Looking at the calm and smiling Yusuke in front of her, Harribel burst out her spiritual pressure and tried to press the bone sword towards Yusuke, trying to force Yusuke to retreat.

The end of the bone sword in her hand was like a jet, emitting blue spiritual pressure like airflow, adding huge impact to the bone sword.

However, what shocked Harribel was that even the power of her spiritual pressure burst could not make the bone sword move forward even a little bit. It was completely held in place by the Zanpakutō in the opponent's hand.

At this time, Harribel's three sisters also saw that their eldest sister seemed to be at a disadvantage. The three immediately joined forces to launch a very powerful combination skill. Each of them tore off a part of their own body, and fused it to summon a body. Huge monster.

This monster has a very strong body, with a one-horned bone mask on its face, a thick black mane on its head and neck, and its lower body and arms are covered with brown-green fluff.

Although it has four limbs like a human and stands upright, it also has a snake-like tail at the tail vertebrae.

This monster is called Chaos Beast Yaweng, and it is the trump card of Sunsun, Apache and Mira.

Yaon's power is huge, and his spiritual pressure is almost comparable to that of the captain in Bleach.

The most important thing is that Yaweng has extremely strong vitality and resilience. Even if it is cut in two, it can continue to survive and fight.

Since Sunsun, Apache and Mira have not yet completed the Arrancar, the summoned Chaos Beast Yawn is smaller and weaker than the Chaos God Yawn summoned in the original work. Quite a few.

"Sister, get out of here and let Jaune deal with him!" Apache shouted to Harribel.

Although Ya Weng is very powerful, he also has a shortcoming, that is, he cannot distinguish between friend and foe when attacking.

Seeing the little sisters summoning Yaon, Harribel immediately waved the bone sword in her hand and retreated with the force of the collision with the Zanpakutō in Yusuke's hand.

She is well aware of Ya Weng's strength, and even she would find it difficult to deal with this behemoth.

"It's really a good power. This Chaos Beast still has a lot of room for improvement."

Yusuke sighed in admiration and used Shunpo in conjunction with the caressing slash. He completed the two slashes and instantly appeared behind Yaou.

Under the shocked gazes of Harribel and others, Jaune's body was divided into four sections by two criss-crossing slashes.

Although it has extremely strong vitality, not only is it not dead, but its body tissue seems to be slowly healing itself, but in this case, it can no longer make any attacks to hinder Yusuke.

"Harribel, I have given you a chance to take action. But from now on, if there is any attack against me, then my Zanpakutō will also be contaminated by that person's soul." Yusuke said with a smile.

Harribel put away the bone sword and said to Yusuke in a deep voice: "I am not your opponent, but if you really want to make me your subordinate, you must tell me what your purpose is."

Through the power displayed by Yusuke, Harribel knew that she was not Yusuke's opponent, and believed Yusuke's words that he had taken the original Lord of the Hollow Night Palace, Bailegon, as his subordinate.

Hearing Harribel's question, Yusuke's lips curled up slightly. Knowing Haribel's character, she was waiting for this question.

"Every world should have its own order. The present world, Soul Society and Hell already have order. Only Hueco Mundo still follows the most primitive chaotic rules of the jungle."

(Note: Hell is an official setting, but it is only mentioned in the main story without plot. It only appears in the theatrical version of Hell)

Having said this, Yusuke said to Harribel seriously: "Join Xuye Palace, you can personally give Hueco Mundo the order it deserves!"

Yusuke is still very confident about persuading Harribel to join Xuye Palace.

Harribel, who has the will to sacrifice, hates the phenomenon of Hueco Mundo devouring each other in pursuit of evolution.

It's just that Xu's instinct to devour is not only for evolution, but more often because of the innate hunger. Harribel is unable to change the status quo and can only control herself not to join in the evil.

Sure enough, when Yusuke said the beautiful words, Harribel's eyes immediately changed and she seemed to be moved.

"Then how are you going to change the current Hueco Mundo?" Harribel asked.

Although she yearned for the order described by Yusuke, Harribel did not believe Yusuke's words without thinking. She needed Yusuke to give her a convincing plan.

Yusuke smiled and said: "On the one hand, it is to establish Xuye Palace as the real authority of Hueco Mundo and formulate appropriate rules. The second is to use some technical means to try to solve Xuye's natural desire to devour."

"However, these two goals are not easy to achieve. I need trustworthy subordinates."

Harribel nodded when she heard this. Although what Yusuke said was very simple, she also believed that it was indeed a direction worth working on.

"Last question, as a Shinigami, why do you do this for Hueco Mundo!" Harribel asked, looking directly into Yusuke's eyes.

Everyone has a purpose in doing things, and she can't rest assured if she doesn't understand the other person's purpose.

"You are wrong. I am not doing these things for Hueco Mundo, but for myself." Yusuke said calmly.

Without concealing his ambition, Yusuke's bespectacled eyes directly met Harribel's eyes: "When Hueco Mundo was ruled by the order I established, I built Xuye Palace into a place that is not inferior to The existence of Seireitei in Soul Society!

Looking at Yusuke, who was extremely confident and seemed to have full confidence in his ambitions, Harribel knelt on one knee and bowed respectfully, and said in a solemn tone: "I am willing to dedicate myself to your goal!"

Although Yusuke's goal is for his own dominance, the ultimate result of this goal is to satisfy Harribel's own wish.

What's more, as a knight with a spirit of sacrifice, shouldn't she be attached to a real king?

Looking at the surrendered Harribel, Yusuke extended his right hand to the opponent, smiled and said: "Harribel, let us work together!"

Taking the hand extended by Yusuke, Harribel stood up.

"Master Yusuke, have you noticed anything unusual in Hueco Mundo? The moon suddenly became very strange today."

Harribel asked Yusuke after glancing at the moon reflecting the Samsara Eye pattern in the sky.

Her three little sisters also came over and looked at Yusuke together, wanting to know if this mysterious strong man knew anything.

Regarding Harribel's question, Yusuke did not answer directly, but gently took off the glasses on his face.

Seeing the exact same pattern in Yusuke's left eye as on the moon, Harribel and others were so surprised that they didn't know what to say. This was a power beyond their understanding.

Putting on his glasses again, Yusuke found that the eyes of several people looked at him with even more awe, and there was even a hint of fear hidden in them.

And this is exactly what Yusuke wants to see.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


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