The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 228 The Only Zanpakutō

In the Kamui Space, Yusuke was sitting on a suspended stone seat with his eyes closed, quietly sorting out what he had gained in the past fifteen years.

Through the information from the Mao Spiritual Arts Institute, he has successfully mastered all the techniques commonly used by Shinigami and Kidō moves, and even found the method of using "Instant Coax" in a confidential material.

The so-called "Instant Coax" combines Kidō with Hakuta, allowing the Shinigami to use Kidō to fight more flexibly.

You can imagine Kidō users as magicians, and White Hit users as swordsmen or samurai. The Shinigami who use "Shuangku" are like magic swordsmen or magic warriors. They can attack during their own attacks. Added with the power of ghost.

When using "Instant Coax", the user's back and shoulders will be wrapped in high-concentration compressed Kidou, and the Kidou will merge with his own limbs through the explosion to fight.

The inventor of "Shunku" is Shihoin Yoruichi, and Shihoin Yoruichi is also one of the few Shinigami who does not fight with a Zanpakutō.

Before the appearance of the "Sword God" Nikaiya Oue, there was no Zanpakutō in the Soul Society. The Shinigami at that time fought through techniques such as Kidō and White Fighting.

After Wang Yue began to build Zanpakutō for Shinigami, there were still some Shinigami who chose to maintain their original fighting methods, especially those from ancient Shinigami families, and Yoruichi Shihoin was one of them.

Most of these Shinigami also believe in the theory of "Supremacy of Reiatsu" and believe that as long as Reiatsu is sufficient, existing tactics are enough for them to subdue their enemies.

In addition to the various fighting skills of the Shino Spiritual Arts Academy, Yusuke also obtained a lot of precious information from the Technology Development Bureau. What surprised him was that even the method of making Bengyoku was found in the information.

Bengyu is a gem with strange power and self-awareness.

It can absorb and materialize the hearts of things around it, and can protect the host's body from death. When the host's ability reaches its limit or its life is threatened, Bengyu can make the host endlessly descend to the next dimension. Realm evolution.

Although Urahara Kisuke and Aizen each created a Hongyoku, Urahara Kisuke used the soul of Hollow, and Aizen used the soul of Death, but neither of them is probably the real inventor of the Hongyoku.

Otherwise, no matter which of the two was the original inventor, it would be impossible for them to inform the other of the technology of making Bengyu.

In the original work, Aizen also merged his own Hongyoku and the Hongyoku made by Urahara Kisuke into one, and then merged into a complete Hongyoku.

"If what I think is correct, then the original inventor or conception of Bendama did not complete Magatama. It was just an immature idea. Therefore, this part of the information did not arouse the attention of the senior officials of Seireitei. It was sealed because of its importance, and then both Urahara Kisuke and Aizen came into contact." Yusuke analyzed in his heart.

Judging from the fact that it took Urahara Kisuke and Aizen a very long time to make the Hontama, I am afraid that the method of making the Hontama in their own hands is not yet mature, and many improvements must be made before they can truly make the Hontama. .

Suddenly a light flashed in Yusuke's eyes, and a bold idea formed in his mind.

"The reason why Ichigo Kurosaki is so powerful is because he combines the power of Hollow, Shinigami and Quincy in his body. If I grab Urahara Kisuke and Aizen's Hōgyoku and make another one using the Quincy's soul structure, The broken jade formed by the three is integrated into one, wouldn’t it be able to gain even more powerful power?”

Thinking of this, Yusuke's heart started to stir.

Yusuke knew that his current abilities were far from enough to achieve his goal.

Moreover, Quincy is not a common commodity like the Shinigami or Hollows. It is simply impossible to collect enough Quincy souls to make Bengyoku.

The only thing that can be done is to replace quantity with quality, such as using the soul of the Quincy King Yhwach!

Among the information obtained this time, Yusuke accidentally obtained a piece of information that concerned him very much.

And if you want to confirm this information, you have to ask about his Zanpakuto Ryuken Wakahu.

Entering his own spiritual world, Yusuke summoned Ryukenwaka.

Looking at the Ryuken Wakahu who looked exactly like him, Yusuke asked slowly: "You should actually have another image, just like the current captain of the Gotei 13 Team, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni, right?"

Hearing Yusuke's question, Ryuken Wakahui grinned and said, "It seems you have discovered it too. But don't worry, as a Zanpakutō I have always been impartial, and I won't tell you about him. And he won’t get any information about you from me.”

In a piece of information, Yusuke unexpectedly discovered that the same Zanpakuto can be used by different users.

For some unknown reason, this situation was strictly prohibited among the senior officials of Seireitei.

If there are two Shinigami using the same Zanpakutō, then the two Shinigami must decide the winner. The winner inherits the Zanpakutō, while the loser is executed on the spot.

(Note: This setting does not exist in the main story, but it does exist in the theatrical version. In it, Toshiro Haku encounters this situation. Because it does not exist in the main story, this part of the setting serves as a blind spot in the protagonist’s knowledge)

"You don't need to tell me, I'm afraid he also discovered me, right?" Yusuke said.

Liu Ren Ruo Huo smiled and said: "This is natural. After all, you are all sharing my power."

"Zeng Jin's spiritual pressure is not worth mentioning. It is only a trivial amount of power that has been separated from me. He will not notice it at that time. Even if he notices it a little, he may think that his strength has declined due to his age. .”

"But after you came here, the "Reiatsu Compensation" increased your Reiatsu a lot. Although it is still far inferior to his, it can no longer be hidden from him. Moreover, as you continue to practice, you will occupy more and more of my power, and he will definitely not tolerate your existence. "

Yusuke's eyes flashed coldly: "I will not allow him to exist either."

Ryūren Wakahui's body gradually turned into flames and disappeared. Before disappearing, he left a sentence that echoed in Yusuke's mind.

"Then hurry up and become stronger. Only the strongest can possess the strongest Zanpakutō!"

At this time in the Seireitei, Captain Yamamoto was also quietly looking at a painting in the room.

This painting depicts a blazing flame, and at the top of the flame stands a figure whose face can be seen clearly.

If you are familiar with the young Yamamoto Genryusai, you will find that this figure is actually the captain who is not yet bald.

Although there is no bloody or cruel scene in the painting, this painting exudes a strong chilling atmosphere, which will scare away those who are not determined or timid.

The painting hanging in Yamamoto Genryusai's room is of his former self who fought to kill. He hung this painting here to remind himself that he cannot go back to the past.

"Now there is another Shinigami who has awakened the ability of Ryukenwaki like you. Although I don't know who he is, I have to kill him!" Yamamoto Genryusai stared at the painting and muttered to himself. .

At this moment, he couldn't help but think of one of his comrades many years ago, a comrade who was killed by his own hands.

The eyes that had been squinted opened, and through the thin slits, Yamamoto Genryusai's ghost-like murderous intent flashed through.

The target of his murderous intention was naturally another user of Ryuken Wakahu whom he had never met before - Uchiha Yusuke.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


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