The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 212 All parties are fighting

After meeting Yusuke, Uchiha Madara was ready to start this final battle.

With a thought, the control power of the Reincarnation of the Earth came into effect, and the ninjas of the Earth who were reminiscing with their old friends in the distance all began to attack.

On the battlefield of the Land of Fire, seeing the First Hokage and others suddenly rushing toward him, Minato also led everyone forward to meet them.

"Konan, you only need to be there to support us in this battle. We must seal the opponent in time the moment we defeat him!" Minato told Konan who was standing aside.

Because Xiaonan is good at paper escape and can instantly control a large number of sealing symbols to seal, he can restrain the reincarnation of the dirty land to a certain extent. Therefore, among the tactics formulated by Konoha, Xiaonan will be specifically responsible for sealing.

Xiaonan nodded and immediately used his paper wings to fly up into the air and float behind everyone, ready to provide support at any time.

After seeing that Konan understood the tactics, Minato directly threw the Flying Thunder God Kunai in his hand towards the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, and then turned into a golden light and fought with Senju Tobirama.

Minato's opponent is the two fire shadows who also use the Flying Thunder God Technique!

"Oh? I didn't expect that besides me, there would be someone else who could master the Flying Thunder God technique so flexibly. It seems that you, the Fourth Hokage, are quite capable!" Seeing Minato activate the Flying Thunder God and appear in front of him, Senju Tobirama His eyes lit up.

When he invented the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, he didn't expect anyone to understand and use this ninjutsu like him in the future.

However, Minato in front of him seemed to be more skilled in using the Flying Thunder God than he was, which made him very interested.

Minato smiled modestly: "Compared with the seniors who were able to invent this ninjutsu, I am nothing worth mentioning."

Qianju Tobirama smiled and said: "Whether it is worth mentioning or not, I will verify it with my own hands!"

After that, the two of them started fighting each other quickly.

The battle between two people who are also proficient in the art of Flying Thunder God would only appear to outsiders as flashes of golden light, unable to see the real movements clearly.

On the other side, Itachi and Izumi blocked Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Shisui, and the four Uchiha immediately faced off.

However, the faces of both parties did not look like hostile parties at all. Instead, they looked like a family chatting.

"Father, Shisui, your opponent is us." Itachi said, looking at the two of them.

Uchiha Fugaku nodded happily: "Itachi, you have grown up, and you are really good. Entrusting the family to Yusuke was probably the most successful thing I did as the leader of the Uchiha clan!"

After saying this, Uchiha Fugaku looked at Izumi and said with a smile: "Izumi has also grown into a great beauty. I hope you will take good care of her in the future, Itachi."

Izumi's cheeks turned red when she heard this, but she nodded slightly.

Looking at the three people enjoying themselves in front of him, Uchiha Shisui sighed: "Maybe I am the last person who should not exist. Even my death will cause trouble for everyone."

Itachi shook his head and said, "No, you just met the wrong person. If it weren't for the teacher, I might have embarked on the wrong path like you."

"Now that you are here, you will witness the growth of the Uchiha clan. Izumi and I will defeat you so that you can truly rest in peace."

As soon as Itachi finished speaking, he and Uchiha Fugaku activated Susanoo at the same time.

Perhaps because of blood inheritance, Itachi's Susanoo and Uchiha Fugaku's Susanoo are both red in color and have very similar shapes. At this time, the two Susanoos were holding long swords against each other, but Itachi clearly had the upper hand.

Shisui on the side pulled out the short sword from his back and started fighting with Izumi. "Shunken" Shisui's powerful teleportation technique appeared again, but Izumi, who had "Intention Flash", was not inferior, and even better. One chip.

The battle between the two was as fast as lightning, and there was no golden light flashing like when Minato and Senju Tobirama fought. This fast duel without any warning was even more dangerous.

"I didn't expect that the little girl back then would already have such strength!" Zhishui said with a smile.

Since he was only thirteen years old when he died, he now looks more like Izumi's younger brother.

Seeing that Izumi's teleportation skills were even better than his own, while he was happy for Izumi, he was also filled with a sense of loss.

"If I had not made a mistake back then, I would be stronger now and be able to contribute to Konoha, right?" Zhishui couldn't help but think to himself.

Izumi's eyes were full of seriousness: "Brother Zhisui, my brother also said that you were a rare talent at the beginning, and he also hoped that you would turn around. But now, saying these things will only increase the sadness. I will use The strongest power will defeat you and let you leave without regrets!"

Shisui's eyes flashed, and he said slowly: "Come on, from now on, the Uchiha clan will no longer have a "shutting body" Shisui, there will only be a "shutting body" Izumi who is far better than Shisui! "

On the Third Hokage's side, he was blocked by Kakashi.

"It seems that my opponent is you. I never thought that we would have a fight one day."

Looking at the calmer Kakashi in front of him, Sarutobi nodded with satisfaction.

