The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 238 Three Blades in a Row

"Are you from Xuye Palace? And you're also a god of death!"

After seeing Yusuke suddenly appear in a strange way, before Grimmjow could continue his attack, a tall and thin Hollow behind him spoke.

Yusuke was still very impressed by this tall and thin Kyon.

Just as he greatly admired the loyalty shown by most virtual beings to their leader, this virtual one in front of him was the best among them.

This tall and thin man was nicknamed Xiao Long Kufang, and he had been following Grimmjow as a subordinate.

When he discovered that Grimmjow had the potential to break through Achiukas and become Vastod, he actually convinced other subordinates to let Grimmjow devour part of their souls in order to help Grimmjow grow.

Xiao Long and other Grimmjow subordinates, who had lost their souls, degenerated from Achukas into Kilian, and lost the possibility of evolution forever.

Through Xiao Long's form and spiritual pressure at this time, Yusuke knew that he had not yet let Grimmjow swallow part of his soul.

In addition, Yusuke was not surprised that Xiao Long could tell that he came from Xuye Palace.

Bailegang has begun to announce the recruitment of other Xuye to join in the name of Xuye Palace, and the Xuye who joined have all changed into the uniforms of Xuye Palace.

Therefore, it is not difficult to recognize members of Xuye Palace in Hueco Mundo, and this is exactly what Yusuke wants to achieve.

"Yes, I think you guys are pretty good. Xuye Palace is still short of subordinates, so just come with me."

Yusuke said with a smile on his face, as if he had convinced them.

Upon hearing Yusuke's words, Grimmjow, who had just been thrown out by Yusuke, roared: "Are you kidding me? I'm going to kill you here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Grimmjow used his snap to instantly reach Yusuke's side, opened his mouth full of sharp teeth and bit Yusuke.

In the flash of lightning, accompanied by a loud noise and a large amount of smoke, everyone present heard Grimmjow's scream before they could see what was happening.

As the smoke and dust dissipated, one could see Grimmjow's leopard head being held tightly by Yusuke's hand, and his body lying on the ground and sinking into the sand.

Yusuke's other hand was holding a Zanpakutō, and the blade passed through Grimmjow's chest, pinning his body to the ground.

"Grimmjow, I admire your strength and potential very much. But this is the last time I allow you to launch an attack on me. If you refuse to join the Void Night Palace or dare to attack me again, I will not do anything. Hesitantly erase you."

Looking at Grimmjow who seemed to want to fight back, Yusuke said with a smile.

At this time, Grimmjow was in a state of rage and could not care less about Yusuke's threats.

Just as he was about to curse, Xiao Long, who recovered from his shock, immediately shouted: "Grimmjow!"

After being reminded by Xiao Long's voice, and looking at Yusuke who was smiling but with murderous intent in front of him, Grimmjow also calmed down.

Seeing that his reminder had worked, Xiao Long and the other virtual men beside him breathed a sigh of relief.

In their eyes, Grimmjow is already the Daxu in Hueco Mundo who is closest to the level of Vastod.

Since following Grimmjow, they have always been invincible in Hueco Mundo. Without messing with the Vastod they know, they have not been defeated until now.

The uninformed God of Death in front of him easily subdued Grimmjow. There was no doubt that he was not on the same level as people like him.

If they don't choose to surrender now, there is no doubt that waiting for them will be ruthlessly obliterated.

Nilu, Dondchaka and Peixue, who had just regained consciousness, also had dull faces on the side. They did not expect that the guy wearing the virtual mask they met at the beginning was so powerful.

"Who are you, and how do you know my name?" Grimmjow asked through gritted teeth as he lay on the ground.

Putting away the Zanpakutō in his hand, Yusuke said with a smile: "I am the master of Xuye Palace, and I will also be the master of the entire Hueco Mundo. Your every move is under my watch."

In fact, Yusuke's Rinnegan eye reflected on the moon didn't notice Grimmjow at all. This was just a lie he told to increase his power.

Hearing Yusuke's words, Grimmjow laughed: "The whole Hueco Mundo is under your gaze, do you think you are a god?"

In fact, Grimmjow wanted to make some more sarcastic remarks, but when he saw Xiao Long next to him constantly winking at him, he held it back with difficulty.

"God? Maybe. To you, I am the god of Hueco Mundo. The moon in the sky is just my eyes. No one in Hueco Mundo can hide from me."

As Yusuke spoke, he pushed his glasses slightly, revealing the Rinnegan in his left eye. Although it only passed by in a flash, everyone was stunned.

"Wow, Yusuke, what's wrong with your eyeballs? Are you sick?" Nilu said loudly in surprise.

As Nilu's voice sounded, the atmosphere created by Yusuke was completely destroyed, but for Yusuke with overwhelming strength, this was not important.

Looking at Grimmjow, Yusuke continued to ask: "Grimmjow, give me your answer now."

