The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 207 The Resurrection of the Ten-Tails

After hearing Senju Hashirama's words, Uchiha Madara narrowed his eyes and his expression became increasingly gloomy.

At this time, Senju Hashirama pointed at him and laughed: "Hahahaha, when you were defeated by me for the first time, it was this expression, I must have said it right!"

Although Senju Hashirama was once the god of the ninja world, his off-kilter character surprised many people who saw him for the first time.

But many people who have met him believe that this personality is also part of his charm.

Mito on the side shook her head helplessly at first. She was already used to her husband's unreliable appearance. But at the same time, she was smart and understood the meaning of Senju Hashirama's words, and her eyes that originally looked extremely worried regained their luster.

"Madara, if you had no opponents in the ninja world, it would not be difficult to collect all the tailed beasts. However, now you only have four jinchūriki, and the other tailed beasts seem to have to be reincarnated from the bodies of the jinchūriki of the past generations. Extract the remaining power of the tailed beast. Isn’t the answer already very obvious?”

Although these words were addressed to Uchiha Madara, Mito's eyes were directed at Senju Hashirama beside him.

Senju Hashirama nodded, looked at Mito with gentle eyes and said, "That's exactly what I mean. Now he must have encountered a stronger opponent than him, leaving him unable to collect the remaining tailed beasts. He can only Resurrection of the Ten-Tails through this."

The two looked at each other and smiled, feeling much relieved now.

While watching Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito showing affection in front of them, and listening to the two of them taunting him, Uchiha Madara felt extremely miserable.

This is not his purpose of resurrecting Senju Hashirama now!

"That's enough, now you two just need to watch quietly! Uchiha Yusuke is indeed very strong, but when I become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, even he can't stop my plan."

Uchiha Madara snorted coldly, ending this unpleasant reminiscing.

The power of the Samsara Eye was activated, and the heretic demon immediately let out a thunderous roar. The two arms locked in front of the chest broke free of the chains above, and then also tore off the chains on the legs sitting cross-legged on the ground. .

Uchiha Madara clasped his hands in front of his chest, and a large amount of chakra burst out from his body. The outside demon opened its mouth at the same time, and dozens of chains stretched out from it, reaching into the bodies of all the Chuuriki present, preparing to pull out all the power of the tailed beasts.

In addition, Orochimaru, who was possessed by Uchiha Madara's illusion at this time, was also one of the targets of the heretic demon. After being subdued by Uchiha Madara, half of the one-tail sealed by the Ryogi curse in his body was also discovered.

Because beings like jinchūriki or golden horns who were reincarnated from the dirty earth, the power of the tailed beasts in their bodies was very rare, and they were instantly dragged out by the demons of the outside world, without the ability to resist.

The tailed beasts in the four living jinchuriki were still in their intact form, and the one in Orochimaru's body also had half of the chakra. These tailed beasts immediately began to resist desperately.

Because they also know that once they return to the body of the heretic demon, they will lose themselves and eventually turn into the Ten-Tails.

However, the heretic golem already had the power to restrain the tailed beasts, and with the help of Madara Uchiha, who had mastered the three magatama reincarnation eyes, he quickly defeated the five tailed beasts: one, three, four, five and six. The beast dragged it out and swallowed it whole.

After absorbing the tailed beast chakra of all the Chuuriki present, the heretic demon has gathered the power of the tailed beasts from one tail to nine tails. The nine eyes on its forehead that were originally tightly closed opened and looked. It looks weird and scary.

However, since only four tailed beasts have complete power, only four eyes are considered fully open. As for the other five eyes, only the one representing One-Tail was half-opened. The other eyes were only slightly opened. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they were squinted.

After absorbing the power of the tailed beast, the body of the outer demon statue, which is the body of the ten-tailed beast, suddenly shook violently. It raised its head and let out a huge roar. Powerful chakra fluctuations appeared around the body of the outer demon statue, and its body continued to changes occur.

In the end, the heretic golem changed from its original humanoid form into a strange creature with ten tails lying on the ground.

This creature has a huge single eye on its round head, and the pupil in the single eye is also the pattern of the Samsara Eye.

Its body doesn't have much muscle, and its limbs are skinny and very slender. On its back is a body tissue that looks like a conch but is covered with huge spikes.

This creature is none other than the resurrected Ten-Tails!

However, due to the lack of tailed beast chakra, the Ten-Tails at this time has not returned to its peak power, but is only in its most elementary form, which is why the body looks so thin.

In this form, the only skill the Ten-Tails can use is the Tailed Beast Jade.

If the entire Chakra from One to Nine Tails is absorbed, the Ten-Tails' body will become stronger, and it will be able to use a powerful ability called "Heavenly Change" to create large-scale natural disasters.

Looking at the resurrected Ten-Tails in front of him, Madara Uchiha had a smile on his face.

In just a few moments, he will become the most powerful ninja in the ninja world. Although it's not perfect yet, after he conquers the ninja world, he can complete the tailed beast's power.

Pulling off the armor on his body, Uchiha Madara clasped his hands in front of his chest, exploded the power of the Rinnegan Eye to the maximum, and shouted: "I, Uchiha Madara, will be the second Six Paths Sage in the ninja world! "

"Six ten-tailed coffin seals!"

At this time, Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito also showed surprised expressions when they saw the face on Uchiha Madara's left chest that was nine-tenths similar to Senju Hashirama's due to the fusion of cells.

But what worries them most now is Uchiha Madara's power after becoming the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

The incomplete Ten-Tails just now made them feel the unparalleled chakra. If such a huge chakra is obtained by a ninja like Uchiha Madara who is good at fighting, it will be even more difficult to deal with him.

Under the control of the power of the Samsara Eye, the entire Ten-Tails body slowly melted and flowed to Uchiha Madara's back like a liquid.

A circular space like a black hole appeared on Uchiha Madara's back, slowly sucking the Ten-Tails into it.

This process is not easy for Uchiha Madara. Inhaling such a huge amount of chakra into his body is also a huge load for him.

At this time, Uchiha Madara felt as if his body was about to be torn apart by chakra. The huge pain made him scream continuously, and his two samsara eyes were also filled with bloodshot eyes.

But for Madara Uchiha, pain was nothing. This powerful power made him extremely excited, and his bloodshot eyes were full of enthusiasm.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


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