The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 113 Super Hurricane Crow Round Dance

Hearing Dazuna's words, Naruto nodded in admiration, and then asked curiously: "Does this bridge have a name?"

Dazna shook his head and said, "Not yet."

Naruto heard this with a proud look on his face: "Then leave it to me. To tell you the truth, I have inherited the naming talent of the Fourth Hokage of Konoha. When it comes to naming, no one except the Fourth Hokage is. My opponent."

"Look, everyone, there's someone flying in the sky!"

Suddenly, Yota pointed to the sky and exclaimed.

Hearing Yuta's exclamation, everyone looked to the sky, and sure enough, there were two huge birds chasing them.

The one in front is white, but you can tell at a glance that it is not a real bird, but one made in the shape of a bird using some kind of ninjutsu.

What was chasing behind him was a truly large hawk, most likely a ninja's psychic beast.

There are two people standing on each bird, but due to the distance and light, Kakashi and others on the ground can only see the silhouette of the person, but cannot clearly see the other person's appearance and clothing.

"Everyone, be careful, it may be an enemy attack!" Kakashi reminded.

It was obvious that the people in the sky were all ninjas, and now they happened to arrive at the location they were tasked to protect. They were probably enemies who wanted to come over to kill Dazuna or destroy the bridge.

As soon as Kakashi finished speaking, a white object suddenly fell from the big white bird flying in front.

At first, the size of this white object was so small that it was hard to see clearly. But after falling for a certain distance, it suddenly turned into a large white clay doll, and its falling speed suddenly accelerated.

This clay doll has a cone-shaped body and a pair of huge wings. The head of the clay doll has sharp corners pointing upwards, with a painful face that looks like constipation printed on it, which makes people shudder.

This huge white clay doll is Deidara's "C3 No. 18", which is made from a large amount of explosive clay. Once detonated, the entire bridge will be destroyed.

It turned out that when Deidara was chased by Orochimaru and Scorpion, he happened to pass by the bridge built by Dazuna, and the bridge bombing mission that Deidara had received was to blow up this bridge.

Anyway, after everything had gone through, Deidara was ready to complete the task and casually threw "C3 No. 18" away.

Looking at the falling giant white clay doll, Kakashi drew out the short chakra knife from his back.

Although there is a lack of information and he doesn't know what kind of backhand this white earth puppet hides, Kakashi can judge that this earth puppet must be an earth escape ninjutsu, and earth escape is restrained by thunder escape!

Kakashi formed a seal with his left hand, and the chakra dagger in his right hand flashed with blue lightning.

"Thunder Release Chidori Blade!"

He threw the short knife filled with thunder chakra into the air and inserted it deeply into the white clay doll's body.

Although he lost the Sharingan, Kakashi still mastered the "Chidori" and derived many related thunder escape ninjutsu based on the "Chidori", among which the "Chidori Blade" is his most commonly used one. one move.

"Chidori Blade" was developed by Sasuke based on "Chidori" in the original work, but this ninjutsu is not complicated. Now Kakashi Chakra Sword is the main attack method, and he has also successfully developed a similar ninjutsu, named It also happens to be exactly the same.

However, because Sasuke's Kusanagi sword in the original work can be freely extended and retracted, it is much more convenient for long-range attacks. When using "Chidori Blade", the Kusanagi sword can be extended to attack distant targets, while Kakashi can only use Cha Throw the dagger out.

But Kakashi is worthy of being Kakashi, and he doesn't just throw the chakra dagger out.

Kakashi continued to form seals quickly, and the lightning flashing on the chakra dagger inserted into the white clay puppet became stronger and stronger.

"Thunder Release·Thunder!"

As the seal was completed, the thunder chakra in the chakra dagger sounded a chirping sound that was much louder than the sound of a thousand birds. These sounds were caused by the excessive activity of the thunder chakra.

Accompanied by a sound like thousands of birds chirping in unison, a large amount of thunder and lightning poured out from the chakra dagger and continued to spread around, covering the entire white clay doll. The white clay doll had completely lost its ability to explode at this time.

In the original book, when Sasuke fought with Deidara, he also used Thunder Release to restrain Earth Release, and was able to withstand the attacks of explosive clay several times.

Seeing that the "C3 No. 18" he threw was intercepted by Kakashi using thunder escape, Deidara secretly thought it was wrong and tried to detonate the soil puppet. But the puppet didn't react at all.

"Damn it!" Deidara muttered dissatisfied.

In order to accurately launch the puppet used to blow up the bridge, Deidara lowered the flight altitude a bit, and the Scorpion chasing him behind also controlled the puppet giant eagle to also lower the flight altitude.

At this time, everyone also saw clearly the four people on the two birds. Orochimaru and Scorpion, who were wearing black and red cloud windbreakers behind them, immediately attracted Kakashi's attention.

"Are these Orochimaru and Scorpion from the Akatsuki organization?" Kakashi was shocked.

Since Yusuke was already in a high position in Konoha and would no longer be questioned about the source of the intelligence, he provided a lot of the Akatsuki organization intelligence he had to the village.

However, the intelligence of the Akatsuki organization belongs to the highest security level. Even jonin can only see it to a limited number of people, and Kakashi is one of them.

"The Akatsuki organization seems to be chasing the two teenagers in front. As long as we don't stop them at this time, the Akatsuki organization may not stop dealing with us." Kakashi thought secretly in his heart.

Just as Kakashi thought, although Orochimaru recognized Kakashi at a glance, he had not seen Naruto in person, and did not realize that the Nine-Tailed Jinchūriki was also down there. As for Sasuke and Yuta, he didn't even know him. If Deidara directly controls the big white bird to fly away quickly, Orochimaru and Scorpion will not stop, but will chase Deidara away.

"Hopefully they'll just leave, otherwise we'll be in trouble!"

If it was just Kakashi alone, he wouldn't be too scared. Now he thinks that even if he is not the opponent's opponent, there is no problem in escaping. But with Naruto, Sasuke and Yuta, there was no way he could escape on his own.

At this moment, Naruto's voice rang out, breaking Kakashi's illusion.

"Sasuke, Yota, the guys attacking us above must be enemies. Let's shoot them down."

After hearing Naruto's words, the three of them looked at each other. Nodding, the three of them confirmed their plan against the enemy through eye contact!

"No!" Kakashi shouted hurriedly to stop their actions, but it was too late.

Naruto, Sasuke and Yuta quickly formed seals and actually performed a trinity of compound ninjutsu!

"Super Hurricane Crow Round Dance Combo!"

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


Originally, the name of the move that the author wanted to use was "Crow Flying on a Plane". Suddenly, he woke up in the middle of the night and it seemed that the Hokage didn't have a plane. After some research, he found that he couldn't find it. He even watched the Sky Ninja Movie version and found that it was not a plane, so he changed the name of the move overnight. . . . . . . It's a pity that what the author wants is for crows to fly! !

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