The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 25 Shisui’s Challenge

After the Nine-Tails Rebellion, the entire Konoha Village was in a mess, with ruins and ruins everywhere. Not only were a large number of buildings destroyed and villagers suffered heavy casualties, but many survivors also became homeless.

Fortunately, Konoha is a ninja village with the most complete medical ninja system, and a large number of injured people have received good treatment. If other ninja villages encountered this situation, many injured people would die due to poor treatment.

Looking at the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato lying unconscious on the hospital bed, the Third Hokage frowned and asked the medical ninja beside him: "How is the Fourth Hokage? Why haven't you woke up yet?"

"Sir, the Fourth Generation was seriously injured this time. Forget about the chakra overdraft, the most serious thing was the penetrating injury to the chest. If it were an ordinary person, he would have died long ago."

"The Fourth Generation's ability to maintain his current state is also the result of Kushina-sama using his own life force to extend the Fourth Generation's life."

The medical ninja shook his head and continued: "With our current abilities, we can only keep the fourth generation alive in this way. But we are not sure whether he can wake up again."

Listening to the medical ninja's explanation, the third generation's face gradually became serious: "If Tsunade is here, do you think there is a chance to revive the fourth generation?"

"Tsunade-sama, there may be a way." The medical ninja said uncertainly.

"Sandaime-sama, what should we do with this baby?" At this time, an ANBU hugged Naruto and walked up to the Sandaime and asked.

The Sandai glanced at Naruto who was still sleeping, and then at the unconscious Minato. He was silent for a moment and said slowly: "Send him to Konoha Orphanage and let him be raised by the orphanage."

The Konoha Orphanage is an officially funded orphanage in the Konoha Village that specializes in adopting orphans of ninjas or villagers in the village. It is not the orphanage managed by the pharmacist Noono U.

"In addition, the identity of this child must be kept strictly confidential, and no leakage is allowed!" Sandai said in a serious tone.

"Yes!" Anbu said respectfully, and then he hugged Naruto and prepared to leave the ward where Minato was.

Just as the Anbu left, Kakashi, who received the news that the fourth generation was seriously injured and unconscious, also rushed to the ward immediately.

"Sandaime-sama, sensei?" Looking at the frowning Sandaime in front of him, Kakashi asked anxiously.

"Minato was seriously injured this time, and he is just barely able to stay alive. As for when he will wake up, I don't know," Sandaime said.

Patting Kakashi on the shoulder, Sandai continued: "Don't worry, I will arrange for people to find Tsunade's whereabouts as soon as possible. I believe that with her here, there should be a way to revive Minato."

Kakashi glanced at the Yondaime worriedly: "What are you going to do with the teacher's child? If possible, can you leave it to me to take care of?"

The third generation shook his head and said: "How can you take care of a child as a man? Besides, you also have tasks to do. Before Minato wakes up, I will hand over Naruto to the Konoha Orphanage to raise him."

"But, isn't this too unfair to Naruto? Teacher and Kushina-sama have sacrificed so much for the village, Naruto should be taken better care of." Kakashi frowned slightly.

The third generation waved his hands and said: "Kakashi, I see the sacrifices of Minato and Kushina, but it is their sacrifices that ensure the peace of the village."

"Naruto is now a Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, and his identity is very sensitive, so I decided to hide his identity and give him to an orphanage to be raised. This is a good thing for him. I believe that if Minato was in my position now, I will make the same decision!"

Although Naruto was sent to an orphanage, he will be much luckier in this life than in the original.

Because Minato was still there, the third generation not only arranged for someone to take care of Naruto secretly, but also would no longer indulge rumors against Naruto like in the original work. Naturally, Naruto would no longer be discriminated against and ostracized by the villagers.

On the third day after the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Konoha's top brass announced the battle damage from this incident. The fourth Hokage was seriously injured and fell into a coma. The two Hokage's wives, Sarutobi Biwako and Uzumaki Kushina, were killed in the battle. Many ninjas were also injured in this incident, including Kurenai's father, Yuhi Mahko, and Yi Ruka’s parents and so on.

Since the fourth generation is currently unable to handle the village's political affairs, the third generation announced that he will come back to take charge of the village's work.

During this critical period, in addition to strengthening the village's security, Konoha's top leaders also asked ninjas to temporarily reduce their outing missions to assist in the reconstruction of the village.

In addition, the Third Generation also sent people to recall Jiraiya, who was looking for Tsunade, and asked Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, to return to the village to guard the village to prevent new accidents from happening. While recalling Jiraiya, the Third Generation also arranged for other personnel to continue to replace Jiraiya to find Tsunade's whereabouts.

After promulgating a series of emergency response measures, the Third Generation held a high-level meeting of Konoha to discuss planning for the reconstruction of damaged areas of the village. Among them, Uchiha Fugaku, the leader of the Uchiha clan, naturally wanted to participate, and at Fugaku's request, Yusuke also accompanied him to this meeting.

This is the first time Yusuke has participated in a high-level decision-making meeting in Konoha. The person sitting at the top is naturally the Third Hokage. On the left of the third generation is Danzo, and on the right are the two elders of Konoha, Mito Kadoen and Koharu Koharu.

Behind the third generation stood an ANBU wearing a cat-face mask. Through his body shape, hairstyle, and a katana behind his back, Yusuke could tell that this ANBU was Uchiha Shisui.

