The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 156 Dragon Yan Susanohu

After hearing Nagato's words, Yusuke smiled.

"Since you want to experience the power of the Zanpakuto so much, then I won't be stingy!"

The flame cross star in his left eye flashed with light, and Yusuke's Mangekyou Sharingan's unique skill "Gotenjin" was activated.

Originally, Yusuke Susanoo's dark samurai armor had a lot of red lines on it, and Susanoo also had a slender katana in his hand.

Although it is much larger in size, anyone who has seen Yusuke Ryukenwaka will recognize it at a glance as the sword used by Yusuke.

The "Goten God" in Yusuke's left eye is what gives Susanoo the ability to control the Zanpakutō!

At this time, Yusuke has not yet used the Susanoo Kai Ryūrenwakō. Although this is the final form of Yusuke Susanoo, in order to prevent the generated temperature from being too high and directly burning Konoha, Yusuke can only I will deal with Nagato in this form for the time being.

"Is this what you call a Zanpakutō, but it doesn't seem to have the power of flames. You are probably afraid of spreading to Konoha. It's just that you can't go all out like this, can you really defeat me?" Nagato said coldly.

Susanoo raised the Ryukenwaka in his hand, and Yusuke said calmly: "It's enough to deal with you."

Having said that, Yusuke himself was not sure that Susanoo in this form could defeat Nagato. But losers don’t lose, so let’s talk harsh words first.

Nagato snorted coldly: "Arrogant, let me see the true power of the heretic demon!"

The heretic demon suddenly accelerated, and its huge body suddenly appeared in front of Susanoo. The Susanoo controlled by Yusuke did not move slowly at all. The Zanpakuto in his hand instantly swung out and struck the shoulder of the heretic demon. , the blade was deeply embedded in the body of the Heretic Golem, but it was not able to cut off the entire arm of the Heretic Golem.

"As expected of the body of a sacred tree, it has amazing defensive capabilities."

Even Yusuke had to lament that the strength of the body of the Heretic Golem was indeed unparalleled.

The Outer Path Golem was able to defend against Yusuke Susanoo's slashing attack. In addition to its body's sufficient strength, it also relied on the "Sealing Technique Absorbing Armor" previously used by the Hungry Ghost Path Golem.

It is precisely because of this layer of shield that can absorb all kinds of power that the spiritual pressure on the Zanpakutō blade is greatly weakened.

Otherwise, with Yusuke Susanoo's powerful power combined with the sharp spiritual pressure, even the heretic demons would not be able to withstand it.

Soon the battle between Yusuke and Nagato turned into a fight between Gundams. The attacks of the two behemoths caused an earthquake-like effect. The entire area was constantly resounding with huge roars, and powerful air currents were blowing. With Sanenghu and the heretic demons as the center, they continued to spread to the periphery. Many ninjas who were escaping in the opposite direction of Konoha Village could still be affected by these air currents.

After fighting for a while, Nagato found that the Heretic Golem was gradually at a disadvantage.

In terms of strength and physical strength, the Heretic Golem is undoubtedly better than Yusuke Susanoo. However, in terms of the use of moves, the Heretic Golem is completely incomparable to Susanoo holding a Zanpakutō.

Nagato can only use some simple attacks to control the heretic golem, such as hitting with his fists or slapping with his palms.

Susanoo, on the other hand, was able to use his Zanpakuto and use various flexible sword skills to defeat the heretic demons one after another, leaving dozens of hideous scars on his body.

The heretic demon possesses the characteristics of a sacred tree and has extremely powerful recovery capabilities, but it can no longer endure the continuous slashes from Yusuke Susanoo.


Roaring in the sky, the heretic demon suddenly pounced on Susanoo, latched onto Susanoo's shoulders with both arms, opened its mouth and bit at the opponent.

Under normal circumstances, the bite force of a creature is the strongest of all parts, and the bite force of the Heretic Golem is naturally extremely powerful. Susanoo's hard shoulder armor was bitten to pieces by it.

After the stalemate between the heretic demon and Susanoo, Nagato and the other six paths formed seals at the same time.

"The art of heretics: Nine seals of the phantom dragon!"

After the seal was completed, nine huge spiritual dragons flew out from the mouth of the heretic demon. While surrounding the heretic demon, they bit into Susanoo's body.

After being bitten by nine spiritual dragons that had the ability to absorb and seal chakra, Yusuke could feel Susanoo's power draining away and flowing into the heretic demon.

"Uchiha Yusuke, you will definitely lose today!"

"This world needs to feel pain, and you big country ninja villages should feel pain even more, and this pain starts with the most powerful Konoha!"

Seeing Yusuke's Susanoo being suppressed by the Heretic Golem and the Phantom Dragon Nine Seals, Nagato became weaker and weaker. Nagato saw the hope of defeating Yusuke and shouted loudly.

He wanted to control Susanoo to kill these spiritual dragons with his Zanpakutō, but the arm holding the sword was bitten by the spiritual dragon and became tightly entangled, making him completely unable to exert any force.

"It seems that Susanoo must be released to defeat Nagato." Yusuke thought secretly in his heart.

Using the power of Ryukenwakaki through Susanoo consumes a huge amount of spiritual energy. Yusuke's current spiritual pressure is not enough to control Susanoo's use of swastika. Even using Haigai, it's quite a load for Yusuke.

But in the same way, huge consumption means huge power. When Susanoo first released Ryūrenwakō, the power was far beyond what Susanoo in his current form could compare to.

"Susanogo was too powerful after his first attack. The high temperature of the flames will also have a great impact on Konoha. We must fight quickly!"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and the "Sho·Ryogi Curse Seal" on Yusuke's chest was unlocked. The eight-tails and nine-tails Yindun chakra sealed in it instantly surged out, and Yusuke converted it into spiritual pressure and released it from Susanoo's body. come out.

"Everything in the forest is reduced to ashes. Dragon Flame Susanoo!"

I saw the red lines on Susanoo's jet-black armor turning into blazing flames. At the same time, a large amount of red-gold flames surged out of the Ryūenwaka in his hand, and the long flame tail trailed behind Susanoo. A huge wheel of fire emerges.

At this time, Susanoo was like a fire god bathed in flames!

As the spiritual pressure and flames around Susanoo exploded, the heretic demon and the nine spiritual dragons biting Susanoo were all shaken away.

However, with the release of the power of Liu Ren Ruohuo, the surrounding temperature suddenly increased significantly, and many combustible materials such as nearby woods, grasslands, and huts were ignited due to the high temperature.

In the Konoha Village, the fires originally caused by the power of the previous "Fire Solar Eclipse" had not had time to be extinguished, and even more violent fires broke out again.

At this time, a large area centered on Susanoo was engulfed in flames!

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


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