The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 123 The so-called dragon vein

"Thank you. Wait, what did you just say?"

When Sara heard Yusuke's words, she didn't react immediately. She just subconsciously thought that the other party was comforting her, so she replied with a thank you.

When she reacted, there were more tears in her eyes that were already filled with tears.

Unexpectedly, under this series of blows, this strange man would rub salt into his wounds. It was really annoying!

"Although as the queen of a kingdom, you are completely unqualified. But I still appreciate your sincerity and courage."

"I will get rid of this guy Baizu for you. But how to govern the country, who can be used and who cannot be used, you, as the queen, need to understand."

Sara was stunned when she heard Yusuke's words.

The other party's tone was very calm, as if he was saying that solving Bai Zu was a very trivial matter.

"I know you are very capable and must be a very great person outside of Loulan. But if Baizu has really controlled the power of the dragon vein, then no one here will be his opponent. He must first find a way to stop him. Only the power of breaking the dragon vein will do."

Yusuke was noncommittal about Sara's words. Even if Baizu could use the power of dragon veins, he didn't take it seriously. But he didn't need to explain these matters about the battle in detail to Sara.

Following the fleeing Centipede, Yusuke quickly led Sara to a cave.

The space inside this cave is very large, with a visible height of two to three hundred meters. There are spiral stone stairs around it that can be climbed up and down, which are obviously man-made.

The bottom of the cave is filled with brown, fluid chakra, just like a lake formed by chakra.

These chakras are constantly rolling and surging. No one knows how deep this chakra lake is and how much chakra is left in it.

Obviously this is the purpose of Yusuke coming to Loulan Kingdom this time - Dragon Vein Chakra.

"Is this Dragon Vein Chakra? It does contain powerful Yang Escape power, and the vitality in it is amazing. However, these are just Chakra, not regenerative resources. We need to find the real Dragon Vein."

Looking at the Dragon Vein Chakra Lake at the bottom of the cave, Yusuke's eyes lit up.

In his opinion, Dragon Vein really has a great chance to be used to solve the problem of Mangekyō Sharingan's pupil power loss.

At this moment, Baizu had also changed into a set of vests, and his true body was hidden in a giant scorpion-like puppet.

Behind his huge scorpion puppet, there were also a large number of small guard puppets.

All the puppets looked very technological, and Yusuke noticed that these puppets used very special biotechnology. All the materials were very special, and they were full of dragon vein chakra.

Once the puppets are attacked and destroyed, using the endless dragon vein chakra here, these puppets can continuously repair themselves, almost becoming immortal.

"Uchiha Yusuke, it is said throughout the ninja world that you are the strongest ninja. But here, I am the strongest!"

Baizu's voice rang out from the giant scorpion puppets. As his words fell, all the small guard puppets swarmed up and rushed towards Yusuke and Sara.

These small guard puppets are like robots in the science fiction world. The upper body is similar to a humanoid, and there are two mechanical arms. The lower body is a Frisbee-like device that allows the puppets to float in mid-air.

"There are too many enemies, we should go first"

Seeing the dense crowd of puppets in front of her, Sara hurriedly said to Yusuke, but before she could finish her words, she was shocked by the sight in front of her.

"Yan escape·Fengfeng."

When Yusuke put his hands together, the temperature in the cave instantly rose a lot. A crimson hurricane blew through the entire Baizu puppet army, and all the puppets burned.

Just as these puppets were burning, a brown chakra surrounded these puppets and continuously repaired their bodies. Apparently, the dragon vein chakra began to take effect.


Yusuke chuckled, and tightened his hands together in front of his chest, increasing the chakra output. The temperature of the entire valley suddenly rose again, and the intensity of the foehn wind also instantly increased a lot.

The flames on the bodies of those puppet armies burned more intensely, and the flames quickly engulfed the puppets before the dragon veins had time to repair.

In just a few seconds, all these puppets were reduced to ashes, and not even the Dragon Vein Chakra could stop them.

Seeing this scene, Baizu immediately felt a sense of fear in his heart. Although the strength of the giant scorpion puppet he controlled and the ability to mobilize the dragon vein chakra far exceeded those of the small guard puppets, the other party could do it with just a single ninjutsu. Such powerful power still left him frightened.

"With the endless chakra of the dragon vein, it seems that you are indeed better than everyone in the current ninja world in terms of chakra volume and recovery ability. But when it comes to the use of power, you are far behind."

At this time, Yusuke was already standing on the back of the centipede giant scorpion puppet. Baizu was shocked and immediately controlled the puppet's head to turn around, only to see Yusuke's indifferent eyes.

The sword in his hand was like fire, and Yusuke thrust the long knife burning with blazing flames down on the back of the giant scorpion puppet. The entire giant scorpion puppet instantly ignited red-gold flames from the inside out.

Just like those guard puppets just now, although the Dragon Vein Chakra was constantly being repaired, under Yusuke's flames, they only lasted a few breaths before they were completely reduced to ashes.

What was left in the cave were Baizu's desperate and unwilling screams before she died.

After dealing with Hyakuzu, Yusuke concentrated his spiritual pressure and slashed at the surging dragon vein chakra below the cave.

In Sara's shocked eyes, a smooth incision was cut out of the entire lake of dragon vein chakra, and Yusuke jumped into the incision with the knife in hand.

This incision can only be maintained for a few seconds. When Yusuke enters, the incision quickly recovers, and the chakra lake immediately returns to its original appearance.

"Sure enough, there is a cave underneath."

After passing through a large amount of liquid dragon chakra, Yusuke came to an isolated lake in the center of the earth.

The concentration of dragon vein chakra emitted from this earth-centered lake is extremely high, far exceeding that of that chakra lake, and in the center of the earth-centered lake is a huge tree root.

"It turns out that the so-called dragon veins are the roots of this tree. The roots that can have such strong vitality are probably the roots of the sacred tree."

Just as Yusuke guessed, the sacred tree was very angry because Kaguya took away the chakra fruit, so it transformed into the Ten-Tails and wreaked havoc on the earth.

However, in order to transform into the Ten-Tails, the sacred tree had to give up its roots deeply rooted in the ground, so this so-called 'dragon vein' was left behind.

(Note: This setting is added by the author. The original work does not mention the true source of dragon veins)

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! !


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