In addition to these senior leaders of Konoha's elders, the rest are the heads of the major ninja families, such as the head of the Hyuga family, Hyuga Hyuzu, the head of the three families of Ino Shikacho, etc. Behind some clan leaders, there are one or two key members of the family standing.

The representative of the Uchiha clan is naturally the clan leader Uchiha Fugaku, while Yusuke stood behind Uchiha Fugaku and paddled expressionlessly.

At the beginning, the senior officials discussed some strategies for the village's economic recovery and the resettlement of the injured after the war. After the discussion of these two issues was completed, Danzo stood up and took out a map, which was an overhead view of Konoha Village.

"Due to the Kyuubi's attack, the village was severely damaged. Taking advantage of the opportunity of revival, Konoha's senior officials decided to make some changes to the village's zoning." Danzo said slowly.

Then Danzo made corresponding arrangements for each family, some remained unchanged, and some were moved to more favorable locations. For example, the Aburame clan moved from the west of the original village to a location with a forest in the south, making it easier to They feed insects.

"After this area is rebuilt, the original location of the police department will need to be relocated here." Danzo said, while gently tapping the short staff in his hand on the westernmost edge of Konoha Village.

This location is already on the outskirts of Konoha Village and is not suitable for the Uchiha clan who are responsible for Konoha's police work. Danzo's purpose is very obvious. He wants to completely isolate the Uchiha clan and isolate the Uchiha clan from the core of the village from the geographical location.

Seeing the location pointed by Danzo, Uchiha Fugaku immediately stood up and began to argue with Danzo. But not only Danzo, the Third Generation, the other two consultants, and many other families present also said that the Uchiha clan should abandon the family's private interests and cooperate with the overall deployment of the village.

In the end, facing the alliance of Konoha's top brass, Uchiha Fugaku had no choice but to compromise, sighed and sat down again.

Although Yusuke stood behind Uchiha Fugaku and watched with cold eyes, although his face was expressionless, he had a more intuitive understanding of the current situation of the village's higher-ups rejecting the Uchiha clan. I also secretly lamented that the demise of the Uchiha clan really cannot be entirely blamed on Uchiha Fugaku.

After discussing the relocation and resettlement of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku protested against Danzo's blockade of the Uchiha clan's residence on the night of the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

The third generation decisively dumped the blame on Danzo, and simply scolded Danzo, whose face was as dark as the bottom of the pot, and the matter was settled.

Walking out of the conference room, Uchiha Fugaku looked very tired as if he had experienced a war.

"Yusuke, you have seen our current situation. We are really in a difficult situation now, and we can't make a wrong step!" Uchiha Fugaku sighed.

"As long as any mistake is caught by others, we will pay a huge price."

Yusuke did not answer Uchiha Fugaku's sigh, but just nodded to express his understanding.

"But you don't have to think too much, just feel free to improve your strength. I have high hopes for you!" Uchiha Fugaku patted Yusuke on the shoulder and continued: "By the way, I have something else to do, so I won't I went back to the family with you."

After saying goodbye to Yusuke, Uchiha Fugaku left alone. Looking at Fugaku's back, Yusuke couldn't help but secretly think: "Perhaps, only by having a Hokage appear in the Uchiha clan can the family's current predicament be broken!"

At this moment, a voice sounded behind Yusuke.

"Senior Yusuke, what do you think of the senior management's arrangements for the family at today's meeting?"

Yusuke turned around and saw an ANBU walking towards him. It was Uchiha Shisui who was guarding the third generation at the meeting.

"I don't have any opinion," Yusuke replied. He was wary of Shisui, and most of what he said to Shisui would reach the ears of the third generation.

Shisui was not satisfied with Yusuke's answer.

Zhisui had always hoped to find like-minded tribesmen to help the family integrate into the village. He had placed his hope on the outstanding senior in front of him, but in the end the other party did not respond to his thoughts.

Seeing Yusuke who was still very indifferent to his family, Shisui's initially hesitant heart immediately became firm.

"Senior Yusuke, I formally challenge you! In three days, at the martial arts field in the village!" Shisui looked at Yusuke and said solemnly.

Regarding Shisui's challenge, Yusuke frowned slightly: "Is it because of the rumors during this period? I don't think you care about these people with false reputations."

Zhisui shook his head and said: "I don't care about these false names, but now I must get this so-called false reputation."

"The current situation of the family is very dangerous. I must become the most famous ninja in the family. Only in this way can I lead the family out of the quagmire!"

Hearing Shisui's words, Yusuke thought that Shisui in the original work had the title of 'Uchiha's No. 1 Master'. His prestige was no less than that of Uchiha Fugaku, and many tribesmen highly respected him.

"Is it because of this purpose that he got the title of 'Uchiha's No. 1 Master'?" Yusuke thought to himself.

After a few seconds of silence, Yusuke looked into Shisui's eyes and asked calmly: "But, are you sure you have clearly seen the road ahead for the family?"

Shisui's eyes were firm: "I believe that as long as the clan can break the narrow family concept and follow the steps of the third generation of adults and integrate into the village, then our Uchiha clan will be able to get back on its feet!"

After giving Shisui a deep look, Yusuke turned and walked in the direction of the Uchiha clan.

"I accept your challenge!"

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! !


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