The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 247 Encirclement and suppression of rebels

Looking towards a large room in the center of the dilapidated village, Yusuke slowly stretched out his right hand and pointed to that location.

"Broken Dao No. 88: The flying dragon strikes the thief and the sky-shaking thunder cannon."

A blazing white energy wave surrounded the blue lightning and instantly shattered the house Yusuke pointed to.

Although it is a broken path without chanting, it is still very powerful with the blessing of Yusuke's powerful spiritual pressure.

Yatomaru Lisa, who was on the side and wanted to continue to persuade Yusuke to be careful, her eyes widened when she saw this. She couldn't believe that Yusuke released such an advanced path-breaking move without chanting.

The members of Division 6 behind Yusuke were not surprised. After fighting side by side with Yusuke these days, they had long been accustomed to the strength of their captain.

No matter how tough the enemy is, in front of his captain, he is like a newborn baby with no ability to resist.

All the members of the entire sixth team are completely convinced of Yusuke, and even respect them more than the former captain Kuchiki Ginrei who has led them for many years.

After the house in the Death God rebel stronghold was destroyed, a powerful spiritual pressure burst out from it, and a huge wall of fire suddenly appeared, seemingly blocking Yusuke's path.

As the wall of fire disappeared, dozens of rebel Death Gods ran out of the ruins in disgrace, led by a burly man with red hair.

The leader of the big man was holding a flaming Zanpakutō with a handle in the shape of a lion's head. It looked like a fire-type Zanpakutō like the Ryuken Wakana.

This big man is the rebel leader Sanada Koji.

"Which bastard attacked us so insidiously!"

After Sanada Koji appeared, he immediately yelled angrily. It was obvious that he was also a person with a bad temper.

After shouting, he quickly noticed Yusuke, the leader of the Shinigami wearing captain Haori.

"You are the new captain of Division 6, Yusuke Uchiha, and you are the one who has been causing trouble for our revolutionary army recently!"

Since Yusuke has been leading members of the Sixth Division to encircle and suppress the rebels recently, although Sanada Koji has not met Yusuke yet, he also has some information about Yusuke.

Yusuke smiled and said: "Koji Sanada, please come with me. You have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will become evidence in court."

Hearing this, Sanada Koji said angrily: "Let me go with you to the Seireitei. There is no door! You just wanted to use that broken path to eliminate us all. It's a pity that you can't succeed with me in your conspiracy."

Yusuke shook his head and said: "You are wrong, I don't think so. As a qualified law enforcer, what I want to do is to bring you all back to Seireitei for trial."

As Yusuke said, he did not intend to use the broken path to kill the opponent. The flying dragon's attack on the thief's cannon just now was just to lure the opponent out of the stronghold.

If Yusuke wanted to use this move to destroy the opponent directly, he would not use the chant-free method.

Sanada Koji snorted coldly: "No matter what your thoughts are, today is just the day for me to deal with you here, so that no other comrades will be harmed at your hands!"

With fire flashing in his eyes, Sanada Koji waved the Zanpakutō in his hand and shouted: "Roar, red flame mad lion!"

As Sanada Koji released the Zanpakutō in his hand, a huge lion wrapped in blazing flames appeared next to him.

This male lion was covered in red armor, and the nails on its two front paws shone like sharp blades.

Seeing the powerful swastika of their leader, the rebel Shinigami also showed excited expressions, and their morale was greatly boosted.

In terms of the spiritual pressure emitted by the Red Flame Mad Lion at this time, Yusuke assessed that Koji Sanada's spiritual pressure would be considered outstanding among the captains of the Gotei 13 Team.

If Rukuka Kennishi, who was once defeated by him, met Koji Sanada, he would probably not be his opponent.

"Liberate, Pluto Susanoo!"

Upon seeing this, Yusuke did not hesitate to use Susanoo's ability.

Although the sword in his hand alone is enough to defeat the opponent, in order to overwhelm the rebels in terms of momentum, the amazingly powerful Susanoo is a very good choice.

Sure enough, after the appearance of Susanoo, who surpassed the red flame mad lion in terms of size, shape and spiritual pressure, the rebel Shinigami immediately showed a fearful look, while the members of the Sixth Division were greatly boosted in morale.

After Sanada Koji saw Susanoo's appearance, a solemn look appeared on his rough face.

As the leader of the rebels, he is not as impulsive as he appears on the surface, which is one of the reasons why he has been avoiding confronting Yusuke as the captain before.

If Yusuke hadn't come to him this time, he still wouldn't have chosen to have a head-on conflict with the captain of the Gotei 13.

Without giving Koji Sanada much time to think, Yusuke stood above Susanoo and took the initiative to attack the Death Rebels.

Before the attack, Yusuke asked the members of the Sixth Division not to participate in the attack, but to form a circle to surround the Death Rebels, so as not to let the opponent slip through the net.

"Ho ho ho!"

The red flame mad lion roared and rushed towards Susanoo, the flames on his body burning more fiercely because of his fighting posture.

Susanoo, who was stronger in size and spiritual pressure, was not afraid. He faced him with a huge katana and slashed the red flame mad lion to stagger with a single blow from top to bottom.

Under the influence of Susanoo's huge power, the huge body of the Red Flame Mad Lion sank heavily into the ground, raising a huge cloud of smoke and dust.

The unyielding Susanoo didn't stop, and kept slashing the red flame raging lion under him with the long knife in his hand. The red flame raging lion was completely stunned and could only occasionally use its sharp claws to fight back. one time.

Unfortunately, its sharp claws had little effect on Susanoo's hard armor, and it was difficult to cause even a crack.

As for the flames surrounding the body of the red flame raging lion, it did not pose much of a threat to Susanoo who had already merged with the power of Ryūren Wakahui.

Seeing that his Red Flame Lion was completely at a disadvantage, Sanada Koji accumulated his spiritual pressure and sent out a strong flame slash attack at Yusuke who was standing above Susanoo, and at the same time ordered the Red Flame Lion to use bite attack.

Regarding the flame slash that was attacking him, Yusuke completely knocked it away with a single swipe of his left hand.

After the red flame angry lion suddenly burst out and bit Susanoo's shoulder, its sharp teeth were not able to completely break through Susanoo's shoulder armor, but only left some cracks on the shoulder armor.

"The angry lion with red flames roars!"

Sanada Koji shouted loudly, and a fiery fireball condensed from the mouth of the red flame mad lion biting Susanoo's shoulder.

The fireball exploded instantly, and the huge shock wave knocked the Red Flame Mad Lion backwards, leaving a huge black wound on Susanoo's shoulder.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


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