The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 286 Sword Discussion in Xuye Palace (4)

After Ruby returned to the sword, his appearance did not change much like Yami's return to the sword, except that eight cylindrical white tentacles grew on his back.

These tentacles were about five or six meters long, twisting flexibly behind his back.

If you look at it from a distance, Ruby looks a bit like a giant spider.

Seeing Ruby's form after returning to the blade, Yami laughed and said, "Is this your ability to return to the blade? It's just eight more noodle-like tentacles!"

A murderous look flashed in Ruby's eyes: "Lord Yami, let me show you how powerful they are!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Ruby took the initiative to attack Yami from above.

Yami raised his head and fired a red flash, but Ruby dodged it nimbly.

When they saw that the distance was about the same, Ruby began to use the skills behind the sword to attack Yami.

"Tsutanyang has reached the threshold!"

The eight seemingly weak and boneless tentacles on his back suddenly became straight like spears, and sharp protrusions appeared on the front ends of the tentacles, which suddenly attacked the Yami below from eight different directions.

It was impossible for the huge Yami to dodge, so he could only bear it with his own body while grabbing Ruby's tentacles with two thick and huge arms.

There was only a loud sound, and Yami's two hands held the two tentacles that were attacking his chest. However, the "steel skin" outside the body could not defend against the attacks of Ruby's other tentacles, and his body was instantly Another six tentacles poked out six huge holes.

For a moment, Yami's body was covered with blood, and he looked extremely miserable.


Roaring to the sky, Yami pulled hard to both sides with both hands, and actually tore off two of Ruby's tentacles. Suddenly, a large amount of blood spurted out from where the tentacles grew from Ruby's back.

Ruby also screamed, but at this time he knew that he still had the upper hand, and endured the severe pain to activate another ability.

"Tatsuma Iron Maiden!"

At this moment, a large number of sharp poisonous stingers suddenly protruded from the tips of the tentacles that stabbed Yami, and all of these poisonous stings penetrated Yami's body.

Because several tentacles had just broken through Yami's steel skin and pierced into his body, the poisonous stings that suddenly grew out of the tips of these tentacles directly caused huge damage to Yami's body. was hit hard.

A large mouthful of blood spurted out from Yami's mouth. At this time, his eyes turned white and he seemed to have lost consciousness and could no longer continue fighting.

With a plop, Yami's huge body fell down from the side, making a big crater on the ground of the competition ground and raising a huge cloud of dust.

But Ruby, who was cruel by nature, had no intention of stopping, and two new tentacles grew out of the wounds that had just been torn open by Yami.

The two tentacles merged into one, and a spike with stronger spiritual pressure grew from the end and pierced Yami's head.

At this time, Yami, who was already motionless, could no longer block Ruby's attack. If these two spikes were allowed to penetrate directly into the head, even Yami, who had a strong vitality, would definitely die.

At this critical moment, a black light flashed, and a thin figure appeared next to Yami.

This figure put his left hand in his pocket, stretched his right hand forward, and easily blocked the stinger at the end of the tentacle with his palm.

It was as if the poisonous thorn stung not the skin, but a steel plate.

The one who came to rescue Yami was none other than Ulquiorra, the fourth blade among the ten blades.

"Ruby Antenor, the outcome of this contest has been decided, and you have won." Urukiora said calmly.

Ruby stuck out her tongue and licked her lips and said: "It turns out that the Fourth Blade, Lord Ulquiorra, is indeed much more powerful than Lord Yami. But my killing move is not just the one you blocked. Sting!"

At this moment, Urquiola noticed that there seemed to be an explosion of spiritual pressure in Yami's body, but the owner of this spiritual pressure was not Yami himself, but Ruby in front of him.

It turns out that Ruby saw that attacking Yami's head failed, so she planned to use the poisonous stinger that had already penetrated Yami's body to injure Yami a second time.

Although this is not as good as attacking the head to cause a one-hit kill, it will definitely cause Yami to suffer more serious damage, and may even cause degeneration.

Upon seeing this, a cold light flashed in Urukiorra's eyes, and he snorted coldly. His right hand, which was originally in his pocket, pulled out the long knife from his waist with lightning speed.

Few people present could see his movements clearly, and only two sword lights flashed by. At this time, Ulquiorra had already sheathed the long sword again.

"Impossible!" Ruby's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

A large amount of blood suddenly sprayed out from the air, and all eight of Ruby's tentacles were cut off instantly. The blood spurted out from the fractures in the tentacles.

"In front of Lord Yusuke, wanting to kill the compatriots of Xuye Palace is simply an unforgivable sin!" Ulquiorra said coldly.

At a speed that Ruby couldn't react at all, Urquiorra directly used the ring to come to his side, buckled Ruby's head down with his left hand, and directly pressed Ruby, who was suspended in the air, to the ground.

All the spectators on the side were also shocked by Ulquiorra's movements. Ruby, who had almost crushed Tooth just now, was subdued by him so easily.

Some people who originally thought that the Ten Blades were nothing more than this, now understood that the members of the Ten Blades were not on the same line. Obviously, the fourth blade Ulquiorra was far superior to the tenth blade. .

"Tch~ This bastard Urukiorra is quite decisive in his actions. I have wanted to teach that guy a lesson for a long time. But I didn't realize that this guy is so insidious. He would find a reason to slap someone with a big label before dealing with others." Gree Mjou said with a strange smile.

When Harribel, the third blade next to her, heard this, she said in a deep voice: "Do you think Ulquiorra, like you, took action because he wanted to teach that Ruby a lesson? He wanted to protect his compatriots. Even if he If you don’t take action, I would have taken action just now.”

At this time, Urquiola knelt down on one knee in the direction where Yusuke was sitting, put his right hand on his chest to salute, and with his left hand, he held Ruby's head and pinned him to the ground.

"Master Yusuke, I'm very sorry. Because Yami's life was in danger, my subordinate took action without permission." Urquiola said respectfully.

Yusuke smiled and said: "Urquiorra, you did a good job, but now you can let Ruby go."

Upon hearing Yusuke's order, Urquiorra released his left hand without hesitation. Ruby, who was suppressed by him, immediately stood up and looked at Urquiorra who had made him so embarrassed with a murderous look on her face.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


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