The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 222 Niliel du Odessiufak

Looking at the three figures emerging from the large amount of smoke and dust caused by the mad running, Yusuke was slightly startled. He did not expect to meet the Kyon he knew.

These three Daxu all have a human-like body shape. The Daxu chasing at the left rear is not much taller than an adult human man. It looks close to two meters and is relatively fat.

His head is nearly half the size of his body, and he has funny facial lines, which makes him very funny.

His body is not completely bone armor like ordinary Hollows. Instead, he wears a yellow one-piece fleece made of unknown material, which makes him look not only less terrifying than Hollows, but more like someone from the circus. Out comes the clown.

The companion next to him has the exact opposite body shape to him. He is thin and wears a crotch cloth. He does not look like a serious person.

What they were chasing together was a smaller creature with stubby limbs, a body wrapped in bones, and a mask with antelope horns.

Although this Hollow is small in size, the spiritual pressure contained in its body is extremely powerful. It is none other than Achiukas among the three Great Hollows.

If other Hollows in Hueco Mundo saw this scene, they would definitely think that two Kilians found a newly born Achiukas and wanted to devour him.

But Yusuke, who has read the entire main story of "Death", knows that the three Hollows in front of him are actually playing.

The two Daxu chasing after them were named Dondchaka Bilstein and Peixe Kadishe, while the one escaping in front was Niliel Du... Odyssey Vank.

Dondchaka and Peixue are Nilu's most loyal lieutenants, and they have never left Nilu during her most difficult days.

It now seems that the two of them had already started to follow Nilu when she was still young.

Although their appearance at this time was quite different from what Yusuke had seen in his memory, Yusuke was still able to recognize them at a glance through their features.

Seeing that Nelu was still a little girl at this time, Yusuke was completely sure of his future plans. Now he has enough time to prepare everything.

"Don't hit the guy in front!" Dondchaka and Peixue from behind shouted in unison.

"I know, Nilu will take a detour immediately!"

Looking at the three people who changed directions, Yusuke took the initiative to stand in front of them.

Seeing Yusuke suddenly blocking their running path, the three of them immediately stopped their speed, but the inertia still caused them to collide with Yusuke.

With two plops, Dongdechaka and Peixue fell face-to-face to the ground, while Nilu was lifted by Yusuke in his left hand.

At this time, Nilu didn't have a human face yet. All she had on her face was a round skull mask that looked a little silly, with curved antelope horns extending from both sides of the mask.

The body is completely wrapped in bone-like material, and the body shape is similar to that of a human child. It is wrapped in a gray rag, and the dress is very similar to the original appearance.

"Put down Lord Nilu quickly!" Peixue said in a deep voice.

Although Yusuke didn't leak a trace of spiritual pressure and had a Hollow-like mask on his face. However, the strange pupils revealed from the eyes of the mask, the samurai uniforms worn on their bodies, and the long sword slung around their waists. These features that were incompatible with Hueco Mundo made the two of them very wary.

Slowly putting Nilu down, Yusuke said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, I just want to ask the three of you for a favor."

Seeing Yusuke let go of Nilu, Dongde Chaka and Peixue breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Nelu can be said to be a moving treasure. She was born as Yachukas, and she is the most dangerous at this young stage.

Her fighting power has not yet grown, but many Hollows want to devour her to allow themselves to evolve.

Dongde Chaka and Peixue were originally friends, but they accidentally discovered the newborn Nilu.

The two kind-hearted people did not choose to devour Nilu, but chose to serve Nilu as their master and become Nilu's subordinates.

This choice is not a licking of dogs, but Hueco Mundo's rule of survival.

Most of the Killian-level Daxu gather around the higher-level Achiukas or Vastod to form a group.

This group can prevent attacks from other virtual groups. If the leader of the group is more aggressive, he will also lead the group to attack and devour other virtual groups.

"What's the business?" Dongde Chaka asked.

Yusuke smiled and said: "Help me open up a secret to go to Soul Society."

Hearing Yusuke's words, Donde Chaka and Peixue exclaimed: "You are indeed not a Hollow!"

Nilu's eyes lit up when she heard this: "So, who are you? Can you play with Nilu?"

Squatting down, Yusuke touched Nilu's head and said with a smile: "My name is Yusuke. I can play with Nilu in the future, but I have to do something soon."

Nilu nodded in disappointment, Dongdechaka and Peixue looked at each other and decided to help Yusuke open up this dark side.

They are not aggressive Hollows in the first place, so it would be better to send the unidentified Yusuke away as early as possible.

Pei Xue gathered the spiritual pressure in his hand and lightly drew it into the air, and a black hole slowly opened.

At this moment, a crow suddenly emerged from Yusuke's eyes and flew into Nilu's arm. Nilu's short and chubby arm had the mark of a crow.

Before Dondchaka and Peixue could ask questions, Yusuke took the lead in explaining: "This is a mark that you can call me on. If you are in danger, you can ask Nilu to use spiritual pressure to clear this mark, and you can come to me instantly. I’m here to support you.”

Looking at the suspicious and wary looks on the two people's faces, Yusuke smiled and said, "Of course, the choice of whether to keep this mark or not is in your hands. You can also eliminate it now."

Although Dondchaka and Peixue wanted to eliminate the crow mark, Nilu was obviously very happy: "Okay, you will be my friend, Nilu! When I want to play with you, I can use the mark to Looking for you?"

In Hueco Mundo, most Hollows will not be so friendly to these three people. Most Hollows are full of negative emotions and kill and devour each other.

Therefore, in the years since Nilu was born, only two friends, Dondchaka and Peixue, have been taking care of her.

If possible, she also hopes to make more friends to accompany herself.

Yusuke slowly stepped into the black cavity and waved his hand with his back to Nilu: "This mark can only be used once, so it is better to use it in an emergency. I believe it won't be long before we meet again."

As the black cavity closed, Yusuke's figure slowly disappeared into it, and Nilu shouted very reluctantly: "Yusuke, I have decided to come and play with Nilu!"

After Yusuke left, Dondchaka and Peixue still wanted to persuade Nilu to remove the mark to prevent any conspiracy.

Now their strength is pretty good in Hueco Mundo. As long as they don't provoke other interested forces, they usually won't encounter any danger. There is no need to keep this mark of unknown details.

Nilu immediately protected her arms and looked at the two of them warily: "Yusuke is Nilu's third friend!"

Seeing Nilu's performance, Dondchaka and Peixue also knew that she would never listen to them, so they could only secretly pray that Yusuke didn't have any bad intentions.

Yusuke still admires these three people very much. As Yusuke is preparing to develop based on Hueco Mundo, he has positioned them as his subordinates, so naturally he will not have any malicious intentions.

This crow mark is indeed just a protective measure to prevent them from encountering accidents.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


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