Although Yusuke is the master of Xuye Palace, not all the members of the Ten Blades present have actually come into contact with it.

Except for several people such as Bailegang and Harribel who were conquered by Yusuke himself, the other people recruited by Zaraki Kenpachi and Harribel have only met Yusuke a few times.

Therefore, under the throne, except for the respectful expressions of the Ten Blades members who had witnessed Yusuke's attack, the other members acted very casually, and some of them even showed disapproval.

"Now the power of Xuye Palace has truly covered the entire Hueco Mundo. All Xuye who join Xuye Palace are prohibited from killing each other and devouring each other. If found, they will be severely punished." Yusuke continued.

At this moment, a sneer sounded in the quiet hall, and everyone present looked at the person who made the laugh.

This was a tall and thin Xu with a hole in his left eye. While he sneered, he also had a very disdainful expression on his face.

"Neitra Gilga, it seems like you don't agree with what I said?"

Yusuke didn't seem angry, and still had a gentle smile on his face.

Nnoitra stood up and said in an arrogant tone: "This is Hueco Mundo. Xuos are supposed to devour each other, and the one who survives in the end will be the king. It's a joke for you to control us Xu with the same tricks as the God of Death!"

He lost a fight with Kenpachi Zaraki and was brought back to Xuye Palace by Harribel.

After arriving at Xu Ye Palace, although I saw many Xu with strong spiritual pressure, none of them were strong enough to make him surrender.

As for Yusuke on the throne, the pupils in his eyes are exactly the same as the pattern on Hueco Mundo's moon, which looks very bluffing. But he never really showed any real fighting power, and he couldn't be convinced.

Hearing this, Yusuke smiled and said, "It seems that you still fall into the category of disobedient to discipline."

Powerful and substantial spiritual pressure burst out from Yusuke's body, covering the entire hall under the pressure of spiritual pressure.

Almost everyone present was a master of spiritual pressure at the level of captain of the Gotei 13. After Yusuke's spiritual pressure was released on a large scale, it did not have a great impact on each of them, but they could still feel the impact of this spiritual pressure. Quality is nothing they can fight.

Neutra, who was at the center of the spiritual pressure, felt as if her body had become hundreds of times heavier, and her legs bent uncontrollably.

There was only a sound of bricks breaking, and Neutra's knees actually shattered the floor tiles under her feet due to the strong pressure of spiritual pressure.

Under the influence of this powerful spiritual pressure, the expressions of everyone present changed.

Fortunately, the several members of the Ten Blades who were subdued by Yusuke himself before had a certain level of understanding of Yusuke's strength, and they didn't appear too surprised.

The members of the Ten Blades brought back by Zaraki Kenpachi and Harribel all showed expressions of shock, awe and even fear, not believing that there were people in the world who could possess such powerful spiritual pressure.

Looking at Nnoitra, who was covered in cold sweat and struggling to resist the spiritual pressure, Yusuke smiled and said: "As a high-level executive of Xuye Palace, combat effectiveness is only one aspect. But if you don't have the consciousness of being a subordinate, then you won't be able to do anything." It’s not suitable to appear in this hall.”

"Neitra, I'll give you a chance to organize your words. Can you do what I just said?"

Cold sweat dripped down from Noitra's forehead, and his eyes were full of hesitation and struggle.

His dignity did not allow him to bow his head, but the spiritual pressure in front of him made him know that he was definitely no match for the man on the throne.

Yusuke was not in a hurry at the moment, he was waiting for Nnoitra's answer with a smile on his face.

The longer time goes on, the greater the pressure and fear will be on Nnoitra. He wants to leave this fear and pressure in Nnoitra's heart forever.

After nearly a minute, Neutra finally lowered his head: "I can do it."

Although there was still a trace of unwillingness and humiliation in his heart, he felt relieved after surrendering, and all the pressure in his body disappeared. For him, that minute was as painful as several hours.

There was a look of satisfaction on Yusuke's face: "Ruoyitra, that's good. As a senior executive of Xuye Palace, obeying my orders is the most important thing for you. There are no other problems, you can return to your position. .”

Nnoitra breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his head and returned to the place where he originally stood.

After cleaning up the thorn in the side of Nnoitra, most of the other members of the Ten Blades became trembling with fear, while Niryuri, Yachiru and Kenpachi Zaraki looked like they were watching a show.

At this time, the strength of the Ten Blades is still inferior to that of the captains of the Gotei Thirteen Team, but if they can complete the Arrancar, the strength of the two sides will be almost the same.

As for himself and captain Genryusai Yamamoto, Yusuke doesn't have enough basis to judge who is better. But even if his spiritual pressure is not as good as his opponent's now, it should still be at the same level.

Although the other party is better at using the Zanpakutō Ryuken Wataka, as two parties sharing Ryuken Wataka, using Ryuken Wataka in battle does not bring many advantages, but one's own pupil technique can provide A lot of weird tactics.

Therefore, in Yusuke's view, if he really faced off against Yamamoto Genryusai, he would still have a certain chance of winning.

After meeting all the members of the Ten Blades and stating their responsibilities and the rules to be followed, Yusuke led Niryuri back to the Technology Development Bureau.

As for the day-to-day management of Xuye Palace, Yusuke left full power to Urquiorra.

Although Balegon was very unhappy about this, it was clear that Urquiola was more trusted by Yusuke.

After arriving at the Technology Development Bureau, Yusuke looked at the research log in his hand and asked: "What is the current status of Bengyu's research?"

At the mention of Bengyu, Nirvana's eyes immediately burst out with a fanatical look: "Don't worry, although I have encountered a lot of setbacks, I have found the right direction. Besides, there is a steady stream of Hueco Mundo as experimental subjects. , there will be no problems with the progress of the research.”

Yusuke nodded and said: "But you are not allowed to experiment on Kyū who has joined Kyū Ye Palace. Even I will abide by the rules I set."

Nirvana smiled and said: "Don't worry, I asked Kenpachi Zaraki to go outside and catch the Kyū I want."

"Very good. Based on your experience, how long will it take to develop Bengyu?" Yusuke asked.

Nie Yuli held her chin and thought for a while: "Within a hundred years, no, if everything goes well, maybe fifty years or so will be enough!"

Yusuke was also slightly surprised when he heard this. Although he didn't know how long it would be until Aizen or Urahara Kisuke developed the Honyu, as long as Nirvana can develop the Honyu within a hundred years, it would be a very fast time. speed.

"It seems that after my people enter the Seireitei, it's time for them to find opportunities to get close to Aizen." Yusuke thought to himself.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


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