Using the chakra knife in his hand to block the attack of Sarutobi Kongru's wishful stick, Kakashi's tone was still respectful: "The Third Generation, you can rest assured in Konoha now. And under the leadership of the Fourth Generation and the Chief Advisor, No ninja village can threaten Konoha, and Konoha does not need to bow to any force."

Hearing Kakashi's words, Sarutobi sighed: "Konoha has not improved much under my hands. Although I am not on good terms with Uchiha Yusuke, as long as I see that Konoha can become stronger, there is nothing to regret. .”

Speaking of this, Sarutobi's back slightly straightened up, as if he had regained the aura he once was known as the 'Ninja Hero': "Kakashi, when I was young, your father and I actually had a sparring match. In that battle, we There is no winner. If you can't defeat me, an old man today, you will lose your father's reputation as the 'Konoha White Fang'!"

The belief of victory also flashed in his eyes. At this time, Kakashi, who had become the new 'Konoha White Fang', said in a deep voice: "Then my subordinate will be offended!"

At the edge of the battlefield, Nagato faced Jiraiya and Tsunade.

"Nagato, I always thought that you with the Rinnegan Eye would be the child of prophecy and could bring peace to the ninja world, but I didn't expect that you would encounter such hardships after I left." Jiraiya looked at his former disciple and sighed. .

Since Konan was also in Konoha, Jiraiya knew their story after meeting Konan.

Regarding the experiences of Nagato, Yahiko and Konan, Jiraiya couldn't help but feel very sorry for himself.

I feel that if I could have brought them back to Konoha, maybe they wouldn't have fallen to this point.

Nagato said with a sad look in his eyes: "Uchiha Madara gave me this Samsara Eye. No matter where I am, I can't escape the tragedy of being used by him. Maybe this is my fate!"

Looking at Konan aside, Nagato smiled for the first time in a long time: "I really want to fight side by side with you again, but it's a pity that I will never have such an opportunity again."

Konan couldn't stop crying when she heard Nagato's voice: "When Uchiha Madara dies, I will come to find you and Yahiko. The three of us will never be separated."

Nagato looked into Konan's eyes and shook his head and said, "You must live well and happily, and witness for me and Yahiko the day when peace is achieved in the ninja world."

Looking at Jiraiya and Tsunade in a blink of an eye, Nagato said slowly: "Although Jiraiya-sensei and Tsunade-senpai are the legendary Sannin, it is not easy for me to deal with the Rinnegan. You two should be careful. ”

Jiraiya and Tsunade looked at each other solemnly. They had seen the information about the Rinnegan ability provided by Yusuke. It can be said that among the enemies in front of him, Nagato and the first Hokage Senju Hashirama are the two most powerful.

"Tsunade, you have to buy me some time. I have to use Sage Mode to deal with him." Jiraiya said to Tsunade.

Tsunade smiled slightly: "How long has it been since we joined forces to fight against the enemy?"

Jiraiya was stunned when he heard this, and then he also laughed: "The last time we dealt with the 'demigods' of the ninja world together, right?"

A glint flashed in Tsunade's eyes: "We lost that time, and I don't want to join forces with you to lose again!"

Jiraiya laughed, and when he put his hands together, Fukasaku-sennin and Shima-sennin stood on his shoulders.

Tsunade threw off her coat and faced Nagato, who was also controlled and killed by the Tensei Reincarnation, buying time for Jiraiya to enter sage mode.

In the center of the battlefield, the only ones left were Kabuto, the ninja god Senju Hashirama and Yusuke's disciple.

Looking at Kabuto in front of him, Senju Hashirama showed an interested expression: "They actually asked you to deal with me. I guess your strength must be extraordinary!"

Kabuto said calmly: "I just need to hold off the First Generation. I believe they can defeat their opponents, and then come back to support me and defeat you together."

At this moment, an extremely huge wooden man suddenly appeared at the feet of Senju Hashirama.

Looking down at Kabuto from Bokuto's head, Senju Hashirama smiled and said, "Then I'm looking forward to your performance! What's your name?"

The wooden figure in Senju Hashirama is a strong and angry fighter with a huge wooden dragon wrapped around his body. Although the wooden man summoned by Bai Jue A Fei cannot perform ninjutsu with different chakra properties, the wooden man of Senju Hashirama is superior in size and strength.

Putting his hands together, Kabuto entered the sage mode where the three celestial arts were combined.

A glint flashed in his eyes, and Kabuto said slowly: "I'm Kabuto the Yakushi Master, and he's also a disciple of Uchiha Yusuke, the strongest man in the ninja world!"

Hearing this, the corners of Senju Hashirama's lips slightly raised: "What an extraordinary magic! I didn't expect that your teacher would be the person that Madara is afraid of. I really want to meet him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Senju Hashirama rode a huge wooden man to attack Kabuto, while Kabuto also used the "Escape Sky Jade" to attack Senju Hashirama above him.

Just as Konoha was fighting against the incoming powerful warriors reincarnated in the dirt, Kumogakure, Kirigakure and Iwagakure were also fighting fiercely with their opponents.

The most critical of all the battles is naturally the one between Yusuke and Uchiha Madara!

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


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