The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Chapter 290 Sword Discussion in Xuye Palace (8)

Hearing Nnoitra ask why she showed mercy, Nilu said in confusion: "If I don't show mercy, should I just stab you to death?"

It turns out that Nelu's Emerald Shooting Spear just now is actually enough to break through the defense of Nnoitra's Crescent Blade and directly penetrate the opponent's body.

If the Emerald Spear is allowed to explode with power after penetrating the body, then Nnoitra will have absolutely no chance of survival.

However, Nelu, who had no murderous intentions, restrained her strength when she realized that Nnoitra's Crescent Blade could no longer withstand her attack. Therefore, Nnoitra's Crescent Blade remained on the edge of destruction, and it could be destroyed with just a little force. Completely shattered.

Neutra seemed to be very intolerant of Nelu's mercy.

Barely supporting his body, Neutra laughed ferociously and said: "That's why I hate you women, you are always so kind. Today you are so kind and let me go, but I may not let you go in the future."

Hearing Nnoitra's words, most of the audience was in an uproar. They did not expect Nnoitra's character to be so bad.

Most of the Xu who join the Xu Ye Palace are intelligent Kilians, and they all have human-like thinking.

Although most of them have serious character flaws in some aspect, it does not mean that Xu is 'evil'.

Even among ordinary humans, there are many people whose hearts are so evil that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

As the saying goes, nature is easy to change but hard to change. Yusuke knew that it was impossible for Nnoitra to change, so he only regarded him as a thug.

After Nilu won, the entire audience burst into warm applause and shouts. It was obvious that Nilu was very popular in Xuye Palace.

After the victory, Nelu sat in Nnoitra's original position, while Nnoitra, who was seriously injured, was carried down for treatment like the others who had been defeated before.

Grimmjow, who was sitting aside, turned to look at Nellie and said, "Nellie, I didn't expect that the little girl back then would have such strength now."

Nelu and Grimmjow joined the Hollow Night Palace at the same time. At that time, it was Nelu and the other three who were attacked by Grimmjow's team, and they called Yusuke in time to escape the disaster. In the end, the two of them and their subordinates were taken into Xuye Palace by Yusuke.

Although Nelu's spiritual pressure was almost equal to his own at this time, Grimmjow believed that he would still win the battle against his opponent.

After Nelu challenged Nnoitra, the members of Ten Blades became silent and seemed to have no intention of continuing to strive for a higher ranking.

The lower members of the Ten Blades know very well how much they weigh, and they know that they have no chance of winning if they challenge the higher-ranked Ten Blades.

Except for Bailegang, the top ten players in the Ten Blades didn't pay much attention to the rankings, so they had no intention of continuing to challenge.

The only one left who is likely to take action is Grimmjow, the sixth blade.

Just as Yusuke expected, Grimmjow stood up and seemed to want to issue a challenge.

"Master Yusuke, just changing the rankings in the competition is too boring. Why not increase your chances of winning?"

After standing up, Grimmjow did not say who he wanted to challenge, but shouted to Yusuke.

Yusuke heard this and asked with great interest: "Grimmjow, what do you want from me?"

Grimmjow laughed and said: "Urquiorra has been in charge of punishments, and I am also very interested in this position! If I challenge Ulquiorra and defeat him, can our two positions be changed?" Change it?"

Yusuke takes the punishment position very seriously.

Those in charge of this position must be impartial and loyal to themselves. In Yusuke's consideration, only Urquiora and Harribel were suitable.

However, Yusuke was not prepared to veto the conditions proposed by Grimmjow. Because he has absolute confidence in Ulquiorra's strength.

What's more, taking this opportunity also allows the low-key Urukiorra to show off his power, which will only benefit his future law enforcement.

Although Ulquiorra is only ranked fourth in the ranking, in Yusuke's opinion, the strongest among the Ten Blades should be him and Stark.

As for which one of the two is better, Yusuke cannot tell without actually engaging in a life and death battle.

Turning to look at Urquiorra, Yusuke asked with a smile: "Urquiorra, I respect your choice, are you willing to risk your position to accept Grimmjow's challenge?"

Ulquiorra stood up, put his left hand on his chest, saluted Yusuke and said, "Sir Yusuke, I accept Grimmjow's challenge."

After accepting the challenge, Ulquiorra came directly to the fighting arena, and Grimmjow also came opposite him.

"Urquiorra, you have been in charge of punishment for so long and it's time to give up. Teaching others a lesson with permission is really a good job!" Grimmjow said with a smile.

Urukiorra still looked calm: "The duty of punishment is not something someone like you can do. You'd better go on patrol."

At this time, Grimmjow's duty in the Night Palace was to patrol. When he heard Ulquiorra's taunt, he laughed angrily: "I just can't stand your arrogance, don't think you can take care of it. There's nothing special about that rookie named Ruby."

As soon as he finished speaking, Grimmjow launched a direct attack on Ulquiorra. His body turned into a ray of blue light, and he drew his sword directly and struck at Urquiorra's side.

Regarding Grimmjow's attack, Ulquiorra acted calmly. He put his right hand in his pocket and raised his left hand to block Grimmjow's sword blade with only his arm.

With Grimmjow's powerful strength, Ulquiorra could not defend himself against the opponent's attack with just the Arrancar's steel skin. At this time, his left arm was already covered with an extremely tough layer of spiritual pressure.

After the two people's powerful spiritual pressure collided, a violent impact was immediately aroused in the area centered on the two.

Seeing that Urquiorra did not draw his weapon and only used his arms to defend himself from the attack, Grimmjow was furious and a ferocious smile appeared on his face: "Oh? Are you acting calmly? What about this move!"

Grimmjow stretched out his left hand forward, and a red flash quickly condensed.

"No, Grimmjow." Ulquiorra said calmly.

While speaking, Ulquiorra's left arm blocking Grimmjow's sword blade first waved to throw away the opponent's long sword, and then his left hand directly grasped Grimmjow's extended left hand that released the false flash.

A gray flash also appeared in the palm of Ulquiorra's left hand, which merged with Grimmjow's red flash. Two false flashes actually erupted at the same time in the palms of their hands.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


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