The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 116 Forced to Retreat

After Yusuke obtained the Book of Sealing, Konoha Research Institute developed a sealing array that could be used for directional teleportation based on the "Flying Thunder God Technique".

When Sasuke's scroll is activated, a corresponding teleportation seal array far away in the Konoha Police Department will be activated. Through this teleportation seal array, Itachi can rush directly to Sasuke.

Since the "Flying Thunder God Technique" is really difficult to master, Yusuke decided to imitate the "Flying Thunder God Formation" performed by many people and develop a sealing array that can be used for directional teleportation.

In the original work, the "Flying Thunder Formation" was taught by Minato to Shiranui Genma, Tamazashi Raidou and Tie Iwaki. Through the combined efforts of three people, the target can be sent to a location marked with the Flying Thunder God Seal.

After several years, the researchers at the institute did not disappoint Yusuke and successfully conquered this topic, which also has strategic significance for Konoha.

At present, this technology of teleporting seal formations has been used in many important places in Konoha, especially the intelligence department, but most of the usage rights are in the hands of Yusuke.

At this time, Sasuke also discovered that his opponents were very difficult characters. Such a battle was obviously not something that his genin could participate in.

What's more important is that Kakashi and the yellow-haired boy in the temporary alliance obviously seem to be at a disadvantage, and the situation is very serious.

Although Naruto seemed a little eager to give it a try, he was held tightly by Yuta on the side and did not rush forward to cause trouble. But Sasuke is not as tough as Naruto, and he decisively activated the life-saving thing his brother left for him.

Just after Sasuke activated the teleportation scroll, Itachi in Konoha immediately sensed it.

At this time, Itachi was working in the police department, and Izumi was by his side as his assistant.

Itachi, who has just turned seventeen, is already the same age as when he appeared in the original work.

Because of Yusuke's existence, Itachi did not shoulder the heavy responsibility he had in the original work, and his identity changed from a rebel ninja to the actual person in charge of the Konoha Police Department.

Therefore, Itachi's entire temperament has also undergone a great change. Not only is he no longer as melancholy as in the original work, but he is also a bit more sharp.

In addition, the serious illness suffered by Itachi in the original work did not appear. Apparently that illness was caused by Itachi's long-term mental depression. Now Itachi does not have the pressure and pain in the original work at all, and his body is very healthy.

Izumi, who was on the side, noticed the change in Itachi's expression and asked Itachi, "What's wrong?"

The same age as Itachi, the sixteen-year-old Izumi has completely lost her childishness. She is wearing Konoha's standard vest and has a single ponytail tied behind her head.

Needless to say, Izumi's appearance, the genes of the Uchiha clan obviously have an innate advantage in appearance, and Izumi is the best among them. And having practiced swordsmanship all year round, she has a heroic spirit about her, which adds to her charm.

Although Izumi is very outstanding and has many admirers in Konoha Village, most of them do not have the courage to pursue Izumi, and those who have the courage have given up one after another due to some unknown reasons.

There are rumors that the chief counselor is a super girl-controller who does not allow men to approach his sister and has warned all suitors.

There are also rumors that Uchiha Itachi, the deputy chief of the Konoha Police Department, fell in love with Izumi and taught everyone who pursued her a lesson.

"Sasuke's side has activated the teleportation seal. He's obviously in trouble. I'm going to have a look."

After Itachi finished speaking, he immediately stood up and rushed to the teleportation sealing array set up at the police department.

"Then let me go and have a look too." After hearing this, Quanmei also followed.

"Why hasn't brother come yet?"

Seeing Kakashi surrounded by dangers in front of him, Sasuke was secretly anxious.

Although Yusuke also handed over the "Flying Thunder God Technique" to three disciples, unfortunately the learning conditions for this technique were too special, and in the end, none of the four masters and disciples mastered it.

Although Itachi received Sasuke's distress signal, without the Flying Thunder God, he had to rush to the teleportation sealing formation first, which was not as convenient as Minato's 'Fly at Will'.

Just when Sasuke was anxious, a white light lit up on the scroll in Sasuke's hand, and two figures wearing Konoha ninja vests suddenly appeared on the battlefield, and this huge movement immediately attracted everyone's attention.

His eyes swept over everyone present, and Itachi had already analyzed the situation of the scene in just a moment.

Orochimaru and Scorpion were obviously part of the same Akatsuki organization, while Kakashi and the yellow-haired boy were supposed to be temporarily cooperating against the enemy.

Izumi looked at each other, and the two opened their Mangekyō Sharingan at the same time, and took action to rescue Kakashi and Deidara respectively.


"Instant kill."

I saw that the long white snake that was besieging Deidara and exuding cold air was instantly ignited by black flames, rolled a few times and turned into ashes.

At the same time, Izumi, who was standing next to Itachi, seemed to be completely motionless, but at the same time, eleven Izumi appeared next to Scorpion and the Mudun Bai Zetsu controlled by Scorpion, holding long swords and slashing at the targets with extremely fast movements. neck.

The black flame is naturally Itachi's "Amaterasu", and the body method used by Izumi is very similar to Shisui's "Blinking Body Technique".

However, unlike Shisui, Izumi's body technique does not rely on the instant body technique, but relies on the eye technique "Intention Flash".

But soon something happened that surprised Izumi.

Relying on the Kusanagi sword Kikyo Senrouzakura in her hand and the swordsmanship that uses chakra to simulate spiritual pressure, she can easily cut through even gold and iron.

But when she slashed at Xie and the ten Bai Jue puppets, she only made a deep slash without being able to cut them off, which surprised Izumi.

With the assistance of Itachi and Izumi, Kakashi and Deidara also got a chance to breathe and immediately retreated to the two of them.

After hearing Kakashi tell the information about the battle with Scorpion, Izumi also knew why Scorpion's puppet was so easy to deal with.

Looking at Itachi and Izumi's Mangekyo Sharingan, Xia slowly said: "Are these Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Izumi? They are indeed the youngest masters of the Uchiha clan. They are indeed extraordinary."

Because of the rise of the Uchiha clan, all the forces in the ninja world are also paying close attention to the intelligence of the Uchiha clan, and the intelligence of Itachi and Izumi is naturally the top priority.

Orochimaru stretched out his snake-like tongue and licked his lips: "Itachi and Izumi, I haven't seen you for so long and you have become outstanding ninjas. I haven't seen you for so many years. I don't know how Yusuke-kun is doing now."

Itachi said slowly: "The teacher is very good, and he will occasionally mention you, senior."

Orochimaru nodded: "Since it's you, I'll give Yusuke-kun some face and ask you to help me say hello to him when I get back."

After saying that, Orochimaru and Scorpio retreated, and no one stopped them.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


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