The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 184 Meeting of the Three Shadows

Just after Hayakura took office as the Fifth Kazekage, information related to Sunagakure Village spread like wildfire, and soon spread throughout the entire ninja world.

The news that Sunagakure Village has been controlled by Konoha Village immediately caused a lot of panic in the ninja world, especially Iwagakure, Kumogakure and Kirigakure, which are also the five major ninja villages in the ninja world.

From Konoha's plan for Sunagakure Village, all the shinobi villages saw the hidden ambition of Konoha Village.

If Konoha continues to treat other ninja villages in the same way, then the power of the ninja world will soon be controlled by Konoha, and the countries that rely on the ninja villages will become vassals of the Fire Nation.

In the Tsuchikage office of Iwagakure Village, Onoki was looking at the information scroll in his hand with a frown.

Behind him stood his granddaughter Kurotsuchi, and in front of his desk stood loess, terracotta, gray earth and Wenya. These people are the most elite ninjas in Iwagakure and are deeply trusted by Onoki.

"You must have heard that Sunagakure Village has been controlled by Konoha. The scroll in my hand contains some more accurate information. Judging from the intelligence, Konoha may have more control over Sunagakure Village than we imagined. Even stronger."

Onoki closed the scrolls in his hands and placed them on the desk, and said to everyone present with a serious face.

Everyone present was silent. Only Kurotsuchi, the granddaughter who was deeply loved by Onoki, smiled and said: "Old man, you don't want to fight with Konoha, do you? I can tell you that it's easy to talk to others, but Uchiha Yusuke It's not something that ordinary ninjas can deal with, and your old bones can't stand being torn apart."

After Kurotsuchi finished speaking, Huangtu nodded with deep sympathy: "Father, you haven't seen the battle between him and the leader of the Akatsuki organization at the joint chunin exam. Maybe there was a duel between Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara. That’s all!”

After hearing Huang Tu's words, Onoki floated up from his chair, swaying back and forth in the office while thinking, appearing restless.

At this time, he thought of the scene when he and the second-generation Tsuchikage Mu visited Uchiha Madara when he was young.

They were very powerless at the time, and all their requests for the village were rejected by Uchiha Madara.

Even though the two of them were scolded by Uchiha Madara, they had no choice but to swallow their anger.

This unbearable past has been buried deep in Ohnoki's heart, making him unable to forget it for many years.

After a long time, Onoki sighed: "Is the Uchiha clan really so blessed that all ninjas cannot resist? Madara Uchiha once had Senju Hashirama to suppress him, but how should Yusuke Uchiha deal with it now?"

The Iwagakure jounin on the side said in a deep voice: "No matter how much you think about it, there are only two ways to do it."

"The first is to form an alliance with Konoha, but judging from Konoha's status, the village will only become a vassal of the other party. But as long as Konoha does not truly unify the ninja world, then the village will have a chance to rise again."

"The second is to unite other ninja villages to fight against Konoha. However, as one of the five great ninjas, we will also bear the brunt and bear the greatest pressure when fighting against Konoha."

Wenya is a male jounin who is about thirty years old. He is tall and has a purple mark like a fang under each eye.

Because of his superior strength and resourcefulness, he has a very high reputation in Iwagakure Village and is also one of Onoki's most capable assistants.

After hearing Wenya's words, Onoki thought for a moment, and seemed to have made up his mind. He slammed the table and said loudly: "Wenya, please help me contact Raikage and Mizukage immediately. This matter must be discussed with them. Okay, I believe they must have trouble sleeping and eating now."

After saying that, Onoki patted his head and said to Kurotsuchi: "I heard that the intelligence agents discovered Deidara's traces a while ago, so it is your responsibility to find him and tell him that the past things have been wiped out, and now the village needs him back!"

Kurotsuchi looked happy, patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, old man, I will leave that bastard Deidara to me!"

At this time, she was not happy that Deidara could return to the village, but because she had the opportunity to play outside the village again.

Since the end of the Joint Chuunin Examination held in Konoha, she has been bored in the village and has long been tired of it.

A few days later, under Fuga's arrangement, the two Kage from Cloud Hidden Village and Kirigakure Village agreed to meet to discuss plans for Konoha.

Since the Kingdom of Thunder is located relatively centrally between the Kingdom of Water and the Kingdom of Earth, the final meeting place was set within the Kingdom of Thunder.

However, for the safety and confidentiality of Tsuchikage and Mizukage, this meeting was not arranged in Kumogakure Village, but in an unknown town in the Land of Thunder.

"Lord Raikage, Sir Mizukage, the purpose of inviting you two here this time must be very clear to both of you. Now that Konoha is so powerful, it has annexed Sunagakure, which is also one of the five great ninja villages, and If we, the three major ninja villages, do not respond, sooner or later we will follow in the footsteps of Sunagakure Village!" Onoki said solemnly.

In a hidden cabin, Tsuchikage Onoki, Mizukage Terumi Mei and Raikage Darui were sitting around a round conference table, with their assistants standing behind them.

Behind Ohnoki is Fuga, who is responsible for liaising and organizing this meeting, behind Terumi Mei is her right-hand assistant Ao who has a white eye transplanted, and behind Darui is Kumogakure's wise general Dodai.

Hearing Ohnoki's words, Terumi Mei smiled and looked at Darui and said: "Raikage-dono, you Kumogakure and Konoha have had a lot of contact, and I heard that not long ago you successfully redeemed the Eight-Tailed Jinchū from Konoha. Riki and the Two-Tailed Jinchuuriki, I wonder what you think?"

After Kumogakure redeemed Kirabi and Yuzuki, he did not announce that these two people were no longer jinchūriki. Konoha would not go out of its way to publicize this, so the entire ninja world thought that Kumogakure had redeemed not only Kirabi and Yuzuki, but also the Eight-Tails and Three-Tails in their bodies.

Darui frowned upon hearing this, as if he thought of some unpleasant experience. After sighing, he slowly said: "During the battle with Konoha six years ago, I personally fought against Uchiha Yusuke. I feel ashamed to say that I was not strong enough and was defeated by him in just one encounter. In his hands, even the Fourth Generation Master and Kirabi Master are no match for him."

"Not just him alone, the Uchiha clan he leads and the improvement of Konoha's overall strength brought about by the Konoha Research Institute are not something that any ninja village can compete with."

Looking at Ohnoki, who had an unhappy face, and Terumi Mei, who was barely keeping a smile, Darui said rudely: "If you two want to join forces to launch a war against Konoha, I'm sorry that I can't accompany you."

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


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