The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 271 The Soul Disappearance Incident (6)

Yusho Tian Bo Xuan nodded and said: "Yes, but to cast more advanced spells, I need you to help me hold down Captain Kensai."

Pingzi smiled and said: "No problem, if we can't even delay it, we captains will be too cheap!"

Under the entanglement of Hirako and others, the virtual Kensai was temporarily stabilized, and Yu Akada Hakugen completed the chant of the Dao Binding Spell.

Aiming at Kensai, who was being surrounded by everyone, a powerful spiritual pressure was released from his hand.

"Ninety-nine Binding Dao: Forbidden!"

As Arikada Hakugen finished speaking, four black leather straps suddenly appeared from around Kensai and wrapped around Kensai's limbs, making him completely unable to move.

At this moment, Quanxi still wanted to struggle, but a large number of stone nails engraved with incantations fell from the air and were nailed to the four black belts.

"It's done. Even Captain Kensai will never be able to escape now." Ariakida Hakugen said as he wiped the sweat from his head.

Just as Ariakida Hakugen said, Kensai, who was bound to the ground by a black belt at this time, was still struggling hard.

But no matter how hard he tried, even the muscles of his limbs had veins popping out, the four black belts could not move at all.

Obviously, the Tao-binding spell "Forbidden" numbered 99 is not something he can break free from.

"Fortunately, the captain had the foresight to ask the ghosts to help, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with." Hobashiro Juro put away his Zanpakutō and said with a smile.

At this time, Hirako noticed that Hiyori was kneeling on the ground, panting, and seemed to be feeling a little unwell.

"Hiyori, what's wrong with you?" Hirako asked worriedly.

Hiyori covered her forehead with one hand while intermittently telling Hirako to stay away from her.

From her voice, it is not difficult to tell that she must be very uncomfortable at this time, and she is forcing herself to endure something.

However, her behavior made Hirako even more worried, and he stepped forward to help her up.

A flash of sword light was seen, and blood splattered on Hirako's shoulder. Several other people who had just breathed a sigh of relief also looked at Hiyori in shock.


Hiyori, who was holding the bleeding Zanpakutō, raised his head and shouted. A large amount of white substance came out of his eyes, mouth and nose, and these substances quickly formed an extremely ferocious bone mask.

Obviously at this time, Hiyori was in the same situation as Kennishi, and also lost his sense of autonomy, so he took action against Hirako.

"Quickly subdue Hiyori first!"

Aikawa Luowu shouted loudly, Hobashiro Juro and Yatomaru Lisa drew out the Zanpakutō they had just withdrawn, and Ariakida Hakugen also took a posture ready to cast a Kidō spell.

At this moment, the vision in the eyes of several people was suddenly covered by spiritual power like a black curtain, and they could not see anything.

Following the sound of several sharp knives piercing the body, Lisa Yatomaru, Ratake Aikawa and others were heard screaming in agony, and then they fell to the ground without making any sound.

Because Hirako, who fell to the side after being slashed by Hiyori, was not affected by this black spiritual power, and saw the true identity of the person who sneaked up on them.

With black skin, a vertical striped mask, and sunglasses covering his blind eyes, he is none other than Tosen Kaname, the third seat of Division 9.

"Dou Xian, it's you, have you betrayed Seireitei?" Hirako's heart sank and he asked Dong Xian.

Facing Pingzi's questioning, Dongxian did not speak, but another voice that was extremely familiar to Pingzi sounded, which also confirmed his long-standing uneasiness.

"Tōsen has never betrayed Seireitei, just as he has never been loyal to Seireitei. Please don't blame him, Captain Hirako."

Hirako followed the sound and saw Aizen slowly walking out of the shadows. Behind him were his subordinates from the fifth division, Shikanichi Marugin and Kagawa Miroku.

"Aizen, it turns out that the real mastermind is you, and actually Gin and Miroku are also your people!" Hirako said in a deep voice.

He had always been wary of Aizen, but he had not noticed that Aizen had done anything detrimental to Seireitei.

Sometimes he felt that he might be thinking too much, but his guard against Aizen was never lifted.

Staring at Aizen, Hirako said slowly: "I have always thought that you are a dangerous person, so I chose you as my vice-captain to monitor you, but I have never found any flaws in you. That’s all.”

Aizen smiled when he heard this and said, "I'm very grateful to you, Captain Hirako. It's precisely because you doubted me that you couldn't detect the abnormality."

Hirako sneered and said: "I told you that I have noticed something unusual about you a long time ago, Aizen."

"No, you didn't." Aizen walked up to Hirako.

With a meaningful smile on his face, Aizen said slowly: "For the past month, the deputy captain of the fifth division walking behind you is not me."

Hearing Aizen's words, Hirako's expression changed, and the appearance of the person who had been following him appeared in his mind.

What was supposed to be Aizen in his memory gradually turned into a bald Shinigami.

"Forcibly hypnotizing the target as I wish, so that everything the target sees and hears is the pattern I designed. This is the true ability of my Zanpakuto Kyoka Suigetsu."

"Captain Hirako, you are a very perceptive person. You instinctively felt dangerous towards me, thus alienated me, and always kept a certain distance from me subconsciously. However, this is also the reason why you missed discovering my actions. The biggest reason for opportunity!”

"The biggest reason?" Pingzi looked confused.

Aizen smiled and said: "That's right! If you can have a lot of communication on weekdays like other captains treat the deputy captain, maybe you can discover the abnormality of the death god who was hypnotized to pretend to be me. After all, no matter how I design it, let him Come and imitate my behavior pattern, people who are familiar with it can still find some disharmonious feelings in some daily behaviors."

Hearing this, Hirako secretly regretted it, but he didn't expect that his caution would give Aizen a chance to conceal it.

"Your hypnosis must have been activated passively. The guy pretending to be you has been following me, but no one else in the Seireitei could notice it." Hirako said in a deep voice.

Aizen smiled and said: "Yes, anyone who sees him will recognize him as me."

"What a terrifying ability! If a cunning person like you has such an ability, I won't be wronged if I lose." Pingzi said with a sad smile.

At this moment, Hirako suddenly thought of the scene when he met Yusuke this evening.

At that time, Nagato Yu who was behind Yusuke seemed to have seen something incredible and wanted to say something, but Yusuke stopped him and covered it up.

"What the hell, could it be that Uchiha Yusuke and Aizen are also in the same group!" Hirako thought in horror.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


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