The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 188 Progress of the Research Institute

Hearing Zetsu asking whether he wanted to kill Orochimaru, Uchiha Madara frowned and thought for a moment.

"Keep him alive. His Ice Style is still of some use. From your previous description of the battle between Uchiha Yusuke and Nagato, it can be seen that my junior's Fire Style has been used to its peak. Maybe Orochimaru The ice escape can play a certain curbing role."

In the end, Uchiha Madara decided not to kill Orochimaru for the time being, but to use genjutsu to control Orochimaru to assist him.

Seeing Orochimaru's genjutsu activated, the unconscious Orochimaru immediately opened his eyes, but at this time his eyes were dull, and his eyes were filled with the pattern of the pupil of the Samsara Eye. It was obvious that he had been controlled by Uchiha Madara.

After solving Orochimaru, Uchiha Madara took Zetsu into Orochimaru's stronghold.

At this time, except for some people who were captured for human experiments, all Orochimaru's core men in the stronghold had escaped.

As for Kimimaro and the four men who were loyal to Orochimaru, they also quickly fled the scene.

This is not because they are greedy for life and afraid of death, but because Orochimaru once asked them to do this.

They possess the curse seal and are the vessels for Orochimaru's resurrection. If even they are killed, then Orochimaru really has no hope of making a comeback.

As for the four Jinchuuriki that were snatched back, because they were sealed in the barrier by Orochimaru, others could not take them away even if they wanted to. Now they can be regarded as returned to their original owners.

Jue asked: "Master, what are you going to do next?"

Uchiha Madara looked in the direction of Konoha and said slowly: "Join other ninja villages who are afraid of Konoha's power, launch an all-out war to recapture the remaining tailed beasts, and completely resurrect the Ten-Tails!"

Konoha Village, Konoha Research Institute.

At this time, Dr. Ali and his subordinate research team, through research on Bai Zetsu A Fei, finally overcame the problem of using Bai Zetsu tissue to construct the human body and various organs, and have entered the stage of clinical trials.

After receiving this news, Minato came to the institute overjoyed and wanted to inquire about future plans to actually apply this technology.

Once this technology matures, many ninjas who lost arms and legs due to injuries in the war or villagers who were born with disabilities will be able to receive help to help them repair their damaged body tissues.

For Minato personally, he can also create a new body for Kushina so that she can live a normal life again, instead of living in a cursed seal in the form of a soul and living a life that is not like a human or a ghost. Ghost life.

"Dr. Agasa, how long will it take for this technology to be actually used?" Minato asked Dr. Agasa.

Since Kabuto is still studying senjutsu in Ryūchi Cave, Dr. Agasa is entirely responsible for the research during this period.

With Konoha Research Institute's already very mature team of researchers, even if Kabuto is not present, it will not have any impact on the conduct of this research.

Dr. Agasa still looked as exhausted as if he had stayed up all night. When he heard Minato's question, he also showed an excited look: "If the progress is normal, such a clinical trial must be carried out for one to two years. Time. But fortunately, we have the strong support of Comrade Hidan, and after my persuasion, he was willing to support our work 24/7 and cooperate with us in clinical trials, which greatly accelerated our progress!"

Holding down Hidan, who was struggling with his limbs locked and mouth sealed on the operating table next to him, Dr. Ari continued: "According to the current progress, as long as nothing goes wrong, it will take about a month. The clinical trial phase has officially ended, and this technology can also be piloted on a small scale at Konoha Hospital!"

Yusuke nodded with satisfaction when he heard this, patted Dr. Agasa on the shoulder and praised: "I really did not misjudge the person. It is because of you that Konoha Research Institute has developed so much in these years, and many technologies have also It would not be possible without your dedication.”

Although Yusuke is staying in Sunagakure Village to prevent accidents, but with the Kamui Sharingan's space jumping ability, there is almost no limit to the distance. Basically, he will spend a lot of time in Konoha every day.

At the same time, in order to strengthen the control of Sunagakure Village, Konoha has also deployed a fixed-point teleportation function in Sunagakure. If necessary, Konoha can send other ninjas to Sunagakure Village at any time, or return to Konoha from Sunagakure Village.

After understanding the specific situation, Minato also returned to the Hokage Building to continue working. Before leaving, he asked Yusuke to come over for a while, saying that he had something important to discuss.

After Minato left, Yusuke pulled Dr. Agasa aside who was 'touching' Hidan.

Glancing at Hidan who looked hopeless, Yusuke frowned slightly and said to Dr. Agasa in a deep voice: "Didn't I stipulate Hidan's working hours? I know you are busy with the progress of your research, but we Konoha is also a place that pays attention to humanity. Do you understand what I mean?"

Dr. Agasa nodded: "I understand, but without an immortal body like Hidan-kun conducting clinical trials day and night, the time before this technology can be put into pilot trials may be delayed by another two to three months."

Thinking of Minato's anxious expression every time he saw him, Yusuke held his chin and thought for a moment, "Forget it this time. Once this technology is completed, let Hidan resume his normal work schedule."

Dr. Agasa nodded again when he heard this, and then suddenly asked Yusuke: "But the next improved version of the "First Aid Seal" that you are very concerned about and hope to be completed as soon as possible cannot do without Hidan-kun's support. I gave it to you before Your planned time is calculated based on his full investment. If Hidan-kun is allowed to return to normal working hours, there may be a considerable delay in the plan. "

After hearing Dr. Agasa's words, the muscles on Yusuke's face twitched subconsciously.

Then Yusuke said calmly: "Then let Hidan work harder and rest after the improved version of "First Aid Seal" is completed. I will personally present him with a Model Worker Award later. "

After explaining to Dr. Agasa, Yusuke jumped through space and came to Minato's office.

Seeing Yusuke come to him again by means of space jump, even Minato, who possesses the Flying Thunder God Technique, had to show a bit of envy.

Although the flying thunder god technique can also be used to teleport over long distances, the prerequisite is that the flying thunder god mark needs to be made, which is not as convenient as the divine space jump.

Seeing Minato holding a scroll in his hand, Yusuke smiled and asked, "What's the big deal for calling me here? Is it because you discovered the whereabouts of Madara Uchiha and the remaining members of the Akatsuki organization?"

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


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