The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 283 Sword Discussion in Xuye Palace (1)

Soon after, Hueco Mundo's first "Xu Ye Palace Sword Discussion" began.

Through the "Xu Ye Palace Sword Discussion" event, substitute Ju Blades can challenge the existing Ju Blades members and gain the opportunity to become Ju Blades.

Members of the Ten Blades who are serving at the same time can also gain a higher ranking by challenging Ten Blades with a higher ranking than themselves.

When Yusuke released the news, it caused an uproar in the entire Xuye Palace.

All the members of Xuye Palace are waiting eagerly, and the lieutenants of each Ten Blades are actively supporting their superiors.

On top of Hueco Mundo's canopy, a huge competition stage has been set up.

A powerful spiritual pressure sealing device was used to form an extremely strong barrier around the competition stage. This barrier was even strong enough to withstand Yusuke's full blow.

A circle around the competition stage is the auditorium, and on the high platform in the center of the auditorium are the senior officials of Xuye Palace.

The one at the top is naturally Yusuke, the Lord of Kyoneye Palace, and below him sit the members of the Ten Blades, Niryuuri, Yachiru, Kenpachi Zaraki, etc. Further down are the adjutants of each Ten Blades and those who hold some positions in Xuye Palace.

The auditorium was already full at this time. Except for those who were still on duty in Xuye Palace, almost all members came to watch the first "Xuye Palace Sword Discussion".

Even Hirako and others received the invitation and sat in the stand specially prepared for them by Yusuke.

Looking at the astonishing Ten Blades lined up not far away, Hirako said slowly: "I heard that all Arrancars possess an ability called "Returning Blades", which is similar to the power of the Shinigami to liberate the Swastika. Their combat power has been greatly enhanced. To be honest, if I didn't have the ability to blur now, I wouldn't be absolutely sure to defeat any one of the Ten Blades. "

Others on the side also nodded in sympathy after hearing this. Lisa Yatomaru pushed up her glasses calmly: "Yes, especially the eighth blade Nero and the third blade Harribel. They are so big, I will definitely Not their opponent."

As she spoke, a strange blush appeared on her calm face, and she didn't know what she thought of.

Kennishi said with great interest: "I'm also curious about what it will be like when the Ten Blades fight. Let's see the strength of Uchiha Yusuke's men."

In addition to the Masked Legion and others, the audience in the auditorium were also discussing the strength of the members of the Ten Blades.

For most Hollows, the Ten Blades are aloof and out of reach. Although the current rankings can tell you about the general strength, this is not static. Each audience has their own Ten Blades that they like or admire. member.

Seeing that time was almost up, Yusuke released his spiritual pressure and covered the entire scene.

When they felt Yusuke's spiritual pressure, everyone at the scene knew that the competition was about to begin, so they stopped talking and waited quietly for the competition to begin.

Standing up from the main seat, Yusuke smiled and said: "Welcome everyone to participate in the first Xuye Palace Sword Competition. This event is not only to promote the martial spirit of Xuye Palace, encourage everyone to work hard to improve their strength, but also to This kind of competition is limited to a benign and friendly norm."

Although Yusuke's voice was not loud, everyone present could hear him very clearly through the transmission of spiritual pressure.

"Before the ranking of Ten Blades begins, the substitute Ten Blades will challenge the Ten Blades to see if there is a newcomer who can beat the existing Ten Blades and give us all a surprise."

After Yusuke finished speaking, the staff led the five existing substitute Ten Blades to the waiting seats at the side of the competition ring.

However, none of the substitute Ten Blades at this time had completed the Arrancar. Although the spiritual pressure emitted from their bodies was not bad, it was completely incomparable to the Ten Blades that had already broken through.

A space vortex slowly appeared, and Yusuke's figure came directly to the center of the competition field. At this time, a blue gem surrounded by faint blue spiritual pressure appeared in his hand, which was able to make the Hollow Arrancar collapse. Jade.

Looking at the five nervous substitute Jublade in front of him one by one, Yusuke smiled and said slowly: "Ruby Antenor, Dorudoni Soccachio, Tiruti Sandavich, Gang Tenbion Mosqueda, Ludburn, the five of you are all talents who have passed the examination of Ulquiorra. Today, in front of all the colleagues of Xuye Palace, I will give you the power of Arrancar!"

After hearing Yusuke's words, several people immediately showed joy.

Kneeling on one knee with respectful expressions, several people said in unison: "I would like to thank Yusuke-sama for your promotion."

Nodding with satisfaction, Yusuke began to channel the power in Bengyu.

I saw five rays of blue light shooting from the jade to the five people in front of Yusuke. After being hit by these five rays, the strange spiritual pressure in the jade was continuously injected into their bodies, and at the same time, a faint blue The light enveloped them and suspended them in the air.

After about a few minutes, the bodies of the five ten-blade substitutes began to gradually change. Some of the bone armors belonging to the void began to gradually disappear, revealing a human-like body structure.

Although the bone armor disappeared and their bodies became slightly smaller, their spiritual pressure became stronger and stronger. When it reached their own limit, a weapon like a Zanpakutō appeared in their hands, and from their All the spiritual pressure erupting from the body was contained in this weapon.

Seeing the huge changes before and after the five Ten Blade substitutes, all the Hollows in the audience showed eager expressions. The originally silent auditorium became lively again, and many Hollows began to discuss the possibility of Arrancar.

For them, Arrancar is the ultimate dream of evolution. This dream is right in front of them, but seems to be out of reach.

In a corner of the auditorium, there were five humanoid Hollows whispering.

These five Hollows are all great Hollows at the Achiukas level. Although their spiritual pressure is far less than that of the Ten Blades, they are almost at the level of an adjutant.

"Everyone, this is the power of Bengyu. We must get it. In this way, we don't have to look at the face of this god of death and build our own empire of the void!" Xu, standing in the center, said in a deep voice.

He speaks under the false name of Donald and is the leader of the five false ones.

Because he is the most powerful and has great leadership qualities, the other four Hollows are also more obedient to him.

"But for such a treasure, the God of Death will definitely keep it in a very safe place, or even carry it with him. With his unrivaled power, we have no chance at all." There was a figure next to Donald that looked like a woman. Xu said.

Her name is Ivanka, and she is second only to Donald in strength among the five virtual beings.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


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