The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 288 Sword Discussion in Xuye Palace (6)

It turns out that not long ago, Nilu's lieutenants Peixue and Dongde Chaka happened to meet Neutra in Xuye Palace.

Nnoitra and his lieutenants were mocking the female senior executives in Xuye Palace at the time, and Nero was also one of the targets of his mockery.

As Nelu's friends and adjutants, Peixue and Peixue naturally couldn't tolerate it, and immediately stepped forward to argue with Neutra.

It didn't take long for the theory to turn into an argument, which soon turned into a fight.

However, because Nnoitra's strength was overwhelming, the battle ended much faster.

In just a few seconds, Peixue and Dondchaka were seriously injured, and Neutra and his adjutants walked away.

Because the battle was too short and there was almost no collision of spiritual pressure, not many people in Xuye Palace knew about it.

Nilu did not publicize this, but prepared to personally take revenge for her friend in the qualifying match of Xuye Palace Sword Discussion.

"Besides, as a cadre of the Xuye Palace Women's Federation, I also want to teach you a lesson for the female compatriots in Xuye Palace." Nilu continued to add.

At this time, Yachiru, Lilianite and other female members of the Xuye Palace Women's Federation who were watching the battle on the sidelines also loudly cheered for Nelu. Among them, Lilianite, who had a grumpy personality, was particularly aggressive.

She even pulled out the scimitar from her waist, put one foot on the chair in front of her and kept shouting: "Nilu, flatten him! He's so flat that even his adjutant doesn't recognize him!!!".

At first, only some female members of Xuye Palace were cheering for Nilu, and then gradually the male members of Xuye Palace also began to join the camp to cheer for Nilu.

Later, even those who did not belong to the Kyoneye Palace forces, including Iruirako, Hiyori and others, cheered for Nilu.

The whole scene seems to be enemies of Nnoitra!

It is not difficult to see from the situation at the scene that Noirat is indeed very unpopular in Xuye Palace.

Seeing that everyone at the scene was against him, Neutra couldn't help but shed a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a chill in his vest, and turned to look at Yusuke's half-smiling eyes.

Lowering his head with a guilty conscience, Neutra went straight to the competition ring without saying a word. At the same time, he secretly cursed Nilu in his heart for revealing those things in front of Yusuke. What is the difference between this and snitching on himself in person? .

At this time, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that Yusuke called Urquiorra, who was in charge of punishment, to his side, and seemed to be watching him and whispering something.

Even without thinking about it, Neuratt guessed that this must be some punishment for himself in the future.

Looking at his opponent Nelu who also entered the competition arena, Neutra let out a deep breath and eliminated all the distracting thoughts in her heart.

"No matter what, I must win this battle! I must not let this damn woman Nellie climb on top of me!" Nnoitra thought secretly in her heart.

Nnoitra took off her weapon from behind and her expression became serious.

Although Nilu is only the eighth blade now, he knows that the opponent is not easy to deal with.

The weapon in Nnoitra's hand is a strange-shaped long-handled weapon, consisting of two giant half-moons intertwined, and it seems to have considerable lethality.

Nilu pulled out the long sword from her waist. Judging from the comparison of weapons, Nilu was at an absolute disadvantage.

After Yusuke announced the start of the competition, Neutra and Nilu immediately attacked each other. The two huge streams of spiritual pressure immediately collided together, causing a huge storm in the entire competition field.

In just a moment of fighting, all the spectators realized that this battle was not on the same level as the battles they had seen before.

Ruby, who was originally a little swollen due to her victory over Yami, immediately showed shock when she saw the fluctuations in spiritual pressure on the field. At the same time, she understood that her strength among the Ten Blades was only at the bottom.

In the center of the arena, Nelu was holding a long sword with one hand against the crescent blade at the front of Nnoitra's weapon.

Although the weapon is much smaller than the opponent in terms of size, Nilu is not inferior at all with her excellent spiritual pressure.

Nnoitra smiled ferociously, stretched out her long and slender tongue, and produced a yellow spiritual wave on the tip of her tongue.

"The flash on the tip of the tongue?"

Nilu's heart was moved, but she made no dodge action. She seemed to be completely unconcerned about Nnoitra's false dodge.

Seeing how powerful Nero was, Neutra sneered in her heart, her spiritual pressure exploded instantly, and a yellow flash hit Nero in front of her.

However, the impact he expected when the false flash hit the opponent and the screams after being hit did not appear. At this time, Neutra found that Nero in front of him actually opened his mouth and sucked in all of his false flash. In the mouth.

"What! How could she simply absorb the virtual flash released by my spiritual pressure?" Neutra exclaimed in disbelief.

But before he could react, Nilu had already absorbed his false flash and brewed a more powerful false flash in her body.

"Virtual Flash Reprise!"

Opening her mouth again, a gray flash of light ejected from Nelu's mouth towards Nnoitra.

The spiritual pressure contained in this virtual flash is almost twice that of Nnoitra's yellow virtual flash just now, and it is not difficult to sense from it that almost half of the spiritual pressure belongs to Nnoitra.

Nnoitra, who was unable to dodge, was hit head-on by the Void Flash Duo, and a huge impact erupted centered on his body. The scattered spiritual pressure and smoke immediately filled the arena, making it impossible for the audience to see clearly what happened. What.

After hitting Nnoitra with one blow, Nilu did not stop attacking. Instead, she rushed into the smoke with her long sword, preparing to defeat Nnoitra in one go.

Accompanied by a violent sound of blade collision, the wind pressure generated by the two weapon attacks gradually blew away the smoke and dust.

I only saw Nnoitra and Nelu fighting in close combat quickly in the competition field.

However, Nnoitra looked extremely embarrassed at this time, her clothes were completely torn, and her body was covered with fine wounds.

Some of these wounds were caused by Nilu's long sword, while others were burned by the energy of the virtual flash.

However, judging from the momentum he displayed at this time, his spiritual pressure has not weakened too much, and he still has the power to fight.

"How come his defense is so strong? If we were hit by the false flash of spiritual pressure just now, our bodies would probably be wiped out! This is just the fifth blade among the ten blades, and we already have this Do you have the power?" Pingzi in the audience frowned.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


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