Grimmjow knew that he had no right to choose at all, and under Yusuke's threat, he had no choice but to obey, just like he obeyed Aizen's power in the original work.

After ‘giving’ Grimmjow the Mark of the Cursed Crow, Yusuke used space jumping to take Nelu and the others back to Xuye Palace first.

"Grimmjow, report to Xuye Palace within three days." After Kamui's space vortex closed, only Yusuke's voice was still floating in the air.

"This bastard"

Grimmjow was about to curse harshly when he suddenly saw the Samsara Eye in the sky looking directly at him, and couldn't help but shut his mouth angrily.

He didn't know if Yusuke's ability could hear him, but if the other party knew that he was scolding the other party, the consequences might be very serious.

"Xiao Long, do you think if I evolve into Vastod, can I defeat him?" Grimmjow asked, looking at the sky.

Xiao Long shook his head: "No, maybe as he said, this is the power of God. If he is the real master of Xuye Palace, then it means that Baile Gang, who is at the level of Vastod, is just his subordinate. .”

Looking at Grimmjow who looked lonely, Xiao Long comforted him: "Maybe this is also our opportunity, an opportunity for us to come into contact with stronger power."

Upon hearing Xiao Long's words, Grimmjow's eyes lit up.

"Yes, I am just a Xu who pursues power, so what's the point of being sentimental? If after joining Xu Ye Palace, I can find a more powerful person for me to come into contact with, maybe the road ahead will be clearer. " Grimmjow thought secretly in his heart.

At the edge of Hueco Mundo, there is a place called the Void Forest.

The trees in this forest have no leaves, only roots and branches, and all the trees are pure white. The entire forest looks like nothingness.

There is no virtual life in this forest, except for a Vastod named Ulquiorra Sifer.

When Ulquiorra was just born, his appearance was very different from other Hollows. Except for his eyes and tear troughs, his body was pure white.

Because of its weird appearance and Vastod-level spiritual pressure, other Hollows avoid it.

When the empty and lonely Ulquiorra passed through a pure white forest of nothingness, he suddenly felt a great resonance in his heart, and decided to spend his empty life in the forest of nothingness.

However, Ulquiorra himself did not expect that in the Void Forest, he could do something that almost all Hollows could not do - autonomous Arrancar.

Ulquiorra is also the only Daxu among the Ten Blades, other than the First Blade Stark, to achieve independent Arrancar.

At this time, a guest appeared in the void forest for a long time. This uninvited guest was naturally Yusuke who wanted to conquer Urquiora.

Looking at Yusuke who appeared in front of him through the space vortex, Urquiola did not show any surprise, but still sat on the ground with his knees crossed, as if he had not seen Yusuke.

Ulquiorra, who had broken through, lived alone in the pure white forest without any clothes on his body, and was completely naked.

Taking out a set of Hollow Palace uniforms with the cursed crow mark from the Kamui Space, Yusuke placed the uniform in front of Urquiola.

"Urquiorra, go through the mountain and go to Xuye Palace with me."

Hearing Yusuke's words, Urquiora glanced at Yusuke and slowly put on her clothes in front of Yusuke.

After getting dressed, Urquiorra looked at Yusuke and asked, "Why are you looking for me?"

Yusuke smiled and said: "Because you are very powerful, I need your power. More importantly, in Xuye Palace, you will find the true meaning of your existence!"

Urukiora, who has a negative emotion of 'nihility', desires most in his heart to find the meaning of his existence. For this kind of mental illness, Yusuke has prepared a way to deal with it - making him too busy to take any time off.

Very simply, Yusuke persuaded Urquiora to join Kyōye Palace.

Whether it is loyalty, efficiency or intelligence, he is excellent in all aspects, and he is also Yusuke's perfect assistant.

After conquering Ulquiorra, another thing that made Yusuke happy happened soon - Stark took the initiative to join the Kyōye Palace!

Stark's full name is Keyarti Stark, and his negative emotion is 'loneliness'.

As the most powerful Vastod in Hueco Mundo, his loneliness is something that no one can understand.

In order to make himself no longer lonely, his true form, Lilinette Gingerbuck, split him apart.

Lilynite is the irritable lolita beside Tucker. After Stark returns to the sword, she can turn into a pistol that can shoot false flashes.

That's right, in Stark's memories, he turned out to be a split from his subordinate officer Lilynette!

But for some unknown reason, Lilinite gave most of her power to Stark, and Stark became the dominant one between the two.

But for them who are of the same mind, it may not matter who lives with whom. What is important is that they can eliminate each other's loneliness.

If you know Stark, then it is very easy to understand Stark's initiative to join Xuye Palace.

He just wanted to find his 'kind' in Xuye Palace so that he would no longer be alone.

In this way, all the known Vastod-level Daxu in the entire Hueco Mundo have joined Yusuke's command.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


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