto depressed for a while.

After leading the army back to Konoha, Yusuke was also surprised when he learned the news of the death of the Third Hokage.

Because during the war, Konoha's top management temporarily blocked the news of the third generation's death, and Yusuke only found out about it after returning to the village.

For the third generation, Yusuke's evaluation is more derogatory than positive. There is no doubt that the third generation puts the village first and is willing to sacrifice himself for the village.

However, the third generation's weakness allowed him to make many wrong decisions, which also pushed Konoha from strength to decline. It can be said that if Naruto, the protagonist in the original work, was not in Konoha, then Konoha would have been finished.

Now that the third generation has been buried, and the fourth generation Hokage is still in a coma, the entire Konoha group is leaderless, and all major events can only be decided by Yusuke, who is the chief advisor to the Hokage.

This change made Yusuke very uncomfortable. After all, in addition to training, he also had a lot of research to do, such as solving the problem of the constant loss of Izumi's Mangekyou Sharingan, or developing some new flames combined with the power of Ryūren Wakahu. Escape ninjutsu.

Since Yusuke defeated Kumogakure and laid the foundation for Konoha's victory in this war, his personal status and reputation have reached their peak in Konoha. There are also very loud calls in the village for Yusuke to become the Fifth Hokage, but Yusuke suppressed them with all his strength. .

Yusuke didn't have much interest in becoming Hokage. His idea was to help Itachi become Hokage in a few years, while he would just hide behind the scenes.

Now is indeed a very good time to support the Hokage to rise to power, but it is a pity that Itachi is too young.

Seeing that Yusuke insisted on declining the position of Fifth Hokage, everyone had no choice. In the end, it was agreed to give Yusuke the honor of Hokage Half Sleeve in recognition of his contribution to Konoha.

The only ninja in Konoha who holds the honor of Hokage Half Sleeve is Konoha White Fang Hatake Sakumo.

About a month after the war ended, the construction of the Konoha Research Institute was completed. The research institute is located on the east side of the Uchiha Clan's residence, close to the Konoha Police Department. Yusuke officially moved his laboratory and office to Konoha Research Institute.

The construction of Konoha Research Institute cost a lot of money. All the equipment was the most advanced in the ninja world, and many of them were imported from other countries. Fortunately, the construction was funded by the Fire Country Daimyo, otherwise Konoha alone would not be able to afford this cost.

Yusuke set up a large number of barriers and sealing arrays around and inside the institute to ensure that the research results of the institute were foolproof.

Next to the institute, Yusuke also planned an open space for the future construction of an academy to specifically supplement talents for the institute.

At this time, in the laboratory at the top of the institute, Yusuke had just finished extracting the tailed beasts from the Jinchūriki. Several disciples stood obediently, waiting for the teacher to distribute the tailed beasts.

There are two sealing arrays in the center of the laboratory, and a ball of light exuding powerful chakra power is suspended on the sealing arrays.

The light ball on the left is gray, and a shadow like an octopus's legs can be faintly seen inside, and the eight-tailed ox-ghost is sealed in it.

The other ball of light was burning with blue flames, and sealed inside was the two-tailed demon cat Matata.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! ! Also wish you all a happy National Day! !


This chapter is really stinky and not too long. The author is also afraid of writing this kind of transitional chapter, haha ​​(_)

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