The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 242 Kuchiki Xianghe’s Hostility

Although Ginjiro was very disappointed when Yusuke refused to buy glasses, he did not give up and planned to continue convincing him another day.

Now that Yusuke has just taken over as the captain of the Sixth Division, he still needs to get Yusuke familiar with the Sixth Division first.

Arriving at the conference hall in the front hall of the Sixth Division team building, the old captain Kuchiki Ginrei, who was in the handover period, was already waiting for the two of them. Except for Kuchiki Ginrei, all the chief officers of the Sixth Division were already present.

Ginjiro introduced the officers present to Yusuke one by one, and explained in detail the responsibilities of the Sixth Division and the division of labor between the officers.

His explanations were very detailed, and he clearly knew the work of each chairperson very well, and it was obvious that he was a qualified vice-captain.

Among all the judges, two people caught Yusuke's attention.

One was a young man named Kuchiki Hibiki who was dressed in a flashy manner and had many expensive accessories hanging on his body. He was also the third seat of the Sixth Division.

From the other person's last name, Yusuke knew that he must be from the Kuchiki family.

However, Ginjiro's introduction focused on the work of each chairperson and did not talk much about the background. Therefore, Yusuke did not know what the relationship between Kuchiki Hibiki, Kuchiki Ginrei and Kuchiki Byakuya was.

The other is a frail girl with short light green hair and glasses. She is Gin Miu, Ginjiro's daughter, and holds the ninth seat in the sixth division. At the same time, she is also the deputy store manager of ‘Silver Dragonfly’.

Among all the judges, except Kuchiki Kyoukawa, everyone else was very friendly to Yusuke. Only Kuchiki Kyoukawa seemed unconvinced that Yusuke was the captain of the sixth division.

Yusuke, who has a keen sense of Kuchiki Kyoukawa's performance, naturally also discovered it.

Kuchiki Xianghe was actually not originally named Kuchiki, but changed his surname to Kuchiki after marrying into the Kuchiki family.

His wife is Kuchiki Ginrei's daughter and Kuchiki Byakuya's aunt, Kuchiki Unka.

After joining the Kuchiki family, one of the five major families in Soul Society, Kuchiki Kyoukawa, in order to hide his ordinary birth and let others look at him in a high light, in addition to wearing the star pliers symbolizing the Kuchiki clan (the one on Byakuya Kuchiki's hair) Other white decorations), and a lot of expensive jewelry, looking a bit like a nouveau riche.

Because he was a married woman, Kuchiki Xianghe always had some inferiority in his heart, but he was very motivated and turned this inferiority into motivation for practice.

Kuchiki Kyoukawa, who was arranged by his father-in-law Kuchiki Ginrei to join the Sixth Division, was also very promising. He practiced hard and soon became the first officer of the Sixth Division, and he advanced all the way to the third seat.

In fact, in terms of combat effectiveness alone, Ginjiro, as the vice-captain, is not Kuchiki Hibiki's opponent. It's just that Ginjiro is an old subordinate of Kuchiki Ginrei and is deeply trusted by Kuchiki Ginrei. It's hard for Kuchiki Hibiki to compete with him. The position of deputy captain.

However, when he knew that Kuchiki Ginrei was going to retire, Kuchiki Hibiki had the idea of ​​becoming the captain of the sixth division. Although he did not master the swastika, in his opinion, all the captains were no match for him!

The reason for having such an idea stems from the powerful ability of Kuchiki Xianghe Zanpakutō.

His Zanpakutō is named Muramasa, and he can hypnotically control the Zanpakutō of other Shinigami, and even make the Zanpakutō turn back on its owner.

Since he mastered this ability, he has never lost a fight with the God of Death, which has gradually made him arrogant.

Originally, Kuchiki Kyouga planned to apply for the captain assessment after Kuchiki Ginling retired. As long as he could defeat the captain who tested him, then even if he didn't understand swastika, he would have a chance to become the captain, just like Zaraki Kenpachi later.

But what he didn't expect was that Yusuke would come out at this time and snatch away the position of Captain of the Sixth Division that he had already preferred. This naturally made him very dissatisfied with Yusuke.

And in the eyes of Kuchiki Kyoukawa, Yusuke is no match for him at all!

Although Yusuke showed good strength in the competition with Rokusha Kensai, it was not enough to scare Kuchiki Hibiki.

The more powerful Yusuke's Zanpakutō's hagikai and swastika are, the greater the backlash Yusuke will receive after being instigated against his Zanpakutō.

"Wait until tonight, and I will let you know what real power is!"

Looking at Yusuke in front of him, Kuchiki Kyouga had the idea of ​​challenging Yusuke at night.

Although he really wants to challenge Yusuke now and defeat him in front of everyone to prove that he is more suitable for the position of captain of the sixth team than the other party.

But in front of Kuchiki Ginrei, who was very strict with him, he didn't dare to do such an outrageous thing, so he could only endure it until night.

Yusuke noticed the sudden hostility in Kuchiki Kyouga's eyes and just smiled at him.

Yusuke didn't pay too much attention to the opponent who had hostility written on his face.

Because Kuchiki Xianghe's hostility was too obvious, Kuchiki Ginling, who was aware of it, also looked at him.

Seeing his father-in-law's dissatisfied look, Kuchiki Xianghe immediately lowered his head, looking very afraid of this father-in-law.

Looking away from Kuchiki Kyouga, Kuchiki Ginrei said to Yusuke with a serious face: "It is actually a very bad time for you to come to Seireitei this time. If it weren't for your strength that caught the attention of the captain, , the captain will not let you become the captain so easily."

"Is it because of the recent rebellion of the Shinigami?" Yusuke said slowly.

From when Ginjiro introduced the work of each chairperson, Yusuke already knew that Seireitei was fighting against the rebellious Shinigami at this time.

Due to the shortage of manpower, the Sixth Division, which protects the nobles, also dispatched many Shinigami to participate in the war.

Victory in this war is inevitable for Seireitei. Although there are many Shinigami who are dissatisfied with Seireitei's rule and rebel, only the leader of the rebels can be understood.

With absolute force, this rebellion will eventually be suppressed.

Kuchiki Ginrei nodded and said: "Yes, out of the dignity of the captain, the captain did not raise any doubts about your origin. However, as you join the Gotei Thirteenth Team at this time and hold the important position of captain, you must give your awareness."

Speaking of this, Kuchiki Ginrei's voice also deepened: "If your consciousness and value cannot be reflected, then you may have to be the acting captain for a long time until you trade time for trust."

After hearing Kuchiki Ginrei's words, Yusuke naturally knew what this so-called 'enlightenment' was.

"Don't worry, Kuchiki-senpai. Once the rebel leader is found, I will personally bring him back to the Seireitei for trial." Yusuke said calmly.

"Very good. Regarding your performance in the captain's assessment today, I believe you have such ability. That's it for today. From tomorrow on, you will be the leader of Division 6!" After finishing speaking, Kuchiki Ginling dismissed everyone.

Ginjiro, who was left behind, was responsible for bringing Yusuke to his new residence.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


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